So I go to Forums, It says
My guess is they are trying a new caching scheme and it's not working too well. Or maybe, it's actually working too well.
"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q
I wonder what this bug does to the people who we all keep logging in as? :O
I wonder what this bug does to the people who we all keep logging in as? :O
Welcome, 13th_Stranger, 1VB_FIST, 300_below, 3dent, 4shes, 4_Thirty_5, 8_Ball, abbeh15, Abraxxus, Ace_Arcas, Ace_of_Hearts, AegisWolf, Aeolus, Aerandirel, Aether_Crash, AF_Bill, AgentMountaineer, Agent_Brody, Aiax, Airhammer, Aisynia, Akhenahten, Alaric_7, Alasdair, Albino_Knife, Alef_infinity, Aleksandros, Alexander_Drako, Alexander_NA, Aliana Blue, AlienOne, Allstar_Guard, Allyriah, all_hell, Alowyn, Alpha-One, Alpha_A, Alt_AKA_Joe, Aluminum_Dave, Amanita, Amber_Darksun, Ambience, Ambiguous, Amentius, Amerikatt, Amygdala, Anaku, Anarchy_Bunny, Anaxagoras, Andora, Angeliscar, Angryellow, AngryRedHerring, AngrySandwich, Angry_Angel, Animorph, Anobaca, Aoide Muse, Ape_of_wrath, Apocalypse86, Apogee, Arachnion, Aramina, Arbiter_Morrison, Arbiter_Shade, Arcaine, Archy, Arckont, Arctic Man, ArcticFahx, ArcWeld, AreEss, Arkyaeon, Armitage, ArmlessDan, Arondell, ArwenDarkblade, Ascendent_Fury, Ashcraft, Ash_Trey, AsuraArhat, Atomic_Toy_Guy, Attache, Aubri, Aumakua, Aura_Familia, Avalar, Azrhiaz, Azurel, AzureSkyCiel, B00sauce, b0bcatmc, Baba_Kanoosh, Backhand, Baddenhorse, Bad_Wonka, Baelrath, BalanceInAllThgs, BaldDonn, bamaWolfie, Basilisk, bAss_ackwards, Battlerock_X, Bayani, BayBlast, Beef_Cake, Beetle_King, Beldoman, Belief, Bfirestarter, Bierfuiz, Bigbrother87, BigDaddyDream, BigFish, biggreenogre, BigMoneyHustla, Big_King, Big_Mike, Biidi, Bill Z Bubba, Bill_Ramey, Binar, Biospark, BitStyle, Bitt_Player, bjooks, Black Orchid II, BlackBellatrix, Blackdragon1686, BlackSun17, Black_Marrow, Black_Zenith, Bland, Blaze, BlazingBlue, BlazingTiger, Blazing_Blue, Blizzer, Blood Spectre, Bloodflame, BloodyCross, Blood_Beret, BlueBattler, bluedarky, Blueice7, bob1066, Bobitron, Bohmfalk, Boltress, BomBeetle, BoneBaby, Bonehead, Boogins, Bookkeeper_Jay, Borea, Bot_Eireann, Bounder, Bovine_Avenger, Boy_Wonder_EU, Bo_Almighty, BradBB, Bramphousian, BrandFrontier, BrandX, Bright Shadow, Brimstone Bruce, Brimstone_Giant, BrokenPrey, bromley, Bru_Tal, Bubbawheat, Bubblerella, Bubbles_NA, Bubble_Wrap, Bud, Bunny_M, Burnin_Elliot, Buxley1, Bystander, Caemgen, Caeruleum, Calash, CalebLancaster, Caliban1227, Call Me Awesome, callador, calvinh0560, Camper, Canadian_Canuck, Canadian_Medbot, Candlererun, Caol_, CapMutante, Captain-Justice, CaptainBaffo, CaptainFabulous, CaptainFoamerang, Captain_Myotis, Captain_Photon, Captain_Sardonic, CaptSammy, Carline, Carotide, Casa, Cassie_Storm, Cass_, CatAstrophy, Catharctic, catsi563, Catwhoorg, CB_GB, CelestiaCoH, Celestial_Fury, Celidya, CFer_Chill, Chad