Most Useless Blueside Class?

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Most useless class? I'm thinking n00b/l337.

Oh and as far as this plead for no flame wars...

Originally Posted by Tenacious_T View Post
Gee, thanks for instigating a flame war. Please don't anyone else justify this with a response.

EDIT: Sorry, that was a bit harsh. But still, that's a pretty inflammatory thing to say. I'm not a huge scrapper fan, either, to be honest with you.
Perhaps you shouldn't have started your first post like this...

Originally Posted by Tenacious_T View Post
My wife wants me to make her a class that's incredibly useless, just for fun. More concept than anything. She's a seamstress/pattern maker/jewelry maker/crafter IRL, and I'm thinking either Controller or Defender, but I'm not sure. What do you folks think?



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Hm. I'd say a trick arrow/energy blast combo would be pretty bad. All the debuffs would be location based, all the blast would knock things out of locations, and you'd have some redraw as well. that's off the top of my head, though. After Trick arrow, dark miasma and kinetics might be 'bad' choices as well. Miasma does its best work on packed groups and locations, so knock around might be an issue-kinetics benefits from being close, whilst energy blast knocks away. It could still be good for the team, but not as good for the defender.
This. Also possibly a TA/AR defender you can build and set your attack chain for massive redraw by alternating primary and secondary powers. You can slot Slug, Buckshot, and M30 for KB, Burst for defense debuff etc.

A Kin/Energy defender would also be a non-optimum choice especially if you slot for knockback. You could spread the mobs out really well so that all your mob targetted buffs are mostly useless.

I would definately go defender so that you get the nearly useless inherent power.

Though if your goal is to be annoying try a grav/FF controller. You can slow a team down to a standstill by keeping force bubble on, wormholing the mobs on top of the squishies or into force bubble so they bounce off and spread out and lets not forget that you can also alternate Dimension Shift with Detention Field so that your team can't kill any thing.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
This. Also possibly a TA/AR defender you can build and set your attack chain for massive redraw by alternating primary and secondary powers. You can slot Slug, Buckshot, and M30 for KB, Burst for defense debuff etc.
Excellent idea! Be sure to take the Ghost Slaying Axe and Nem Staff when you get Veteran rewards so that you can mix them into your redraw chain.

You could also bind some of the longer-recharge attacks to costume change binds with different customized weapons to further the visual chaos.

Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Though if your goal is to be annoying try a grav/FF controller. You can slow a team down to a standstill by keeping force bubble on, wormholing the mobs on top of the squishies or into force bubble so they bounce off and spread out and lets not forget that you can also alternate Dimension Shift with Detention Field so that your team can't kill any thing.
The perma-phase concept is also groovy. Maybe add Phase Shift from the Concealment pool and the Ice ancillary for Hibernate so you can make YOURSELF a non-participant as much as possible while you're waiting for your enemy-phasing powers to recharge.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



I think you're going about this the wrong way Tenacious_T.
There isn't any truely useless class or powerset combination.

The main aspect of uselessness is the player themself.
But if the player is decent, then your next best option is a truely idiotic build. In which case any archtype/powerset will do since most of the powers will be from the power pools.
But if you're not going to be deciding the build, then my best guess would be trick arrows or dark miasma/energy blast defender since the knockback can cause problems with tar pit or glue arrow/oil slick/disruption arrow.

But even then if your wife is a decent player and can handle knockback with a degree of control then you still won't have a useless build.

One question, did you want something that relates to her RL occupation? Because in that case, a traps/energy blast defender would probably mesh quite well with the whole 'person who makes stuff' career. And it would be a tricky combination to handle.

Make a traps/energy blast defender.
It should be fun, and there's a fair bit that can be colourised.

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Originally Posted by Tenacious_T View Post
My wife wants me to make her a class that's incredibly useless, just for fun. More concept than anything. She's a seamstress/pattern maker/jewelry maker/crafter IRL, and I'm thinking either Controller or Defender, but I'm not sure. What do you folks think?
I think what you are looking for is a useless* build, not AT?

