Thank you Artz... WIP




Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Ok gotcha... sooooo then I totally shouldn't post the larger version of this... right?

Found myself stuck waiting for a 2 hour diagnostic to run on a clients computer so
I left and took a long lunch break and while eating my Subway I decided to start
doodling... 45 minutes later this was the result.

P.S. If an unsolicited freebie is bothersome for you I'll PM you my paypal info and you can send whatever you feel appropriate but really I just did it cuz I like the look of the character.

Looking for freebies and willing to take them are two totally different concepts!

Dude, that is totally awesome... On a bit of an odd angle, but totally awesome. You just leave me in awe.

Back in my younger days I had hopes to one day be an artist, actually "majored" in it in high school... But what talent I do have is one of mimicry, not creation. I could copy what I saw, make minor adjustments to things like costume, hair, expression perhaps... But I just couldn't see the image in my head if I tried shifting the head 10 degrees to one side or another. Not and have it look even halfway decent...

I babble on about that just to sort of say that prhaps another reason I tend to praise you more than some others may be that I sort of assosciate myself with the picking up of the pen after a long time gone kind of thing. I wish I could return to it and produce such amazing results but truth be told my results were never that amazing....

Thanks ever so much for the sketch.

Edit to add: You knew I had to totally make this my avatar... Hope you don't mind I chopped off the border so the image could be a bit bigger.



"Really" awesome sketch of Caemgen CR! Well done!

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Originally Posted by Caemgen
Looking for freebies and willing to take them are two totally different concepts!
Hahahah that is so true.

Originally Posted by Caemgen
Dude, that is totally awesome... On a bit of an odd angle, but totally awesome. You just leave me in awe.
Thankyou. The odd angle is partly from the need to shoot the image off axis so the camera's flash doesn't blow out the details and partly because I noticed that it was much wider than tall but if rotated it could fit inside a square and you could if you wanted to... oh I see you already figured that part out. Also I had this thought of him perched on a ledge or doorway peering down his nose almost disdainfully at his intended prey before pouncing... must be the feline face making me think cat mentality. Of course I could be waaay off as I know nothing about the character's history or bio but that's what was in my head while sitting in Subway munching on a tuna sub. Wonder if that influenced my choice of subs at all... cats like tuna lol.

Originally Posted by Caemgen
Back in my younger days I had hopes to one day be an artist, actually "majored" in it in high school... But what talent I do have is one of mimicry, not creation. I could copy what I saw, make minor adjustments to things like costume, hair, expression perhaps... But I just couldn't see the image in my head if I tried shifting the head 10 degrees to one side or another. Not and have it look even halfway decent...

I babble on about that just to sort of say that perhaps another reason I tend to praise you more than some others may be that I sort of associate myself with the picking up of the pen after a long time gone kind of thing. I wish I could return to it and produce such amazing results but truth be told my results were never that amazing....
Most everything you describe I went through at one point or other, especially the not being able to picture something in my head other than how it was in front of me. I still have my stumbling blocks like everyone else and I don't always get a good result everytime I put pen to page.

Somethings I found helpful over the years were drawing something from scratch and then use that as a reference and try to draw it "better."
Also when I got a design I liked I would flip the page and try and draw it backwards based on what I could see of the image coming through from the other side.
A really great thing was to have someone else draw the same thing you are drawing. HS was great for that because we would all get the same assignment but seeing what someone else did with the exact same subject matter I would then ask them ok now why did you do it like that etc etc... the whole thing is to get your mind to see the same image many different ways (backwards, seeing your "finished piece" as a reference, through another artists eye) and after enough of this you will find yourself noticing tiny distinctions that you were previously oblivious to.
Finally I forced myself to draw all ink (no cheating with erasable pens) all the time for every drawing for several years (granted a bit extreme) knowing I wouldn't be able to erase a mistake over time made me draw less of them (interestingly this sketch of Caemgen is the first thing I've drawn purely with pencil in decades... I was sitting in Subway and I had temporarily left my Parker pen at the clients house lol).
I guess what I'm saying is just look at art as a path you have to walk... I've been where you are now and just kept walking and now I am where I am today.

