Thank you Artz... WIP




Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
It's done really well CR, but I have to say that putting in such a severe cheekbone seems to detract from the rest of the image. The line of her cowl as it crosses her face was more than enough to hint that it was there. I'd guess that you were trying to replicate LJ's penchant for having hard facial features but the effect winds up looking a bit skull-ish. Her neck is also dangerously thin compared to her full figured body.

You're likely one of the only people on this forum who could actually take the criticism properly, so I'm not going to bite my tongue on it when I normally would.
My stuff is always free to be critiqued, and I think you generally have some darn good insights =)



yay I has the artz! nice finish CR...



Very nice finished piece
*gratzes Bobby and CR both with it*

I do agree with Suichiro, and add to it that the left cheek (our right) looks to be too low on the face too.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Wonderful work CR! You should definitely get back into your art, you have skills! I would love to see more of your work.

I'm in a similar boat. I did much pencil/paper illustration back in the day and pretty much just stopped. I'm not schooled in anatomy and my computer skills are self taught, so I'm in a bit of no man's land. Seeing so much talent on these boards is intimidating but your posting has inspired me to break out my sketch book again and see what emerges. Thank you!

[url=]My deviantArt page[/url]
Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url=""][/url]



Originally Posted by Starwind View Post
Wonderful work CR! You should definitely get back into your art, you have skills! I would love to see more of your work.

I'm in a similar boat. I did much pencil/paper illustration back in the day and pretty much just stopped. I'm not schooled in anatomy and my computer skills are self taught, so I'm in a bit of no man's land. Seeing so much talent on these boards is intimidating but your posting has inspired me to break out my sketch book again and see what emerges. Thank you!
If I can inspire someone else to pick up the pen again that makes me very happy.
I look forward to seeing what emerges as well and let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
yay I has the artz! nice finish CR...
Indeed you do
That is, you have the same digital image of it that everyone has... if you want
the actual artwork itself I can mail it to you as well. PM me your address if interested.

P.S. Yes I know your in Canada but I won't hold it against you... much.

Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
It's done really well CR, but I have to say that putting in such a severe cheekbone seems to detract from the rest of the image. The line of her cowl as it crosses her face was more than enough to hint that it was there. I'd guess that you were trying to replicate LJ's penchant for having hard facial features but the effect winds up looking a bit skull-ish. Her neck is also dangerously thin compared to her full figured body.
It was supposed to be that her hair is covering a part of her neck but I realize after you
mentioned it and I studied it a bit more that it could be seen as what's visible of her neck is all of it and
that would indeed make it way to thin lol... next time I will have to do a better job of breaking
up the hairline so that it is very clear that some of her neck is being hidden or cover so much of
her neck with hair that you know it has to be and you can't see it any other way... it's
kind of on the edge right now and could go either way. I'll keep it mind for next time and thanks

As for the cheek, yeah I can see that on the screen it does look severe, but it's not nearly as bad
on the actual art in my hands... I wonder if it's the flash making stuff look that stark and high contrast?
Luckily, skulls are pretty awesome too.

Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
You're likely one of the only people on this forum who could actually take the criticism properly, so I'm not going to bite my tongue on it when I normally would.
Fire away Suichiro I don't mind critiques as long as they are constructive in some way and I definitely
value the opinions and tips of other artists and creative types because they often see what you
miss and will help you to improve your skills more than if you just get hundreds of people praising
your work... not that I would object to tons of abject praise mind you.

Speaking of tons... (or more precisely Kilotons...hint hint ) I have a something else to post up
in a bit... it's nothing fancy just a 20 min quick sketch (15 to draw 5 to color) I did last night and
it's pretty small but it was fun and it relates to CoH.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



I shall call him Mini-tonnage
Just a small sketch in the upper corner of the page that turned out ok so I thought I would post it up.
Character is called Kilotonnage and is a troll with a metal jaw (I wish that jaw existed in the CC lol).

I saw a few pics of him on DA and doodled this up quick. I know that he has the scars going through
the right side of his face but this image was too small to fit them in. It's about 1.5 inches tall.
Hopefully it's at least somewhat like him lol.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



that's awesome, Kilo was the unofficial PUG leader of our SG, the Envisionaries... he would aggro and the rest of us would wipe the floor with the Enemy! I miss those days... thank you for making me relive what I miss most about COH you *******!

Just kidding, Kilo will LOVE this!!!



Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
that's awesome, Kilo was the unofficial PUG leader of our SG, the Envisionaries... he would aggro and the rest of us would wipe the floor with the Enemy! I miss those days... thank you for making me relive what I miss most about COH you *******!

Just kidding, Kilo will LOVE this!!!
Having been around since Issue2 I too was once part of an awesome
SG that has since disbanded... I too remember the good old days. Sighhhh.
Oh well things change, people move on and oh hey look powers customization.. shiny!

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



You just need to find the right group of people. I've been around since issue 3 and I still have a strong SG. Best ones seem to have their own networks outside of the game itself as mine is attached to the Ars Technica forums. It keeps the SG alive during times when the game is waning.

As far as the neckline goes, I was figuring that the hair was causing convenient lines making it look like the neck was smaller than it should be, but when I studied the shoulders and the angle that they swooped up into the neckline, I could only come to the conclusion that it's her actual neck that's shown, not an illusion from the hair cropping her body.