Like a Mind/Kin Troller without any of the good powers and a bunch of pool powers? (Fighting, Flight (AS) and Speed (Flurry)

Kinda Like this:

Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401

Level 48 Magic Controller
Primary Power Set: Mind Control
Secondary Power Set: Kinetics
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Concealment
Ancillary Pool: Ice Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Mesmerize Empty(A)
Level 1: Transfusion Empty(A)
Level 2: Levitate Empty(A)
Level 4: Repel Empty(A)
Level 6: Boxing Empty(A)
Level 8: Kick Empty(A)
Level 10: Air Superiority Empty(A)
Level 12: Flurry Empty(A)
Level 14: Fly Empty(A)
Level 16: Super Speed Empty(A)
Level 18: Tough Empty(A)
Level 20: Whirlwind Empty(A)
Level 22: Group Fly Empty(A)
Level 24: Weave Empty(A)
Level 26: Telekinesis Empty(A)
Level 28: Hover Empty(A)
Level 30: Hasten Empty(A)
Level 32: Stealth Empty(A)
Level 35: Grant Invisibility Empty(A)
Level 38: Invisibility Empty(A)
Level 41: Phase Shift Empty(A)
Level 44: Terrify Empty(A)
Level 47: Hibernate Empty(A)
Level 49: Frozen Armor Empty(A)
Level 1: Brawl Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest Empty(A)
Level 1: Containment
Set Bonus Totals:

Set Bonuses:

In which case you may want to kill this thread and start a new one to hold off any more hostility.

*I use useless losely, as it's the word choice of the OP, while I cannot think of anything else to use.

Active 50s:
Zero Defex: DP/MM//Mace Blaster
Mutant X-7: Fire/MM//Mace Blaster
Running my Kin/EA gloriously
Come on I21!!!
Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Sure, the devs are supposed to listen to their customers, mister business 101 out there. And if I decide to start suggesting that the devs change the game from being about superheroes and supervillains to being about clowns that is my right as well, and technically Paragon Studios is supposed to pay attention to me. But I hope strongly that they assume a meth-head somehow managed to hack into my forum account and make paper airplanes out of my posts, because I hope they recognize stupid when they see it. I assume they will recognize futile just as accurately.



OOH, just put together this Grav/FF build:

6 non damaging powers from Pri/Sec, 2 powers that make enemies non-attackable, 3 powers that make yourself un-attackable, 4 KB powers in some form or fasion, and 6 low damage powers!

If I ever get Bored I may make this some day, but basically, you offer your sefl ALOT of forms of protection and no damage output.

Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401

Level 48 Magic Controller
Primary Power Set: Gravity Control
Secondary Power Set: Force Field
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Concealment
Ancillary Pool: Ice Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Crush Empty(A)
Level 1: Personal Force Field Empty(A)
Level 2: Lift Empty(A)
Level 4: Force Bolt Empty(A)
Level 6: Boxing Empty(A)
Level 8: Kick Empty(A)
Level 10: Air Superiority Empty(A)
Level 12: Dimension Shift Empty(A)
Level 14: Fly Empty(A)
Level 16: Detention Field Empty(A)
Level 18: Gravity Distortion Field Empty(A)
Level 20: Flurry Empty(A)
Level 22: Super Speed Empty(A)
Level 24: Stealth Empty(A)
Level 26: Invisibility Empty(A)
Level 28: Phase Shift Empty(A)
Level 30: Repulsion Field Empty(A)
Level 32: Wormhole Empty(A)
Level 35: Weave Empty(A)
Level 38: Force Bubble Empty(A)
Level 41: Hibernate Empty(A)
Level 44: Frozen Armor Empty(A)
Level 47: Whirlwind Empty(A)
Level 49: Grant Invisibility Empty(A)
Level 1: Brawl Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest Empty(A)
Level 1: Containment
Set Bonus Totals:

Set Bonuses:

Active 50s:
Zero Defex: DP/MM//Mace Blaster
Mutant X-7: Fire/MM//Mace Blaster
Running my Kin/EA gloriously
Come on I21!!!
Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Sure, the devs are supposed to listen to their customers, mister business 101 out there. And if I decide to start suggesting that the devs change the game from being about superheroes and supervillains to being about clowns that is my right as well, and technically Paragon Studios is supposed to pay attention to me. But I hope strongly that they assume a meth-head somehow managed to hack into my forum account and make paper airplanes out of my posts, because I hope they recognize stupid when they see it. I assume they will recognize futile just as accurately.