Will you ever get to be a great artist... I don't know but if you never start walking, neither will you.

One thing is certain though, you will get further down the path than you are now.
I wonder sometimes how far along the path I would be if I hadn't stopped walking for so many years...

Originally Posted by Caemgen
Thanks ever so much for the sketch.
Edit to add: You knew I had to totally make this my avatar... Hope you don't mind I chopped off the border so the image could be a bit bigger.
You are quite welcome. It looks great as your avatar (if I can say that without sounding like I'm bragging lol) glad you like it.
Nope don't mind in the least, the border is just something I saw that's in "beta" on photobucket so I'm tinkering with it.
I actually have something else I'm playing around with and would like input from the community on, including you Caemgen
as you know the character the best. I'll post the larger versions over in my New Artz WIP's thread probably tomorrow.

Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
Why don't I just go ahead and customize a signature for encourage your efforts!
Oh now that is tempting Pyro but I have something very specific in mind. There is something you could help me with though... I will need an elongated border that matches the circle in color and sheen. Maybe when I get done with making the "filler" you could make the shell to go around it?

Originally Posted by Kai View Post
*would totally stand in the CR commission line*
Just in case your ego needed a boost :7
Haha he's alive and well fed but never looks a boost horse in the mouth... ok that mixed metaphor totally failed in epic fashion lol.

Originally Posted by Starwind View Post
"Really" awesome sketch of Caemgen CR! Well done!
Thankyou kindly Starwind I'll be posting up the larger version tomorrow and have something that I would like peoples opinion on (artist types like you included )

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Regarding the art path and such:

There were probably 3 things that led to me straying from art. The first would be a couple crappy art teachers. There's nothing worse than a bad teacher (so the good ones should be paid better, darnnit!) The second would be writing. Soon after my being disillusioned by the teachers I found that when I really put my mind to it I can put together a halfway decent story. Not going pro there either but *shrug* And finally - I am lazy. I would be the Grand Pubah of lazy except you actually have to submit an application for the title and I was too lazy to do so.

Regarding Caemgen (the sketch and whatever you have planned...):

Bio-wise, Caemgen isn't the demon he appears to be. Probably. He was born to two natural parents and came out looking like a little imp. (The horns must have been tough to push out!) Dad went a bit nuts insisting Mom must have had "congress with the Devil" or such but every possible test shows no magical or mutant nature about Caemgen. (Dad, not convinced of the mothers fidelity, ended up splitting.)

Despite the number of superheroes in the world, growing up looking like a demon was not easy. Caemgen withdrew into himself and basically grew up living the life of a hermit and doing little but reading, surfing the web and wishing he was normal.

Finally, one day, he realized he was just too darn old to be living with his Mom. Certainly he couldn't just go out and get a job at McDonalds and rent a flat somewhere so he headed to Paragon City hoping to be able to at least hide behind the numerous other freaks and oddballs.

Thus Caemgen is generally very shy and reserved in any kind of social setting, always feeling like the outcast, the butt of all jokes, etc... etc...

Non-social settings, such as hunting down Rikti or such? Honestly I haven't RP'd (or even thought about) that much at all. I could totally see him turning a bit into the animal he looks like... feeling unencumbered by peoples eyes upon him and such why not cut loose?

Not sure what you have in mind (though must admit I am excited to find out) but if seeing reference shots of the toon would help check them out here: (The non Caemgen images in that album were put there to give my two commissioned artists of the kind of pose I'd like to see them draw him in... but feel free to go where you want to go with it!)



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
Check your inbox...

POW! That's kewl Pyro! Niiiice!

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Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url=""][/url]



So I wanted to take a stab at Massacre Melanie (well not literally... that would probably be bad for my health)
to say thanks for spending the time to really critique my LJ piece... and Suichiro just had
a birthday too so great... but I wanted to do something a little different.

I was wondering what would happen to Mel if she totally flipped out and let the BURN consume
her to the point where it warped her features and her hair actually manifested as literal fire!

Well I'm not sure how close I got to that but hopefully Suichiro likes the results so far.
If not... well it's the thought that counts.
Happy Birthday Suichi!

