So what do You think of PVP.. or what's left.
No one likes the new changes at all.
i feel dev's want us to leave.. they always buff Blaster's lol
Dev's Dont Care About us Villz!!! :c
Look at the link in my sig. That about sums up my thoughts on PvP 2.0
all you see in PvP Zones are either one Blaster,Regen. Scrappers,or a Rad..since travel supression made them "FOTM"
Villz had Widow's and they got nerfed!WTF
lol.. Does anyone like these new "change's" that they did to PVP.
or did it kill PvP.. |
However here is a quick recap of pvp
PvP birth (I4) how cool
PvP childhood.(I5) how fun
PvP adolescence(I6 ED)....I say I hate you But I'm going to stay because I have nowhere else to go
PvP adulthood(I7-I12 Vills/zone).....zmog I love you
PvP senior citizen(I13+)......suddenly you find yourself alone because all your friends are gone, things are slower, and its hard to teach an old dog new tricks
I have a much different position on this than I had a year ago (I was in the stop your whining, suck it up, adapt and overcome camp) because the devs actually accomplished what they set out to do....level the playing field. Great players will still be great. Great ATs will still be good. However the days of Legends have past. Anyone with a couple billion Influence can goto arena set Flares to auto and complete now.
I hate to say it I actually miss Elf's 600 Point crit shark attack. I miss Althaea's AS for 1500. I miss the repel and KB of Brynn's hurricane. I miss break free actually breaking me free. I miss getting detoggled by Shinobi's Rad/Psi when I ran out of insps. I miss Kickn' Cowgirl nervous on vent for her first 2v2. I miss Kat's test emp 'Rapin' Face'. I miss Wombicus, Haunt, Hush, Ego, Psyrene, B, and Evo from my test team. I miss Oz playing Red Cross Woman before Thermal was cool. I miss War Council even though they wrecked me every day. I miss my Aim + Build Up + Blaze for 850. I miss when slows actually slowed, debuffs actually debuffed, and buffs actually buffed. I miss when you walked into arena/zone with what you made not what the devs thought you needed. I miss when every match started with glhf/all in and ended with gg/gf.
*sigh* good times.
Here is to hoping devs let us have a little of our former glory sometime in the near future. One can always hope.
Your PvP host with the most.
4shes and Enigma 2v2 PvP
Open your Eyes to I13 PvP
An Introduction to I14 PvP
Personally I think the PvP community dropped the ball on PvP. The rules of the game changed... as they always do, but no one "got it." Many people still don't get it.... so they simply blame the developers... and/or just go with whatever cookie cutter build they hear or see doing the most damage I guess.
PvP 2.0 is not a perfect system, but it's not a completely flawed system either.
Instead of realizing that support toons and buffers needed to be stacked, people just quit playing them cause their single contribution alone helped only a few a little more than none. Of course some went on to burn a few respecs and spend a billion or two on their Damage dealer... just to get the an extra 8-10% defense/resist that a shield support toon could offer.... Or several hundred million on those -teleport and -repel IOs that a "useless" Kin could offer for a whole team. <--- Just a couple examples.
Instead of looking into and mastering mitigation and control techniques other than mez.... Techniques that still made the control class the best in PvP control and mtitigation, people just figured that control was dead in PvP. It's much easier to do so I guess.
Instead of realizing that the combination of certain sets would create "anti-Spiking" teams that required almost no healing whatsoever, people just griped about Heal decay etc... and also figured it's simply better to spike than to have to think of ways to prevent it from happening to teammates. [/sarcasm] I mean what other than a H3alOr can help a toon/team survive in PvP?? [/end sarcasm]
Most assumed that making PvP easier for newbie PvPers was all about numbers (+this, -this, diminish this other)... when it's possible it was more about making sure AT roles were needed and could be played similar to how they are played in PvE. This was realized actually, but unfortuantely it caused many to just start playing classes designed for damage dealing and DPS. Such a thing is not the fault of the folks who made the changes... that's just what the PvP commuinty flocked to.
