Phasing scrappers
Using phase is fine, just as is using accos. And unlike others who will tell you the rules af the duel are what ever you agree to ahead of time I will say suck it up and make em rage. 99.9% of the time if you are making someone rage in pvp it means you are doing it right.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

Tbh M8y the way i look at it )which might not be every1's way of thinking ) you play you toons how you want to and in a duel whatever powers are in your tray is fair game (thinks of a duel he had against a mate when he used his wolf and amy temp pets lol) and the spines/regen scrapper needs to realise every1's playing styles are different and phase on scrapper isnt a gay its how you decided to play your toon (just look in rv if u see a scrapper most have the temp phase in the tray from wb anyways i know i do).
Using phase is fine, just as is using accos. And unlike others who will tell you the rules af the duel are what ever you agree to ahead of time I will say suck it up and make em rage. 99.9% of the time if you are making someone rage in pvp it means you are doing it right.
@Psycho Jas
I use phase on my scrapper all the time in RV. No one ever says anything. The few instances that someone would say something, they are angry 12 year olds who need to find an excuse for them failing so hard.
In the end, as Con said, phase is fine man. You picked 3 powers to get it, so more power to you.
I have phase on my scrapper and my tank too. Any time someone says something about it, I call them newbies, because that's what they are. Phase has been a part of high end PvP for many years, so anyone that complains about it is literally a newbie.
In arena, you do everything you can to survive. If phase helps, it's ok to use.
awww man this guy was a noob or what everyone and their mother at least has the temp phase from warburg
Funny story about Phase I had in RV. I was breaking up some fiteclubbers on my Fire/SS tank and had to use Phase. One of the villains was getting pissed and said something like "Man you gotta be one of the only Fire/SS tanks on Justice with Phase." Not 10 seconds later another Fire/SS tank showed up. I asked in broadcast if he had phase and he said "Yes." To which the I replied in broadcast to the villain "See I'm not the only one Fire/SS tank with Phase." The guy on the villain said "I didn't say you were the only one."
Phase is a great escape power and would make your regen a tough kill for sure, so I wouldn't care what anyone says.
Lol well thanks for the quick replies... I didn't really think phase was much of "stupid" power choice to pick, just wanted to see your views on it ^.^
@Psycho Jas
I have phase on my scrapper and my tank too. Any time someone says something about it, I call them newbies, because that's what they are. Phase has been a part of high end PvP for many years, so anyone that complains about it is literally a newbie.
In arena, you do everything you can to survive. If phase helps, it's ok to use. |
Back before i13 my Fire/EM tank ran phase shift, and there was a near constant flood in the zones of "Worst tank ever, who needs to use phase shift on a tank?" What was worse of course was being a psuedo taunt bot for disruption.
If someone tells you not to use it, just ask them not to use 3 of their powers because it did take you three power picks to get it. It won't shut them up, but I like to think even if they don't admit it, it makes them think about what they are saying.
People with the fiteklub mentality will try to justify their losing or tying you by complaining about every little thing you do - "You used inspirations," or "You move too much," or "Why'd you phase!?" are common. I'd especially expect people to get annoyed at a taunting phasing Tanker, because not only would such a character be difficult to kill, but they'd make it very hard for opponents to get off damage spikes on the squishies.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
People with the fiteklub mentality will try to justify their losing or tying you by complaining about every little thing you do - "You used inspirations," or "You move too much," or "Why'd you phase!?" are common. I'd especially expect people to get annoyed at a taunting phasing Tanker, because not only would such a character be difficult to kill, but they'd make it very hard for opponents to get off damage spikes on the squishies.
and those who say "I'll pvp your kat if you don't use DA." yeah, right.
@Psycho Jas
If i need to use phase to survive in a duel there's no chance of me winning, that's why instead of picking it up i got some offensive powers....the ones that will help me win.
You earn accolades with hard work. Using them is fine. It's like saying to someone you won't duel them because they have a lot of experience using their toon and have spent a great deal perfecting them. Personally my regen chain wouldn't be complete without demonic (whatever the hero version is). The minute gives enough time for recon, MoG and DP, which stalls until IH for the second time. It's basically an extra life to me, and that's why i milked those illusionists in PI for a good 10 hours.
Now you could argue, but phase would give you more time to heal etc. Yes, well it gives them time too. If with demonic i couldn't attack back, i wouldn't use it.....i get an extra minute but so do they, and unless they used unstoppable or IH, all it does is prolong the loss...or tie.
Con don't u have that taunting ss/fire brute with phase? I never understood that. Basically, if your using phase your almost 100% of the time running with it on....meaning you don't have a chance of killing anyone.
Are people so inherently afraid of death that they will do anything to survive, even though dieing has no downside except for losing all your end and most of your hp, as well as being teleported near the entrance. I dont know about you guys but it only takes me about 15 seconds to get back into battle from the hosp.
i'd rather give the person killing me a chance for a recipe then look like a coward, afraid of something that doesn't matter.
