1 to 50 in MA: Part II (suggest arcs)




Try these arcs:

DO levels:
Forget The Rose, Give Me The Thorns
Nuclear in 90: The Fusionette Task Force

SO levels:
The All-Seeing Eye
Operation: Discredit
Astoria in D Minor
Axis and Allies
King Amenhotep
Wholesale Soulsale

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by PoliceWoman View Post
I have a relatively new arc, Talos Vice (arc id 338380), set for level 12-20, which sounds about right for your current project.

Teen Phalanx Forever! (arc id 67335) is 15-30, also, though I know you've already played it.
If I eliminated arcs I've already played, there wouldn't be many recommendations left. I've already played a lot of arcs by people in this forum.

Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
Try these arcs:
This is turning out to be a review thread as well, so I'm only accepting suggestions for your own arcs.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Well, Whack-a-Mole #2711 is 1-54 (custom bosses -> Lts & EB -> Boss), though I've tested it with a level 8 dominator and was able to complete it. One more week for the Halloween Edition, afterwards it will be updated once again, not exactly sure to what though. Maybe Thanksgiving? Look out! It's a turkey Mole!

Also, Ctrl + Alt + Reset! #137561 is 15-30, since you mentioned accepting arcs you've played on other characters.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Well, Whack-a-Mole #2711 is 1-54 (custom bosses -> Lts & EB -> Boss), though I've tested it with a level 8 dominator and was able to complete it. One more week for the Halloween Edition, afterwards it will be updated once again, not exactly sure to what though. Maybe Thanksgiving? Look out! It's a turkey Mole!
Thanksgiving was three weeks ago, quit living in the past.

Since I don't feel like running anything epic today, tonight's arc is:
Whack-a-Mole: Halloween Edition

15 minutes from start to finish, tops, since the missions are timed. The Moles are humorous, and eminently whackable. Except for the ones with Build Up. Seriously, nobody's going to be playing this thing for the rewards anyway, so that little damper on fun factor is totally unnecessary.

Speaking of rewards... I beat the game, where's my prize? I demand an oversized neon pink Scooby Doo plushie, right now! I call shenanigans on the Carnie folk! SHENANIGANS!!!

It's cute and clever, just ditch the Build Up and make with the souvenir.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
15 minutes from start to finish, tops, since the missions are timed. The Moles are humorous, and eminently whackable. Except for the ones with Build Up. Seriously, nobody's going to be playing this thing for the rewards anyway, so that little damper on fun factor is totally unnecessary.
Yeah, I picked hard to keep some of the already low rewards, but it's not a big deal to take it out.

Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Speaking of rewards... I beat the game, where's my prize? I demand an oversized neon pink Scooby Doo plushie, right now! I call shenanigans on the Carnie folk! SHENANIGANS!!!

It's cute and clever, just ditch the Build Up and make with the souvenir.
You got it! Next update: Oversized neon pink Scooby Doo plushie is going in the souvenir.



Future's End
Level range: Mostly 5-14, except for one 11-14 mission.

My contact is once again Mirror Spirit, and this time, it's being assumed I've run both of the previous arcs. She gets right into the story, doesn't bother with the exposition, and refers my adventures with Talshak.

So the Future Skulls are in our time, from a timeline that no longer exists because I stopped it, and "something" is trying to prevent us from interfering with them. She says we need to be subtle and avoid direct confrontation and blah blah blah so I pull out something sharp and pointy and go do some investigating, Scrapper style.

My informant is a Circle mage, currently being held captive by some Skulls. Once I disrupt their holding spell he decides we will all die...so why is he casting Fortitude on his Skull "captor?" Perhaps something other than a boss detail would be more suitable.

What he tells me after I beat him up is rather disturbing, and somewhat out of place for this level range. I didn't know the Circle were summoning ancient Oranbegans. I won't learn this for another 20 levels, so how does Bonesnap know not only what the CoT are, but also where to find the spells used? Mirror Spirit's explanation for how an ordinary Bone Daddy can cause this much trouble is a nice touch though, and reminds me of a friend who accepted a bet to get a petless Mastermind to 50.

I beat him up again, even though he tries to escape, thus getting him out of the way. Although it sounds like he was planning to get himself out of the way anyway, so I'm sort of wondering why I didn't just save myself the effort. This is how many times I've beaten him up now? This mission doesn't have much in it other than Bonesnap, it could probably be combined with Mission 1 without losing anything.

My next task is to go take out some Legacy Chain who have supposedly turned to the dark side, all the way in the Rogue Isles. The fact of a newbie hero getting to the Rogue Isles on the word of Mirror Spirit isn't explained. The Legacy Chain are all over the Hollows, maybe the evil ones should take over one of their bases there?

I walk into a fight between the good Legacy Chain and the bad ones, and run into an allied group of those winged guys that died before I got there in the first arc. Wouldn't the Legacy Chain question the orders of their now-evil leader, seeing as he had clearly wandered over to the dark side? "They're held by some spells" is a bit of a cop-out, since so far we've been dealing with magical summoning, not magical compulsion. Also, seeing as they are dedicated to combating evil magic, wouldn't they suspect that just such evil magic might have corrupted their leader? And the dialogue implies that I deliberately killed him; not very heroic, I should perhaps be going after whoever decided a level 11 (dev-created) boss should have a pet and chain knockback.

