Soloing set fo 8




I want a new trolller for solo/occasional teaming that would be able to solo 8 man spawns reasonably fast(other than fire/kin).

Currently i´m looking at plant/kin and mind/kin but the road to fulrcrum is long so i was wondering if there was any other suggestions



I haven't tried setting for 8 but my fire/storm handles 5 rather easily. I don't think it would be too much of a stretch to go to 8. Hmmm will have to check on it and report back. I'd also think that Ill/rad could quite easily as well as plant kin/rad/storm.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
I want a new trolller for solo/occasional teaming that would be able to solo 8 man spawns reasonably fast(other than fire/kin).

Currently i´m looking at plant/kin and mind/kin but the road to fulrcrum is long so i was wondering if there was any other suggestions
Mind would be a fairly poor choice for soloing 8 man spawns... it's much stronger single target than AOE. Mind starts out strong with a full single target chain early but it drops off in effectiveness in the mid-late game... actually it stays relatively constant while other primaries hit their stride and blow past it. I say that as someone with a 50 Mind/Kin; it's a capable set but it's far more of a team support than a soloer.

Plant does have a bunch of AOE, but it lacks punch... most of it's powers are heavy on control and weaker on damage. Again, it's a very capable teammate but not so much a soloer. That's my perception anyway with my 43 Plant/Storm.

Really the best soloing primaries I've played are Fire and Illusion. My 50 Fire/Rad can easily solo quite a few mob types although as you'd expect there are some that all 'trollers struggle with... Nemesis, I'm looking at you. Teams of Fire/Rads completely lay waste to everything in the game.

The classic soloer is the Ill/Rad of course; it's light on AOE so large groups are problematic but it's excellent against low numbers of hard targets.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
I want a new trolller for solo/occasional teaming that would be able to solo 8 man spawns reasonably fast(other than fire/kin).

Currently i´m looking at plant/kin and mind/kin but the road to fulrcrum is long so i was wondering if there was any other suggestions
My L50 Ill/Kine/Stone can solo +2 x8 mobs at a good rate - I make a point of doing it without insperations apart from the odd BF.

The pets pull most of the aggro while the controller delivers the damage in melee through the FS'd epics. Prior to i16 I was soloing 8 man invincible including Carnies, the only mobs I have trouble with are Malta and their AoE stun grenades.

L50s: Tanks: Cryofission - Ice/EM - Dr Celsius - Fire/Ice - Saint George - SD/SS | Controllers: Psichosis - Ill/Kin - Major Chaos - Ill/Stm | Scrappers - Neutron Crusader - DM/SR

Currently Levelling: Angelic Blade - BS/WP Scrapper | Seeds of Destruction - Plant/Kin Controller



My plant/rad does decent as soon as level 15 (Stamina while exemplared) on x8 (+0 at that level, higher at higher levels). With Seeds and RI, it's extremely safe, with Roots and EF, damage output is fine - not blazing fast, but it gets the job done at a decent rate.

I have entangle, strangler and roots all slotted for maximum damage, though. Your experience may vary if you skip/underslot some of these.



The only way you're taking out 8-man spawns with a Mind/Kin is to get enough recharge/hold duration to make Total Dom near-perma. That's the only tool you have to set up, and keep, AoE containment.

However, once you've got that, it's a simple matter of: Use total dom, rush in, siphon speed, siphon power, fulcrum shift, step back, hit them with Terrify and your AoE epic (fire is best for this, Psi master a close second imo). Works best on mobs with lousy psi resist. Then pick off any stranglers. Wait for total dom to recharge and repeat.

If you don't want to wait, you CAN hit a mob with mass confuse, wait a moment while they wail on each other, then hit them with mass hypnosis, then do the whole run-n-buff-n-attack routine. Their initial alpha attack on one another should make up for your lack of containment once your second AoE hits. Then pick off anyone who got lucky and wasn't ganged up on by his comrades. Or if you have enough recharge and you're patient, use Mass Hypnosis, wait until it's almost recharged, then buff, step back, hit terrify, then immediately follow up with MH again, THEN use your epic AoE.

Obviously, these strategies are reliant on a high recharge rate. However, it's also safer than walking into a group of immob'd foes. Yes, the immobs of other sets do damage, yes, they set containment and keep it, but the enemies will still be able to attack back unless you hit them with some other form of distraction or mez (Seeds of Confusion is great for this... if people weren't so set in their ways, I could easily see Plant/Kin being FotM for farming).


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Started up a plant kin currently level 6 and soloing -1/6 made me hit level 6 pretty fast.



I've been roaring through 8-person size missions with my Plant/Kin today. He's 24, but it comes down to just two powers: Seeds of Confusion (safety), and Roots (damage).

Of couse, Stamina makes the whole thing a lot less apt to annihilate your end bar. And assault, tactics, siphon power, and siphon speed are nice additions. Carrion Creepers and especially Fulcrum shift will be stunning, a little later.

But really, I've been thinking lately: this whole new difficulty adjust for how many allies you want the mission to spawn at is going to bring the abject brokenness and nerfworthiness of Plant Control out into the open.

Plant is the answer. Until it's nerfed.

Of course, you could do it with Fire, too. The point, though, is that you need really good spawn-size-scaling powers. Plant, or maybe Fire, with Rad, Kin, or Storm.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



You know...

I don't think PLANT needs to be nerfed.

