EULA and me




ive got a couple questions about it...

ok, so ive got a completely copied toon on test at the moment. made it on test cause i didnt think it would be that big a deal there. now that ive almost gotten her to 20 on test i really really like the look and name of the toon. i know fora fact that if i where take her onto live servers i would be generic'd in name and costume quicker than i can count to 50. i cant say i dont agree with that action but i would like for that not to happen. her name is Elsie D. and she looks EXACTLY like shes does in the comics.
as far as costume goes, what can i do to not get generic'd but still keep the general idea. about the name would Elsee D or Elsie Dee be enough get by?

the other question i have had for quite some time... i have always had and interest in the characterization of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. whether it be the biblical versions or the marvel comic versions they are interesting and would make good toons. im not talking about the look im talkin about the names...
would i get into it for using the names or not?




Originally Posted by LKN_351 View Post
ive got a couple questions about it...

ok, so ive got a completely copied toon on test at the moment. made it on test cause i didnt think it would be that big a deal there. now that ive almost gotten her to 20 on test i really really like the look and name of the toon. i know fora fact that if i where take her onto live servers i would be generic'd in name and costume quicker than i can count to 50. i cant say i dont agree with that action but i would like for that not to happen. her name is Elsie D. and she looks EXACTLY like shes does in the comics.
as far as costume goes, what can i do to not get generic'd but still keep the general idea. about the name would Elsee D or Elsie Dee be enough get by?

the other question i have had for quite some time... i have always had and interest in the characterization of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. whether it be the biblical versions or the marvel comic versions they are interesting and would make good toons. im not talking about the look im talkin about the names...
would i get into it for using the names or not?

Unfortunately for you by asking this and giving the name you might be using you have alerted the people that take pleasure in petitioning copyrights to look out for the character so they can nail it. Your global and preferred server is in your sig so they also know who and where to check.

The only thing you can do is change the name and costume.

As to the horsemen, you can only check to see if the names War, Famine, Death, and Pestilence are available. They could easily be taken.

You could try alternate spellings, creative punctuation, check a thesaurus
for similar words that mean the same thing.

You can also use the feature on the character selection screen to check if the names are available.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
As to the horsemen, you can only check to see if the names War, Famine, Death, and Pestilence are available. They could easily be taken.
I have the pony variations locked up on one server..

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



well if it gets generic'd on test its no big deal really. i wanted to make it so it did not violate the EULA if i took her to live so therefore those people you speak of would have nothing to look out for.
the name is part of what i like, its just a funny name cause if you say it out loud its hard to tell if its a name or speaking of a liquid crystal display. i cant deviate the name too much cause it wont be as humorous (to me) as it is now.
i mean i could easily use the name with some other costume.

thing is though i suppose i could just make the tank on live with the same look cause theres nothing wrong with a short girl in a pink dress.

as far as the horsemen it wasnt so much a question of whether or not the names where available but moreso if it would be a violation of the EULA due to the fact that they are also used in marvgel comics and rather notable characters. like i said i didnt want to use the marvel comics look just the names and make the costumes my own creations.




maybe use that thing under your hair, behind your forehead, upon your nose... i cant recall the name of it... its grey. Besides, its prolly copyrighted.



Originally Posted by LKN_351 View Post
well if it gets generic'd on test its no big deal really. i wanted to make it so it did not violate the EULA if i took her to live so therefore those people you speak of would have nothing to look out for.
the name is part of what i like, its just a funny name cause if you say it out loud its hard to tell if its a name or speaking of a liquid crystal display. i cant deviate the name too much cause it wont be as humorous (to me) as it is now.
i mean i could easily use the name with some other costume.

thing is though i suppose i could just make the tank on live with the same look cause theres nothing wrong with a short girl in a pink dress.

as far as the horsemen it wasnt so much a question of whether or not the names where available but moreso if it would be a violation of the EULA due to the fact that they are also used in marvgel comics and rather notable characters. like i said i didnt want to use the marvel comics look just the names and make the costumes my own creations.

It's probably a good idea to stay away from anything thats been published. Some players won't say anything, Some will cut you slack if there anything that shows you aren't trying to make a ripoff, then there are those that will report any and everything that remotely looks hinky.

If you can come up with a new twist on the names (Cat mentioned ponies), maybe the Apocolypse Hamsters or some such. That you could get away with.

You might get slack from the GM's if the costume and names don't match. For example an Electric blaster that's male named L.E. Dee, but that's not a garuntee.



i get what yor sayin forbin, the thing about the 4 horsemen is that not only is it marvel but its biblical as well. thats what makes me wonder if it would get nerfed or not.

hmm, i dunno. is there possibly a dev or maybe a mod i could PM to ask these questions that could give me a definite answer? i mean i know they are busy busy busy right now but maybe i could get one of them that would not just quote me an answer but a yes or no or something.




