Give Banes Elude....




Originally Posted by The R View Post
didn't the change to Fold Space -> Singularity happen during beta?
No, but it was within the first 120 days of launch. It's also happened like... once. Twice if you count TK changing from a toggle fly other to what it is now, but I don't remember when that happened.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is a natural manure. -Thomas Jefferson

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Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
Bad AOEs is not the same as good AOEs, though.
4 of the 5 damaging AoE's are solid, and even the worst is comparable to a corruptor's fistful of arrows or energy torrent.

If I quote #'s, they're from City of Data.
Global: @Kazari

It was either Taunt or Purple Triangles of Doom. I stand by my decision!



Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
The core problem I have is that, looking at a bane in comparison to a stalker, the stalker tends to come out of it with better ST damage, and almost as good AOE. It leaves me feeling like the Bane needs just a shade more of an edge.
Yeah, I got to agree with you there.
Banes are decent damage-wise, melee attacks are devastating, mace blasts are weak (excluding PS) and the gun has aoe that's slightly behind crab's potential.

Even if you do or don't compare bane to a stalker or another type of VEAT, those characters don't have to (in most cases) **** around as much with redraw as bane has to. Also survivability differences.



Would it to weird to make banes defense and resist powers slottable for both to help? For example I want an all Defense build I would be able to slot the auto resist powers with defense and I would be able to do the same with the resist. Slotting Combat Manuvers with resist to increase the over all resist of the AT and even give team members a slight Resist buff.

lvl 50 - Elec/WP/Mu Mastery Stalker, lvl 50 - Dark/EA/Soul Mastery Stalker, lvl 50 - EM/Nin/Soul Mastery Stalker

New Toons
lvl 21 - StJ/WP Stalker



Originally Posted by Novella View Post
Elude really isn't that much of a panic power to be honest. Sets like SR, Ninjitsu, Night Widow Training, etc don't need Elude/Retsu because you can cap your positional defense without them. The only thing that powers like Elude/Retsu offer are increased movement speed and recovery, otherwise they do nothing.
Unless you're not using IOs on every single character, in which case Elude is fantastic.

Or... are you suggesting that performance should be balanced around IO availability?

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Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
  • Widows only have Elude because there are SO-built widows out there.
Pretty much. Myself, I've given up on soft-capping because I noticed that 32.5 def is the same thing, if you're not too proud to chew an occasional purple inspiration.



If you want banes to have elude then do what I am doing.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA5945B4F534110C7B7370BED29A514289702E57E6939D 0376F8989020986262|
|8510C459A8A0B9EA4294D4F31F0E607F041C1CB936F5EBF82 7E09AFD128F18B78A9|
|33F3DF627CF604FEBF736667766777669BDB9BB394BA734E7 9C2174A45D72D9CAFE|
|ED6742057DC7636555029D52E86424E97B4B6578BD542AEB8 A99330CEE92D5D76B5|
|BDB25BD1D5C265BD55D27BDA8D2D966FE9AA2ED7ECC64B687 967A764AF54B4BE69C|
|9EB82532B6BD78DC9C762F9B6E33A379C9253DBC7F0922E56 9CF27662BEE26CDA66|
|7D5A95C4ADE9EA7E17A53549FF531E659EBA5F9D25F87DAAD F3095F62A955523133|
|E814B5F7DEA2DFB4A503DA0421E1EF186014BE08F002D8213 51C13B0E32511E3382|
|E0260437213884E010A232A43E2417F0AD11C6D5485E30BE0 E5C0736049305C17BD|
|200D6F2063A6422AB1D68154C930631AD37F854F6D8FA0C78 2E18A2D1663343735A|
|B1A9E51F7C200DC34185611AA6988889897C956926BF01BD7 27E0172889A98E8B4C|
|404C91483C917BB2AB9B55DF4F01EDA1605A9794113F9C58D 5FFCB14CDAFE083810|
|F41F0A3E924787C9A1033BEFC4CE3BB1F34F3494306548A00 C5D284317CAD08332F|
|4A00C4994214BDA6DCAD0AD643383755970F08760F827F00B F82D8850D2BD26995E|
|24934416FD714134C8FD8403E98343824C03A6320338C4140 E71F048F0998686CC2|
|10EE110BF908E22C6378A69C66200D619C311E429F109B38B 89ACCC363503D84046|
|B696D9A7AFB8CA984BB04EC6B4094B3F445B3E401BDD03EE0 30738AB43C177FA41B|
|04D94FD4AA69F7909A0E166D07059345CF605DA8FB63F6B4E 64166D95F41FDF4FFA|
|A3472DF98F2F2075A9C42DFB8D854C1E715AF8EBF45FCF6BA B314FF3A510BDAD90A|
|82B2CABFC798D658D25CFB675960D96024BFD8DD5483E7A92 133AC5729AE50CCB5D|
|760A86F92EB1582C11961696284B2B4B9CA593A587E5094BF D0F6A06EFBD|