From what I can see it boils down to this: PvP is what it is because of the folks that play it. The Devs don't create FoTM builds and they didn't make PvP all about damage. This widely veiwed misconception is the result of PvPers either not being able to or not wanting to be depentdant on others to survive and/or defeat another. Sometimes I have to LOL in zones at the way people play their toons cause I briefly imagine what a PvE mission would look like if everyone just SS/SJ'ed off to kill mobs with no regard for each other... If everyone slotted and built their toons for damage and offense only... regardless of the AT and it's designed role on teams.
PvP 2.0 sucks for so so many.... because they've continued to play I12 PvP
If that ain't the truth then please show me all the post I13 Guides written by the hardcore and uber PvPers about PvP 2.0....? Um, yeah... no one even tried. I think the example set by too many of the most prominent PvPers post I13 is what runined the current PvP experience. (Well that, and all the griping that was done before I13... you know, all the complaints people now forget about... the ones that lead to the changes?)
When we, the PvP community decide to start creating FoTM TEAM make-ups, and stop focusing on FoTM AT combos... PvP will find it's flair again.
I still enjoy PvP regardless. BTW yeah, I've been playing since PvP was introduced to the game.
"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.
You're wrong. Try again.
I was waiting for you Oz. You have a way with words
Your PvP host with the most.
4shes and Enigma 2v2 PvP
Open your Eyes to I13 PvP
An Introduction to I14 PvP
You post was quite short, and the summary of PvP in your sig seems to include little to no sense what so ever...
Let's face it, the Devs of this game aren't allowed to step in and say " Hey, PvP this way cause that's how it's designed."
I think it's more likely that we got it wrong.... than they did. I'm sure to you and many others however, that's not the case... beacuse the people who play the game are always much more knowledgeable about what needs to be done than the people that design it right??
If Castle made the changes and was happy with them... it should of been a "Oh? How does it work?" moment... Instead of a "Why doesn't this work anymore!?" moment... this is probably the attitude that lead you to yor current opinion of PvP no?
One attitude leads to new ideas, new perspectives, possible new builds, new guides, training recruiting, fun, and all that stuff while the other attitude leads to moar QQ, FoTM dependancy, (moreso than before I12) Ragequitting, and profound and constructive comments like:
Do feel free to quote my earlier post if I stated something so off th wall... I don't mind being wrong. I'm just curious as to which part you found to be so far from the truth.
"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.
Holy dead horse kicking Batman!.....Twisted you are a little late on this subject man. Best to leave it alone.
However here is a quick recap of pvp PvP birth (I4) how cool PvP childhood.(I5) how fun PvP adolescence(I6 ED)....I say I hate you But I'm going to stay because I have nowhere else to go PvP adulthood(I7-I12 Vills/zone).....zmog I love you PvP senior citizen(I13+)......suddenly you find yourself alone because all your friends are gone, things are slower, and its hard to teach an old dog new tricks I have a much different position on this than I had a year ago (I was in the stop your whining, suck it up, adapt and overcome camp) because the devs actually accomplished what they set out to do....level the playing field. Great players will still be great. Great ATs will still be good. However the days of Legends have past. Anyone with a couple billion Influence can goto arena set Flares to auto and complete now. I hate to say it I actually miss Elf's 600 Point crit shark attack. I miss Althaea's AS for 1500. I miss the repel and KB of Brynn's hurricane. I miss break free actually breaking me free. I miss getting detoggled by Shinobi's Rad/Psi when I ran out of insps. I miss Kickn' Cowgirl nervous on vent for her first 2v2. I miss Kat's test emp 'Rapin' Face'. I miss Wombicus, Haunt, Hush, Ego, Psyrene, B, and Evo from my test team. I miss Oz playing Red Cross Woman before Thermal was cool. I miss War Council even though they wrecked me every day. I miss my Aim + Build Up + Blaze for 850. I miss when slows actually slowed, debuffs actually debuffed, and buffs actually buffed. I miss when you walked into arena/zone with what you made not what the devs thought you needed. I miss when every match started with glhf/all in and ended with gg/gf. *sigh* good times. Here is to hoping devs let us have a little of our former glory sometime in the near future. One can always hope. |
DR should only effect IO bonuses not your own enhanced powers.
