Any base updates soon




It feels like bases have been left out for a number of issues.

I really like editing my bases, making them look cool, and seeing what others have manageded to do with the very imited tools we have.

Flatly, we need much better base editing tools and a slightly larger number of items (most of them already in use in the world, like trees without benches, grass, water effects, more statues). I would love to be abel to make an outdoor base for a majic based group, or a store front base for one that's focused on lower levels.

I have seen one base for Keldians where they tried to do a star chart on the walls and floating in the room, worked pretty well, but they were stuck with the standard wall textures and could not just go for flat black that would have really made it work.

Room Stacking (a multi tier base), the ability to open rooms up joining very large rooms (One base had a hanger in it that was very cool).

So much creative stuff has been done, with a bit of base love, it's another creative outlet the players would explore.

Also, I would like to ask for one thing. The ability to make bases open to anyone (so they can enter and look around), this would be a red star only choice, but I have had to jump servers to give tours.

So, how's about it, any base help soon?



I wouldn't count on it anytime soon. Last bits I read was that our supposed base dev (Sunstorm) is working on pretty much anything BUT base stuff, and he himself stated that there is no base work forthcoming. Maybe after Going Rogue is up and going could we finally see some of the long overdue base love, but I wouldn't hold my breath on it happening before, oh, Issue 25 or so.



Originally Posted by Pyber View Post
I wouldn't count on it anytime soon. ...Issue 25 or so.
I have head this but I think it's important that they know it's wanted and that there are interested people. I would hate to think that folks might give up asking for things they think will improve the game just because we give up hope.

I know it's not likely, I have heard it, and as you have said but, I gotta try and at least ask.



I'd say at least by issue 20.



Originally Posted by FargonRob View Post
Also, I would like to ask for one thing. The ability to make bases open to anyone (so they can enter and look around), this would be a red star only choice, but I have had to jump servers to give tours.
Not currently possible. Click on the base portal and get a listing of 8,000 bases? They'd have to completely rewrite that section for minimal benefit. And I'm not sure what you mean about jumping servers. You'd have to jump servers no matter what - bases are not cross-server.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Not currently possible. Click on the base portal and get a listing of 8,000 bases? They'd have to completely rewrite that section for minimal benefit. And I'm not sure what you mean about jumping servers. You'd have to jump servers no matter what - bases are not cross-server.

On jumping servers. Killer base on One server, you are playing on another server and want to give a tour, you have to quit the toon and jump to the other server.

I don't suspect that everyone would want to open their bases, but a flood is a problem I had not thought out.

Now, if bases could be independant of servers...that would be something. Perhaps if they ever go to a serverless host environment, surely not anytime soon.



Originally Posted by FargonRob View Post
I have head this but I think it's important that they know it's wanted and that there are interested people. I would hate to think that folks might give up asking for things they think will improve the game just because we give up hope.

I know it's not likely, I have heard it, and as you have said but, I gotta try and at least ask.
I've gone into "quiet acceptance" mode because, quite frankly, some of my prior forum pleas on the subject were becoming emotional to the point of "ranting"... and not helping either my well being or the cause itself.

But you are right... we do need to keep up hope and continue to display an interest in base love.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



I too want the Devs to work on Bases, and give us some of the stuff we've been asking for forever. I still have hope that they will do it eventually. There are many people who used to post on this forum who never do now. What happened? They got tired of asking and being ignored.

Maybe one day, AE will be perfect enough that they can concentrate on something else.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Well here is a simple trick to make black walls. Its not perfect but give it a try. Take your VG/SG colors and make them all black, then place the gaint wall banners up on the walls. with the groups colors black they will also be a nice perfect black and make those sides of the room look as if you are in a viod or space. Sorry but I do not have any tricks for the ceiling at this time



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
There are many people who used to post on this forum who never do now. What happened? They got tired of asking and being ignored.
Also, they got busy, got fed up with the game for a while, got tired of the forums, finished their bases and got bored with it, or simply... got tired of the mess that is building and stopped building.

After i13, the nature of the building forum has changed as well.

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Hmm maybe a sarcastic cartoon in the city scoop would grab attention...heheh.... hey its worth a try!

Yeah right.......

