best support char for a trio




im teaming with 2 tanks, a Shield/Fire Melee and a Ele/DB Melee. Im just wondering what be a good support character for this, a defender or a controller. what powersets...any ideas? plz leave suggestions, plz and ty.

@MachineSlave | Infinity Server | Deepdown Traumahounds Supergroup | Co-Founder
Tankers : Ice/Ele, Fire/SS, Fire/DM, Invul/Fire, Ele/Stone Corrupter : Arch/TA
Scrappers : DM/DA, Kat/SR Brutes : Fire/Shield, Ele/Fire(Villian)
Controllers : Fire/Kin, Ele/Rad, Earth/Cold



I'd go with a Dark Miasma/Sonic Defender. Here are my reasons:

  • One of your Tanks is defense heavy with minor resists (Shields). The other is a pure resist Tank (ELA). Dark offers -damage, which stacks with resists, and -toHit, which stacks with defense. You also have Shadow Fall, which will further enhance your Tank's resistance levels. You are pushing the protection levels of these tanks big time with Darkest night alone.
  • Dark has a potent heal.
  • Dark has -regen.
  • Dark has a pet that debuffs, holds, and heals.
  • Dark offers a bit of control with Fearsome Stare, which also has a huge -toHit debuff.
  • Dark has a huge -resist power in Tar Patch.
  • Sonics can stack -resist with Tar Patch on both AoE and single targets. Tar Patch and Howl alone will be -50% resistance to all. You can stack even more against single targets with your other attacks. -100% ressitance to alll goes a long way to boosting tank damage when trioing AVs. The -regen will be gravy at that point.

Dark Miasma/Sonics will offer huge benefits to offense through massive -ressitance debuffs, while benefiting both defense and resistance armors on your tanks significantly.



alright ty for the reply, i like the idea of a Dark Def, havent had one yet past like lvl 8, lol, hm im not a big fan of the Sonic idea, but ur right it has the -resist, i just hate the sounds, but i need sound to play, would like Dark/RAd work?

@MachineSlave | Infinity Server | Deepdown Traumahounds Supergroup | Co-Founder
Tankers : Ice/Ele, Fire/SS, Fire/DM, Invul/Fire, Ele/Stone Corrupter : Arch/TA
Scrappers : DM/DA, Kat/SR Brutes : Fire/Shield, Ele/Fire(Villian)
Controllers : Fire/Kin, Ele/Rad, Earth/Cold



Rad offers grat -defense and can have a chance of granting -resist through Achilles Heel procs. The blasts also look great with the dark customization.



Dark/sonic might really be the way to go here.

Between the def/res of shadowfall and maneuvers (if you took leadership) the shield tank should damn near be softcapped regardless and the electric brute will have some solid resists.

Howling twilight for any cover ups.

Tar pit and /son blasts to help with tankers anemic damage.

Something like a fire/thermal or dare I say fire/kin might not be a bad idea as well.
Fire/ for the damage output and either /thermal or /kin for again, solid resists, heals and damage boost. Heck you wouldnt have to take thaw either.

I really dont think you could go wrong with any possible choice whatsoever.

With 2 tanks on the team you will never be in any real danger.

Id say the best way to help 2 tanks in a trio would be to up their damage and/or kill speed.

What really sounds fun would be a shield/fire tank, db/elec brute, and whatever support type you want come GR.

Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary

Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Yeah, I like Blasters too.



Echoing a nod for the Dark/Sonic, but also tossing Rad/Sonic into the mix as another potential build. Why Rad? Tohit and damage debuffs on the enemies meaning your Tanker friends are getting hit less often for less damage, and the resistance debuffs from Enervating Field and Sonic complement the +damage from Accelerate Metabolism, meaning you'll all be doing a lot more damage. Main difference between Dark and Rad in the debuff department is Dark is generally more of a click/location set (Tar Patch, Fearsome Stare) while Rad is dependent on toggles (Radiation Infection, Enervating Field).

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



ty for all the help, and i might give dark/sonic a try, and maybe a fire/thermal, or both heh, its hard to choose.