Travel suppression should only suppress for melee toons....
Alright, lemme take a crack at this - I'm usually more than happy to beat down bad logic and poor arugments, especially when it comes to PvP.
Personally I think the PvP community dropped the ball on PvP. The rules of the game changed... as they always do, but no one "got it." Many people still don't get it.... so they simply blame the developers... and/or just go with whatever cookie cutter build they hear or see doing the most damage I guess.
People "got" that the rules changed. They also "got" that the new rules dumbed down the PvP experience in an attempt to level the playing field (it helped, but a seasoned PvPer will still roll a newbie any day) by removing the speed and skill aspects of the game. People that didn't like that left, and who can blame them? The people that are still around are disgruntled for obvious reasons, but we've made do the best we can - by rerolling our characters into builds that are useful for the new ruleset.
PvP 2.0 is not a perfect system, but it's not a completely flawed system either. |
Instead of realizing that support toons and buffers needed to be stacked, people just quit playing them cause their single contribution alone helped only a few a little more than none. Of course some went on to burn a few respecs and spend a billion or two on their Damage dealer... just to get the an extra 8-10% defense/resist that a shield support toon could offer.... Or several hundred million on those -teleport and -repel IOs that a "useless" Kin could offer for a whole team. <--- Just a couple examples. |
People don't spend billions on the tp/repel resist IOs in and of themselves - not for PvP combat, at any rate. The people who're really chasing after those IOs want the def and res, and they cost that much because they only drop off player kills. The PvPers seeking those IOs are usually looking to fill off set bonuses from the PvP sets, or they're just that desperate to avoid being teleported (repel's not a big deal for any competent player except a Stalker, and WP, Regen, EA, and Elec Stalkers don't even have to worry about it). Kins are worthless - before I13 people brought them to matches or zones for SB and IR, but with travels suppression there's no point. Sure, you can use Transference or Siphon Speed, but endurance drains and -spd are very weak and you'd be better off just using your attacks instead.
Instead of looking into and mastering mitigation and control techniques other than mez.... Techniques that still made the control class the best in PvP control and mtitigation, people just figured that control was dead in PvP. It's much easier to do so I guess. |
Instead of realizing that the combination of certain sets would create "anti-Spiking" teams that required almost no healing whatsoever, people just griped about Heal decay etc... and also figured it's simply better to spike than to have to think of ways to prevent it from happening to teammates. [/sarcasm] I mean what other than a H3alOr can help a toon/team survive in PvP?? [/end sarcasm] |

Heals and resistance buffs are important in PvP because a well-built PvP character will hit you, and you need that additional survivability. Now resistance buffs get DRd so a squishy will never have more than 40-45% resistance, and if a spike team just keeps up a skill-less damage spam, the spike target will die unless they can phase or get lucky and get away (good luck with that against a competent spike team considering how travel suppression now works). You seem to miss the point that between DR on buffs and heal decay, it really is more effective to focus on damage and just kill the other team before they kill you. Of course, having one or two people with heals will help a target survive maybe a few seconds longer - but I was doing an 8v8 KB on Freedom the other night on my Therm, and there was one situation where we were able to keep a spike target alive thanks to our heals, whereas in the zone/heal decay on scenario he would have died multiple times over.
Most assumed that making PvP easier for newbie PvPers was all about numbers (+this, -this, diminish this other)... when it's possible it was more about making sure AT roles were needed and could be played similar to how they are played in PvE. This was realized actually, but unfortuantely it caused many to just start playing classes designed for damage dealing and DPS. Such a thing is not the fault of the folks who made the changes... that's just what the PvP commuinty flocked to. |
PvPers are an adaptive type - as rules and powers change, they adapt by going to whatever is best at the moment, and you'll notice PvPers have made a shift toward damage dealing. This leaves two possibilities - either the people who write the code got it wrong, or the people who actually use that code every day almost all their in-game time got it wrong. I'm going to venture out on a limb and say it wasn't the players, and I'm betting most of those players would agree with me.