Gulzow-Man, ChakatStreak, chanyder, Chaos Creator, Chaos_Reaver, Chaos_String, Chazzmatazz, Chelsea_EU, ChiosuBlues, Chitan_Man, Chompie, Chriffer, ChristopherRobin, Chris_Zuercher, Chuckles07, chumly, Chunky_Style, Chyll, ChzBoi, Cien_Fuegos, Cimmadif, Cirkuit, Clouded, Cloud_Surge, Cobaltix, cocomilkshake, Code_Ninja, Codoc, Coin, Coldcrash, Coldmed, Coldsicle, ColdWarRelic, Columnist_Freak, Combat, ConFlict, Coolio, Corebreach, CosmicThunderer, Cosmic_Hyperion, Count_Logan, Cowman, CoX_Junkie, cp2_4eva, cptbuellx1, Crawler, Crazy_Dragon, CrimJims, Crim_the_Cold, CriticalKat, Cronocke, CruJones, Crush_Stalker, Culex, Cuppa_A61Sun, Cupper, cursedsorcerer, CyBane, CyberDragon, cyberdude, Cyberknight, Cybershadow, Cybershadow_EU, Cyber_naut, Cynic, Cynical_Gamer, CyWolf, Dahjee, Daia_, Dalghryn, damienray, Damonvile, DancingBeaver, Dark Chewster, Dark Quill, DarkAvatar, Darkbane_NA, Darkbridger, Darkest, DarkEther, DarkEye_Zukunft, Darkfaith, Dark_Harrier, Dark_Impact, Dark_Lu, Dark_One_NA, Dark_Respite, Dark_Voltage, dash95, DaveMebs, davidmadly, Dawk_Boy, Daylight_Kills, Days_, Dazz_Marvelous, Deaconwasp, Dead Calm, Deadedge, DeadlyTwilight, dead_C, Death-Fist, Deathbug, DeathSentry, Dechs Kaison, Deebs, DeepBlue12891, Delrune, Delta_Tiger, Demobot, Demon Keeper, DemonCaller, Demonic_, Demoth, DempBO2, Depravitor, Dersk, Desi_Nova, DestinyDemon, Destrukt, Detra, Deus_Otiosus, DevilsHouseplant, DeviousMe, Dharneth, Diamond_Dragoon, Diellan_, Digito, Dinah, Dinah Might, dior_union, Dirtball, DiscoKat, Dispari, DivineCorruptor, Djeannie, DJKyo, DJ_Cybrid, DLancer, DocArcus, docbuzzard, DocMidknight, Doctor_Daedalus, Doctor_Xaxan, doc_robotnic, DoktorMechaniker, DoktorMidnight, Dolphin, Dorkus, Dr. Overdose, Draconis, Draggynn, DragonEye, DragonFistTavian, DRAIDE, Drakmarth, Dramen68, Dreamcaster, Dreaming_Shadow, Dremster, DrMike2000, drogoh, DrRadNomad, DrSilver, Drugfree Boy, Drummz, Dr_Chaos, Dr_Foxglove, Dr_Goat, Dr_HR, Dr_Mayhem, Dr_Mechano, Dr_Thanatos, Dr_Unholy, DSorrow, Duc de Giz, Duchess_Frost, Duck Dim Sum, Dulittle, Dumb_Blonde, Durakken, Dustdevil_NA, DynaMight, Dysfunctional, D_Faust, Eagle_Star, Early_Girl, EasyKnife, Eddy_Swan, Edge_Master, EIDE_, Eisenzahn, Eislor, Eisregen_NA, Eldman, Eldritch_Knight, ElectroHawk, Electronite, Elegost, Elijah, Elord, Elric, Elysienne, Emerald_Phase, EmperorSteele, Enamel_32, Enantiodromos, Energyman, Energy_Rahl, EnnVee, Enots, enrious2, Equation, erall, EricHough, Ericsonx, Erudin, eryq2, Escalus, Esoteric_Monk, EternalDominion, Ethric, Ettin, Eva