Originally Posted by Fenrisulfr View Post
Make a traps/energy blast defender.
It should be fun, and there's a fair bit that can be colourised.
Eh, traps has a lot going for it that can work despite things knocked around. The FF generator will follow happily, the seeker will do their thing, the 'splodey traps only need to be underfoot once, the mortar blasts from where it is, and traps don't have to be re-draw whenever you use your secondary. I'd still put TA/Energy as ahead of the pack for awkwardness.

As to the whole mantra of 'it's the player that makes things bad' thing, sure, players mess things up more than their given powers. But to be honest, that does nothing for the OP's question. He's asking for something that doesn't work well. The 'it's all cool, when things go bad it's the player's fault' comes off as a bit defensive. Just as there are 'Uber' builds, there are awkward builds that could never keep up with the aforementioned min/maxed combos. Try making a Dual Blades/Dark armor stalker, with all the control auras, compare it to a EM/SR full stalker build. Very different performances.

Is this comparative? Yup. But just as some powers compliment functionality well, some can actually infringe. The OP is looking for the latter.

I didn't think of the Grav/FF controller...nice idea. Intangibility to grant immunity for foes-take personal forcefield to turn off group buffs, and perhaps Phase shift, and you've got a really tricky build to get use out of, using all abilities. (With the new phasing rules, would phase shift make you vulnerable to phased foes? If so, that's a winner. The controller would be solo versus a whole group of shifted foes even on teams.)



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
This. Also possibly a TA/AR defender you can build and set your attack chain for massive redraw by alternating primary and secondary powers. You can slot Slug, Buckshot, and M30 for KB, Burst for defense debuff etc.
Actually yeah, I second this



Make whatever AT/power-set combination you like, take whatever powers you like, but as soon as you get the power, remove it from the power-tray and fight only using Brawl and be sure to use Rest while still in-combat. That would make you extremely useless for sure.

Remember kids, useless is as useless doesn't.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I'm afraid the question itself is too vague. (And I have to agree, smacks of trolling) No AT is "useless". Yet, any AT can be replaced with another. So what is meant by "useless" here? Are we talking about power, or are we talking about role on a team?

Does your wife want a pure concept build? Does she want a challenge? Is she looking for something that is easy and does not require a lot of focus and micromangement? Does she want to avoid having a serious responsibility on a team? If she just interested in doing what she feels like and not having people call out "heal plz!". Does she just want to throw out buffs and chat with her friends, but not be thought of as leeching?

For a concept build, I would so go with whatever fits your concept. If your concept is a Defender, then go with a Defender. But if something in the Power Set doesn't match your concept, skip it. I do this all the time, my main FF Defender didn't have the ally shields until he was in his 30's. He didn't team until he was in his 30's either, but I digress...

For a challenge, either a MAN build, or a conceptual limitation. Petless Masterminds make a great challenge. Or a melee Controller. Make a Blaster with only a few ranged attacks and concentrate on the Secondary and Power Pool. Avoid Stamina or (for a character that has no heal) Aid Self. Build a character around Flying (no other super powers) or Phase Shift.

If you just want to go kill things and not have to worry about the team harping on you all the time, you can't go better than a Scrapper. As has been said, no one says, "We need a Scrapper on this team", although I have heard "we need more damage dealers". On a team the Scrapper is usually left to do whatever he wants to do, although impatient Scrappers can cause a backlash from the team. But hey, if you want to play an impatient Scrapper, that would keep you from most teams too.

If you want an easy support role, either healer or bubbler. Bubbles don't have to be applied as often, so you have more time to chat or throw out some blasts, but Empathy would be the better set overall, if you don't use FF's knockback. While there are FFers that only take and use three powers, and do nothing else, I wouldn't call them any different from the Empaths that only take and use three powers, and do nothing else.