He does manage to tell me how the Future Skulls are getting to our time though, and again it's up to me to stop them. Again there are unanswered questions: If they're just spirits possessing people, how do these people turn into Future Skulls themselves? If they can come back in time, why don't they go back to before I stopped them in the first arc?

This mission has an odd technical issue as well, as the spawns are bigger than they should be on +0/x0. Two lieutenants at once, with Shadow Fall and Twilight Grasp are a pain to fight. Very Scrapper-appropriate, if not particularly heroic, boss defeat text on the Bonesnapper. Ah, ok so the Legacy Chain were possessed. Which makes the possessed Skulls turning into Death Skulls make even less sense, and doesn't quite jive with the assertion that not many had gotten through.

Ah, ok, now the Death Skulls make sense. The final mission is rather anti-climatic, since I've already fought two of the brides and I don't learn anything I didn't already know.

As an arc on it's own, this needs far more exposition. As a conclusion to a trilogy, it leaves too many loose ends. What is up with those winged guys, and what is this "Seeker" they speak of? A mysterious ally is fine, but I learn absolutely nothing other than that they are on my side. I feel the "Wizard did it" explanation was overused as well. Bonesnap is described as a savant at summoning, but how does that help him get his hands on Zoria's spells? Furthermore, "summoning" is generally taken to mean calling up weird entities, not bringing objects from the future. And I'm pretty sure the Pillar of Ice and Flame does not work that way. And how is it that his abilities are only now being blocked, and no one thought to block them before?

The author mentioned somewhere that he constantly updates the arcs based on feedback, and unfortunately it shows; this one is most recent, has the fewest plays, and has the most issues. Aside from the CoT boss being friendly to his "captors" and that weird spawning issue with mission 4, it's all plot points. This arc could really use some smoothing out, get rid of anything not directly relevant to the overall storyline rather than trying to handwave it with "it's magic," and clean up the canon issues. Oh, and fix that level range.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



The Tangled Weave
Arc ID: 338575
Level: 1-10
Keywords: Canon Related, Ideal for Teams, Complex Mechanics
Description: Find out more about how Arachnos works behind the scenes in the Rogue Isles to make Project Destiny come to fruition. Recommended for Widows and Soldiers of Arachnos as an alternative VEAT arc.

The Secret of NutriPaste
Arc ID: 343643
Level: 10-20
Keywords: Canon Related
Description: One of Dr. Aeon's greatest inventions is NutriPaste. Made to the highest standards of nutrition under quality-controlled industrial conditions, Dr. Aeon's NutriPaste is an inexhaustible and inexpensive food-source for the people of the Rogue Isles. At least that's what it says on the tube.

I don't know if you've changed your mind on exemplaring since we got the SSK system and get to keep powers up to 5 levels above our combat level, so I included the 1-10 arc in here. I hope you'll enjoy one or both of these.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I don't know if you've changed your mind on exemplaring since we got the SSK system and get to keep powers up to 5 levels above our combat level, so I included the 1-10 arc in here. I hope you'll enjoy one or both of these.
This experiment was started after the SSK system was introduced. I still don't want to be doing a lot of exemplaring. I am a set bonus junkie, and once I start accumulating them, I'd like to use them.

However, I haven't said that I'm no longer accepting arcs below level 10, so "The Tangled Weave" is next up.

Now I am no longer accepting arcs that cap out at level 10 or lower.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



The Tangled Weave
ID # 338575

This arc is billed as an alternate to the canon VEAT arcs, which apparently are lame. My widow is all of level 16 and I don't remember anything of the starting VEAT arcs except that I got to have a real costume, so I have no basis for comparison. We'll see how this arc stands on its own merits.

My contact is Kalinda, and right away she sends me to flush out a traitor within Arachnos. I walk into an Arachnos base, and am pleasantly surprised not to find a bunch of Arachnos shooting at me. They're quite friendly actually. I upload the fake data, and a bunch of hostile Arachnos show up, thinking I'm the traitor. My Arachnos friends are having none of that, and help me out. I can see why Jenkins got demoted, but I'm not sure Arachnos would use so generic a rank as Private. It doesn't sound evil and spidery.

Returning to Kalinda, I find that that plot has thickened. I'm now mixed up in Arachnos inter-faction rivalry. Ah, I get it, I'm still a member of Arachnos at this point right? Perhaps that should be spelled out right from the start. No matter, the traitor has been found, and someone else will track him down in a canon mission.

And now for something completely different: Snakes. Except I'm supposed to negotiate with them. I'm not sure how or why Kalinda managed to set up a truce with them, since she's sent countless lowbies out to exterminate them.

Ok, now I see what you're trying to imply here, but my canon discontinuity sense is still tingling. For one, why would Arachnos be actively assisting the Snakes? Tolerating them is one thing, but I just can't picture Arachnos deliberately keeping them around. For another, this still totally contradicts in-game material, I had to go to ParagonWiki and read the Snake info there. Some hints at this info within the arc would be good.

And now it's time for me to clear out some Infected. Aside from fighting for our amusement, they are a health hazard. What with Mercy Island being full of broken-down tenements and open cesspools, I'm not entirely trusting of Arachnos's health and safety regulations, but I'm a loyal soldier, so I do it. After a run-in with everyone's favorite exposed-brained mad scientist, I gather some Infected for study, although leaving them chained up in there might not be a good idea if Arachnos is going to release poison gas into the area.