@MachineSlave | Infinity Server | Deepdown Traumahounds Supergroup | Co-Founder
Tankers : Ice/Ele, Fire/SS, Fire/DM, Invul/Fire, Ele/Stone Corrupter : Arch/TA
Scrappers : DM/DA, Kat/SR Brutes : Fire/Shield, Ele/Fire(Villian)
Controllers : Fire/Kin, Ele/Rad, Earth/Cold



Originally Posted by MachineSlave View Post
im teaming with 2 tanks, a Shield/Fire Melee and a Ele/DB Melee. Im just wondering what be a good support character for this, a defender or a controller. what powersets...any ideas? plz leave suggestions, plz and ty.
I'm going to put out the suggestion for a Fire/Kin.

On a trio, there's nothing these two tanks shouldn't beable to survive with some backup heals from you.

What they will lack is damage.

If the shielder picks up Grant Cover, you pick up Maneuvars (which I might suggest all three of you pick up if your going to be a solid Leadership x3 is great).

However, if you don't want to spam the SB every 2 minutes to 2 people...I might suggest Archery/Ice!

But that's just to match what I see from the two element set and a weapon (DB and Shield).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



i made a Ice Armor / Ele Melee Tank, lolz, its awesome

@MachineSlave | Infinity Server | Deepdown Traumahounds Supergroup | Co-Founder
Tankers : Ice/Ele, Fire/SS, Fire/DM, Invul/Fire, Ele/Stone Corrupter : Arch/TA
Scrappers : DM/DA, Kat/SR Brutes : Fire/Shield, Ele/Fire(Villian)
Controllers : Fire/Kin, Ele/Rad, Earth/Cold



Originally Posted by MachineSlave View Post
im teaming with 2 tanks, a Shield/Fire Melee and a Ele/DB Melee. Im just wondering what be a good support character for this, a defender or a controller. what powersets...any ideas? plz leave suggestions, plz and ty.
Well, as between defenders and controllers, I would only shoot for a controller if you fancy playing Fire or Plant, which have good AoE damage. Otherwise, pick a defender with a good AoE Damage secondary-- I'm not sure, but I think the latecomers, Ice and AR, may be tops in this category at this point. Maybe even archery.

The de/buff set should almost certainly be Kinetics. Kinetics is probably the strongest set in the game, and buffs melee types particularly well. You could also skip ID with a pair of tanks.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



With two tanks you should be in very safe hands, I say go for Fire/Fire blaster (its amazing fun with a decent tank).



I would go Earth/Storm. You get great debuffs, and great control. By lvl 16 your Tanks will be doing good damage because of Freezing Rain, and in the late game all three of you will be able to put out good damage while being completely safe at all times. Or you could go with a blaster, pretty much any type, and kill things off before they get a chance to harm the tanks. I like Ice/Electric for the three holds, makes you sort of a blaptroller. Increasing the safety for your tanks against really dangerous foes while killing things really fast.



I say go empathy, then tell the tanks you'll be using Adrenalin Boost on the one you like best.



I think the OP's suggestion of Dark/Rad is a solid choice. Rad blast especially irradiate takes a big chunk out of the defense (which is the only hole in Dark Miasma). The Dark primaries take a lot out of the bite of any foe's attack with -damage and -tohit. It won't matter if the tanks are defense or resistance based if they can't get hurt to begin with. Dark/Rad is a total package.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



I have recently been duo-ing a new Plant/Kin ("Flora the Explorer") with a Elec/Shield Scrapper. The scrapper gathers the group into a nice tight bunch, and then Seeds + Roots locks them down, does AoE damage, allows me to heal up the scrapper, speed boost him, Siphon Power (only level 23 so far), and hold any tougher foes. Even at level 23, we are plowing through missions amazingly quickly. Speed Boost got rid of all of my partner's endurance and recharge issues. My controls and heal make sure that he doesn't get hurt much. My AoE damage and his AoE damage lets us wipe out groups quickly.

Two tanks with taunt would make it even better. The massive damage boost from Fulcrum Shift once we get to level 38 will be huge.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
I have recently been duo-ing a new Plant/Kin ("Flora the Explorer") with a Elec/Shield Scrapper. The scrapper gathers the group into a nice tight bunch, and then Seeds + Roots locks them down, does AoE damage, allows me to heal up the scrapper, speed boost him, Siphon Power (only level 23 so far), and hold any tougher foes. Even at level 23, we are plowing through missions amazingly quickly. Speed Boost got rid of all of my partner's endurance and recharge issues. My controls and heal make sure that he doesn't get hurt much. My AoE damage and his AoE damage lets us wipe out groups quickly.