Personally, I think "useless" is getting away from the idea. If all your wife wants to do is have fun, then let her just roll up a character at random and have fun with it. It doesn't need to be "useless" to be just for fun. I have the most fun with so-called "uber" Power Sets that I just don't go out of my way to min-max to be uber.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Most useless class? I'm thinking n00b/l337.
Perhaps you shouldn't have started your first post like this...
Wow, man, some people sure are sensitive on these forums. I thought it was pretty clear that I was looking for a *type* of class. I should've made this thread title "most useless blueside class combo", seeing as that was what I was asking for even with the original post. Oh well, lesson learned. I'll be sure to be more specific in the future, and sorry for any arguments that have occurred.

Anywho, thanks for your thoughts on this, folks.



Originally Posted by Tenacious_T View Post
Wow, man, some people sure are sensitive on these forums. I thought it was pretty clear that I was looking for a *type* of class. I should've made this thread title "most useless blueside class combo", seeing as that was what I was asking for even with the original post. Oh well, lesson learned. I'll be sure to be more specific in the future, and sorry for any arguments that have occurred.

Anywho, thanks for your thoughts on this, folks.
I have a feeling some have taken this a might bit personally, thinking you were calling things they like 'useless.' Perhaps a better ways to skirt said defensiveness would be to phrase it as 'least optimal' or something like that.



Well, I was assuming that, because I know a lot of pri/sec combos really mesh well together, that there must be some things that are kind of the opposite. Guess I was wrong.

I ended up going with something that I could really crank up the annoying colors on and that would have people saying "what are you doing!". I made an FF/NRG defender that just aggros stuff like crazy with brightly colored blasts and then turns on PFF saying "ee! get away!" And I'll definitely be taking a lot of counterintuitive power pools like a lot of you recommended. The outfit is gaudy as hell, too.



Originally Posted by Tenacious_T View Post
Well, I was assuming that, because I know a lot of pri/sec combos really mesh well together, that there must be some things that are kind of the opposite. Guess I was wrong.

I ended up going with something that I could really crank up the annoying colors on and that would have people saying "what are you doing!". I made an FF/NRG defender that just aggros stuff like crazy with brightly colored blasts and then turns on PFF saying "ee! get away!" And I'll definitely be taking a lot of counterintuitive power pools like a lot of you recommended. The outfit is gaudy as hell, too.
Get phase shift/whirlwind/presence pool too. Just play nice, warn people about what they should expect from you, please. Play with understanding friends, and this sounds like fun. On PuGs, I could see this verging on 'ganking' the team.

*edit:* This gives me an odd idea, a MA arc with an 'adversarial' ally with only wormhole, dimension shift, detention field, force bolt, repulsion field and force bolt on a timed defeat all map. Hmm....



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Peacebringers yet. As someone who has one of these at level 50 (my second level 50, in fact) I think they're the most useless AT in the whole game. Peacebringers don't have much to bring to the table. They have quite weak damage, a weak single heal, KB in just about every AoE attack which makes their team DPS even less feasible and they don't even get mez protection to compensate. Oh, I forgot, they can have an ok offtanking power, though.

To be honest, though, there's absolutely nothing a Scrapper can't do better than a Peacebringer can. DPS? Scrappers win. Survival? Scrappers win in most cases, it can be a close call with a good PB player, though. Buffs? Neither have any, if it's a /SD Scrapper PBs lose by far. Heals? Ok, PBs have one weak ally heal, it has never, ever saved the day for me because usually in teams there are either enough buffs, debuffs, proper heals or competent players going about the PB heal is only good for topping off people after fights.

I'm not saying here I hate PBs, I quite like their unique playing mechanisms, but their weakness sort of hurts the gaming experience for me. What I hate playing about them is the feeling that they're not actually good at anything... You can correct me on this if you want.
Either I'm doing something badly wrong, pre-stamina is just that bad, or something...but PBs are hard to level.

Try an Invul/anything tanker with None of the invul shields. But take taunt. And then every random pool power you can.
-shrug- I don't know, really XD

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Peacebringers yet. As someone who has one of these at level 50 (my second level 50, in fact) I think they're the most useless AT in the whole game. Peacebringers don't have much to bring to the table. They have quite weak damage, a weak single heal, KB in just about every AoE attack which makes their team DPS even less feasible and they don't even get mez protection to compensate. Oh, I forgot, they can have an ok offtanking power, though.