P.S. A bit tough to see but those are supposed to be flames in her eyes as well...
Also am I the only one that sees something of the Joker in this pic lol???

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



It's the grin... total Joker grin with the high cheekbones and such. Oh, and pointy chin...

Liking the piece so far though right now I wouldn't recognize it as Mel...(but I always was bad with faces... and names... and numbers, math, social studies, english, astronomy, phys. ed.... Well, you get the picture.)



When Mel manifests her BURN into it's penultimate form she looks similar to the Vulcans from Odin Sphere:

Though I appreciate the effort on your part. Thank you. :3

I think my main issue is the same one that Caemgen has. It's not recognizable as Mel anymore, since the distorted features are more androgynous. Though the hair manifesting as fire is right on the money, since that's what it was always meant to be a symbol of in the first place. Don't take it the wrong way though, since I'm always appreciative of any art I get. You just happen to be open to discussion, so you get the feedback that I normally hold back.

If you could soften the features up so it's more feminine and find a way to reconcile hair that flows upwards, with a hairstyle that has pronounced bangs then it would be much more recognizable as the character. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Well done again CR! I like the fire detail in her eyes, it's a nice touch. I also agree about softening up the features to achieve more feminine distinction. Keep up the quality work!

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Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url=""][/url]



Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
When Mel manifests her BURN into it's penultimate form she looks similar to the Vulcans from Odin Sphere:
Though I appreciate the effort on your part. Thank you. :3

I think my main issue is the same one that Caemgen has. It's not recognizable as Mel anymore, since the distorted features are more androgynous. Though the hair manifesting as fire is right on the money, since that's what it was always meant to be a symbol of in the first place. Don't take it the wrong way though, since I'm always appreciative of any art I get. You just happen to be open to discussion, so you get the feedback that I normally hold back.

If you could soften the features up so it's more feminine and find a way to reconcile hair that flows upwards, with a hairstyle that has pronounced bangs then it would be much more recognizable as the character.
Ok I hadn't heard of that series before (only Vulcans I know of are the The Roman God of the Forge and the "Live long and prosper" type) but ok at least I got the fire/hair idea right heh (thought I was pushing it on the hair becoming fire lol I guess not far enough).
Ok then if I decide to take another crack at it later when I get some more free-time can you answer a few more questions? You don't have to spend a lot of time, simple yes/no or brief explanation is fine.

1. Fire in the eyes, good or bad?
2. Are her eyes always green or would they turn red amid burn.
3. Placement/shape of the horns ok?
4. In the Vulcan pics you put up the horns are longer, do mels ever change shape size or curvature or are they a constant?
5. Placement/shape of the ears ok?
6. By pronounced bangs do you mean some hair always has to fall forward across the forehead? Or just that there has to be more recognizable sections?
7. How close is Mel to her look in the CC reference as far as the face... or was that face chosen because of the pronounced green eyes?
8. Pronounced canines yay or nay?
9. "joker grin" too much? In other words should I keep her mouth normal size and just curl it back for the effect or can it stretch?
10. How much of her actually becomes fire and what happens to her clothes?
11. Bonus question what's this emoticon mean? :3 is that like curly villain mustache or something? (Also the emoticons here on the forum really suck, sorry but the rolleyes don't even roll their eyes what's up with that? the smiley, mad and stick-out-tongue are passable at least but the rest /e thumbdown)

P.S. It occurs to me after a couple tries, with mixed results, it's hard to surprise someone with thankyou gift art when you can't ask questions or ask for references beforehand (though I have found your reference sheet now) without giving away the surprise.

Suppose I could've asked Deebs or Shia...

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by Starwind View Post
Well done again CR! I like the fire detail in her eyes, it's a nice touch. I also agree about softening up the features to achieve more feminine distinction. Keep up the quality work!
Thanks for the input Starwind. I try.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



CR! I love the AMAZING details you have for Mel!! And I concur with softening her up abit...after all, she is a girlie!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post

1. Fire in the eyes, good or bad?
It's too hard to tell what you mean by fire in the eyes. I've always just assumed that her eyes lost any pupil and simply glowed intensely.