Destruction, Evangel, EveRissa, Evermore, EvilJello, Evil_Gump, Executive, Exxar, Faerielicious, faldette, FallenAngelEyes, Fanged_Knight, FashionSense, Fasttrack, fdbryant, Fearghas, Fenrisulfr, Ferrosol, FetisPuncher993, FeyDuex, Fiery-Enforcer, Finduilas, Fippish, Firaga_Machina, Fire_Chief, Fire_Wyrm, First Son, FitzChivalry_NA, FitzSimmons, Flaktastic, Flame Blade, FlamenKuche, Flameshot, FlamingInfinity, Flareonic, Flarstux, Flea_Mark_Evil, Fleeting Whisper, Fliege, FloatingFatMan, Flyman, Forsaken_Empire_EU, Forse, Forsyth, Fractured, freakinger, Freakyliciousss, FreckledAvenger, FredrikSvanberg, Freezador, Free_Spirit_EU, Fridgy_Daiere, Frosticus, FrostPox, FrozenDeath, Fruit Cocktail, Fullcringe, Full_Eclipse, FunstuffofDoom, Furio, Futurias, FuzzyElf, F_M_J, Galactic_Blaze, Galetta, galloping_bow, Gamma_Guardian, Gamron, Gardo, GarfieldZ, Gargoyle_KDR, Garret, Garthalus, Garuta, Gaspard, Gearsinger, gec72, GeneralKnowledge, GenericGlobal, generichero033, Genesis Man, Genia, GenRaceGrimple, Gespenst, ghoost, Ghost, Ghost Vision, Ghostman_NA, Giant Enemy Crab, Gilia, Gitch, Glacier_Peak, Global_Handle, Glowworm_Nexus, Golden Girl, GoldenDestroyer, Golden_Avariel, Gold_Armor_Ally, Golgothen, Goliath Bird Eater, Gorgar, Gothika, GPBunny, GravityGiggler, Great_Beyond, GreenFIame, GreenLantern68, Greenlock, Greenykins, Green_Eyed_Lady, Green_Screen, Grey Pilgrim, Grimlek, GrimReaperX2, gronga, Groota, Grouchybeast, Gryfyn, Gryphie, GuessWhosBack, GunnerSam, Gypsy_of_Paradox, HacknSlash, Hagis, haiiro_ninja, Hammer_of_Loki, Hanna, Harbinger, Hardship, Harkness, HarkoneCvG_NA, Harry_Canyon, Hawkeyed, hazey, Hazmatter, Healix, Heckler, Heisup, Hellguard, Hellpop, HellSpite, HellTouched, Hell_Jumper, Hemily, Heraclea, Hercules, Herculon_EU, Hericane, HeroicGamer2, Heroid, HeroJunkie, Hero_EX, Hertz, Heulengeist, HexGirl, HHJustice, Hidden Neko, hilker, HMO_Medic, Honbrid, Hookecho, Hopper_Infinity, Horusaurus, Hugginator, Human_Being, Human_Conductor, Huron, HWS9867, HYBRID_Z, HydroPonics, Hydrothermia, Hyperstrike, hypocratic_oath, IAmTheRad, IanTheM1, Ice Knight, Ice9_, Icerose, Icestar, Ideal_Hero, Ideon, IdioticGenius, Iggy_Kamakaze, Ignatz, Impish Kat, Implicit Bookcarrier, Inazuma, Incarnadine, IndigoFalcon, Indivisible, infernoassassin, Inferno_Fusion, Infinite_Zero, Infwhereno, Innovator, inti_rB, IPityTheFool, Ironblade, IronJelly, Irresponsible, Ishmael_NA, jacktar, Jade_Dragon, Jail_Bird, Jake_Summers, james_joyce, Jane_Little, Jaroby, jcalvert, JChaos, jchinds, JDub, JediMystiq, JeetKuneDo, Jeff_Hench, JeNeSaisQuoi, JetNewlands, Jets, Jet_Stream, Jeuraud, je_saist, JKCarrier, JKedan, JoeKent, Joe_Schmoe, JohnCarter, JohnnyKilowatt, Johnny_Velocity, Johnstone, JohnW022, Jonathan_Wylde, Jonnie_Neutron, Jon_C, Jophiel, Jorlain, joshdex, jshmoe, jthig32, JulioThom70, JuliusSeizure, Justice Blues, JusticeZero, Justice_Reaper, Just_Rosie, Juteboxhero, Kaatrina, Kadra, Kahlan_, Kain