From what I can see it boils down to this: PvP is what it is because of the folks that play it. The Devs don't create FoTM builds and they didn't make PvP all about damage. |
This widely veiwed misconception is the result of PvPers either not being able to or not wanting to be depentdant on others to survive and/or defeat another. |
Sometimes I have to LOL in zones at the way people play their toons cause I briefly imagine what a PvE mission would look like if everyone just SS/SJ'ed off to kill mobs with no regard for each other... If everyone slotted and built their toons for damage and offense only... regardless of the AT and it's designed role on teams. |
PvP 2.0 sucks for so so many.... because they've continued to play I12 PvP |
If that ain't the truth then please show me all the post I13 Guides written by the hardcore and uber PvPers about PvP 2.0....? Um, yeah... no one even tried. I think the example set by too many of the most prominent PvPers post I13 is what runined the current PvP experience. (Well that, and all the griping that was done before I13... you know, all the complaints people now forget about... the ones that lead to the changes?) |
I'm also not sure what point you're trying to make about people coming to the boards and whining, asking about changes. The same people that whined about stuff being broken before still come to the boards and whine about stuff. Only thing that's changed is what's being whined about, and there's often more of it.
When we, the PvP community decide to start creating FoTM TEAM make-ups, and stop focusing on FoTM AT combos... PvP will find it's flair again. |
This was a bit long-winded, but I'm kind of sick of people saying "OMG THIS PvP IS SO MUCH BETTER AND THE ONLY REASON PEOPLE DON'T LIKE IT IS BECAUSE THEY ARE BAD."
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
i wanted to like the "new" PvP, but i agree completely with macskull's analysis.
In my opinion the worst part was that character powers now function so differently in PvP compared to PvE that it actually increased the learning curve for players new to PvP.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
well... coming from a PVPer since way back... there was something that need a change. The dom holds need to be change. You need like 3 break-free just to get out of it. but the slow pace pvp.. really its so damn lame.. that why kickball and arena is much funnier but i rather have it the same way in zones. I don't the dev's actually ask teh pvp community for there opinion... they mainly heard the voice or the pve players complainning about getting teh butt kick. Since there more PVE players then PVP players the dev's sided with the change. For crying out aloud there use to be a PVP league and ton of PVP super groups.. before i13. Dev's need to restart and just leave pvp before the major changes and make two zones one with new changes and another zone with the old. A beginner zone and more expert zone.
Mac, you did a terrific job of proving many of my points whether you realize or not. So many followed the logic you do and it lead PvP to the state it's in now. As an elite PvPer in this game as I no doubt you consider yourself to be, you should know that such logic and such a mentality is what crippled PvP more so than any one developer. There is a line that lies between blame and responsiblity... many see the two as the same but they are not. Blame the devs all you want for the changes they introduced indeed caused many unwanted adjustsments to be made, but they are not the ones responsible for the state of things. That my friend is called a cop-out.
The PvPers weren't the ones who made the changes. As such they have no choice but to start using the builds that are better - supposedly the changes were to eliminate the complaints about this power or that power or this strategy or that build, and to essentially make all powersets and ATs the same, but we know that didn't happen. There are less viable builds now thanks to DR, DPA changes, free base resists, the mez changes, and travel suppression. People go with the "cookie cutter" builds that do the most damage because when everything's supposedly the same, anything that gives even a small advantage is a necessity to stay competitive
Dude. Peope Go with cookie cutter builds because it's the easiest way to please their PvP egos. Of course no one will admit it. They use numbers, mids, percentages, etc... and become very skilled in making cookie cutter builds so they can be above the rest... or like I said... so they can have little to no dependancy on other ATs.