2. Are her eyes always green or would they turn red amid burn.
They turn red or perhaps hot white.

3. Placement/shape of the horns ok?
Mel's horns are supposed to be more forward facing, though I'm not particularly picky about it. The horns are something that seem to be a favorite amongst artists to play with.

4. In the Vulcan pics you put up the horns are longer, do mels ever change shape size or curvature or are they a constant?
Mel's horns change size the more and more she's controlled by the BURN. They get longer as she falls into madness but they also get shorter the more she regains her composure.

5. Placement/shape of the ears ok?
The ears are pretty much right, yes.

6. By pronounced bangs do you mean some hair always has to fall forward across the forehead? Or just that there has to be more recognizable sections?
I mean that the forehead bangs are an iconic part of Melanie's look. I designed her to be recognizable without any part of her outfit at all, as I feel like a good character shouldn't need their outfit as part of their design. Without them, she doesn't look the same so there's a midpoint to balance between having them and playing with them for artistic expression.

7. How close is Mel to her look in the CC reference as far as the face... or was that face chosen because of the pronounced green eyes?
I chose that face because of the green eyes. Although it's pretty close to what her actual face should be like. Melanie is a faerie, more accurately a pixie, so her features are naturally elfin and delicate. Massacre Mel is a bit more mature looking so her face filled out more, but she should still sharp.

8. Pronounced canines yay or nay?
Depends on how you work them. She does tend to get more demonic as she goes mad, though I've never added the large canines to her. I tend to use a more subtle canine tooth that's sharp and aggressive, but still physically the same size as the other teeth.

9. "joker grin" too much? In other words should I keep her mouth normal size and just curl it back for the effect or can it stretch?
It's more a matter of it being too large as it distorts the face. After a certain point, it starts to destroy her feminine features. I like exaggerated emotions, but I feel there's a comfortable point that this went past.

10. How much of her actually becomes fire and what happens to her clothes?
The clothes burn away. Duh.

At that point, Mel's skin washes over with the supernatural darkness of her black magic so that it's nothing but a swirl of pitch black shadow with visible splits and tears in it where her inner core of fire seeps out, like lava on an active volcano. Her fae blood mixes with the elemental nature of fire and she becomes similar to an ifrit. Since Melanie is a Fire/Dark corruptor and I like to tout that she was the first (Fire/Dark even in Beta) her ultimate form has the elements of such.

Since I also have a crusade against black outfits, I think it's amusing to have a supernaturally black segment of her look as well.

This is as close as I ever got to a look I was happy with in the game, though it's only because I'm frustrated with the character creator that I finally settled on it. If I had my way, I would have something much more akin to the Vulcan pictures I linked earlier.

11. Bonus question what's this emoticon mean? :3 is that like curly villain mustache or something? (Also the emoticons here on the forum really suck, sorry but the rolleyes don't even roll their eyes what's up with that? the smiley, mad and stick-out-tongue are passable at least but the rest /e thumbdown)
:3 is my cat smile. I use it to indicate my general happiness at the same time as a sly look. Cats are never entirely innocent and nether am I.

I know some people have more of an idea of what their characters are like and what they're not like, while others don't really care as much. I'm one of the few that's very picky with my character because, one, I'm an artist myself. Two, I'm actually pretty picky with everyone's characters. Finally, three, believe or not, I've had Melanie for over 13 years. She's a character that I had throughout high school and college, my artistic muse and a personal mascot. She existed long before this game ever did, so my passions go well beyond the limitations of it. This new 'evil' version of her is relatively recent though still around 4 years old. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
At that point, Mel's skin washes over with the supernatural darkness of her black magic so that it's nothing but a swirl of pitch black shadow with visible splits and tears in it where her inner core of fire seeps out, like lava on an active volcano...

This is as close as I ever got to a look I was happy with in the game, though it's only because I'm frustrated with the character creator that I finally settled on it. If I had my way, I would have something much more akin to the Vulcan pictures I linked earlier.

Sooooo something like this then?

I got a little sloppy towards the end (hands and such) cuz it's late and I'm tired but hey close enough.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



ROFL, that's great.

I actually have an AR/Traps corruptor that I dressed up like a Longbow just as a nod to Barbie there.