To be honest, though, there's absolutely nothing a Scrapper can't do better than a Peacebringer can. DPS? Scrappers win. Survival? Scrappers win in most cases, it can be a close call with a good PB player, though. Buffs? Neither have any, if it's a /SD Scrapper PBs lose by far. Heals? Ok, PBs have one weak ally heal, it has never, ever saved the day for me because usually in teams there are either enough buffs, debuffs, proper heals or competent players going about the PB heal is only good for topping off people after fights.

I'm not saying here I hate PBs, I quite like their unique playing mechanisms, but their weakness sort of hurts the gaming experience for me. What I hate playing about them is the feeling that they're not actually good at anything... You can correct me on this if you want.
Off topic from OP, attempting a response to this...

While my main is a PB (and love it!) it seems your logic is sound. The contention is that on Blue Teams everything a Scrapper (a generalist) can do another AT can do better. Blaster damage better (in amount and scale), Trollers and Fenders support better, and Tanks tank better. PBs, also being generalist, are also second fiddle to every other ATs niche, and overall they aren't as good as Scrappers. Ergo: PB=Most Useless AT.

Makes some sense...

However, on large teams with the right mix, a PB can outdamage most ATs, Scrapper included. That, coupled with the fact they have a good bit more AoE potential, means a PB can theoretically bring larger amounts of damage to more foes than a Scrapper can. Of course, KB can mess all this up, but if you know what you're doing it can be controlled so it's not too detrimental to the team.

Very often my Human Only PB is one of higher damage dealers on the team, bringing both good Single Target and AoE damage, along with better survability via Shields and Heals. So, the way I see it, on larger teams anyway, Scrappers edge out PBs in the 'uselessness' category, but they're still Mo' Useless than the other ATs

'Course, I'm being a bit tongue-in-cheek. As everyone says, no AT is really useless unless built that way. This game ain't that hard...



While that sounds hilarious, it'd just be running in and dying over and over. I thought something that can stay alive while being annoying would be much more fun.

I absolutely agree about warning people ahead of time. I plan on doing it in character, too. "Um, I'm kind of a crappy hero, just to warn you guys" and so on.

And in regard to the PB sub-topic we've got going on here, I haven't played my PB for a year or two, but I do remember him being really hard to level. He was human-only straight from the beginning, and I play him like a blapper. He's 38 now and it's really hard to play him without mez resist IO sets. I just haven't found the time to upgrade him. I've seen a few great PBs in my time but I've definitely seen my fair share of godly WSs out there in comparison.



It would, I think, have been more helpful if the OP had asked what particular build would be the least effective. Labeling an entire AT "useless" would be both wildly incorrect and extremely provocative.

If you want to make a character that contributes nothing, any AT will work. Just never, ever visit a trainer or slot enhancements, and you will be a dead weight.

If you want to make a character that is worse than useless, I recommend looking into powersets with lots of enhanceable KB powers. A petless /Storm or /FF MM would be both extremely fragile and have great disruptive potential.

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Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
It would, I think, have been more helpful if the OP had asked what particular build would be the least effective. Labeling an entire AT "useless" would be both wildly incorrect and extremely provocative.
Originally Posted by Tenacious_T View Post
I thought it was pretty clear that I was looking for a *type* of class. I should've made this thread title "most useless blueside class combo", seeing as that was what I was asking for even with the original post. Oh well, lesson learned. I'll be sure to be more specific in the future, and sorry for any arguments that have occurred.

Anywho, thanks for your thoughts on this, folks.



Make a storm/energy defender. Make sure to take Gale, Hurricane, Tornado, Lightning Storm, and all your blasts. Do not take O2 boost, steamy mist, freezing rain, or snow storm, those powers are too useful. Fill in the rest of your slots with miscellaneous pool powers. Bonus points if you take kick and/or whirlwind. Slot your powers with nothing but accuracy and knockback. Use your knockback powers indescriminately, with no regard for your teammates or what's around you. Congratulations, you're now useless.

