New to CoH and looking for RP
Welcome to Virtue.
Swing by the zone "Pocket D" (accesible via King's Row (just downhill from the trainer) and a few other zones) to hang out with other heroes (and villians) during thier "Off-duty" hours in a non-combat area.
Welcome to Virtue.
Swing by the zone "Pocket D" (accesible via King's Row (just downhill from the trainer) and a few other zones) to hang out with other heroes (and villians) during thier "Off-duty" hours in a non-combat area. |
There are plenty of RP SGs it really depends on what you're looking for, check out the SG Directory for Heroes.
You can also check out VirtueVerse, though not all of the SGs there are still active.

You'll also find people will use (( )) around text to denote when they're speaking OOC. A lot of times on teams its easy to get pick up RP just by starting with other people who are rpers.
Welcome! I hope you find a good group.
ransim's advice is spot-on. Using the brackets (( )) or [[ ]] is a great signal you are a role player and should help you meet other players.
Also VirtueVerse is an excellent tool to scout characters/groups that might interest you, as ransim suggests. Using the "Recent Edits" link there can help you focus on newly updated content, so you know the player is still active.
My group is small, and we're not online frequently, but feel free to add me to your global friends list: @Ravyna. I am always happy to help others role play or get acquainted.

Please don't think that the roleplayers are in Pocket D. There's a few, but they're buried in catgirls.
Most of the roleplayers on the server that I've found are the ones who're out playing the game. Approach groups in a roleplaying mindset, and people will tend to be more receptive to roleplaying with you.
And welcome to Virtue.
((Lame d'Ombre steps in))
If you're planning to stay in the city once your 14-day visa expires, my SG, Junior Vanguard, is looking for members. We're... I'm planning for us to be a tight-knit group, much like the Young Phalanx and other similar groups. So far it's... just me.
Pocket D is a good place to check out, but don't let it give you the wrong impression. For a lot of RP SGs, it's the place you go to if you wanna make a giant, melodramatic scene of something.
Oh, I'm not against being buried in catgirls, but I'm usually square enough to not call it roleplaying. If I've got catgirls, I'm too busy to be playing much of anything. Singing, maybe. o/` Oh sweet mystery of life at last I've found thee! o/`
Welcome to Virtue. I hope you find exactly what you're looking for and have a great time playing the game. New people are fun
My Global Chat Handle: @The Dreaming Shadow
Hi, I signed up for the 14 day trial for CoH and created my character this morning. I have played many MMOs and I am trying to find one that fits me, so I decided to give CoH a try. I am interested in joining a RP group. I've never RPed in a MMO before, but I have played pen-and-paper roleplaying games for the past 10 years. So if anyone is looking for a lightning-themed blaster hero just give me a shout out, my IGN is Lightning Clash as well and I am usually in game from 9-11 pm MST. Look forward to hearing from you soon!
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Like Underworld? Then take a look at!
And don't forget to join the fight for our City!,134.0.html
You laugh a lot :P
My Global Chat Handle: @The Dreaming Shadow
First of all, welcome to virtue. Secondly, if your just standing around Atlas Park, sometimes you'll see broadcasts with people advertising their RPSG. And also in Request channel. And if you're on a trial, then I'd wait till you have the game, because, it's just easier on everybody. There are a ton of RPSG's out there. In order to find out which one suits you, what is your character like? That way we can narrow down the search.
My global is @Kitty Chow
That is for after your trial and you can send tells.
((Another spot that seems to be a good place to run into roleplayers right now is near the train in Talos. It sees a lot of traffic due to being close to both a base entrance and a Wentworths auction house. I've acutally picked up some random roleplay there lately. I know it's for level 20 characters, but it's not hard to get there from Steel Canyon or Skyway, and as long as you stay near the Green Line/Wentworths area, you're fairly safe.))
Thanks for all the help and tips guys. I have found a couple of friends to RP with and it has been a blast. And I only lasted on the trial for 3 days before I decided that I had to buy the game, it's just too much fun.
Welcome! If you're looking for RP in the early morning hours hit me up at @Cobalt Sixty - my sidekick/teammate/partner & I usually have an open spot for someone, depending on what we're playing.
*tosses EverStryke a troll snack!*
Like Underworld? Then take a look at!
And don't forget to join the fight for our City!,134.0.html
Hi, I signed up for the 14 day trial for CoH and created my character this morning. I have played many MMOs and I am trying to find one that fits me, so I decided to give CoH a try. I am interested in joining a RP group. I've never RPed in a MMO before, but I have played pen-and-paper roleplaying games for the past 10 years. So if anyone is looking for a lightning-themed blaster hero just give me a shout out, my IGN is Lightning Clash as well and I am usually in game from 9-11 pm MST. Look forward to hearing from you soon!