I thought about the rocky texture myself, to simulate lava crust, but it's supposed to be smoother and more supernatural than that. I've tried again and again, but what I want just isn't possible. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



I was thinking the other day wow there sure are a lot of cutes running around on the forums here someone really
outta do something about that. So I thought I would take a crack at the queen of "cute-ification" herself Psygon!
Still a WIP the hands and cape still need cleaning up and more definition work but I'm pretty pleased with the face so far.
Hope she likes it.

Note: Her "cute" avatar has the two ponytails so I guessed that it would be closest to the "Feisty"
hair style but the references I received a bit after I started this had 3 different hair styles but none
of them were Feisty... did I guess wrong?

Also I took some license with cape clasp it was supposed to be an oval but I kept seeing the letter
P for some reason so I drew it in, it can easily be removed if she doesn't care for it though.
Psygon has the horizontal stripe face paint as a mask it will be darker when I get a better photo of it.
Also a bit hard to see cuz of the flash but that is the "thorn pattern" for the chest design.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Cuteness of a different sort... Nice.

Looks good so far but you seriously need to get a scanner hooked up!

And I must say, I am impressed by how accomodating you are. Personally, if I was doing Thank You's like this, I'd just be drawing them and if they were less than perfect then *shrug* Of course I'm a basterd so go figure.



Correction: Psygon, you will take this sketch with the feisty hair and P logo and you will LIKE IT missy...
and furthermore... and... aww darn, it's tough to stay mean in the face of overwhelming cuteness hahaha.

You win for now "teh cuteness" but this battle is not over! {>. >}
**shakes fist emphatically**

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



You are really kicking these things out CR! Nice start here! I wish I had that kind of time to dedicate!

I kind of agree with Caemgen here as well. You are doing these gratis. It's a wonderful gesture and expenditure of your time. I can't imagine someone would take umbrage with your work if the pony tails or broach weren't exact.

Imagine what van Gogh wouldv'e turned out on these boards

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Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url=""][/url]



Originally Posted by Starwind View Post
Imagine what van Gogh wouldv'e turned out on these boards

We would have made him even nuttier and he'd have cut out his eyes to spite us.



Originally Posted by Starwind View Post
You are really kicking these things out CR! Nice start here! I wish I had that kind of time to dedicate!

I kind of agree with Caemgen here as well. You are doing these gratis. It's a wonderful gesture and expenditure of your time. I can't imagine someone would take umbrage with your work if the pony tails or broach weren't exact.

Imagine what van Gogh wouldv'e turned out on these boards
We would have made him even nuttier and he'd have cut out his eyes to spite us.
Thanks Starwind, I'm attempting to be put like an hour a day or so into art, I don't always succeed
though (and it does cut into my game time ) but even 20 mins here and there add up.
Caemgen's sketch only took 45 mins in one sitting and I have like a half hour into Psygon so far.
I find myself sketching sometimes while I eat lunch so I'm not feeling the time pinch so much yet
but I be happier if I had 2-3 hours per day that I could spend on my art I think I would shake
off the rust much quicker and maybe tinker more with digital stuffz as well. Sigh oh well.

I'm not worried if I don't get stuff exact but I would like to be in the same ballpark lol,
I drew the tails cuz they were on her cute but the refs she sent had no tails or braids at all.
As for the P I could see how someone might not want P on their toon cuz well it sounds like
Pee lol and it would take like 2 seconds to erase and draw a circle in it's place.

Also she was very accommodating with my Xllusya cute and may even add in a Nemesis staff
which would be cool so I'm just responding in kind.

Lol Van Gogh would've turned out his most famous CoH painting Starry Wind... and then gone
insane when no one responded to his tells of PL Meh!

Sidenote: Van Gogh is my favorite of the Post-Impressionists and I've been to various galleries
all over the world to see his stuff (one of the largest collections is in Amsterdam) and what was
thought to be his last painting (there have been 7 more discovered since that post date it) "Wheatfield with Crows"
adorns my mousepad lol.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



CR!! Your ladies are always AMAZING! I cannot wait to see Psygon when she is complete!!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT