"perma" - what is it?




This is a term I've seen used for a long time, and I would love it if someone could explain to technically challenged me what it means.

I have the impression it has something to do with non-toggle powers, maybe support types like Practiced Brawler - things that buff or debuff yourself (or others?). Or not...

Also have the impression it has something to do with slotting to extend the firing time or effective time of a power.

I'm kind of floundering around without real understanding.

Anybody want to school me?

Be kind. And thanks.

Global: @MomentaryGrace
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You put enough recharge reduction into a click power, like Hasten, that it becomes effectively permanent. By holding control and clicking on the power's icon in the tray, it will cycle as soon as it can.

I'm not sure which powers can be turned into perma. Hasten doesn't quite make it, if memory serves, but good enough.



Perma=permanent. In other words, always on. Generally a term applied to a click power, once the recharge time has been reduced to the same or less than the duration of the power.



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
I'm not sure which powers can be turned into perma. Hasten doesn't quite make it, if memory serves, but good enough.
I know Super Reflexes:Practiced Brawler does. Or it did the last time I played my MA/SR Scrapper, anyway.



Well explained.

Perma-hasten is perma-handy. Perma-rage is relative easy to get and it's also very advantageous.

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

@vanda1 and @nakoa2



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
I'm not sure which powers can be turned into perma. Hasten doesn't quite make it, if memory serves, but good enough.
Perma-hasten can be achieved with about 100% global recharge.



Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
Perma-rage is relative easy to get
Just look around the boards and that'll become apparent.




So, it requires the power being set on auto.. meaning only one power can be made perma?

Yes, my brain started nudging at this because of another current thread.

Global: @MomentaryGrace
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Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
You put enough recharge reduction into a click power, like Hasten, that it becomes effectively permanent. By holding control and clicking on the power's icon in the tray, it will cycle as soon as it can.

I'm not sure which powers can be turned into perma. Hasten doesn't quite make it, if memory serves, but good enough.
Hasten can be permanent, but barely, with a 75% recharge buff from IO's or speed boosts/similar recharge buff powers, I believe. Domination with a 125% recharge buff. In general, the term is used as bragging rights to tell people that they've tweaked enough of their character to always have access to a power initially made to be only available sometimes.

Edit: while "Perma" is silly shorthand form permanent, it's often only used if such is a difficult thing to do. As such people may say "I have perma-Phantom Army!" to say they can always have the invulnerable/high damage/slow recharge pets from illusion control at their beck and call. Someone would not as often say "I have permanent clear mind!"



Originally Posted by momentary_grace View Post
So, it requires the power being set on auto.. meaning only one power can be made perma?

Yes, my brain started nudging at this because of another current thread.

No, you could just remember to click the power once it recharges, and before the duration runs out. I have to do this on my Shield/SS tank with Rage, since I have Active Defense set to auto.



A power doesn't necessarily have to be on auto to be considered perma. Perma merely refers to the ability of a power to be available to be activated before or as soon as the power has effect has expired. It's just that many people find it advantageous to leave these powers on auto so they don't have to remember to continually click them.


It's a dog's life/In a rope leash or a diamond collar...



I see! said the blind man. ;D

Global: @MomentaryGrace
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Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Hasten can be permanent, but barely, with a 75% recharge buff from IO's or speed boosts/similar recharge buff powers, I believe.
75% global recharge would leave you with almost an 11 second downtime on Hasten.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
...In general, the term is used as bragging rights to tell people that they've tweaked enough of their character to always have access to a power initially made to be only available sometimes.

Edit: while "Perma" is silly shorthand form permanent, it's often only used if such is a difficult thing to do. As such people may say "I have perma-Phantom Army!" to say they can always have the invulnerable/high damage/slow recharge pets from illusion control at their beck and call. Someone would not as often say "I have permanent clear mind!"

Yes, yes, this I get too. This is the thing that I was curious about. Plain definition sounds simple, but as you said, it seems to be used a lot as a brag, indicating it's not easy to achieve. (Mind you, I have never attempted this on anything I can think of. I'm an average rather than uber player, I just bumble around having fun, but I like learning new tricks at my less than lightspeed get-around-to-it pace. )

So, when used as such, what is the BS factor?