I think other primaries, particularily Grav and Mind, need to be brought UP to Plant's level.

I mean, yeah, Plant is broken in that, when it was made (for villains), it wasn't balanced around the user having Containment. When it was ported over, it made for a damn good set, everything a controller set should be.

But honestly, why should controlling be slow and laborous? Why NOT have our cake and eat it too? After all, there's no sense in having cake if you can't eat it, right? It says right in the AT description that Controllers grow to be the strongst characters in the game, but save for a few well-known combinations, they really don't seem that way.

Leave Plant alone, buff everything else =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I bet my Ill/Emp could solo 8 man spawns at +2, maybe +3 difficulty.



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
I want a new trolller for solo/occasional teaming that would be able to solo 8 man spawns reasonably fast(other than fire/kin).

Currently i´m looking at plant/kin and mind/kin but the road to fulrcrum is long so i was wondering if there was any other suggestions
of these two combos I happen to have each at 50 . Hands down the plant/kin. Like not even in the same realm how much better the plant/kin is for what you are looking to do.

Roots (double other immobs damage), perma creepers (pretty easy as a kin), and epic AoE (I use fissure, but ice is pretty deadly on a plant/kin too), is a LOT of aoe damage.

I'm currently easily to very easily running most missions on +2/8 setting (bosses, on/off, doesn't really matter most of the time from a survivability standpoint other than plant has very low st damage).

I won't say it is faster than fire/kin, but it is generally safer as seeds is just so good and Creepers is a major workhorse too as it can and does pull its own agro.



I ran my Fire/Storm/Stone through a mish set at +2/8. It was survivable but I think for its build +2/6 may work smoother. I was never worried about dying so much it was really the speed that the 8 spawn went down. I'd rather move on a little faster. But its very doable with a more expensive build and I'm sure I could tweak the tactics a bit or drop down on the level of the enemies.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Yeah plant works well for damage, I can 'farm' quite quickly on my plant/storm/stone

Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker



Originally Posted by emperorsteele View Post
you know...

I don't think plant needs to be nerfed.

I think other primaries, particularily grav and mind, need to be brought up to plant's level.

I mean, yeah, plant is broken in that, when it was made (for villains), it wasn't balanced around the user having containment. When it was ported over, it made for a damn good set, everything a controller set should be.

But honestly, why should controlling be slow and laborous? Why not have our cake and eat it too? After all, there's no sense in having cake if you can't eat it, right? It says right in the at description that controllers grow to be the strongst characters in the game, but save for a few well-known combinations, they really don't seem that way.

Leave plant alone, buff everything else =)



But honestly, why should controlling be slow and laborous? Why not have our cake and eat it too? After all, there's no sense in having cake if you can't eat it, right? It says right in the at description that controllers grow to be the strongst characters in the game, but save for a few well-known combinations, they really don't seem that way
Welllllllllll, sort of. I think a lot of people confuse strong for 8 man spawn killing uberness. Strong can also mean, safe or support or debuff. It's not all about the red numbers. My earth/rad is a "powerful" controller, but its not going to clear a map like my fire/kin.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post

I mean, yeah, Plant is broken in that, when it was made (for villains), it wasn't balanced around the user having Containment. When it was ported over, it made for a damn good set, everything a controller set should be.
I wouldn't say containment is it. One could say it is just as 'broken' for Doms.

And Enantiodromos has called the set nerf worthy nearly every day since the day he discovered it. The set does one thing really well, and that is AOE damage, but really lacks in other areas. It has one of the worst pets, nearly no single target damage, Spore Burst is at best a purple mule, and Spirit Tree's stationary nature makes it highly situational.

Plant isn't that great of a set for all secondaries. To really utilize the AOE killing nature, you have to pair it with the right secondaries. Put an /Empathy or /Thermal with the set and it is just an OK damage set with some good lockdown. It's nothing special with those sets. Put it with something that also aids damage, and that's when it is able to fully leverage its spawn killing capabilities.



Well havent played my plant/kin much but i made it to 9 and i solo -1/6 fine as long as i have purple insps. Should pick up considerably post so´s



Since you mentioned the long road to Fulcrum Shift I'd suggest Rad as the secondary, it's very early blooming indeed!

Fire/Rad you can be soloing vast swathes of enemies by level 10 or 12 or so. Plant/Rad would be pretty interesting too. It's basically how and why I created a Fire/Rad, to solo Hazard Zone spawns and survive through debuffs & the rain of Inspirations while you burn them to death.



I wont bother with hazard zone sweeping when you have the new difficulty settings.
DA with firebased toons was nice but now you can just get a BP radio in talos and sweep clean and reset. Increase difficulty until you outlevel it.



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
I wont bother with hazard zone sweeping when you have the new difficulty settings.
DA with firebased toons was nice but now you can just get a BP radio in talos and sweep clean and reset. Increase difficulty until you outlevel it.
Absolutely. My Hazard Zone Sweeping days are behind me now. I've just being doing the actual missions normally now. If they're arcs then you'll get merits rewards too when you finish them. And you're guaranteed that each spawn will be around the size and diff you specified.

Using Radiation Infection to Pull/Herd to a corner and then using Seeds & Carrion Creepers sounds ridiculously evil (so tempted to try it myself, but I promised myself last night that I'm waiting for Traps Controllers to give Plant a whirl).