Noob with a question ...
I'm lvl 10 now ... I've been trying to do some of the Architect Missions, but the people either die too easily and I get a small amount of XP or I can't fight the enemies. Any good Story Arcs to try? |
If you're on a Villain, you should head to Port Oakes or even Cap Au Diable, and run some newspaper missions to get a contact for a story arc, etc. If you're on blue side... either Kings Row, Skyway, or The Hollows... the first two you get the story arcs via the Radio/Police Band- while The Hollows you start with a contact.
More information would really be useful (at a minimum which faction you're on... AT, powersets, and server are also useful info).
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
I'm a Magic - Blaster
Ice Blast, Mental Manipulation, and Speed
Protector is the server i think.
I'm not on the trial.
Whoops, and I'm a hero. I really appreciate the help. I like the game alot thus far, and don't want to get too irritated by it already. Alot of the NPC's in the game tell me to go to the Mission Architect and do missions there. It's a lil confusing.
Alot of the NPC's in the game tell me to go to the Mission Architect and do missions there. |

I'd try heading over to the Hollows and working on those story lines. The revamped Hollows are pretty nice from what I hear (I still need to get around to playing this...)
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Whoops, and I'm a hero. I really appreciate the help. I like the game alot thus far, and don't want to get too irritated by it already. Alot of the NPC's in the game tell me to go to the Mission Architect and do missions there. It's a lil confusing.
In any event, I recommend either doing some newspaper missions in Kings Row or swing past the hollows and talk to the detective.
The Hollows has a string of four contacts that each lead to the next and have some wonderful stories. The Second contact, Flux has a very cool final mission with one of the best custom maps in the game filled with awesome ice slicks you can fight on. Rough final fight though, but I've never had trouble finding people who want to join up for it. Do not talk to Megan in the hollows. She only gives random missions, so no story arc and no merits and she will never introduce you to another contact. Talk to Detective (forget his name) then Flux, then Julius the Friendly Troll, etc.
The Kings row missions you will out level soon and you will be sent to Skyway and Steel Canyon. But they are good missions while they last.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Welcome to the game and the forums Willbur
Yes, The Hollows are great fun.
When you finish there, here are some other zones to check out.
There is great fun to be had with non AE missions
The Hollows - levels 5 - 15
Boomtown - levels 11 - ?? (a lonely place tho)
Faultline - levels 15 - 25
Steel Canyon -levels 10 - 20
Skyway City - levels 10 - 20
@1st. Son
Help Agent Martin in: A Favor for Liberty
AE arc #381565
My 1st. Video: Agent Martin in the new tutorial zone.
man, you guys rock. I'm going thru some of the Hollows Stories now. I'lll be at it all night. ^_^
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Yeah, the Devs were a bit too vigorous with those messages when they added Architect Entertainment to the game
![]() I'd try heading over to the Hollows and working on those story lines. The revamped Hollows are pretty nice from what I hear (I still need to get around to playing this...) |
Also, Welcome to the City! If you're curious about something in the game, Paragonwiki has everything you want to know, and if it doesn't, come ask here, we enjoy showing off our knowledge to the newbies.

Whats one of the better servers to be on?

Each server has its fans and detractors alike, for most it's a question of knowing someone on a server and wanting to team with that person.
If not, then if you want a server with LOTS o' people on it (for good and for bad), choose Freedom or Virtue; otherwise any server will do.
Personally, I'm on Protector most of the time.
Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :
Protector and Pinnacle are mid to small population, but have very close-knit and active communities. Quality over quantity.
Justice is the unofficial Aussie server, so if you're on at strange hours in the US, there will be more people on Justice than most of the others. Also, Justice is crazy, but in a good way. Infinity is the 3rd most populated, so if you want a fair number of people, it's a good bet.
Freedom's easily the biggest, so it's got the most good players, but it also has the most stupid and rude people, and they can be pretty loud. If you ignore broadcast on Freedom, there's a really great bunch of players, you just have to dig for them a little.
Virtue's the other high population server. It's the unofficial RP server, so that can be good or bad, depending on how you feel about it. A lot of people don't RP, and nobody's going to make you. Virtue's players are very nice, and there's always something going on.
I don't have enough experience with the others to comment. I play on Virtue and Pinnacle, and love 'em both.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
@1st. Son
Help Agent Martin in: A Favor for Liberty
AE arc #381565
My 1st. Video: Agent Martin in the new tutorial zone.
It's kept me confused for about a week now.
Everyone and their Rikti monkey has been trying to farm the AE, but all the good exploits have been closed, so the remaining missions will consist of wannabe farmers throwing themselves at foes way outta their league and getting wiped. It's depressing how they keep at it. Best to avoid it unless you get some good arc ideas, the AE is more suitable for veteran players who've done all the good canon content.
Speaking of which, the Hollows-Faultline-Striga-Croatoa course is reccomended for levelling, though in Striga you might have to join or create a SuperGroup (guild) with a base hospital and teleporter there, it makes things easier.
Other newbie basics:
Missions are the way to go for levelling, they automatically spawn enemies suited to your level (adjusted by your difficulty settings, see a Field Analyst for details). Street hunting, while viable, is considered rather quaint, and not really reccomended until you know the zones a bit better.
Origin does not matter. Its effect on gameplay is all but cosmetic. There is the perma-temp ranged attack power you get at the start, but generally that won't be much use for very long, especially on a Blaster who has no shortage of better attacks.
If you get tired of playing the same character, or see something else that looks interesting, feel free to make alts. You can make as many as you want. It's actually considered kinda weird to have under 10.
The game's canon contacts outside the story zones are kind of a crapshoot- there's nice story arcs that give Reward Merits, but some will keep sending you the game missions to visit the entrances of PVP zones, street hunts in areas that are likely to be out of your league, missions on the other side of the game and other annoying pointless things. This kind of content is considered outdated and newer contacts have none of it, but the old stuff is still the same.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
That should be your first place to look, even if they've sent you off to see another "off main branch" contact [like David Wincott in the Hollows], you can return to them to see if they have more missions.
"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"

While I agree with everything about AE farms, if you ever DO want to check out some level appropriate, solo-friendly, story driven AE content, swing by the Misison Architect: Stories & Lore forum on these boards. You can either poke around in the front page of threads or do a search for a string like "Lowbie" and get reviews of player created AE arcs.
I highly recommend hitting your regular contacts, seeing all of Paragon City, etc. That's what the core of the game is all about. But the AE doesn't have to just be some weird place where the drones go. There's some nice stuff in there for when you don't want to trek all over Paragon City that afternoon or want to earn some tickets to buy the salvage or enhancements you wanted.
Whatever server you choose, see if you can find someone tho hook you up with some of the global chat channels for that server. It's the best way to find teams and get your questions answered, not to mention make friends.
Curious ... I've been trying to find good places to get XP. but just about everywhere I go I'm getting killed. I'm having trouble finding a place where everythings not too weak or too strong ...
I'm lvl 10 now ... I've been trying to do some of the Architect Missions, but the people either die too easily and I get a small amount of XP or I can't fight the enemies. Any good Story Arcs to try?