Is perma- dom still worth it ?




i am starting a Grav/energy dom and i was wondering is it still worth while trying to perma dom. Thank you for any tips



I would say so. There are a few issues here:

1. More recharge is always good for a Dom. Most of your effectiveness comes from slow recharging AoE control powers. Anything that makes these recharge faster is going to be good. IMO, even if I'm not aiming at perma, I put as much +recharge in my builds as I can.

2. A complete endurance refill every 90 seconds? Sign me up!

3. How much do you value a broad spectrum mez protection all the time? Personally, I'm a fan, particularly in the 40s.



The changes do focus the "perma-dom" building, though. My +recharge build (though it lacks the hasten to be perma-yellow sparkles? No thanks!) has a significant edge on my single origin enhanced doms. That said, doing gimpy builds that sacrifice performance for extra recharge are bound to be less popular. Domination has a great many percs, but it's not a one-trick any longer.

The new plus to +recharge is with the higher base damage, especially on a team with +damage, Your AoE's can get up to some snazzy numbers...and since doms only get a limited gamut of AoE in their attacks, getting those back fast makes taking out groups far faster. My mob attacks chain is Psy Scream, dark obliteration, Psychic Shockwave, utility power and control, repeat. If you happen to snag a fulcrum shift, wave hello to those funny blasters as you mez then decimate spawns in complete safety.



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
i am starting a Grav/energy dom and i was wondering is it still worth while trying to perma dom. Thank you for any tips

You've also picked a good combination with which to do it.



Domination still gives mezz protection and extra duration + mag on your controls. That's very worth it to me. Quick recharing mag 4 AoE hard controls are pretty amazing. So amazing that I've kinda given up on my Ice/Psi Dom. Grav wouldn't be my first choice, but it wouldn't be my last choice either.



Well lets see, my one perma dom is a earth/fire.

My AOE stun is near perma is not perma its only about 1-2 seconds from it. My AOE hold is about 10 seconds from perma, earthquake is basicly perma as well as quicksands, i have boundless end between consume and domination, all the mez protection i could use. I one shot hold any boss.....So ya i think its worth it still.

I think the changes made it easier to play without being a perma dom, however i still think its the best way to play a dom.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
The changes do focus the "perma-dom" building, though. My +recharge build (though it lacks the hasten to be perma-yellow sparkles? No thanks!) has a significant edge on my single origin enhanced doms. That said, doing gimpy builds that sacrifice performance for extra recharge are bound to be less popular. Domination has a great many percs, but it's not a one-trick any longer.

The new plus to +recharge is with the higher base damage, especially on a team with +damage, Your AoE's can get up to some snazzy numbers...and since doms only get a limited gamut of AoE in their attacks, getting those back fast makes taking out groups far faster. My mob attacks chain is Psy Scream, dark obliteration, Psychic Shockwave, utility power and control, repeat. If you happen to snag a fulcrum shift, wave hello to those funny blasters as you mez then decimate spawns in complete safety.
Doms can now be played more effectively thanks to dom changes, however permadom is still the way to go. Hm, that reminds me, need to bring out the Super Permadom 3 later tonight for Halloween.




Personally I am waiting for Going Rogue.. I am gonna bring my Fire/Psy Dom hero side.. make all the fire/kins jealous.. he he he

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



In short, perma-Dom is still all that it used to be, it's just you can do pretty good without it, too. Now, double and triple Dom are different, but with a team behind you should see more benefit from damage boosts even with perma-Dom. So there's still some advantages even there.

I don't know if I'll ever go perma-Dom, but just the random way I slot the IOs I find I've got some Recharge bonuses and Recharges in some of my attacks/controls. Recharge is nothing to sneeze at.



I'd do perma-dom for the status protection alone.

Combine that with extremely high recharge, double hold power and constant end recharge.