And now it's time to foil a hero's pathetic attempt to infiltrate our glorious organization. Of course, those annoying Longdork pests are involved. The heroine's villainous identity is appropriately lame; she should blend right in. I destroy the longbow base, and am rewarded with a classic action movie pop-up.

What with the heroine rambling about Project: Destiny, I expected that this would be the part where I decide I want in, and hand Kalinda my resignation. But no. I'm off to meet with Dr. creed again, because an evil organization can never have enough mad scientists. I walk into an icky green fog, wade through a mass of Creed's assistants (recolored Vahz), rescue "Mr Geist," and finally try to recruit Dr. Creed himself.

At the end of this, I'm still not sure how it is a VEAT arc. My understanding is that the VEATs are Arachnos soldiers acting independently, but throughout this arc I'm doing what Kalinda says. There is no indication that I might have plans of my own, that don't involve doing what Arachnos tells me to. I am never acting on my own initiative, I am never discovering things Arachnos doesn't want me to know. And a VEAT, I would expect to be doing that.

The canon tie-in in the first two missions is a very nice touch. Kalinda's voice though, falls flat. She's far too brusque, not her mystical yet condescending self. Her dialogue is rather sparse as well, not much in the way of exposition. Since there are no clues, I'm relying on NPC dialogue and her briefings, and what I end up with is a string of "do this, do that." It truly is just a bunch of stuff that happens.

What you have here is a great framework for an alternate VEAT arc. Now just thread an actual "how I decided to stop doing everything Arachnos says and think for myself" story through it all, and you'll have yourself an arc.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
My informant is a Circle mage, currently being held captive by some Skulls. Once I disrupt their holding spell he decides we will all die...so why is he casting Fortitude on his Skull "captor?" Perhaps something other than a boss detail would be more suitable.
I hate to say it, but I never thought about making it a hostile captive. Which might solve the level differences in the arc and having to use a boss for the encounter. A prime example of getting stuck in a mindset and not looking at other options.

Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
I beat him up again, even though he tries to escape, thus getting him out of the way. Although it sounds like he was planning to get himself out of the way anyway, so I'm sort of wondering why I didn't just save myself the effort. This is how many times I've beaten him up now? This mission doesn't have much in it other than Bonesnap, it could probably be combined with Mission 1 without losing anything.

My next task is to go take out some Legacy Chain who have supposedly turned to the dark side, all the way in the Rogue Isles. The fact of a newbie hero getting to the Rogue Isles on the word of Mirror Spirit isn't explained. The Legacy Chain are all over the Hollows, maybe the evil ones should take over one of their bases there?
These are actually related. Bonesnap wasn't getting out of the way, he was heading for the Rogue Isles to aid in the take over of the Legacy Chain. If they actually manage to give us the ability to have more than one outcome from a mission, I will add a mission where if he escapes in the 2nd mission, he shows up in the 3rd.

And while it isn't really important to the story, when Mirror Spirit was elsewhere in the second arc, it was at that Legacy Chain base. Which is how she know the people there. If it was just in the Hollows, there would be no real reason for her to not appear in the second arc.

One other thing, the evil Legacy Chain are not a long term thing. Part of what Mirror Spirit is doing is dealing with casting fortunes, trying to determine where you should be to find the needed information. So when you arrive in the warehouse, the entire situation has only been going on for a few minutes. If Bonesnap was there, it would have been much worse, if you were a few hours later, also much worse. No Bonesnap, early arrival, easier to stop the process. I apparently need to make that clearer.

Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
I walk into a fight between the good Legacy Chain and the bad ones, and run into an allied group of those winged guys that died before I got there in the first arc. Wouldn't the Legacy Chain question the orders of their now-evil leader, seeing as he had clearly wandered over to the dark side? "They're held by some spells" is a bit of a cop-out, since so far we've been dealing with magical summoning, not magical compulsion. Also, seeing as they are dedicated to combating evil magic, wouldn't they suspect that just such evil magic might have corrupted their leader? And the dialogue implies that I deliberately killed him; not very heroic, I should perhaps be going after whoever decided a level 11 (dev-created) boss should have a pet and chain knockback.

He does manage to tell me how the Future Skulls are getting to our time though, and again it's up to me to stop them. Again there are unanswered questions: If they're just spirits possessing people, how do these people turn into Future Skulls themselves? If they can come back in time, why don't they go back to before I stopped them in the first arc?
I actually know the answers to most of these questions, the problem is getting them into the story without mass amounts of exposition that people will skip over. e.g. the bad Legacy are not just following orders, they are being corrupted by the summoned spirit, the good Legacy are quite sure there is evil magic behind the behavior of their brethren and leader (They are the Legacy Chain, they look for evil magic in everything.), but they are having problems getting to the source of the problem (especially since they don't know the ultimate source, the Future Skulls)

The problem with the dialogue is there are 2 people speaking from one person with no way to indicate that in the output. You do not deliberately kill him, but his body can not handle the strain of the simultaneous physical and psychic struggle that is going on.

Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
This mission has an odd technical issue as well, as the spawns are bigger than they should be on +0/x0. Two lieutenants at once, with Shadow Fall and Twilight Grasp are a pain to fight. Very Scrapper-appropriate, if not particularly heroic, boss defeat text on the Bonesnapper. Ah, ok so the Legacy Chain were possessed. Which makes the possessed Skulls turning into Death Skulls make even less sense, and doesn't quite jive with the assertion that not many had gotten through.
No idea about the spawn issue. Believe me I know about the problems taking on 2 Death Skulls at once. They were originally minions, which did not last beyond the first outside playtest. And if they do come up with the branching tech, the Legacy Chain mission will be very different, with more Future Skulls and Legacy Chain members in stages of transformation, because Bonesnap will be there to help more spirits get through.

Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Ah, ok, now the Death Skulls make sense. The final mission is rather anti-climatic, since I've already fought two of the brides and I don't learn anything I didn't already know.
Yeah, I really wanted a climactic final confrontation at the Midnighter Club, but it is very small with few spawn points. I had a timer on it, to give it some urgency, but the hostage leaving/mission fail with timers made me take it out. I really need to put it back in, and keep trying to convince Dr. Aeon to add more spawn points to the Midnighter Club map.

Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
As an arc on it's own, this needs far more exposition. As a conclusion to a trilogy, it leaves too many loose ends. What is up with those winged guys, and what is this "Seeker" they speak of? A mysterious ally is fine, but I learn absolutely nothing other than that they are on my side. I feel the "Wizard did it" explanation was overused as well. Bonesnap is described as a savant at summoning, but how does that help him get his hands on Zoria's spells? Furthermore, "summoning" is generally taken to mean calling up weird entities, not bringing objects from the future. And I'm pretty sure the Pillar of Ice and Flame does not work that way. And how is it that his abilities are only now being blocked, and no one thought to block them before?

The author mentioned somewhere that he constantly updates the arcs based on feedback, and unfortunately it shows; this one is most recent, has the fewest plays, and has the most issues. Aside from the CoT boss being friendly to his "captors" and that weird spawning issue with mission 4, it's all plot points. This arc could really use some smoothing out, get rid of anything not directly relevant to the overall storyline rather than trying to handwave it with "it's magic," and clean up the canon issues. Oh, and fix that level range.
Some questions were deliberately not answered, especially the winged allies. I have the beginnings of the arc to answer those questions (No Future Skulls, they are done.), but the spawning issues created by I16 made it really hard to test a couple of the missions, so I set it aside until they were fixed. And the last few weeks, RL has really cut into my play time, most of which I have been devoting to the Halloween event and not MA stuff.

When I can get the time to look at the arc again, will definitely keep your feedback in mind. I know it is the roughest arc of the three and definitely needs more work. If I can use a Lt. for a captive objective (Not sure if I can, need to check that.) then the current Madness Mage will be gone and the level difference will be gone. But if I am stuck with a boss, there is nothing I can do except decide between 5-10 and 11-15 for level ranges. That is the only boss in the CoT at that level and there is nothing that spans the range. I can set the mission levels to 5-14, but believe me, you don't want to meet a level 11 Madness Mage at level 5.

One thing. You ask:
And how is it that his abilities are only now being blocked, and no one thought to block them before?
Because until this arc, no one knew he had those powers to block them? It is kind of like asking why the Japanese didn't stop the Manhattan Project so we couldn't drop atomic bombs on them.

Thanks again for the play through and the nice feedback. Very helpful and informative.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by Justice Blues View Post
The problem with the dialogue is there are 2 people speaking from one person with no way to indicate that in the output. You do not deliberately kill him, but his body can not handle the strain of the simultaneous physical and psychic struggle that is going on.
You could repeat some dialogue in a clue. Perhaps the "mission complete" clue, since it has more space and defeating him ends the mission. Then you can use colored text to indicate the "other speaker," since everybody knows that people talk funny when they're possessed.
If I can use a Lt. for a captive objective (Not sure if I can, need to check that.) then the current Madness Mage will be gone and the level difference will be gone. But if I am stuck with a boss, there is nothing I can do except decide between 5-10 and 11-15 for level ranges. That is the only boss in the CoT at that level and there is nothing that spans the range. I can set the mission levels to 5-14, but believe me, you don't want to meet a level 11 Madness Mage at level 5.
You can use a Lt for any objective except "fight a boss."

Because until this arc, no one knew he had those powers to block them? It is kind of like asking why the Japanese didn't stop the Manhattan Project so we couldn't drop atomic bombs on them.
We knew he was unusual in the first arc. At that point, someone should have started looking into it.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
The Tangled Weave
ID # 338575

What you have here is a great framework for an alternate VEAT arc. Now just thread an actual "how I decided to stop doing everything Arachnos says and think for myself" story through it all, and you'll have yourself an arc.

Thanks for your review. The arc was even more of a "just a bunch of stuff that happened" before, when I tried to emulate the original Kalinda content further by not having any kind of connection between the missions at all. They were just illustrations of typical Arachnos activities. At least now there's a connection between the 1st and 4th mission (Lady Darkdoom failed to catch Operative Burch - suspicious!), and between the 3rd and 5th mission. The snakes were just thrown in because it wouldn't be a lowbie villain arc without them. And just to be different I use them as temporary allies.