Two tanks with taunt would make it even better. The massive damage boost from Fulcrum Shift once we get to level 35 will be huge.
38. ::cry:: But yes. Not to be curmudgeonly about it, but two tanks and a choice of one buff set, the set has GOT to be Kin.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Originally Posted by LordSquigie View Post
I say go empathy, then tell the tanks you'll be using Adrenalin Boost on the one you like best.
You are an evil, evil person.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



With 2 Tanks constantly in melee range? I'd go with a Kin...probably a Kin/Sonic Defender. That way you can heal them, buff their damage, fill their end and debuff the baddies resistance.



Originally Posted by Enantiodromos View Post
38. ::cry:: But yes. Not to be curmudgeonly about it, but two tanks and a choice of one buff set, the set has GOT to be Kin.
You mean Storm, of course. Epic schadenfreude.

I team with the Repeat Offenders.



Originally Posted by Enantiodromos View Post
38. ::cry:: But yes. Not to be curmudgeonly about it, but two tanks and a choice of one buff set, the set has GOT to be Kin.
Oops, I meant 38. But I can say from current personal experience that a */Kin Controller has a very strong argument to be the best choice. My duo-buddy last night was mentioning how much he LOVES having continual Speed Boost. No Endurance or Recharge problems at all for him -- occasionally for me, but we're only 24. We zip though missions very, very fast. The only problem would be solved with two tanks -- occasionally, a foe or two don't gather very close to him when he herds, and turn around to come after me. Most of the time, I just run to the other side of the group to line up my Seeds of Confusion cone -- when the guy following me runs through the group, I can hit them all with Seeds.

With Siphon Power alone, my buddy is getting 20%-40% damage buff BEFORE I have Fulcrum Shift. We upped our difficulty last night to +1 and 4 teammates -- we could go higher, but it was slow us down in completing missions.

I have high level Defenders, including a Kin/Sonic and a Kin/Elec, and I think that the Plant/Kin would be better for this purpose. The advantage of the controller over the Defenders is that the controller can lock the foes in place once they are gathered, making them easy pickings for AoE damage powers. The Controller can also fully stop any damage from most of the foes, reducing the need to heal and the level of threat. Defenders can reduce the damage but not eliminate it. The Defenders can contribute damage -- but a Plant/Kin is pretty good at AoE damage, too.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by MachineSlave View Post
im teaming with 2 tanks, a Shield/Fire Melee and a Ele/DB Melee. Im just wondering what be a good support character for this, a defender or a controller. what powersets...any ideas? plz leave suggestions, plz and ty.
Don't write off blaster too fast. A pair of tankers isn't going to need that much more survival support. A blaster with a semi-support set, such as Sonic Attack (-resists, AoE mez) or Mental Manipulation (zomg -recharge) or Ice whatever (slows, holds) will add more than enough survivability for your tanker buddies, but more importantly, bring more damage than an Empath.

An aggressive offender build is also a good way to go. Kin/Sonic perhaps.



I agree with the people who say "Why are you worried about helping a pair of TANKS survive?" Kinetics, Blaster, or some other big damage dealer. If not Kinetics: Rad is better on offense, I think, than Dark- it has +recharge and +recovery and +damage and +to hit, as well as -res .

I'd run a Fire/Mental blaster, myself, but I have almost as many level 50 blasters as level 50 "Everything else". Blasters mitigate 100% of incoming damage and they do it in a serious hurry.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
I'd run a Fire/Mental blaster, myself, but I have almost as many level 50 blasters as level 50 "Everything else". Blasters mitigate 100% of incoming damage and they do it in a serious hurry.
Archery/Mental 4tCone.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



I'd go with a Plant/Kin. Two tanks aren't really going to need the heavy survivability that dark has. But more damage, more recharge and more recovery? Definitely the way to go. Plant/Rad would also be a solid choice.

The big reason I say plant is creepers. If you have two tanks, I'd be cracking the whip for both of them to herd up the aggro cap and bringing all of them back to the kill zone.