Actually, you're not so much useless as you are a danger to yourself and others, but it'd still be fun.



Oh, I've got one.

You don't want a useless hero. No matter what, you want to actually be able to add to the team, that's for sure.

But you want to be annoying. Funny annoying, but annoying.

You want to get people's attention. You want to be the center stage actor, regardless of efficiency.

You want to see a teamwipe, not because your character sucks, but because everyone on the team fell out of their chairs laughing at your character.

What all that says to me is that you want an energy/energy blaster. Thanks to power customization, you can have each attack as a different color. Melee, ranged, whatever... no two attacks look alike. Further than that, you want to click macros, not powers. Your macros will activate powers and shout the names of your attacks like they do in DBZ.

"Red energy blast!"
"Bright green punch!"
"I wave my hand and you fall down!"
"Twirling hands like Elton John smash!"
"Short range powerful attack that happens to be pink and yellow!"
"Rapid firing blue and green blast that doesn't really have a good name... attack!"

For further hilarity, slot for knockback. Knockback is mitigation, so you'll stay alive... a while.

Where to now?
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I'd say the only useless AT is one that doesn't get played.

There were some posts on the old boards about creating a Pacifist - which generally amounted to a scrapper with only the tier 1 attack, lots of tertiary pool choices.
Of course if you have all the prestige sprints you could 6 slot each of them for end red as well to keep slots away from otherwise useful powers.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



Most of the ideas I had were already listed, but I'll post them anyway. My posts are based around the idea of "most awkward" but they aren't actually bad really.

Energy/Fire Blaster ... knockback in the primary, with a secondary that prefers tight groups.

Gravity/Empathy Controller ... a primary with low/late control and a secondary that doesnt really add to control. Sure, you can buff and heal a bit, but it just seems awkward to me.

Any /Electric Blast Defender. I just find /Electric Blast to be so underwhelming. Maybe its me tho.

Dark/Energy Defender .... its hard to say that any Dark Defender is weak (except in the sense that all /Electric Blast defenders are fairly weak overall). Still this one would be awkward. Your best mitigation powers depend on foe position (Tar Patch, Darkest Night, Dark Servant somewhat) and the knockback can mess with that. Still, you could probably crush stuff if you were careful. So, this one is more of "requires high skill" than it is even "awkward" .. or so I'd think.

Other /Energy Defender combos ... I think Trick Arrow, Traps, and Radiation would be awkward primaries for /Energy Blast for the same reason as the above.

TA/AR for the redraw alone. Woof. That would drive me nuts watching that over and over.

Martial Arts / Invulnerability Scrapper ... this guy seems like he'd die a LOT until later in the game. Mostly single target damage, low mitigation, and a secondary that takes some work and some caution (in my admittedly limited experience) to really bring it up to speed.

Willpower/Energy Melee Tanker ... I'm probably biased, but I hate /EM after the nerfs some time ago. Also, when you stun stuff, they kinda wander away from you, which lowers the effectiveness of Willpower a bit. Plus, you dont have much AoE or mitigation really, and Willpower can get in over its head in serious tanking scenarios. Its probably just me tho, I have a level 50 of this combo and I just dont like it anymore.

Invulnerability / Ice ... just because it seems so slow. Also, the arrival time of the attacks, and when they need to be slotted, and the damage they do ... it just seems to all arrive at a very awkward time compared to when I'd want to do be doing certain things with the primary. Basically, I think it'd be hard to level up and a bit tedious. Thats pure conjecture tho. I admit that I sorta want to try one. I've been avoiding it. I have too many projects already.

Again, this is all opinion, and its about awkwardness and tedium more than anything else. That makes it highly subjective to say the least. They just strike me as frustrating, but I bet you could make pretty good characters from all of them with some work.


Random AT Generation!
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Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
Any /Electric Blast Defender. I just find /Electric Blast to be so underwhelming. Maybe its me tho.
Haven't played a kin/electric defender have you? Okay then.

Hm. The energy/fire blaster is right on. I introduced my best friend to the game...guess what he rolled? He left the game.