IO Prices




Originally Posted by Eldorado View Post
All servers share EACH market. All redside Black Markets are tied together; all blueside Wentworth's are tied together.
I could've sworn I said that earlier.



I find your post odd.

Originally Posted by F_M_J View Post
That first sentence is a doozy. If you can't pay it, you don't need it? Since when did price determine need? No one ever needs any IO's, they want them. The cost of an item has no bearing on how much you need or want it.

Unless it is food, water, or shelter :: if you can't pay for it, you don't need it.

The game was designed to be played with SO's. You don't need Purples, IO sets, or even IO's if you can't pay for them.

To make it clear. I didn't say WANT. I said NEED.
You don't HAVE TO HAVE purples in order to play the game.

Unique does not always equate to Rare it means you can only slot one of them per toon.
They are very Rares.
Whites are common
Yellows are uncommon
Orange are rares
Purples are Uniques = Very rares

Are you claiming that purple recipes drop as often or more often than orange recipes?
I sure haven't seen this to be the case.

btw: just because the price is that high, does not necessarily mean someone paid that much. Price fixing is easy to do and happens A LOT on the market place.
Excuse me?
If the price shows a purchase at that price, how exactly was it purchased for that price if someone didn't pay that price?

And yeah, if someone did "price fix" then they had to pay that price for the price to show that high. So someone did buy it for that price.

Purples are not all that rare. At least on my server, at any given time I can go to the market, and look up ANY purple IO and there will ALWAYS be some for sale.
Which side?
And for how much?
Maybe not 1.5 billion, but I'm assuming 10's if not 100's of millions.

I have bids up for IO recipes for 250 mil that haven't gone through and they aren't posted on purples.

Just because they are available, doesn't mean that there are more of them. It just means that they are posted and that players aren't willing to pay what they are posted for.

The cost is only partially set by its rarity, the other part is the ridiculous amount of Influence/Infamy that many players have due to farming or people outright buying influence/infamy.
And those people can pay the huge prices, so let them.

Honestly, I slot very few purples. It is much more worthwhile to me craft and sell purple IO's than it is to use them.

And yeah, purples are rare enough so that the price can be increased.

The sector I market increased yield by 300% since AE launched due to no other reason than increase laziness on the players part. I have even started rewarding lazy players that help me by purchasing their product at 100% more which equates to 2% of the value I sell my product for.

I just wish I could figure out how to translate my CoH market skills into the real world. I would be very wealthy.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
All servers share the market, Red or Blue.

All servers share the same supply, again the only difference is Red or Blue.
Originally Posted by Eldorado View Post
Fixed my post.



Originally Posted by NiVra View Post
Can I provide this arguement F_M_J?

Those IOs you mentioned, that are on the high side, are meant to be end-game content. Like those have said before, you can play and "beat the game" on just SOs. Now whats different in CoX is that instead of raiding that top-level dungeon for hours, or spawn camping for hours you get a small chance of getting "top level loot" just by playing the game with ANY enemy 47 and above. For PvP IOs? All you have to do is PvP with ANYone at ANY level. With Super-sidekicking its actually possible to get purples at level 1. Now compared to a lot of other games thats a pretty sweet deal.

Now I won't get into the argument about increasing those chances because I haven't personally decided which side of the fence I personally stand but here is a question I've always wanted to ask when someone says the good stuff is too expensive: If you could log onto a game like WoW and see that super-shiny-shield of protection or that awesome power-upgrade that only the high-levels get on a market for a price you could afford after 3 days of game-play. How would you feel about the game? How would it affect your view of the "end-game?"

Please don't take the above as an attack but an actual serious question. I think a lot of us have assumed wrongly that people want goals, but it might be time to hear what the other guy really does think.
I am confused by this. Why is this pointed towards me? The only thing I said regarding purples was that they are not as rare as people think, that was it. I have no issue with their prices, or drop rate, or anything. My only comment was that, in my opinion and experience, they aren't all that rare.

I have gotten a lot of purples on my 35+ toons. This is due to the prevalence of ITF's that I run when my toons get over 35. Every toon I have leveld since Cimerora came out has gotten at least 2+ purples by the time they reached 47 and could slot them, or I would sell them depending on my financial needs at the time.



I actually agree with Farm-O-Phobic, er, Alt-O-Holic!


I'm not sure whether to question my own reality, or his.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by F_M_J View Post
I am confused by this. Why is this pointed towards me?
Because people love to target you?

(Attempt at humor to lighten up the thread. )



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I actually agree with Farm-O-Phobic, er, Alt-O-Holic!


I'm not sure whether to question my own reality, or his.
If you reject all reality for your own there's none of this silly questioning stuff.



Miracle +recovery = Unique also NOT purple
Numinas +regen +recovery = Unique also NOT purple
Expedient Reinforcement resist aura io = Unique also NOT Purple
etc, etc...

See what I mean, unique does not equate to purple, or uber rare. Yes, it can be an indication but doesn't necesarily mean very rare. Rarer than most, yes...but not all.

meh, I ran out of steam. I fear if I continue, I will fall back into my old habits of attacks over helpful information.

I don't have the energy to pander to people who have nothing better to do than pick apart peoples posts line by line. Especially when those exact lines have already been addressed earlier in the post. Sure I can respond in kind, but I have neither the energy nor desire to do so.

*puts up the flag of surrender and walks off the field*



Originally Posted by F_M_J View Post
Miracle +recovery = Unique also NOT purple
Numinas +regen +recovery = Unique also NOT purple
Expedient Reinforcement resist aura io = Unique also NOT Purple
etc, etc...