Global: @MomentaryGrace
Servers (to date): Liberty (primary), Infinity, Protector, Virtue, Justice, Pinnacle
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Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
75% global recharge would leave you with almost an 11 second downtime on Hasten.
Huh. does this include with three +recharges slotted? I know this was not mentioned, rather assumed.



Originally Posted by momentary_grace View Post
So, when used as such, what is the BS factor?
"I have perma-unstoppable!" (Impossible, independantly, as far as I know.)

"I have perma-rest!" (eeeeeazay. )




Okay, thanks everyone! Now I have to go find something to perma... besides my woefully straight hair.

Global: @MomentaryGrace
Servers (to date): Liberty (primary), Infinity, Protector, Virtue, Justice, Pinnacle
MA Arc: ID #143659 "Visit Scenic Arcadia!"
MA Holiday Arc: ID #346847 "Yule Laugh, Yule Cry (Yule kiss a happy holiday good bye!)"



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Huh. does this include with three +recharges slotted? I know this was not mentioned, rather assumed.
Yes. 3 level 50 recharge IO's.



Yeah, you need 106-107% global recharge with 3 slotted hasten to make it perma



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
"I have perma-unstoppable!" (Impossible, independantly, as far as I know.)
Perma-Unstoppable is impossible period, independantly or not. Even at max recharge it would have 20 seconds downtime.

Having a power on perma means having it recharge before it wears off.

To calculate, take the base recharge of a power and divide it by 5.
If that value is greater than the duration, it can be perma with SOME Level of recharge(though not necessarily independantly).

To see just how much you'd need, simply divide the base recharge by the duration and subtract 1.


Hasten: Base recharge: 450 seconds, duration 120 seconds.

450/5 = 90
Therefore, Hasten can be made perma, but how much is required?

(450/120) - 1 = 2.75 or +275% total recharge required(3 level 50 IOs+hasten's buff itself will give you about 170, leaving about 105% for you to get elsewhere(whether it be set bonuses, buffs, w/e)

Dull Pain: Base Recharge 360 Seconds, Duration 120 seconds

360/5= 72
72<120 Therefore, DP can be made perma

(360/120) -1 = 2.0 or +200% total recharge required
IOs+hasten will leave you with ~30% to get elsewhere

Unstoppable, Elude, Power Surge, Overload: base recharge 1000 seconds, duration 180 seconds

1000/5 = 200

200>180, Therefore, they are not perma-able

Rage: Base recharge 240 seconds, duration 120

240/5 = 48

48<120, , Therefore, not only is it perma-able, it's also perma-stackable up to 2 times

(240/120) - 1= 1.0 or +100% recharge required(easy enough with just enhancements+hasten)



Certain pets can also be perma'd. On my VEAT, I have the VEAT version of DP perma, the Spiderlings perma, and I've almost got the Disruptors, a Mu Guardian, and Hasten on perma. I still have three powers worth of enhancements to slot (roughly 15 IOs to go).

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by momentary_grace View Post

Be kind.

You must be new here - these folks are ALWAYS kind and helpful to peeps with legitimate questions.



One of the reasons I dared to ask.

Global: @MomentaryGrace
Servers (to date): Liberty (primary), Infinity, Protector, Virtue, Justice, Pinnacle
MA Arc: ID #143659 "Visit Scenic Arcadia!"
MA Holiday Arc: ID #346847 "Yule Laugh, Yule Cry (Yule kiss a happy holiday good bye!)"



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
I'm not sure which powers can be turned into perma. Hasten doesn't quite make it, if memory serves, but good enough.
Any power whose recharge is less than 5 times its duration can theoretically be made perma. If you're extending the duration rather than reducing the recharge, it depends on what the effect you're making perma is, as different effects have different enhancement schedules. If you can extend the duration and reduce the recharge, it's generally pretty easy to make something perma, but defining the ratio between recharge and duration required for it to be possible is harder




Fleeting Whisper touched on this, but I'll expand on it a bit. There are powers that cannot be perma'd under any circumstances, simply because there is a hard cap on recharge of 400%. So, no matter how unlimited a player's budget, or how much outside recharge buffing they get, there is still a limit as to what can be accomplished. One example would be Instant Healing on a Regen scrapper, which has a 90 second duration and 650 second recharge. Doesn't matter how much recharge buffing that scrapper gets, she's never going to get perma Instant Healing.