Ravenblade, kalouta, Kangmi, Karl_Rove_Man, Karoiseka, KaszandraRae, KatanaFury, Katfood, Katyia, Katze, KayJMM, KayTe, Kay_Parfait, keenon, Kellen_Wolf, KelpPlankton, Kenteko, ketch, Kfizzle, Khazrak, Khellendrosiic, Khenal_Baroney, Kheprera, Kierthos, Kiken, Killerhurtz, Killer_Wail, Kiralyn, Kiriel, KithDPine, Ki_Draken_Magus, Knight-Shadow, knightrider21, Knowmad, Kohei, KomradeKommunism, konshu, Kosmogoniker, Kosmos, KowaiKawaii, Kranik, Krelhar, Krya, Krystallas, Kurugi, kusanagi, Kyasubaru, kybarsfang, Kyle_Al_Mordu, Kyuuen, Ladu, LadyAndreca, LadyBloo, Lady_Mayhem, Lady_Sadako, Lady_Sith, Lakanna, Lamorak, Largo, LaserJesus, Lastjustice, Lazarus, Le Blanc, Leandro, Leese, Legislate, Leif_Roar, Leo_G, Le_Wille, Liberty_Paradox, Lifewind, Lightning_Rod, Lightslinger, Linea_Alba, Liquid, Liquid_Oxygen, Live_Wyre, LKN_351, Llewthor, Logrus_Justice, Lohenien, londerwost, Lone_mutant_, Lord Mayhem, LordLockeRA, LordLundar, LordOfDestiny, Lord_Azrael, Lord_Goat, Lord_Nightblade, Lord_of_Time, Lord_Thanatos, LostHalo, Lousy_Day, LoveLife, LtZerge, Lucky666, LugNut, Luminara, Luna de Nocturne, LunarEclipse, LunarKnight, Lunch_Box, Lyrik, Machine_Man_X, Mack008, macskull, Madadh, madison_monroe, MadVyking, Mad_Malkavian, Maestintaolius, MaestroMavius, MagicFlyingHippy, Magnarsh, MaHaBone23, Maiden Marionette, Majik, Major James Ashe, MajorDecoy, MajorTom, Major_Control, Major_T, Maleficent, manben, Mandu, Maniac_Raid, Manoa, Manofmanychars, MapServer, Marcian Tobay, Marc_L, Maribelle, Mariner, Master0fCeremony, Masterskull, mataphoenix, Matheonz, matsuri23, Maxxie, Max_zero, Maynia, MCG_Warface, mcmackie, McNum, MDC, MechaCrash, Mechafang, Mechant, Megajoule, Megiddo, Meiling, Melancton, MentalMaden, Mephisto_Kur, mereman, MGoblin256, Midnight_Flux, Midnight_Frost, Mid_Forever, MightyIsis, Mike_Halo, Mike_Honcho, Mikhalia, Mikuruneko, Miladys_Knight, milehigh77, MindRipper, Minotaur, mintmiki, Mirage_Maker, Mirai, misia, MissInformed, Mistah_H, Mister, MisterTorgo, Mister_Fetch, MistressGaea, Mithril_Zeta, Mizuki, Mizzer, Miz_Nibbles, Mjolnir875, MJR, Mngwa, Mogul0, Moldiver, MonkeySpirit, Monstrus, Moose42, Morac_Ex_Machina, Morbid Star, Mortal_Prey, MournBlade666, mousedroid, Mouse_Man, MowDownJoe, Mr E-Man, Mr. DJ, Mr. NoPants, MrCaptainMan, MrQuizzles, MrsAlphaOne, MrSuzi, MrTogo, MrWentworth, Mr_Bandwagon, Mr_P_Nut, Mr_Samoa, Mr_Squid, Mr_Ultimate, Mr_Wuffles, Ms. Mesmer, mscats, MTS__, Muad_Dib, multi-hued lightning, munecaroon, MunkiLord, Muon_Neutrino, MurderousMalk, Musey, mustski, Myopic Aardvark, Myrmydon, Mysterious_A, Mystic_Fortune, MythsnWraiths, M_I_Abrahms, Nadya, Nagata, Naloc, Nalrok_AthZim, NarfMann, ncotier2, Necrotron, Necrotron_RO, Neeto, Negescape, NekoAli, Nelviego, Nemo_Utopian, Neo