People "got" that the rules changed. They also "got" that the new rules dumbed down the PvP experience in an attempt to level the playing field (it helped, but a seasoned PvPer will still roll a newbie any day) by removing the speed and skill aspects of the game. People that didn't like that left, and who can blame them? The people that are still around are disgruntled for obvious reasons, but we've made do the best we can - by rerolling our characters into builds that are useful for the new ruleset
Support toons and buffers need to be stacked? What? Many external buffs get hit by DR under only one application, let alone stacked - the only real exceptions here are damage buffs, and def/res buffs to melee ATs (who don't need those buffs in the first place) and squishies running defense-based shields. My Therm sure is glad that his shields add a whopping 3% resists to his teammates. Don't get me wrong - I'm really quite happy to waste endurance to make people look pretty. People stopped playing their support toons (or just respec'd them into damage builds) because damage is all that really matters anymore. Def/res buffs do not make a meaningful contribution to squishy survivability thanks to DR - you'd be better off spamming attacks during the time you'd normally be buffing since you'll be able to damage spam a target until they can't heal anymore.
Your focus, as I pointed out in my first post seems to be about comparisions of what support toons did before and what they did after.... instead whether they are still the best at supporting a team.... but I'm certain you consider blasters better at protecting squishies right.... they're so good at it with all that damage.
What other "mitigation and control" techniques? Only other ones I can think of are disruption - taunting, webnading, or perma-suppressing someone via Rad/Storm/Dark/etc toggles. As of right now, mez and KB are the best mitigation/control/disruption techniques, bar none. A good team will mez their spike target and that target will be dead before the mez wears off, or hit their target with Levitate/Lift/Power Push/Force Bolt and the target will be dead before they can get back up. If you're a control class in PvP right now you're either running disruption with the occasional mez/kb (hello, Controllers) or running ranged DPS with the occasional mez/kb (hello, Dominators). Where's the skill?
Please, tell me: what team combinations are you thinking of? At any rate, it doesn't really matter, because I13 removed the necessity of rolling FotMs or relying on certain team makeups, right? Right? Guys... anyone?
![]() |
YMMV. Just like in PvE some people can't cope without Healers there to give them the green stuff. I can understand to a certain extent how I13 ruined the game for these peoples.
Heals and resistance buffs are important in PvP because a well-built PvP character will hit you, and you need that additional survivability. Now resistance buffs get DRd so a squishy will never have more than 40-45% resistance, and if a spike team just keeps up a skill-less damage spam, the spike target will die unless they can phase or get lucky and get away (good luck with that against a competent spike team considering how travel suppression now works). You seem to miss the point that between DR on buffs and heal decay, it really is more effective to focus on damage and just kill the other team before they kill you. Of course, having one or two people with heals will help a target survive maybe a few seconds longer - but I was doing an 8v8 KB on Freedom the other night on my Therm, and there was one situation where we were able to keep a spike target alive thanks to our heals, whereas in the zone/heal decay on scenario he would have died multiple times over.
I13 wasn't about making sure AT roles were needed, it was about making all the ATs feel the same in terms of damage and survivability (which failed spectacularly, btw). Hell, Castle even commented on that and said regarding AT normalization "it didn't feel wrong to me so I went with it." In short, most buffs aside from damage buffs are now worthless, Sonic and Kin have no place whatsoever in a team PvP lineup and FF isn't much better off (it's there for Force Bubble and Force Bolt mostly).
PvPers are an adaptive type - as rules and powers change, they adapt by going to whatever is best at the moment, and you'll notice PvPers have made a shift toward damage dealing. This leaves two possibilities - either the people who write the code got it wrong, or the people who actually use that code every day almost all their in-game time got it wrong. I'm going to venture out on a limb and say it wasn't the players, and I'm betting most of those players would agree with me. |
/agree to disagee
Don't be dense - teaming in a PvP environment is still very much preferred to soloing. However, the reasons for it have shifted from teammates providing buffs, heals, and disruption to teammates providing extra damage for spikes, KB, and the occasional spot heal.
I'm also not sure what point you're trying to make about people coming to the boards and whining, asking about changes. The same people that whined about stuff being broken before still come to the boards and whine about stuff. Only thing that's changed is what's being whined about, and there's often more of it.