**This is copied from another thread I made.**

lvl 50 - Elec/WP/Mu Mastery Stalker, lvl 50 - Dark/EA/Soul Mastery Stalker, lvl 50 - EM/Nin/Soul Mastery Stalker

New Toons
lvl 21 - StJ/WP Stalker



Wasn't able to copy paste the thing to Mids at first, but then I remembered that the code requires [code] and [*slash*code].

Originally Posted by Aumakua View Post
If you want banes to have elude then do what I am doing.
But yeah, nice solution, roll a brute.
I would roll a different combination though, but that's just me. lol



A lot of the complaints in this thread are a bit weak - why should Banes be able to put out as much straight up damage as stalkers? Banes are team oriented, just like the other VEATs - people often seem to forget that they have roughly a 15% team-wide defense buff (along with other leadership buffs, which can STACK with pool leaderships). Also, the benefit of things like Surveillance and Venom Grenade are best observed on teams as well.

However, I do agree with the notion that there shouldn't be a redraw animation when using Surv and Venom Nade.

@Kalen on Virtue



Originally Posted by Ionic_Torrent View Post
A lot of the complaints in this thread are a bit weak - why should Banes be able to put out as much straight up damage as stalkers? Banes are team oriented, just like the other VEATs - people often seem to forget that they have roughly a 15% team-wide defense buff (along with other leadership buffs, which can STACK with pool leaderships). Also, the benefit of things like Surveillance and Venom Grenade are best observed on teams as well.

However, I do agree with the notion that there shouldn't be a redraw animation when using Surv and Venom Nade.
I think people should post that thier reason for elude is for PvP or PvE. I can see how Elude on a PvE build would not be needed; however most characters in PvP have a way to midigate incoming damage. They way they do this is PFF, Self Heals, bodyguard mode,Tier 9, Hibernoob, etc... Banes are the only AT with out an escape or a "Oh Crap" button. It is possible for banes to select Phase from the power pools, but the build is tight as is and you can run cloaking device and stealth at the same time so it cause people to get throw away powers that are never used.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I think I blew a cerebral coil trying to get my head around that one.
Banes are fine as they are, really...slightly nastier and more shooty stalkers, with, y'know, armour. And big hitting sticks. They don't need elude.
Maybe I'm the only one but to me banes aren't nearly as good as they should be.....I'd be for giving them anything.



if your def is already softcapped you dont need elude . unless your in pvp zone mabey. In pve, nomatter if your def is at 45% or 145% i think critter to hit still remains the same ( 1 hit in every 10 attacks )



My Widow has both Mind Link and Ellude. She doesn't need either being soft capped without. I still put ML on auto to help out the people I'm grouped with and both Ellude and ML help when I am getting my defenses debuffed. From my perspective giving my Bane Ellude would amount to about the same level of utility.