Originally Posted by LKN_351 View Post
the other question i have had for quite some time... i have always had and interest in the characterization of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. whether it be the biblical versions or the marvel comic versions they are interesting and would make good toons. im not talking about the look im talkin about the names...
would i get into it for using the names or not?
Have you done the LGTF and defeated the Four Riders? I'm pretty sure those four names are 'taken'.

But, you can certainly defend your choice on this one!



yeah i remember the riders from the LGTF and it really made me wonder about this question course i just now get around to figureing out if i can use them if they arent taken though.

still wondering what would be the recommended dev/mod to contact in regards to this.




I can't find anything using Google about a comic book character named Elsie D or even LCD... New Superhero? Can somebody link me?
EDIT: Ok found her...

The Sly Bold Renardine - " I am Scraptastic!"



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
I have the pony variations locked up on one server..
For Pony!

...Damn. There goes that attempt at not doing the obligatory

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Try different spellings, like El Seedy.
Perfect for a plant controller or plant/thorn dom... so possibly taken.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Perfect for a plant controller or plant/thorn dom... so possibly taken.

dont worry, its got a place holder for the plant/earth dom i wanted. :-)

i STILL want to know if there is a certain dev/mod i should contact in regards to this.




Originally Posted by LKN_351 View Post
dont worry, its got a place holder for the plant/earth dom i wanted. :-)

i STILL want to know if there is a certain dev/mod i should contact in regards to this.
As far as I understand it, the Devs/mods aren't the ones you'd want to talk to, you'd need to talk to the GMs. Your best bet would probably be to petition the character yourself and see what they say.



Originally Posted by LKN_351 View Post
LOL no.

so just get ahold of a GM in game then? ok.
I can't imagine there being an issue with using characters that are first and foremost Biblical in origin. Though Apocalypse has taken to his Horsemen, using those names with any other appearance would likely be safe.

With regard to Elsie-Dee? I would think that using a different name, like Elle C. Dee, would work as well, wouldn't it? And not have as much in common with the (rather obscure) Marvel character.



i honestly thought it would be rather obscure myself but apearantly not cause lots of people asked where albert was or if i had seen wolverine. which albert was her partner and she was always in wolverine comics.




Originally Posted by LKN_351 View Post
ive got a couple questions about it...

ok, so ive got a completely copied toon on test at the moment. made it on test cause i didnt think it would be that big a deal there. now that ive almost gotten her to 20 on test i really really like the look and name of the toon. i know fora fact that if i where take her onto live servers i would be generic'd in name and costume quicker than i can count to 50. i cant say i dont agree with that action but i would like for that not to happen. her name is Elsie D. and she looks EXACTLY like shes does in the comics.
as far as costume goes, what can i do to not get generic'd but still keep the general idea. about the name would Elsee D or Elsie Dee be enough get by?

the other question i have had for quite some time... i have always had and interest in the characterization of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. whether it be the biblical versions or the marvel comic versions they are interesting and would make good toons. im not talking about the look im talkin about the names...
would i get into it for using the names or not?

Since this is Player Questions and all, I've got a question.

Why is it SO HARD for people to be original and not want to copy someone else's work or ideas?



well, in this instance i just dont have any ideas right now. i cant just throw something together randomly and pull a name out of a hat and go with it to 50 and its seems wasteful to me to make a toon like that just to delete it cause i didnt like it.

ok, i dont wanna turn this into an argument with you so ill just stick to my story of having no ideas and not drag it out. thank you, seriously, for your opinion. :-)




Easy solution for that: Go to a thesaurus, or a translator (or another) and put random words in and see if you come up with a result that sounds kinda interesting. If you've still got no idea, head on over to wikipedia and browse their their mythology/religious articles until you find a somewhat interesting concept and run with it (combining that with a translator is often quite fun).

It works quite well for me

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



For War you could try something like Discord... I'm planning on using Dischordia or Dischord for something sonic in the not too distant future. (Actually a character in a story I'm writing.)

I have a Grendel (have since EU beta) who is not only already in game but a Marvel character. No idea if I have been petitioned (guessing: quite likely) and not been generic'd.

Generally I think you're most likely to be generic'd if you try and match both a look and a name. I have seen any number of character clones in looks that having got a name that is nothing like the character they portray haven't been generic'd... though YMMV on the US servers (I play on EU only).



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Since this is Player Questions and all, I've got a question.
Why is it SO HARD for people to be original and not want to copy someone else's work or ideas?
I don't know, but I bet it's linked to the reason so many like to blame the people who report them instead of saying, "Yeah, I guess I shouldn't have done that."


Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Try different spellings, like El Seedy.
Not going to fly. El Seed is a Tick villain. Somebody is bound to report it.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!