I'm sorry that you expected an arc where you learn to think for yourself and break free from Arachnos. In my opinion that was the first mistake of the original VEAT arcs; assuming that we would want to become Destined Ones ourselves, and this soon in our careers. Naturally, the way the game works, we will have to somehow become involved in that story in order for the higher level content to work, but at this level I think it's fine to just follow orders. Not to mention that the high-level VEAT arcs make the low level arcs completely pointless; at a certain point we basically nullify and cancel out all the changes we made up to that point and end up back at some sort of status quo which doesn't make much sense.

I consider this arc to be an introduction to Arachnos. We're sent to take care of some things which tie into content we might already have seen from "the other side" so to speak. It's supposed to be about how Arachnos actually guides and controls everything even when they appear on the surface to be a bumbling giant of an organisation where one hand doesn't know what the other is doing behind its back. That impression of Arachnos is what at least turned me off when I started playing villains, so in order to make VEATs feel less like morons for joining the losing side I tried to make the Arachnos army appear like they at least have a clue of what's going on.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I'm sorry that you expected an arc where you learn to think for yourself and break free from Arachnos. In my opinion that was the first mistake of the original VEAT arcs; assuming that we would want to become Destined Ones ourselves, and this soon in our careers.
Not necessarily breaking free from Arachnos, but some indication that you are a free-thinking operative and not just another mindless red shirt. A player villain should have some ambition of their own. If you choose to pursue it as a member of Arachnos, that's fine, but even at low level there should be some indication that you are not content to be just another soldier.

And that Destined One thing is incredibly contrived. Canon content already shoves it down our throats, and I am certainly not suggesting you do so as well.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Not necessarily breaking free from Arachnos, but some indication that you are a free-thinking operative and not just another mindless red shirt. A player villain should have some ambition of their own. If you choose to pursue it as a member of Arachnos, that's fine, but even at low level there should be some indication that you are not content to be just another soldier.
I would imagine that most of the Arachnos Operatives are ambitious backstabbers. Most of them are in my view not content with being just a soldier. They want to do the job as fast and impressively as possible and claim, as much credits as they can. Gaining promotions and power while they move up at the ladder to greatness. I think that a series of non Destined VEAT arcs of ambitious nasty individuals can be very interesting. Perhaps something to incorporate in the new VEAT arcs?



The Lazarus Project

The premise is that new heroes are disappearing, and it's all a Vahzilok plot. My contact is Detective Freitag. He informs me that all the heroes were investigating a particular sewer junction; this is why I never join sewer teams. He wants someone to find them and find out who sent them there, someone with a little more experience...although the arc is level 1-20 and so is suitable for a brand new hero.

I enter the sewer, and of course it's Vahzilok. The nav bar says I have 4 hero remains to find, and one hero to rescue...how do I know they're dead? Perhaps it should say "5 heroes to find" instead. I find them all right...stuffed into refrigerators. The clues are nicely done, and from that I get the impression that the Vahz are trying to build a better Eidolon. They just haven't ironed out all the kinks yet. I'm also a little bit concerned that they were keeping a Katana Scrapper's brain on ice....

While I was in there, I learn that heroes were sent by a Dr Summers...a doctor with a spotless record of course. I am now sent to bring her in. Freitag's warning about the private security sounds a little contrived here. Some more nice clues, proving her connection to the Vahz and explaining why she's involved with them. Turns out she's not the only one either.

Freitag tells me the location where she was supposed to meet with the Vahz was in her records, but I didn't find it...maybe add another clue where I find it, or have the location come from the interrogation of Dr. Summers. Some of the dialogue in here is a little odd, coming from the Vahz zombies who are stupid and will stand there doing nothing while I destroy stuff that is supposedly important. And much to my chagrin, I discover that whatever problems they were having in creating a better Eidolon, they've been worked out enough to build one that shoots fire.

Hmm, I am told I found three recovery tanks, but I only found two. I fought one Lazarus Eidolon, and that means there are still two out there. I find out another disturbing little tidbit about Dr. Summers, and then I find that the Vahz are breaking her out of the police station. I guess she hasn't paid them yet. She's long gone, but there are still police officers to rescue, and another of the Uber-Eidolons to beat up. Ugh, did he have to be mind control? Mesmerise and Dominate are eminently spammable. His "she's already being taken back to the lair" attack dialogue also smacks a bit of "let me tell you our evil plan before I kill you."

The chain-mezzer is disillusioned and bitter after his defeat, and all too willing to turn on his former associates. Now it's time to shut down the Lazarus project.

Well ONE of us is gonna have to go change.

I find out what the last two dead heroes were used for, but where did Dr Summers get sonic powers? All the other Lazarus Eidolon powers have been foreshadowed. And I never did find out why they couldn't do Energy powers. Maybe a clue somewhere should explain that.

Aside from those nagging loose ends, the story is well-done. There's some good writing in the clues, and the investigative tone makes the player character central to taking down the Vahzilok plot. The plot itself is rather disturbing, especially as the arc progresses and the true depths Dr. Summers is willing to sink to in her desperation become evident. On the downside, the contact dialogue is a bit flat; I realize most heroside contacts are about as interesting as watching paint dry, but a little personality won't kill him. The other little nit comes in the first mission, where it is assumed that the player character is more powerful than the newbies who are going missing, but the arc starts at level 1. Perhaps consider artificially setting the range to 5-20.

