Victorian/Steampunk SG/VG's
Sadly, I tried to do a Victorian-themed steam/magic SG over on villain side, but it just didn't catch on. Consider this a bump -- if there isn't one on hero side, there -should- be.
I have a trio of characters that would be great for this!
...Too bad they won't exist until I get my hands on Dual Pistols.
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The folks over at the Dawn Patrol are scheming up a group. Feel free to come check it out. Click the Dawn Patrol link in my sig.
If need be, I wouldn't mind starting one up if people show some more interest... I'd need help though.
I have a trio of characters that would be great for this!
...Too bad they won't exist until I get my hands on Dual Pistols. |

@Ninth Cloud
Well, we're not a steampunk SG...
...but we do have a strong time and dimension travel subcurrent. If you gentlemen (and presumably ladies) decide not to go with an SG of your own, look us up. Or if you do, look us up for random RP. We are always happy to meet the more old fashioned crowd.
Cynics of the world, unite!
Taking Care of the Multiverse
Bureau Chief, dUmb Oceania Operations

I'd happily help start with something like this. God knows I've got the itch to do something steampunkish these days. Just let me know what AT you're most needing by the looks of things. I've noticed most small SGs tend to be short on healers or tanks, but with a concept like this...who knows.
Perhaps we can schedule something as to when we can start.. I've just made my toon for this. If no one has an established character as of yet, we can level up to 10 together or something.
I suspect we wont have many people until the SG gets off the ground, but you never know. I am a huge fan of this genre, so it wouldn't matter to me how large it gets as long as I have a few people to RP with.
@Ninth Cloud
will this be red or blue side?
Bureau Chief, dUmb Oceania Operations

Put me down as 'interested' if something goes ahead redside.
@Ninth Cloud
I am up for starting blueside do you have a time frame in mind of when you want to start playing?
Bureau Chief, dUmb Oceania Operations

I've got a few characters who come in on more of the Occult side of that style of storytelling. The thing with that era of Philosopher-Scientists is that they really didn't recognize quite so clear a division between "real" science and Magic. A great deal of so-called occult subjects were still being studied and examined as possible valid sources of truth, and several of my characters operate from the assumption that modern man was perhaps a bit hasty to cast so many of those notions aside. Think you guys may have a place for an partially modernised inheritor of an oldschool tradition of Gentleman Arcanists? Probably a villain to start, but just because Going Rogue won't be around for Brutes to side-hop for a while yet.
GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - or <sameasmyAIM> (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)
I've got a few characters who come in on more of the Occult side of that style of storytelling. The thing with that era of Philosopher-Scientists is that they really didn't recognize quite so clear a division between "real" science and Magic. A great deal of so-called occult subjects were still being studied and examined as possible valid sources of truth, and several of my characters operate from the assumption that modern man was perhaps a bit hasty to cast so many of those notions aside. Think you guys may have a place for an partially modernised inheritor of an oldschool tradition of Gentleman Arcanists? Probably a villain to start, but just because Going Rogue won't be around for Brutes to side-hop for a while yet.

Cynics of the world, unite!
Taking Care of the Multiverse
I think I've got my steampunk Redside toon.. (Unless I deleted him.. I can't remember and am too tired to walk to my gaming computer) but whatever side I'd be interested in helping out.
As I was going up the stair
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today.
I wish, I wish, he'd stay away.
-- Hughes Mearns (1875-1965) The Psychoed
Saint Fourth the Patron Saint of Dark Poetry
If you are looking for a "Victorian-era"/Steampunk RP SG on Virtue, some of the players in the Dauntless Reverie SG have been discussing the very same thing for some of their alts.
We have no base yet, but the working SG title is "The Coalition of Stupendous Personages". :-) If anyone is interested in contacting us with their RP Steampunk/Victorian heroes for some RP and teaming, my global is @Rhianwen.
^Do you guys have an idea on when you plan to start?
Anyway, if people are available, I wouldn't mind starting this weekend. I have to double check my schedule but I'm pretty sure I'll be free. Does this work for everyone?
EDIT: This is for blueside right now.
@Ninth Cloud
Lessee.. I have no life, no job, and nothing else to do.
I'm in.
As I was going up the stair
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today.
I wish, I wish, he'd stay away.
-- Hughes Mearns (1875-1965) The Psychoed
Saint Fourth the Patron Saint of Dark Poetry
I have a corruptor that could work for a VG, if I can just convince myself to go back to her after tasting the deliciousness that is defender traps/.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
Any further developments on this? I've been following the thread with curiosity. Have you settled on a SG/VG name?
I'm waiting on this one, too. Got a tanker ready and everything (though I still have no idea how to play him properly yet).
Just think of it as a melee-based controller and you'll do fine.
Saw a SG invite on Virtue tonight for a steampunk/dieselpunk SG called something like "League of Extrodinary Gentlefolk" or some such. Is that the blueside sg suggested here?
Sorry guys, my account expired and I just had the chance to renew today. I also got unexpectedly busy this weekend, so sorry I could not start this. Unfortunately I will not be able to play this coming week either because I have a friend visiting me. Which, being double xp weekend, I figure people will want to play other characters anyway.
I have not made the SG, in fact, my guy is still sitting in the tutorial waiting for the start day. I don't even have a name for it yet, so feel free to suggest some if you have some ideas.
Right now it looks like the earliest that would fit my schedule would be the 17th, which is a Saturday. The time I was thinking would be 3 p.m. Central Time. Does that work for you guys?
However, if you guys want to start earlier, feel free to do so and I can just catch up. I have no problem with it.
@Ninth Cloud
Sup. I'm looking for an RP Victorian and/or Steampunk SG or VG. Perhaps one of you will be able to point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.
@Ninth Cloud