Thank you Artz... WIP
CR!! Your ladies are always AMAZING! I cannot wait to see Psygon when she is complete!!
![]() |

I posted up an update in a bigger size over in my New Artz thread (clicky the button in my sig to see it)
It's almost complete see whatcha think.
Ok since the last Mel didn't work out as... well as Mel (I still like the pic though and may post
it over in my New Art thread if I do any updates or coloring... it'll just be some other "lost it and
succumbed to the burn" fire based rogue hero/villain and not Mel) I thought I would take
another crack at Massacre Melanie but in a more recognizable form and with her trademark bangs.
Still wanted to do something a bit different than whats been done so I decided to go with a
(for lack of a better term) "thicker" style. Thicker lines and thick white spaces to the point where
her bangs almost look like fingers of a clawed hand rather than my usual fine line and detailed hair.
I raised the top knot up a bit and made the ponytail longer than usual and as suggested by Suichiro
made the horns more forward facing as well.
I may rework her expression a bit and narrow the chin, since this is in pencils (my Parker pens are
still "in the shop" lol), but I have a pretty good idea where I'm going with this.
Comments/suggestions always welcome as long as they are constructive.
POW! Love it man! This will turn out real sharp! Keep up the quality work amigo!
[url=]My deviantArt page[/url]
Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url=""][/url]
Frankly, I think it's beautiful. It's very well done, to the point where I flipped it and it still looked pretty much right. I also love pencil lines greatly and this pic is a great example of why. The flow of the hair and the delicate areas that wisp off the larger lines are very pretty.
I'd tweak the eyes a little, since it's easy to let them get stylized too much and become unbalanced, so rather than having the contour lines have the same outward expanding cone shape:
I'd draw them more as if you're drawing them from the front, with the contour lines being balanced on both sides, opposite of each other:
I did a bad job of it, with my mouse, but you get the idea. Since she's turned to the side, you'll see less of the far eye, but their shape would still be essentially the same. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN
Hmm, never pictured Mel as having quiet, contemplative down time like it appears there but it looks really good on her.
I think the chin may need a touch of work. I didn't notice at first glance but looking more closely it looks like the chin either juts out farther than one would expect or has some kind of distinct roundness about it? Probably not explaining it right but *shrug*
POW! Love it man! This will turn out real sharp! Keep up the quality work amigo!
Will do... however you say that whilst sounding Mexican.

Hmm, never pictured Mel as having quiet, contemplative down time like it appears there but it looks really good on her. I think the chin may need a touch of work. I didn't notice at first glance but looking more closely it looks like the chin either juts out farther than one would expect or has some kind of distinct roundness about it? Probably not explaining it right but *shrug* |

I also didn't think Mel capable of the softer emotions until I dug around and turned up images like this.

I get what your saying about the chin and I did mention it in the caption text above the image...
the pose I had in mind while doable is not very comfortable (at least not when I try it but my arms
are a lot thicker than normal so I dunno) in that your arm has to extend pretty far across your body for the chin
to extend over the tricep.
Any petite females care to chime in?
I may end up just putting her chin behind her arm. Her face being partially obscured
might even make for a more mysterious expression as she contemplates.
Thanks for the input Caemgen, I appreciate it.
Frankly, I think it's beautiful. It's very well done, to the point where I flipped it and it still looked pretty much right. I also love pencil lines greatly and this pic is a great example of why. The flow of the hair and the delicate areas that wisp off the larger lines are very pretty. I'd tweak the eyes a little, since it's easy to let them get stylized too much and become unbalanced, so rather than having the contour lines have the same outward expanding cone shape: I'd draw them more as if you're drawing them from the front, with the contour lines being balanced on both sides, opposite of each other: I did a bad job of it, with my mouse, but you get the idea. Since she's turned to the side, you'll see less of the far eye, but their shape would still be essentially the same. |

I did use the "flip-it-horizontally-trick" that you reminded me of this time around (thank
you for that

I am aware of the stylized eyes and they were intentional in this instance (doesn't mean I
haven't done it as an "ooops" in other pieces though so by all means point it out if you see
something like that) so I will wait until later in the sketch after I draw in the object of her
contemplation and if they look bothersome still, then I'll make them more realistic.

Yep... That's what got me giving it a closer look. Don't point out yer flaws and I'll be less likely to see them.
![]() |

Might make more sense when you see what she is comtemplating.
![]() I also didn't think Mel capable of the softer emotions until I dug around and turned up images like this. ![]() |

And yes, she has the capability for such. Everyone's characters are likely not just simple one sided personalities and mine is no different. I just don't generally write stories about her, so people don't know. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN

Yeah it's really sweet looking and it flys through games like nobody's business.

VexXxa if you really do want this computer setup I can still make them for a limited time yet...
the pictured rig cost about $3,300 though (with 30'' Ultra high rez flat panel it was $5k) a year and
a half ago when I built the first one but prices have come down and I can build a similarly powered
machine for much less now. Alternatively you can just buy the case for $200-$250 and have any
system built into it but if you are serious I'd act quick the manufacturer stopped making that particular
case and the few remaining will go up in price considerably very soon I'm sure.