This is one of the drawbacks of drawing organically. If you see a problem later on that you might have caught on a drawthrough, you can't really fix it, because you lose the rest of the picture along with it. I would recommend trying out bluelining for a while. Even if you don't have a computer to remove the lines after scanning, the effect is very minimal and would likely serve to make your stuff more structured early on, avoiding pitfalls like this.

All it takes is a blue or green colored pencil and a few minutes of extra time. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
You just need to find the right group of people. I've been around since issue 3 and I still have a strong SG. Best ones seem to have their own networks outside of the game itself as mine is attached to the Ars Technica forums. It keeps the SG alive during times when the game is waning.
Finding the right group of people is easier said than done. My old SG the Knights of Fate was
the "right group" as far as us all getting along with minimal drama and complimentary play styles...
but your logic is sound as there wasn't much outside CoH holding it together and when the game
waned (YOU SUCK ISSUE 5!) the group did as well.

If you found such a group and everyone gets along consider yourself lucky Suichiro.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



I just saw that I didn't comment on the piece for LJ *blush* You did a fantastic job, CR!!! I am impressed to say the least. And LJ, you got yourself a very fine piece of....ARTZ!! (hehe) Gratz!!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Late response, had to work the weekend at, oddly enough, a con....

HeroCon is Paragon Studio's own little con in San Jose at the end of October. Mostly just for my own curiosity, since I'm going, I wondered if you were because I thought it would be fun to watch you draw something :7 I daresay though that you could likely make a chunk of change there drawing if you wanted to as well, since people could walk away with sketches rather than be waiting for files to come through.



I went to the 'first' HeroCon when it was just a meet-and-greet and while it was fun, there's NO ******* WAY I'm spending money on attending, let alone 80 dollars on it. Screw that. Just cause it's local to me doesn't make it a must go. >.< -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
If you found such a group and everyone gets along consider yourself lucky Suichiro.
Oh, we don't get along with everyone, but that's why we just kick the interlopers out. Well, in fairness it's more like we piss them off so badly that they don't ever want to come back. We are after all, powergaming elitist know-it-all pricks. :3

But I love my group more than anything, so it works out quite well. They match me in oh so many ways. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Originally Posted by Kai View Post
Late response, had to work the weekend at, oddly enough, a con....

HeroCon is Paragon Studio's own little con in San Jose at the end of October. Mostly just for my own curiosity, since I'm going, I wondered if you were because I thought it would be fun to watch you draw something :7 I daresay though that you could likely make a chunk of change there drawing if you wanted to as well, since people could walk away with sketches rather than be waiting for files to come through.
Thank you for that Kai. Well the times where I am out in public places doodling it does tend to draw people who stand over
my shoulder lol. Not sure if my skillz are good enough to draw any character anyone presents to me or what anyone would
pay for it... like any other artist I'm really good at somethings and other things... not so much.

Plus if it were my first con I think I'd want to be going to events and trying out stuff and not necessarily drawing
the whole time, I think the people that can sit and draw through one have been to enough of them that
they wont feel they are missing out, just a guess though.

Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post
I just saw that I didn't comment on the piece for LJ *blush* You did a fantastic job, CR!!! I am impressed to say the least. And LJ, you got yourself a very fine piece of....ARTZ!! (hehe) Gratz!!
Thanks for that nice compliment VexXxa (she of the ever changing avatar ) better
late than never... errr I mean... what took you so long! I was like waiting and stuff.

Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
Oh, we don't get along with everyone, but that's why we just kick the interlopers out. Well, in fairness it's more like we piss them off so badly that they don't ever want to come back. We are after all, powergaming elitist know-it-all pricks. :3

But I love my group more than anything, so it works out quite well. They match me in oh so many ways.
Hmmm that sounds a bit like someone I know...

Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
I went to the 'first' HeroCon when it was just a meet-and-greet and while it was fun, there's NO ******* WAY I'm spending money on attending, let alone 80 dollars on it. Screw that. Just cause it's local to me doesn't make it a must go. >.<
Well hopefully it has come a long way since that first meet-and-greet and it appears there are many people
willing to spend the money/time for it so there has to be something more to it now, right?

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Plus if it were my first con I think I'd want to be going to events and trying out stuff and not necessarily drawing the whole time, I think the people that can sit and draw through one have been to enough of them that they wont feel they are missing out, just a guess though.
Heh, true, I don't really know many people who honestly sit at a con and draw all day, most doodle on napkins in the bar or mess around with something between panels/shows/etc, but I always like to point out that con goers are rabid about art, I've had someone offer me money to draw something before while I was just wasting time in the back of a program, which, seriously, very much not real art, so most anyone with real skill is good to go

Well hopefully it has come a long way since that first meet-and-greet and it appears there are many people willing to spend the money/time for it so there has to be something more to it now, right?
Well I get to meet all my west coast friends and there is a banquet dinner included and a bag of Free Stuff!(tm) plus I would be very surprised if we don't get some first looks at Going Rogue, but whether that's worth the price or not for others, who knows



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Stunning picture. I wanted to comment to 1. tell you how good it is, and 2. bring it to the next page.

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