This was a bit long-winded, but I'm kind of sick of people saying "OMG THIS PvP IS SO MUCH BETTER AND THE ONLY REASON PEOPLE DON'T LIKE IT IS BECAUSE THEY ARE BAD."
Beleive me I don't waste time with "Better or Worse" in a game like this... I PvPed from issues 4 - 12 with the same smile and enjoyemnt that I get today from PvPing. My overall point has less to do with bad players and more to do with good players that simply got it wrong, dragged the rest of us along for the ride, jumped ship when that didn't work... and then turned ther backs on those of us who still find it fun.
"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.
I have a much different position on this than I had a year ago (I was in the stop your whining, suck it up, adapt and overcome camp) because the devs actually accomplished what they set out to do....level the playing field. Great players will still be great. Great ATs will still be good. However the days of Legends have past. Anyone with a couple billion Influence can goto arena set Flares to auto and complete now.
I hate to say it I actually miss Elf's 600 Point crit shark attack. I miss Althaea's AS for 1500. I miss the repel and KB of Brynn's hurricane. I miss break free actually breaking me free. I miss getting detoggled by Shinobi's Rad/Psi when I ran out of insps. I miss Kickn' Cowgirl nervous on vent for her first 2v2. I miss Kat's test emp 'Rapin' Face'. I miss Wombicus, Haunt, Hush, Ego, Psyrene, B, and Evo from my test team. I miss Oz playing Red Cross Woman before Thermal was cool. I miss War Council even though they wrecked me every day. I miss my Aim + Build Up + Blaze for 850. I miss when slows actually slowed, debuffs actually debuffed, and buffs actually buffed. I miss when you walked into arena/zone with what you made not what the devs thought you needed. I miss when every match started with glhf/all in and ended with gg/gf. *sigh* good times. Here is to hoping devs let us have a little of our former glory sometime in the near future. One can always hope. |
I started pvping with an EM/Elec brute and a Rad/Psi defender. Since i13 I have never had the same experiences with my new pvp toons as I did with my old pvp toons. I remember winning my first competition against Neo's mind/ice permadom and a fire/em blaster using my brute and x's ice/storm. I remember spending months practicing against x's ice/storm with my rad/psi and finally beating him for the first time. I think one of my favorite parts of pre-i13 pvp was that I was almost always the underdog. Always going up against people who had more experience.
All of the above then had no relevence to current pvp. Striving to be able to fight on par with the top pvpers became impossible when nearly all of them left. What was good before was no longer good. What strategies were thought up became pointless. What victories you accomplished were no longer as significant. A PvPEC win just became a free month of game time to me, nothing more.
The dynamic and exhilarating pvp and the sheer awesomeness of being successful at it left Coh with i13.
****, I hate ******* long posts.
Good post mac. I agree with everything.
I was just too lazy to type up a long post like that.
The learning curve is actually a bit lower for casual PvP and higher for srs PvP.
Old PvP was all about kiting. lolmelee. At least with the new PvP tankers are more than just taunt bots. I dont have to feel gimped bringing a PvE build into a PvP zone anymore, because while the powers change a bit, toons perform about the same.
The bigger problem with PvP and balancing comes down to the things you cannot predict in development. In PvE the devs have absolute control over the AI and how it will respond so they can aggressivly balance the powers to the AI. But in PvP, you have no idea how the player will respond to a specific action. The player will poke and prod seeking out the optimal risk/reward to the action, but that players risk/reward analysis will be different than the next player. So you end up with the case where you have to waterdown the entire playing field so that difference between player A and player B's actions provide minimal deviation to the ultimate outcome. Such is the nature of game design. The player hates this sort of mentality because it dilutes his ability to manipulate and control the outcome, but for the game as a whole is really the best outcome. The player wants to dominate, and the devs do thier best to see that such an "I Win" button does not exist. And forever locked in forumPvP, they battle with niether side ever winning.
Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion
"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."
lol.. Does anyone like these new "change's" that they did to PVP.
or did it kill PvP..