Shadowdream, Neogumbercules, NeoNev, NeoSaturn, Neparos, Nethergoat, Neuberg_Crowley, Neutrino_Siphon, NeverDark, NGrfx, Nibb_Nibb, Nick_Riviera, Nicro, Nightheart, Nightmarer, nightowl317, Nightphall, NightshadeLegree, Nightsrage, NightWarrior, Nihilii, nikeboy, NIKKILA, Niklarus, NinjaPirate, Ninja_Trail, Nintova, Nishastra, Nive_, nivho, Noght, NordBlast, Norty_Morty, Not_Epsilon, Not_Rhino, Novapulse, Noxilicious, Noyjitat, NuclearCowboy, Numero_13, Nutek, Nylonus, Nymisis, obijuan, OblivionZero, Obscure Blade, Ocnar, Of_Misery, Old_Gray, OmegaElementress, Omega_Chief, OneWhoBinds, Optimus_Dex, orangemonkey, Orehrepus, Organica, Outback, Overconfidence, OV_ohms, Oya, OzzieArcane, PaladinZero, PanDemonium, Pantalla, panthera, PantherShade, Panzerwaffen, parabola_EU, Paradigm_Shift, Paragon, Parsec_NA, Partsman, Party_Clown, PDXUnder, peace, Pengy, Pepsiman, Pep_Cat, PerfectStorm, Perfect_Self, perilX, Peripheral, perwira, PeteyCat, PhantomGhost, Pheonyx, Phillygirl, Philtrum, Phoebe_Ponderas, PhoenixOfSyrinx, PhroX, Phuturism, Phylaxis, Pinatubo, Pirate Cashoo, PKDauntless, Placta, Please_Eddie, Pogothulu, PolarBurst, PoliceWoman, Positron, Postagulous, Power Corps, PowerLeveler, PowerStream, PownUnoobs, prev1, Prez1, Primacy, Primal, PrincessDarkstar, Princey_, Professor_Malice, ProjectFury, protector_knight, Protonic_Flux, Psiphon, PsychoDad_NA, Psychoholic, PsychoPez, Psychoti, Psygon, Psygon_NA, Psylenz, Psynder13, PuceNonagon, Pulsaria, PumBumbler, PunchinJudy, Pure_Massacre, pwnt, Pyber, PyroDFB, pyroman_NA, Pyrox Saberdon, Pyro_Nympho, P_Dude, QuantumTrance, Quarktease, Quatermain, Quick_Current, Quin, Quinz, QwertyXIII, RabidBrian, Raccoon_, Ragaust, RagManX, RaiderRich2001, Rainbow Avenger, Rajani Isa, Random_Rolle, Raptor707, Rastafari_Man, Rast_of_Guardian, Ratty, Ravenous33, RavenWitch, Razoras, Ra_Ra, Reality_Storm, Real_Boss, Rebel_Scum, Red Valkyrja, Redbone, RedJack, Redmanjbj, Red_Addiction, Reinman, Reiska, Relentless, RemianenI, Rent_, Reptlbrain, RevDeadWrong, Rhynwa, rian_frostdrake, RiddickV, Rieze, Righter, River_Elfling, Roadkill, RoboTank, Robo_Knight, Rodel, Roderick, Rogi, ROGUEdenied, RogueSeraphim, Rooks, Rotkatze, Ruhe, Ruinous, Rush_Bolt, Ryderillac, ryu_planeswalker, Saedor, Sailboat, SailorET, SaintNicster, SaintTzu, Sakkaku Kaikou, Samuel_Tow, SamuraiLincoln, Sandolphan, Santorican, Sapphic_Neko, Sapphire7, SaraMC, Sardonic_Paladin, Sareph, SassySeduction, Satanic_Hamster, Scheol, Schismatrix, Scin_Device, Scorpious_EU, scott2hot006, ScottWild, SDragon, Secret_Asian_Man, Seek_Trouble, Selethia, Selina_H, Sensei_Dragon, Sentai_KB, Sentai_Sage, sentence, Sephorus, Sermon, Sethan, Sethik, Sevar, SevereCalamity, SGAlliance, Shadow Ravenwolf, Shadow State, Shadow