Overall i don't mind phase as long as it's not just preventing me from getting a recipe/rep, but being used in some offensive way that may end up being the death of me. It would be hard to not hit phase if your about to die, but if it's just going to prolong the losing fight, might as well be friendly and give the person a chance at a recipe instead of making them frustrated. I'm usually nice to people.
Of course if you dislike the person for a good reason, or if they had a large ego and said they could kill you. By all means frustrate them and don't let them get what they want.
@Sentry4 @Sentry 4
PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.
If i need to use phase to survive in a duel there's no chance of me winning, that's why instead of picking it up i got some offensive powers....the ones that will help me win.
You earn accolades with hard work. Using them is fine. It's like saying to someone you won't duel them because they have a lot of experience using their toon and have spent a great deal perfecting them. Personally my regen chain wouldn't be complete without demonic (whatever the hero version is). The minute gives enough time for recon, MoG and DP, which stalls until IH for the second time. It's basically an extra life to me, and that's why i milked those illusionists in PI for a good 10 hours. Now you could argue, but phase would give you more time to heal etc. Yes, well it gives them time too. If with demonic i couldn't attack back, i wouldn't use it.....i get an extra minute but so do they, and unless they used unstoppable or IH, all it does is prolong the loss...or tie. |
Con don't u have that taunting ss/fire brute with phase? I never understood that. Basically, if your using phase your almost 100% of the time running with it on....meaning you don't have a chance of killing anyone. Are people so inherently afraid of death that they will do anything to survive, even though dieing has no downside except for losing all your end and most of your hp, as well as being teleported near the entrance. I dont know about you guys but it only takes me about 15 seconds to get back into battle from the hosp. i'd rather give the person killing me a chance for a recipe then look like a coward, afraid of something that doesn't matter. |
I phase or hibernate because it means I don't die. Not dying (or tying, if you'd prefer) is always better than dying (or losing). Given the choice between having the extra offensive firepower and having that oh-**** button for when things go wrong, I'll take the latter. I'm not going to give my opponent the win, or the rep, or the chance for a PvP drop.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
go by the rules of the game not by some arbitrary rules made up by someone else or even ur own rules for that matter. you should not have rules, just end decisions.
I want to try this too!
If i need to use phase to survive in a duel there's no chance of me winning, that's why instead of picking it up i got some offensive powers....the ones that will help me win. |
Now you could argue, but phase would give you more time to heal etc. Yes, well it gives them time too. |
Con don't u have that taunting ss/fire brute with phase? I never understood that. Basically, if your using phase your almost 100% of the time running with it on....meaning you don't have a chance of killing anyone. |
Are people so inherently afraid of death that they will do anything to survive, even though dieing has no downside except for losing all your end and most of your hp, as well as being teleported near the entrance. I dont know about you guys but it only takes me about 15 seconds to get back into battle from the hosp. |
i'd rather give the person killing me a chance for a recipe then look like a coward, afraid of something that doesn't matter |
but if it's just going to prolong the losing fight, might as well be friendly and give the person a chance at a recipe instead of making them frustrated |
I'll tell you what, how about instead of the offensive toon getting a free kill at the end. The defensive one gets it, for you know. Showing he or she could stand up to the onslaught. Once its established the fight is going to end in a tie, the offensive toon lays down their arms and takes the defeat. It makes about as much sense as what you said.
Quote: Are people so inherently afraid of death that they will do anything to survive, even though dieing has no downside except for losing all your end and most of your hp, as well as being teleported near the entrance. I dont know about you guys but it only takes me about 15 seconds to get back into battle from the hosp. First.... try to exaggerate less. You get a 25 second timer before you can even engage anyone again. Best case scenario you are a Regen and can recover enough HP and End in that time to not just get picked off again *AND* have the fight occurring right outside your base. Worst case... the fighting is on the other side of the zone in which case your 15 seconds is more like 60+ I'm not sure about you but when zone action is going on, if one or two people from one team die off, the other usually pushes the rest of the team back (or picks them off) pretty quickly. Just because you are fine with losing doesn't mean anyone else has to be. |
Never had that one happen yet, but I do love it when people phase, stand still and type something like "lol" or "fail" giving me time to phase with them and steal their last bit of HP.
Good times.
I'd say my personal favorite is being outnumbered, having to run and phase on my Fire/Regen only to have someone phase with me to try and get the kill. Suddenly the 3 v 1 turns into a 1 v 1. I do tend to phase early in some situations like that, hoping to lure someone over though, rather than being on my last leg.
Of course the worst was... phasing against a EM/Regen Sonic/Pain and something else the one time, only to have all three of them phase with me. Was not pretty.
I phase or hibernate because it means I don't die. Not dying (or tying, if you'd prefer) is always better than dying (or losing). Given the choice between having the extra offensive firepower and having that oh-**** button for when things go wrong, I'll take the latter. I'm not going to give my opponent the win, or the rep, or the chance for a PvP drop.
Mac is right on. The reason they are mad is for all the reasons he listed on why he takes phase- they cant get their rep or drops off you and it makes them cry.