Edit: And Freitag needs a bio.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Thanks for the review and the feedback, Eva! I'm actually somewhat "written out" as I just posted an update to Pro Payne's thread, but I did want to address some of your points (albeit briefly):

Freitag needs a bio.
Agreed. This is an oversight I need to correct for *most* of my arcs since they added the option in. Hopefully I'll find the time to do it in the near future - I keep putting it off because my plan is to just sit down one day and spend most of a whole 'session' making tweaks to my arcs. (No, that's not an excuse - it's more an explanation of the reason why you shouldn't take the apparent lack of changes in the arc as evidence I'm just ignoring the feedback...)

Summers has sonic powers.
Actually, it never occured to me that the player would assume the heroes in the first mission were all of the ones that had been "harvested" - still that does strike me as a reasonable assumption; I haven't decided for sure, but there is a chance I'll add another one in there to explain the sonic powers.

"Heroes to find"
Good point! You have no way of knowing they're dead, and it does address another comment I got about the "wall of objectives" in the first mission - believe or not I just couldn't think of how to do that; kind of embarrassing that it has such an easy fix.

Why no energy?
This one's a Catch-22; the reason the energy powers don't work is related to the basic premise of the story: my own notes for the story go into more detail that what's in the actual arc. Here's the situation: although it's only hinted at in the arc, my 'premise' is that an Eidolon's powers are related to the animation process itself, not the original powerset of the heroes incorporated into the Eidolon (why would only rad and dark heroes ever be made into Eidolons?) - so I just 'invented' the non-canon notion that the incorporation of hero organs gives an Eidolon the potential to have superpowers, but the actual powers that tend to manifest spontaneously are 'dark' (because the reanimation coupled with the necrotic nature of an Eidolon's tissues naturally focuses negative energy) and 'radiation' (since presumably radiation treatments are used in the reanimation process for a variety of reasons). The Lazarus projects seeks to modify Eidolon design to unlock access to the "real" powers the incorporated heroes may have had (although note that they are often given to people that *didn't* have superpowers to begin with) - but energy powers directly conflict with the negative energy that naturally infuses an Eidolon, which is why this "early" version of the process hasn't figured out yet how to make energy powers work (at least without them being corrupted from raw energy into radiation). The issue is the whole premise, while partially consistent with canon, certainly isn't game canon, and so the reason the Eidolons have dark and rad powers is only hinted at so that I don't have to potentially *directly* conflict with canon by spelling it out. But without it spelled out, it's harder to directly explain why energy powers aren't working correctly. I do plan on expanding on that, but I want to come up with a way to do it that I'm happy with...

Level 5+
Good catch - that makes perfect sense.

Thanks again!

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
Summers has sonic powers.
Actually, it never occured to me that the player would assume the heroes in the first mission were all of the ones that had been "harvested" - still that does strike me as a reasonable assumption; I haven't decided for sure, but there is a chance I'll add another one in there to explain the sonic powers.
I just found it odd that all the super-Eidolons had some variant on powers I found in refrigerators in the first mission, but the Sonics came out of nowhere.

ZAGMUK Act One: The Herald

This is the start of another multi-parter. Magical war, sinister cult, ancient power...whatever happened to brainless gang members bent on mutual eradication?

The contact this time is Paco Sanchez, who sends me out to find a missing hero named Sharuu. He sends me into a Hellion warehouse, where I'm expecting a bunch of brainless gang members, but instead I find...the Circle of Thorns. A few dead Hellions and a frightened Hellion prisoner later, I find the Circle leader, which gives me a new objective: defeat the Inquisitor. There's ominous dialogue throughout, with talk of "the Master" and clues that indicates the Hellions are involved in more than their usual lame demon-worship. I do find out that Sharuu is still alive, and yay, Ding! DO time.

Through a fortuitous coincidence, Sharuu's girlfriend knows where he is. I'm not sure how she knows, or how Paco knows that Sharuu is in need of medical assistance, but there's a Circle ritual involved, so I'd better hurry. Turns out there are other "hostages" in here...although hostages might not be the right word, since it implies their lives will be negotiated for. I free them, but I don't find out what the Circle wanted them for.

Sharuu is recovering in the hospital but isn't quite coherent yet, so I go off to beat some answers out of the Hellion leader who wasn't in the first warehouse. Right off, I encounter a mysterious stranger...who knows who I am, spouts some mystic stuff about "our paths align here," but isn't very forthcoming with any actual useful information. Also, he has Gale, which is annoying. There's some nice dialogue from the Hellions in here, and some clues as to the greater plot...it's all very mystical, and very mysterious right now.

The defeat of their leader puts the Hellions out of the picture, but Sharuu still isn't being much help...no one can make heads or tails of any of the clues I found...time to head to the source and beat up the Master. This adds a new wrinkle: someone, or something, called the Emissary. From where, we don't know, but he/she/it is creepy and inhuman and talks gibberish. Strange things talking gibberish are never good. The patrol dialogue in here is again ominous and generally not-good.