See what I mean, unique does not equate to purple, or uber rare. Yes, it can be an indication but doesn't necesarily mean very rare. Rarer than most, yes...but not all.

rare stuff people want = super expensive
rare stuff people don't much care about = vendor trash

The price of stuff on the market is dictated by supply and demand more than the drop rate of this or that specific IO.

I used to make inf buying stacks of crummy 'rare' sets nobody wanted for 100 and hauling them to the vendor.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
Fixed my post.
Thanks -- I just wanted to clarify that for others! I figured from your avatar and "market sig" that that's what you meant!

Originally Posted by Eldorado View Post
I think I just won teh interwebz or something -- you just summed up everything I've EVER said here!

...or likely will again. Hmmmmph. Well, my work here is done now, heroes! *soars off to cancel forum account*

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04



Originally Posted by F_M_J View Post
Miracle +recovery = Unique also NOT purple
Numinas +regen +recovery = Unique also NOT purple
Expedient Reinforcement resist aura io = Unique also NOT Purple
etc, etc...

See what I mean, unique does not equate to purple, or uber rare. Yes, it can be an indication but doesn't necesarily mean very rare. Rarer than most, yes...but not all.

meh, I ran out of steam. I fear if I continue, I will fall back into my old habits of attacks over helpful information.

I don't have the energy to pander to people who have nothing better to do than pick apart peoples posts line by line. Especially when those exact lines have already been addressed earlier in the post. Sure I can respond in kind, but I have neither the energy nor desire to do so.

*puts up the flag of surrender and walks off the field*
And 2 of those are very sought after, as are purples because of the benefits they give.
Supply and Demand.

If supply is low and the demand is high its only natural that prices are high.



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
And 2 of those are very sought after, as are purples because of the benefits they give.
Supply and Demand.

If supply is low and the demand is high its only natural that prices are high.

My post had nothing to do with prices, but availability. At any given time, those can be found on the Market, that was my point.



Originally Posted by F_M_J View Post
I am confused by this. Why is this pointed towards me? The only thing I said regarding purples was that they are not as rare as people think, that was it. I have no issue with their prices, or drop rate, or anything.
Then its my fault, i must have had you confused with the OP. It happens...

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And of course, with Issue 16's arrival, the pendulum is swinging back the other way. Common and uncommon salvage has dropped dramatically in price
Yep, my poor teen Brute is poorer than I remember any of my alts being in a long time *sob* The Red Side common and uncommon prices have really normalised (300 for a Luck Charm last night. Boo! Where's my 60k?)



so what does this subject have to do with technical issues and bugs? i think a mod should move this to the market section.



Hello All,

Again, great perspectives from different angles of the issue.

I would like to respond to a couple of perspectives presented in general and then maybe bring this thread to a close.

I would first like to point out that the IO I gave was just an example, not the overall driver of my concern.

Secondly, please understand that many of the players whom have reached the "end game" levels and accomplishments, usually roll a variety of toons, start SG's or PVP to continue some level of enjoyment that the COH platform provides. Most of them based on my interactions eventually reach a point to where running missions is no longer of interest, but may find themselves almost forced to do so in order to purchase specific game content. This is something some players will adjust to, and some things they will not.
In regards to an "end game/priviledge" comment thatwas made, most of these "expensive items" can only be used by the end game level toons anyway, so that is not a concern here.

The point is the pricing...Though indeed controlled by the players, does not "justify" the baseline cost of that item, when it begins to impact the gameplay for ALL participants. As it was pointed out, someone could easily key the wrong amount and create an inflationary rise, but based on the commonality of that will eventually fall back down. This would not be the case for rare IO's, that are now even more rare, because of decrease in facets of gameplay by players. That's where the balance should be assisted (not dominated) by the COH team. Otherwise, when does the market costs hit the ceiling? If the logic is never, then IO's can consistently reach billions, or even trillions, but would you still think that to br "okay" as it impacts ALL interested players?

This reminds me of the downfall in my opinion with COH since launch when it introduces new content. There never seems to be a full accounting of impacts by that content. Therefore, it is often left for the players to "adjust" to the ripple affect, oppose to proactively managing the balance and anomalies that may potentially surface from introducing that new content.



considering that there is a cap of 2 billion that can be carried by any given toon i really don't think that prices would go past that. wait a few weeks and things will come back down. AE took up alot of the regular mission farming time hence why there is high demand for low supply and we are seeing such high prices right now. there is also a bug right now that has caused drops to take a hit. when this is discovered it will be fixed and even more things will make it to the market.



Originally Posted by phenom44 View Post
I learned a bit more about the IO tables, but allow me to point out what is not being considered in regards to the WW market. Regardless if a player is paying more or not, or the gameplay is losing people getting drops...the core of that is controlled by....the Number of Drops. If players are playing differently, then COH should adjust. If players are coming into new wealth and splurging on IO's (which is impacting everyone in the game) you adjust the drop count in AE missions, PVP environments, etc. It is that simple.
Actually, it's even simpler than that. If players change their playstyle and this causes prices to go up to "unacceptable" levels, then the players who find the prices unacceptable should change their playstyles to get more drops. If they don't get the items they want (which is likely), they'll get other things which they can sell in order to buy the ones they want. Problem solved without external intervention, which always has the possibility of causing more problems.

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Originally Posted by NiVra View Post
Then its my fault, i must have had you confused with the OP. It happens...
No worries, it's all good.