My plant/psi went from very playable to über with perma-dom. With the confusion from seeds, three AoEs, creepers and Audrey I can do 1000+ critters per hour solo (+0/8 no bosses). I can do +4/8 maps with bosses without any fear of faceplanting. Though it takes a wee while to grind those bosses down.

My normal partner is kin/fire. Add speed boost and fulcrum and it all becomes a mad world of utter carnage.



i have a lvl 50 grav nrg dom and its not fully perma im only seconds off it. but its worth it. u dont get the damg buff but the controlling side is still worth it. helps with avs n sh..stuff




Hell yes, the ability to lock down an entire spawn including bosses with one application of mez is always worth it. With the increased endurance costs because of the damage buffs, you're also going to want that endurance refill to get you by. Oh, and permanent mez protection and KB protection is a plus...

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



ya perma dom is still considerably stronger than non-perma dom. And by considerably I mean not even in the same league.

+rech is hugely powerful on a dom because they rely on active mitigation and because they have very long recharges on all their good powers (both control and damage). So high rech is already very important for them. Add in something as good as perma-dom and choosing to spend considerable inf on any other primary goal is probably ill-advised.



Originally Posted by macskull View Post

Hell yes, the ability to lock down an entire spawn including bosses with one application of mez is always worth it. With the increased endurance costs because of the damage buffs, you're also going to want that endurance refill to get you by. Oh, and permanent mez protection and KB protection is a plus...
Yes the team I joined last night for a banner event was holding their own until the arrival of my Sp3 came in and started mezzing and confusing and basically mind-ripping the enemy spawn. Didn't even notice a stamina problem at all despite any more endurance the powers use now. Came away with a clean sweep of all the Banner badges in one run of the event.

Permadom is very much worth it, especially when your toon can double and triple stack it.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Yes the team I joined last night for a banner event was holding their own until the arrival of my Sp3 came in and started mezzing and confusing and basically mind-ripping the enemy spawn. Didn't even notice a stamina problem at all despite any more endurance the powers use now. Came away with a clean sweep of all the Banner badges in one run of the event.

Permadom is very much worth it, especially when your toon can double and triple stack it.

WTF?? Double and triple stacking is an EXPLOIT(ie:expletive). Just ask anyone in the dom forums.

Yes... permadom is still worth it even if it is a far cry from what it used to be.



Question to people here...

How much recharge (bonuses) does one need to get perma-dom?

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



72%-ish plus 3-slotted Hasten at the bare minimum.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Question to people here...

How much recharge (bonuses) does one need to get perma-dom?
With or without hasten? I seem to recall it was 125% without hasten. I'd have to check.

Edit: it's 123%. Per article here:



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
With or without hasten? I seem to recall it was 125% without hasten. I'd have to check.

Edit: it's 123%. Per article here:

Ah okay ty...yeah I was thinking with Hasten but...thanks for both numbers.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Question to people here...

How much recharge (bonuses) does one need to get perma-dom?
In DBZ, there are three levels of the Super Saiyan. In COV, there's three levels of Permadom.

Permadom: can be achieved with 70% recharge from IO and 6 slot hasten. Your build will likely be a bit clunky and have frequent dom crashes if you miss Hasten's recharge.

Ascended Permadom a.k.a Permadom 2: 90% recahrge from IO set and 6 slot hasten equals permadom plus permahasten. Better build and fewer power crashes.

But it gets better....................

Cut to Recluse's henchmen;

Ghost Widow: "Has he found a way to surpass an Ascended Permadom? Is that possible?"
Scirocco: "Nah, he's bluffing!"
Mako: "Yeah, he'd be what? Double Ascended?"

Cut back to the dom: "AND THIS....!" starts powering up

Lord Recluse: "What the...? What's he DOING?"

"IS TO GO....EVEN....FURTHER.....BEYOND!" Insert 10 minutes of gratuitous screaming as he powers up and no one able to stop him as they all stare dumbfounded......

"Sorry that took so long, it takes time to power up. 123% recharge from IO sets and you can throw away Hasten.........this is what I call Super Permadom 3."