Yep, not good. I return to Paco and find out that everything has gone to hell. The clues I found have been made sense of, Sharuu has woken up, and bad stuff is going to happen, like, today, unless I stop it. The map choice here is a bit odd...why would the Circle ritual be happening in a brightly lit office building? For that matter, I find out about the rituals from a captive...but there are no hapless captives involved in the rituals themselves. And, I have to backtrack to stop the rituals, which is rather immersion-breaking.

This whole final mission feels a bit anti-climatic. I am told after the fact that what I did was a big deal, I prevented a great and ancient...something from entering the world, and I did solve the mystery of the missing hero, but none of this happened within the mission itself.

Overall I think this arc could use more clues; a lot of stuff I discover within the mission, some of which pops up chained objectives, comes from dialogue, which gets mixed in with patrol dialogue quite frequently. Some of the boss and captive dialogue could use some expansion in clues. Also, more clues (definitely one from Sharuu, and some indication of what the rituals actually entailed) and maybe a few more objectives in the final mission would give it more of an "end of Part 1" feel, rather than just a "to be continued..." This seems to be the intent here, but the execution isn't quite there.

There's one other thing that bugged me; one of the Circle patrols has dialogue that claims what they're dealing with is "older than Oranbega," but the clues I find are ancient Mesopotamian. Oranbega predates Babylon and Sumer and pretty much all of known human civilization by about 10,000 years. Now this dialogue may be deliberate, but without followup, it looks like a canon slip-up.

A rather ominous tone was built up and maintained throughout the arc, up until the last mission with its sub-optimal choice of map. Great use of dialogue to this effect. There's a sense of "we're small fish in a big, dangerous ocean" here, both in the case of the NPCs, and to an extent, the enemies. It works as an epic tale told through the eyes of small players, who only get a glimpse of the real scope of events. What doesn't work is the implication that THIS IS BIGGER than we think. As part of something bigger, yes. As something bigger in and of itself, no, not so much. And as a small part of something bigger, there's enough of a hook for Part 2 that this particular small part could use a more definite ending.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Hi, thanks for playing The Herald, and for the review. Gratz on your level! You've been helpful in pointing out a few areas where more clues and info would clarify some of the chained events and other goings on. It's a fine line to tread where I want to give enough info to get the player to the next step, but not give away too much and steal the thunder of the later reveals.

You were right that this is a "small fish in a big ocean" story. At level 10-14, you're still fairly new at the hero game, so you're not going to be saving the world quite yet, but through the clues and dialogue throughout, you get a glimpse of the larger story to come. Since you were able to pull that out of the story, I'd say I was fairly successful in that regard. This is the introduction arc where you enter the mystery while events are already in progress and you're involvement is mostly reactive.

Some of the finer points could use some polish. The chained events in the final mission have been problematic with the way they spawn. Perhaps changing the map itself will be just what it needs to fall in line.

On this note:

There's one other thing that bugged me; one of the Circle patrols has dialogue that claims what they're dealing with is "older than Oranbega," but the clues I find are ancient Mesopotamian. Oranbega predates Babylon and Sumer and pretty much all of known human civilization by about 10,000 years. Now this dialogue may be deliberate, but without followup, it looks like a canon slip-up.
It's deliberate and it's not a slip-up. It's in-canon and it's foreshadowing. Some of the dialogues were comic relief, but this one in particular was by design.

Thanks for noticing the patrol and other dialogues. I squeezed so many nuggets into those boxes, but I have noticed how some of it gets buried under other text. I'll take a look at where I can emphasize the more crucial points.

When you're ready for it, Act Two runs in level range 16-20. No AV, but there are EBs. Drop a line if you want some help, I'll be happy to run it with you.



Originally Posted by Sumericon View Post
Some of the finer points could use some polish. The chained events in the final mission have been problematic with the way they spawn. Perhaps changing the map itself will be just what it needs to fall in line.
The actual problem was that the captive that triggered them spawned in the very back room with the EB.

When you're ready for it, Act Two runs in level range 16-20. No AV, but there are EBs. Drop a line if you want some help, I'll be happy to run it with you.
Act 2 and 3 are on my list, for when I reach those levels. I didn't have any problems with the EBs in this arc (downgraded to bosses on my diff setting), even the ones I fought without the allies' help; a purple, a red, maybe a breakfree, spam Divine Avalanche, and EBs tend to die pretty easily. Although if I ever do an experiment like this again I will implement a rule of "No Madness Mages before I have my mez protection."

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



IN A WORLD where Dawnrazor is going from 1-50 in MA, her next arc is....

Bricked Electronics
Level range: 8-20, 1-20, 1-20, 8-20, 8-20....what's up with that? A holdover from an earlier time, like stirrup pants and sweatshirts with shoulder pads? Looks just as bad...

My contact is Mark Freeman, who, as it turns out, is a mutant who can talk to computers. He's found a "ghost" in a cell phone and wants me to check it out. Oh, and while we're at it, he wants me to help test his new system for digitizing case files. I get a nice clue to this effect, with some gibberish at the end, and head off to find out who sold this cell phone.

Well I don't find the owner or anybody else, but I do find some goldbrickers in the middle of a crime spree. Not much useful out of them either, but I do get some leads. I find out where the shop is getting their used cell phones, for one thing, so I run off to check it out.