I equate bases on this game to civil affairs in the military. People want
it, know how powerful a combat multiplier it could the tactical level.

Our bosses..........older, cant see the long term benefit..............dont see the value.

They have no idea what the potential of bases could be......PVP, awesome decoration, in game missions, cross server battles for items of power, lava, water, caves, castles, base Gladiator NPCs that can fight for you in PVP or be seen wandering around the base.........or used in a danger room...........

They have no idea ...........the possibilities.

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Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
There are many people who used to post on this forum who never do now. What happened? They got tired of asking and being ignored./quote]

Also, they got busy, got fed up with the game for a while, got tired of the forums, finished their bases and got bored with it, or simply... got tired of the mess that is building and stopped building.

After i13, the nature of the building forum has changed as well.
Yes it has. It's now a place to showcase your latest stacking projects. I have no problem with that. I enjoy seeing what others have done with there base. It is a part of this Forum.

However, the request for change, and the drive to get the point across seems to be gone.

If Base decorating is what this Forum is going to be about, then I guess I will click here occasionally like the rest, and comment if I see something extraordinary.

It is obviously useless to request things from the Devs here. That has been proven.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



I wish we would see at least SOME reply from the devs or some official.

So far, nothing on any forum. Granted there are some major bugs they are working on, like drop rates, but they need to let us know they are even listening.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Not currently possible. Click on the base portal and get a listing of 8,000 bases? They'd have to completely rewrite that section for minimal benefit. And I'm not sure what you mean about jumping servers. You'd have to jump servers no matter what - bases are not cross-server.
Here's an idea...

At the Supergroup Registra, when people see a listing of the groups, add a button for each that grants one Coalition-type access pass to look around.

That would get people to actually research SGs there and read descriptions.



I guess I'm one of the ones that "gave up".

I really stopped adding stuff to my base because it takes forever to load now (I'm assuming the more things you stack the longer it takes to load? It used to load way faster before I expanded.). I would like to see ways to make walls and floors.



Originally Posted by JeetKuneDo View Post
I really stopped adding stuff to my base because it takes forever to load now (I'm assuming the more things you stack the longer it takes to load? It used to load way faster before I expanded.).
Yes. Complex bases take longer to load. Our main base is beautiful and packed with stuff. Our alt base has all teleporters, med-bay, workshop and less than 60 decorative items in the entire base, which is only 8x12. It loads fast.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Yes. Complex bases take longer to load. Our main base is beautiful and packed with stuff. Our alt base has all teleporters, med-bay, workshop and less than 60 decorative items in the entire base, which is only 8x12. It loads fast.
Thanks. That makes sense. I remember that it used to load quickly before I was able to afford all the "amenities".



I think one big way the devs can fix the base stagnation is by offering the player apartments that are sometimes mentioned and using the same editing tool as bases (hopefully new and improved though) and the same items as bases (but a much larger selection.)



Its been a while since I've been on the forums... as well as making any edits to my base. Can anyone tell me what the most recent addition or change was? Last I remember was the "stacking" ability and removal of invention salvage... anything else since then?

Thanks in advance.

If its broke, don't fix it... I like the chaos!



With I14 we got Storage Permissions per storage item. And also got the 6th Rank, Super-Leader.

The first was welcomed with open arms, as it was something everyone has asked for.

The second was met with DOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM! But turned out to be okay.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



From Hero-Con 2009: Overview and Panels:

Wouldn't It Be Great If...
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I almost jumped out of my chair when I read this one thinking about bases. Well my ticket to Hero-Con is bought and, to me, it's going be worth the price of admission to hear what's said (or not said) about base development.

In the past, dev comments to the general population were not very helpful or specific [i.e. previous quote from Positron when asked about bases at a prior gathering: "We think bases should be fun and functional."...tough to argue with that one... or likewise to read much of a commitment to do anything new either].

I'm hoping for more this time.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



I would love to know if there is any plan to fix the data size limets. With costs of items now it gave us the chance to get bigger bases. Bigger bases gave us more room to put items and the bases started to break. There are a lot of amazing builders out there that im sure are at or close to item cap. I would love to have the Devs get a chance to see these bases and this side of coh. For whoever is going to hero con talk these up and see if they can get noticed so changes to bases can happen and we will all be happy with them.