Wail, Shadowclone, Shadowjack, ShadowsBetween, ShadowWings, Sharkbait, Shatterghost, Shelly, Shenalia, shimrra, shodden, ShoNuff, Shrikefire, Siberian_Spring, Sigium, Silas, Silentkilla866, SilentSpy, Sillver, Silurian, Silver Gale, Silver_Tyrant, Sinful_Obsession, SinnerSaint, Sin_Stalker, Sir Giles, SirFrederick, Sjornin, SkeetSkeet, skullman, SkylineGTR, SkyRocker, Slagheap, Slaunyeh, sleestack, SlickRiptide, SlyGuyMcFly, Smashmaster, SmegHead, Smersh, Smoore, Smurphy, Snails_NA, Snakebit, Snickerdoodle, Snow Globe, Socorro, Solar, Solgath_X, Solicio, Solitaire, Solo_One, SonicBang, Sooner, Soul Storm, Soul Train, SoulTenant, Soundtrack, Soundwave_NA, Southern_Comfort, SpaceNut, SpacePope, Space_Ace, Spag_, Spanish_Blade, Sparky_McShocker, Spatch, SpclAgntDave, Spear0, Spectreblade, Spectre_EU, Speed_Bump, SpiderTeo_OC, SpineCreature, Spork_NA, SpyderNoir, Squeakersman, Squez, Ssyrie, St0n3y, StagnantSun, Starcloud, StarGeek, StarSmasher, Starwind, Steampunkette, Steel Dancer, Steelclaw, Steelskin, steel_axe, Steel_Inferno, Steel_Shaman, Steeple, Stolid, stoneheart, stormangel, Stormbilly, StormDevil, Stormfire, StormVyxen, Storm_Furie, Storyteller, StratoNexus, Stray Kitten, Strider_Lee, Strigadi, StrykerX, Stutz, St_Angelius, Sudz33, Suichiro, Sumericon, SunGryphon, Sunpyre3387, Sunstream, Sun_Splitter, Super7, SuperSean, SuperTeddy, SuperYeesha1, Suraht_Arromin, SurlyVee, Suzumebachi, Swami_Monsoon, Swansu, SweetPayne, Switch_NA, Synaesthetix, Synapse, Synergy, synthozoic, Tabik, Taiyetos, Takarik, Talia_Rayvyn, tarrantm, Tatmia, TaxibotJoe, Tayla Ewa, Taylor007, TBoxer, Techbot Alpha, Technochild, Teeko, TehHippeh, Teldon, Telperion, Templar, Tenacious_T, Tenryuu, Terse, Terwilliger, That_Ninja, TheCynical1, TheDeepBlue, TheFrog_NA, TheGameBug, TheHawkes, TheNavigator, ThePretender75, Theran, TheSpellbinder, thetamonk, TheTwoFourThree, TheWeaver, The_Afterglow, The_Altruist, The_Alt_oholic, The_Blu_Syndrome, The_Cheshire_Cat, The_Coming_Storm, The_Fallen_Angel, The_Foo, the_fox_Rox, The_JJ, The_Killbot_5000, The_Masque, The_Pope_NA, The_Thorny_Devil, The_Vulgarian_EU, thgebull0425, Thirty_Seven, Thunderwolf, Thundrim, Thyristor, Tidbit, tigerztale, Tiger_White, Time Ghost, Timeshadow, Time_Titan, Tiny_H, Tired Angel, TitanX_NA, Titan_III, Tog, Tolen, Tolerance, Tommy_Truestar, toonTFO, Toony, Torchy, Tortuga, Toxic_Shia, Toxic_Troll, ToySoldierZolgar, Traegus, TrancEnding, Transition1, Tregore, Trekie, TremDei, tremorr, Tricia, Trickshooter, TristynD, TroyHickman, TRTerror, TruEdge, TrueGentleman, TrueMetal, Truth Medic, TSCM_Hudson, Tubby, Turbo_Starr, tuter_king, Tw00sh, twelfth, TwigDeath, Twisted Toon, txpoodoo, TX_1000, Tyger, Tymers_Realm, Tyrak, T_Pill, UberGuy, UberRod, Ullikummis, Ultimo_, UltraTroll, Ulysses_Dare, Umbral, UnicyclePeon, Union_Blue, Unitron, UnitV20, unjust, Unliving