Side note: Though the bone dragon cutaway design comes pre cut by the manufacturer the case
pictured in my link has been further modded by me with increased interior blue lighting, obstructive
grills cut out for better airflow, 80mm fans adapted to 120mm for reduced noise and increase
airflow, dust filters, low noise fans etc. etc.
Also earlier in this thread I was asked to post the portrait I did recently, it's a triple portrait
and i'll post up the first part later today.

Across the top are the 3 photos I used as reference.
Very impressive. Very, very nice...
From the photo's on top alone, her eyebrows in the art seem a bit too arched/peaked but you know the kid so it may just be an expression the photo's don't show. And even if not, a little artistic license is your right, no?
What did you use for the shading in this piece? Especially on the face it is very subtle but very effective... Nice!
I haven't played CoH in a good while but I still like browsing my favorite forum here. Free wknd lets me post, too.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that all the drawings in your thread are quite nice and it's a shame you don't have the time you'd like to spend on the art because it looks pretty awesome at this point
Very impressive. Very, very nice...
From the photo's on top alone, her eyebrows in the art seem a bit too arched/peaked but you know the kid so it may just be an expression the photo's don't show. And even if not, a little artistic license is your right, no? What did you use for the shading in this piece? Especially on the face it is very subtle but very effective... Nice! |
when I was around because I tended to make up stories as I went along... she's old
enough now and it's gotten harder to trick her.

As for what I used...
1. a Parker pen,
2. a #2 pencil,
3. and my middle finger...
(no really I did

That's it really... a little bit of green highlighter and gold marker for the eyes (and gold
for the earrings too), I know really high tech right?

I really don't have a fancy art setup... no art sticks, no coloring pencils (although I had a pretty good
set at one point... in storage now somewhere collecting dust), no copic markers, or fancy pencil sets
of varied hardness, no canvases or paint, no easel or studio, no wacom tablet or digital art setup
of anykind I was never really trained in any of that stuff (with the exception of high school art classes
and 1 college level life drawing/anatomy class) I'm pretty much just a self taught pencil, pen and
cheap paper kinda guy thusfar (I am making an effort to pick up some digital skillz but it's a heck of a
learning curve with the limited time I have available).
Yeah ok I'm rambling again... not much in the way of pro supplies is what I'm saying, sorry to disappoint lol.
I haven't played CoH in a good while but I still like browsing my favorite forum here. Free wknd lets me post, too.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that all the drawings in your thread are quite nice and it's a shame you don't have the time you'd like to spend on the art because it looks pretty awesome at this point ![]() |
A lurker came out of hiding and posted... quick get the net guns!

Thankyou DarkLilac for the kind words, yeah I'm hoping to get more free time and funds down the road
to get a really nice setup and put in more daily practice time. We'll see.

That is some darn good shading for a number 2 pencil and a smudger... Very smooth, very subtle...
Knowing pencil or pen/marker were your SOP I kind of assumed as much but the gentleness yet precision of it on the face had me wondering.
As for fancy pencils with varied hardness - even in my most skilled days I found very little need for more than 3 different hardnesses. Everything else can be achieved by the amount of pressure used, smudigng, etc...
Well for those that asked to see my setup here is a shot of the area I used to draw that portrait...
you can see the pen and pencil at the top and a few of the sharpies and highlighters off to the side as well.
Lets see if this gets any other lurkers to drop out of stealth mode and post something.
Hmmm its alot neater then my workspace
Very awesome drawings of your niece, I can't wait to see more.
Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller
Very awesome drawings of your niece, I can't wait to see more. ![]() |
The hair is obviously not completed yet as well as a few other details
(darkening under the chin, touching up the jawline etc) but there you have it.

Fantastic job CR! Can't wait to see it finished. She "will" keep it forever!
[url=]My deviantArt page[/url]
Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url=""][/url]
Amazing...nice work. See how the Hot Pencil pays off...makes you appreciate when you can take your time and enjoy drawing! Great job...can't wait to see it finished...and you'd better finish it and give it to her...she'll keep it forever!
(it's pretty huge and stuffz) but if you search it (ctrl+f) for the word portrait you would find the
post above containing this...
Well most of the stuff I've drawn is from years ago and I've either given it away, sold it or put it in storage (it was all on paper or canvas not digital).
I do however have a few sketches I've done in the last few weeks and one (what I would consider) high quality portrait I did a year or two ago that I guess I could post if people want to see em? |
that is... it's only like 90% done) but there was sadly some drama over who would get the finished piece
so I halted progress on it and decided that when she turns 18 I will gift it directly to her... until then it
stays with me rather than either parent or grandparents or other relatives etc.
I'm hoping she does get it framed and it becomes an heirloom to be handed down to future generations
but that's probably wishful thinking on my part.

But to your point yes I have noticed that effect after so many really fast, pencil-never-stops-moving,
sketches I do appreciate slowing down and really digging into the details.

Fantastic job CR! Can't wait to see it finished. She "will" keep it forever!

Well you will see it as close to being done as it is, soon as I take a better pic
(probably after double XP weekend) and post it up.
Beautiful portrait A note on smudging, I had an art teacher in my drawing class say that only an artist who doesn't know how to shade would smudge. He actually deducted points off of my artwork as well as anyone else who dared use it. It was a weekly argument the class would have with him.
For some reason that immediately made me think of:
Jake - How much for the little girl? How much for the women?
Father - What?
Jake - Your women. I want to buy your women. The little girl, your daughters... sell them to me. Sell me your children.