And that means hes doing it right.
Obviously you've never seen a good dueler use the time they're in phase or hibernate to their advantage. I've lost track of the number of times where I've used phase or hibernate to wait out a situation that wouldn't be so good for me and come out when things are more in my favor.
Nothing in this game takes "hard work," only a little or a lot of time. Only reason I get Demonic is because it's fairly fast, as opposed to Eye of the Magus which is somewhat more time-intensive. I play mostly squishy support characters, so Demonic/Magus would do very little for me in a DR-on environment. Only character I use it a lot on is my Regen, since I have no real resists or defense to speak of. You mean that taunting SS/Fire with phase that's incredibly annoying because it soaks up damage while disrupting spikes on the squishies? Sounds like a win-win to me. In a zone situation your role as a Brute (or Tank, or hell even a Scrapper to some extent) is to take damage and use Taunt/Confront to disrupt damage spikes. Sometimes people will decide they don't like you, and that's basically when you get to phase and then laugh at them as they rage at you in broadcast. I phase or hibernate because it means I don't die. Not dying (or tying, if you'd prefer) is always better than dying (or losing). Given the choice between having the extra offensive firepower and having that oh-**** button for when things go wrong, I'll take the latter. I'm not going to give my opponent the win, or the rep, or the chance for a PvP drop. |
I'm used to dueling friends, hell i'm pretty friendly with everyone i've ever dueled. I don't mind giving them a recipe if it costs me nothing. I know if i was in their situation i would hope they were nice enough to fight to the death if they knew there was no chance of them winning.
If i didn't say it here, it's somewhere else. Phase is perfectly fine as an offesnive waiting for demonic or unstoppable to wear off. Even waiting for something like MoG or BU to wear off is smart too. But if you need to hit it because your going to lose, it's not going to help you too win.
I'm not afraid of dieing. If anything your respected less for being a coward for never accepting death.
Hibernate is completly different because, when slotted correctly, you can get to high health quickly before they can heal.
There was a fight with an ice/SS tank, and everytime she was about to die used hibernate. The fight went on and on and she had no chance of winning at all. Yep, i memorized the global and name and put a negative note of em. I don't respect that kind of fighting at all. It was not die and stay a tie, or die and let me get some rep and possibly a recipe.
Heck i've even gone longer and risked it not hitting phase on my stalker and got the kill because of it.
Yea i guess your not aware of a brutes or scrappers damage. Espically when they dont need to run for their life to heal as often.
Personally my brute KoBs the target so stalkers can jump in, not taunt and run.
@Sentry4 @Sentry 4
PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.
go by the rules of the game not by some arbitrary rules made up by someone else or even ur own rules for that matter. you should not have rules, just end decisions.
So your saying there shouldn't be any choice in the matter?
If zones were purely dueling, warzone people would find a way around it or select the option in arena.
If i find i get more of a challenge and overall have more fun dueling someone, i'm going to duel instead of warzone when the chance arises.
Call me crazy but i don't always play the game as the rules state, but rather try to have fun.
@Sentry4 @Sentry 4
PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.
I guess long messages make people miss points, and since everyone has missed me say it....
I'm completly fine with using phase shift as an offensive power, like avoid bursts or HE etc.
What i hate is when someones about to die and keep using it when they are low health because they are too weak to win.
@Sentry4 @Sentry 4
PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.
Your opinion is perfectly fine, but you have to understand that nobody cares about it. It's your personal opinion, and it has zero value on anybody else. So if you personally "hate" how phase is used in one way, but like how it's used in another way, that's fine. You keep doing what you do. And we'll keep using the power as WE see fit, without taking your personal opinion into consideration. Deal?
And no, that doesn't make us "weak". I could say, with the same broken logic as yours, that I feel that using blue powers is wrong, while using red ones is perfectly fine. I don't care what you think, this is how I see it, and I won't listen to anybody else. Using blue powers proves that someone is a bad PvP'er. It's so obvious to me, I don't even get how people can argue it.
Does that mean that blue powers are wrong to use?
Hello all,
I've recently finished IO'ng out my kat/regen and I loved it, so I decided to roll a elec/regen, just because Elec was a lot of fun for me on villains as a stalker... I noticed on my first build that it was pretty weak when I would duel against my friends who used BS or Kat cas of parry and DA so I decided to spec my elec/regen not for zonal but strictly duels/pve (my kat/regen is zonal) and took phase shift.. Now i've had roughly 30 duels on that toon in the past 10 days, and not once have I heard anyone say lolphase, till last night.. againts a Spines/regen who started to get really annoyed over phase shift and decided it was then fair to use his one hundred and one accolades on me to beat me, I HAD up untill then an almost 100% record in the arena, so it kinda ticked me off especially as before the match we said no insps no accolades...
When we got back out to RV I asked what that was all about and he had the following to say [Tell] <Name here>: u have and electric /regen..with phase..everyone knows phase on a scrapper is gay...
Maybe i've missed something but since when was taking phase on a scrapper "gay?"
@Psycho Jas