Fury, Unpatriotic, UnSub, Ura Hero, Uranium235, Useless_Fiend, U_S_C_I, V-Tron, vampyrus_ddg, Vanum, Velinia, Venture, Veritech, vernichterhelge, Viking698, Vincent Morse, VirenixBoy, Vitality, Vivace, Von Krieger, Von_Urmarkt, Vorac, Vynsint, Vysires, Walleye_, Warbaby, Warbunny, warden_de_dios, Warmaster, War_Blast, Weatherby Goode, Weiss, Werner, White Hot Flash, White_Dwarf, White_Gravel, WildShamrock, WillO'Wisp, Willowpaw, Windenergy21, WingedAvenger, wingnut, Withay, Witty_Werewolf, Wonderslug, Woodsfire, WouldYouKindly, Wrecks, WRider, Wrong_Number, Wuigly Squigly, WynterPhrost, Xaero_Hour, Xaielao, Xandor, Xaphan, xCremzenx, Xemulas, xen10k, Xenocrates, Xenos, XFUNK, xXxenophobe69, Xzero45, Yama_Neko, Yellekai, yelojelo, Ynaught, Yogi_Bare, Yoru-Hime, Yoshitomo, Yuurei, zachary_EU, Zaisen, Zamuel, Zanddara313, Zandock, Zanthyna, Zaran, Zardoz Lapoisse, Zechs, Zektole, Zengar, ZEvilChickenZ, Zigtab, Zombie Man, zOorg_luB, Zyphoid, Z_____, _Blu_, _Bunny_, _Cherry_, _dEOS_, _Echo_, _Fire Dancer_, _Flu_, _killakrust, _Krom_, _Maintainer_, _Panzer_, _Pine_, _Ryxx_, _Seph, _Shenku_, _Starbird_, _Uun_, __Divine__.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
I got tuter_king i was quite confused
[edit] woot found my name in the list.
I'm Bookkeeper J-
Will the real Delrune, please stand up?
Delrune (aka Mionas)
Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!
It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...
The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I'm stuck being me. I want to be Positron instead.
Hmmmmm... I wonder what happens if a dev is first on the list.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
@Doctor Gemini
Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.
Mine said Delune...
"If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door." --Paul Beatty
Altaholic since '05, 0 months sober
I have 'remember enabled' and so did not manually log in and have no identity crisis.
For all those with a secret identity... did you log in manually?
Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
I have 'remember enabled' and so did not manually log in and have no identity crisis.
For all those with a secret identity... did you log in manually? |
I was already logged in... I haven't relogged in in quite a while
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
mine says i dont exist -.- then i try again and im fine. same name same password (its bacon btw )
love these new forums
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
Plus, without IE to ruin my day, I have more room on my hard drive for real stuff like games, instead of viruses.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
I'm now nobody
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.