STF repairmen
I ran the STF two days ago. Repairmen were spawning and they were being stopped by powers such a bonfire; they weren't triggering their heal immediately when spawning with no way to prevent it from happening. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
remember bonfire does minimal damage but has a huge KB, so if you don't actually defeat the repairmen they will get their heal off. Who knows maybe they have some range now to it and its not a point blank heal.
I have found (oh good lord, im going to be accused of lording again) that if you stand where they spawn each tower has a specific spawn point with 2 damage auras (even WoC works) the ticks will overlap enough to prevent them from getting off their heals (most of the time) yes they may get 1-3 off per tower but that is nothing like it used to be a month ago when every heal was hitting.
I've run numerous STFs in the last two months. Yeah, the towers are harder to take down because of this, but far from impossible.
Don't forget the successful MoSTF run within the past week as well.
<sigh> Viv says its no longer "all me".
Exactly. The STF may take a bit longer to finish because the repairmen might get off their healing powers a bit easier, but it does not mean that you cannot defeat them, or complete the TF - REGARDLESS of team make up. If you had a team that could complete the STF before, they will be able to complete it now.
Lord knows I'm not the most patient of players... and I've had my fair share of moments of frustration with certain tasks. The repairman issue is annoying, but certainly not game breaking.
"I swear you could fling a man hole cover across the street and hit more notes than 90% of those idiots on American Idol" -Desmodos
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Arc #36984 V'kta A'cha Vox'm
I was not being hostile. Someone asked if the towers were bugged, and the answer is yes. In some cases, they are getting off heals before you have a chance to kill them.
You kept insisting there was no bug, and then claimed people told you it was impossible to complete it.
It happened last Friday to us.
SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)

Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!
Exactly. The STF may take a bit longer to finish because the repairmen might get off their healing powers a bit easier, but it does not mean that you cannot defeat them, or complete the TF - REGARDLESS of team make up. If you had a team that could complete the STF before, they will be able to complete it now.
Lord knows I'm not the most patient of players... and I've had my fair share of moments of frustration with certain tasks. The repairman issue is annoying, but certainly not game breaking. -Robert |
That said I've simply adapted what I bring, so it's not a big deal. But it is annoying.
I was not being hostile. Someone asked if the towers were bugged, and the answer is yes. In some cases, they are getting off heals before you have a chance to kill them.
You kept insisting there was no bug, and then claimed people told you it was impossible to complete it. It happened last Friday to us. |
Honestly, at the time of the discussion I had not seen BaB's or Castle's posts and believe me I had done some major searching for them. I HAD heard alot of people saying that it was there but honestly I do not think that BaB's said what most people assumed that he said. He never stated that there was a bug or that it was broken. Castle DID (which I think may be overstating the situation). The bug that exists on live currently is NOT the same as the OP BUG that was on live a month ago.
Repairmen bugged=yes (I will give you that).
STF broken= No.
Telling people to call a GM to take down towers before they run the STF= well know you how I feel about this.
Congrats on your 1000th post, Masque!
That being said, the difficulty of defeating the repairmen will seem like a turnoff for the STF, when previously it was a fairly easy and fun TF.
It's been bugged to hell in my last four or five runs. Frankly, I don't always have the patience to waste time trying and then waiting additional time for a gm (assuming you can even get one).
Currently listening to the Killers' Hot Fuss
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
I've heard all the talk, but I have yet to see anything wrong with the repairmen in any of the runs I've been on recently. Of course, Masque was probably on all of them, so my viewpoint is probably a lot smaller than those who actually saw them being bugged. If nobody had said anything, I would never have known any difference.
Also running hot feet while standing on the towers or keeping ice storm/rain of fire/quicksand on them has always worked wonders imo.
Dusty Trophies
remember bonfire does minimal damage but has a huge KB, so if you don't actually defeat the repairmen they will get their heal off. Who knows maybe they have some range now to it and its not a point blank heal.
I have found (oh good lord, im going to be accused of lording again) that if you stand where they spawn each tower has a specific spawn point with 2 damage auras (even WoC works) the ticks will overlap enough to prevent them from getting off their heals (most of the time) yes they may get 1-3 off per tower but that is nothing like it used to be a month ago when every heal was hitting. |
Does anyone know the [power name] for the heal they use? It may be worthwhile to check ingame and see if it did indeed have its range buffed.
No, the repair/tower rez always had a bit of a range to it.
Currently listening to the Killers' Hot Fuss
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
Their rez power has also been buggy for me recently. You can see them here rezzing a tower in the middle of nowhere:
Their rez power has also been buggy for me recently. You can see them here rezzing a tower in the middle of nowhere: |
The only cooler thing is if you could wormhole them now.
Currently listening to 20 Miles' R.L. Boyce Othar Turner Fife and Drum Spam
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
why do i get the feeling that you would cackle with glee at the thought of one day having a wormhole vortex open in Atlas Park, young newbie heroes looking up bright eyed at the "pretty" lights, and you at the other end throwing Hamidon, Lord Recluse and cronies, Reichsman, and every nasty bit of mean you could find?
...wait, the anniversary event was your idea wasn't it! = O
Main Server:Victory
***"When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free [...] to make him believe there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair." Sun Tzu ***
I'd like to thank Voodoo for his thread in which he got flamed for asking the simple question "can anyone show me the proof". It was where I was finally able to track down these threads. |

Links to BaB's original posts were*finally* quoted, and a PM I sent to Castle prompted his followup reply. It's bugged. Some people have problems while others don't because the issue has to do with the "ticks" of the server (so that's pretty much random in luck if you run into problems or not) and you can NOT interrupt the heal animation; even with an immediate defeat, there is still a damn good chance the heal is going to go off after/during the defeat.
Not one of those **** *** *** ********* *** idiots in the thread had the ballz to admit they didn't have a clue what was actually written/being asked after that one lone hero finally found the information.
I've already forgotten about most of you

So, after a huge discussion on a global channel, I went to sift through the boards looking for Redname posts about the STF repairmen.
This is what I have found so far:
the infamous BaBs post that everyone keeps talking about, it does not state that there is a bug or that the STF is broken only that there is conflicting posts about repairmen being bugged.
The smoking gun (Castle's Post):
He clearly states on 9/3 that there 'is' a problem with the repairmen.
Clearly, the repairmen are getting off heals occasionally but it is not at all like what they were doing a month ago when 'every' heal was going off if they were dead or alive. This is what I was trying to explain to some rather 'hostile' VB09ers. The STF is bugged in that sense but not 'broken'.
I'd like to thank Voodoo for his thread in which he got flamed for asking the simple question "can anyone show me the proof". It was where I was finally able to track down these threads.