It's full of clockwork, along with some mysterious robots made out of scrap electronics, and charging stations made out of the same. I do find some old cell phones, but rather than being taken apart by the clockwork, they've been repaired. Even weirder, they appear to be taking orders from a teenage girl. Oh, that's why they're not taking stuff apart. Ok.

The phones I found still don't give Mark anything definite, but now we know where they came from, so I head to the source to try to find more of them. Huh, why would someone just drop garbage into a Council base? "If you kids don't cut that out I'll turn on the gas!" You know, you really shouldn't be holding Nemesis up as a role model, might as well aspire to be the bad guy in a Saturday morning cartoon. And kid...when I find you I am going to slap you.

And now we're back to the Goldbrickers and their plan. You know, just because your cellphone takes pictures, doesn't mean you have to take pictures of everything, all the time. Let this be a lesson to all you shutter-happy picture-takers out there: it can come back and bite you in the posterior.

Aww, poor little goldbricker with his outdated cellphone. I bet it doesn't even play MP3s. Ok kid, maybe I won't slap you. They're so cute when they're on my side. All the clues I found come together, and now we know exactly where the goldbricker heist is going to go down, and when.

Only one thing left to do, and that's to stop it. I'm not sure why exactly I have to stop it before the PPD show up though; isn't stopping bank robberies part of their job? Kid, if you're so smart, can you make your robots not block doorways? And I foil this particular plot, but the true mystery of the goldbrickers continues...

Overall: Tightly plotted, great use of detail to keep the story moving and keep the missions interesting. Excellent dialogue and characterization, even on throwaway villains whose sole purpose was to get their butts kicked by me. Some nice insight on a little-developed villain group, that raises more questions than it answers of course, and bonus points for pulling off the near-impossible task of making a heroside contact actually interesting. The beginning-of-mission clues were especially nice, as an in-character way to keep the story straight and sort through Mark's rambling, although it would be nice to get some mention at the end of how he feels about the results of my testing. Excellent arc overall, just clear up that level range, ok? And maybe consider cutting back on the pets in the final mission.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



And now, for a very special episode of 1-50 in MA. Dawnrazor guest-stars on a TV show!

Talos Vice
**Disclaimer: soundtrack not included with arc.**

PLACE: Talos Island
CONTACT: Detective Croquette, in a Ferrari to match his suit.
TIME: Must be the '80s.
"Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand..." I hate Duran Duran. Time to take out my annoyance on a Troll drug ring. But first...I need to go slip into something less comfortable.

One trip to Icon for a powder blue suit later, I arrive at the warehouse. The police are already on the scene, and it's not going well for them. Someone must have tipped the trolls off to the raid. Not going well for the Troll leader either...apparently too much 'dyne kills your fashion sense as well as your brain. On his lawyer's advice, he sings like a canary; someone did indeed tip them off, and now we know where to find him.

"If you fall I will catch you/I'll be waiting..."

PLACE: A seedy nighclub.
TIME: Still the '80s.
"How does it feel/To treat me like you do..." Ahh, that's better. At least the music is decent, even if the place is full of low-lifes and scumbags.

The acid-washed jeans alone are cause for arrest...

Then they start shooting. The usual assortment of single moms and college students working as scantily-clad dancers are far more forthcoming with the information....aw man. Nothing more despicable than a crooked cop.

PLACE: Paragon Bay.
TIME: For the requisite chase scene.
"Once I ran to you/Now I run from you/This tainted love you've given..." I take a speedboat to the Family docks, rather disappointed that nobody tries to shoot me on the way, and I don't have to dive from the exploading boat and roll onto the dock...Here we go, the big score. And the big shoot-out...just like the Family to bring guns to a swordfight. The villain of the episode falls, cursing my name. Cut to commercial.

THE PLACE: Courtroom.
TIME: For the episode wrap-up.
VILLAIN: I'll be back, Dawnrazor.
ME: I'll be waiting.

Fade to black, cue end credits.

Overall: The most fun I've had in MA in a long time. The script format, the bad outfits, the homages, the scene descriptions...everything. It all comes together to make a truly excellent and unique arc. It also goes to show that you don't necessarily need five missions to tell a complete and well-rounded story.

I have one arc left in the list before level 15, and I don't think it'll be enough to get me there. I'm going to need at least one more, or I'll have to throw Dawnrazor to the mercy of the Random button.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
I have one arc left in the list before level 15, and I don't think it'll be enough to get me there. I'm going to need at least one more, or I'll have to throw Dawnrazor to the mercy of the Random button.
If you're asking for an arc to play. I have one in that level range if you're interested.

BE Prologue: Gangs United
Arc ID: 250480
Levels: 10-20
Alignment: Heroic
Enemies: Hellions, Trolls, Vahzilok, Goldbrickers, Custom 5th Column and more
Summary: A new evil organization is trying to unite several gangs together under their control to make trouble for Paragon City.



Level 15 ? Perfect for the single mission 'Rule of Three - Finale' I have. #1984

Its a revisit of how I think the final mission of the Posi TF should be.

There is an EB, and it is the one from the TF, with all the caveats that brings.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
And now, for a very special episode of 1-50 in MA. Dawnrazor guest-stars on a TV show!

Talos Vice
**Disclaimer: soundtrack not included with arc.**
Great screenshot! I like the pastel suit, the 80s song clips and the sassy commentary. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"