Did this game get slower?




So I've returned from another hiatus and I don't know about you but it seems to take a heck of a lot longer to level in CoX than it used to. I could get 2-3 levels or more in the teens an hour but now I feel like I'm lucky to even get 1 level an hour, and teams just seem more and more scarce.

I'm sure it's because more and more people are turning to AE farms to level and I'm sorry but I simply refuse to ever touch an AE farm unless under extreme circumstances. For one, I hate farms in general because I just find them mind-numbingly boring. I did one farm on a lvl 50 once and that's all it took for me to realize I hated them with every fiber of my being.

But yeah, it just seems to take twice as long to find a team and three times as long to level, but perhaps I'm just unlucky. Plus I've been trying to play on redside for once but it seems nobody wants to team over there at all unless it's AE.

Anyway, just needed to vent because I think this game is really fun, but it's just been pretty frustrating lately...



Welcome back

There's going to be an xp boost for the early levels in I16, and they recently gave an xp boost for the later levels too - so the game should actually be a little faster now

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



teams may indeed be harder to find but the leveling speed has only been increased



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Welcome back

There's going to be an xp boost for the early levels in I16, and they recently gave an xp boost for the later levels too - so the game should actually be a little faster now
Thanks, and that sounds nice. Of course, my problem isn't really with the amount of XP it takes to level but rather the slowness of finding teams.

Before I last unsubbed there was AE, but there were still a good amount of other teams running around. Now it seems AE has spread throughout like a virus.

I can understand someone with tons of 50s using it as a means to quickly level up, but my friend has told me of new players who have leveled on only AE and have hardly seen anything outside of Atlas Park. That's probably one of the saddest things I've ever heard of in an MMO..being able to reach the level cap while remaining in the starting zone. Makes me want to vomit.

Plus I've never really had a 50 yet in CoH despite having the 6 month vet reward. My attention span is just too low to really stick with a character I guess, so that's probably why I'm adamant about staying away from AEs and farms and powerleveling because I haven't even really experienced the full game yet like someone with 10+ 50s has.



If you are a team oriented player and have been unsubbed for a while, teams may indeed seem harder to find.
I-16 is in open Beta, so a number of folks are on the Test Server.
If your hiatus was long, it may have been before the new, expanded /hide feature. People are able to Hide from the Search menu without being hidden from thier Friends and SG. (The Search Menu is thought to be a main method the RMT Spammers use to populate thier "mailing lists")

I recommend joining one of the Global Channels for your server. It may help you meet new folks, and usually quite decent, knowledgable players. I imagine that if you were on Virtue and said on VU2009 "Hey, relatively new player here. Can anyone use a Level <level> <Archtype>?" you might get a bite.



Originally Posted by _____ View Post
teams may indeed be harder to find but the leveling speed has only been increased
At least once, for sure, and possibly more than once. It is so much faster to level now with the XP curve changes, content changes, and things like rested XP, that it is pretty amazing that someone returning to this game from any hiatus could feel the game levels more slowly than is did before.

How long was your hiatus, OP?

My Going Rogue Trailer

Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best



Originally Posted by Razoras View Post
At least once, for sure, and possibly more than once. It is so much faster to level now with the XP curve changes, content changes, and things like rested XP, that it is pretty amazing that someone returning to this game from any hiatus could feel the game levels more slowly than is did before.

How long was your hiatus, OP?
Not sure exactly. Probably at least 6 months.



Ah, well that explains it. Hardly a hiatus at all, so you're either starting to enter a normally "slow" period of the XP curve or you just misremember. If you had said a year or two you'd have to be crazy to think things were slower.

My Going Rogue Trailer

Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best



Broadcasting is the least optimal way of going about finding a team, if you truly wish to optimize your ability to find teams, hop on to you server's Global channels (TF, GM's, Badge, etc.)

I took me 9 months to get my first 50, 5 months to get my second, my third is coming up (just hit 45 last night), and it will probably be about a year for that one. I play a lot with friends I've made in the game and here on the forums, so I tend to hop around quite a bit and it seems that we all suffer from altitis.

I've done some AE farms, but it gets boring quickly for me. My friends and I will typically search the AE thread in the servers section, and hunt down story MArcs to try that way.

Opt for a 'wide-angle lens' when looking for teams, the more avenues you take, the more likely you will be successful in finding teams.

Oh, and welcome back.



Like I said, my issue isn't with the XP required it's with getting teams. I hardly ever solo, especially in the lower levels where it's just a pain in the butt.



Standard teaming recommendations:

  • Use the team search tool to set your flag so others will see that you are LFT.
  • Join & monitor your server's global channels.
  • Form your own teams.
  • When you find other players that have compatible play styles, add them to global friends.
  • Join an active SG.
  • Look in your server's section here on the forum for events (this is also where you can find global channels and possibly an SG)
As long as you are willing to put forth even minimal effort, you should have little to no problems finding teams. I'd say close to 90% of my teams are from global friends and global channels alone.



Ok, I'm not some noob who's just started playing the game and doesn't know how to use all the tools. I didn't make this thread to ask how to find teams, I just wanted to vent about my hatred of AE farms and how they impede on my leveling.



Ah, venting. Well, I just wanted to be helpful if I could.

If it makes you feel any better, there are plently of folks who feel as you do, particularly with the paragraph that you ended with ".....Makes me want to vomit."
Well, maybe not all feel as vehemently about it as you do, but some do.
You can find and join some of the AE Rant threads already in progress, if you like.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Ah, venting. Well, I just wanted to be helpful if I could.

If it makes you feel any better, there are plently of folks who feel as you do, particularly with the paragraph that you ended with ".....Makes me want to vomit."
Well, maybe not all feel as vehemently about it as you do, but some do.
You can find and join some of the AE Rant threads already in progress, if you like.
I know, sorry. It's just I usually play only with my brother and some other RL friends but they're all higher level than me so I'm having to play catch up and it's really frustrating.

Before I could get to lvl 20-30 in 2-3 days. Now in the same amount of play time it's more like...

Day 1: lvl 10
Day 2: lvl 12
Day 3: lvl 14
Day 4: lvl 16

Of course, it may just be like that on villain side which I am unfamiliar with because I've only really ever played heroes. If I was playing on hero side again it'd probably be a lot faster.

I got on for an hour last night and broadcasted in Port Oakes and didn't get anything, and was surprised to find I was really the only person looking for a team at all.



[quote=Neg_rogue;2184510]I know, sorry. It's just I usually play only with my brother and some other RL friends but they're all higher level than me so I'm having to play catch up and it's really frustrating.[/quote

Sidekicking exists since early on in the game. use it.

Before I could get to lvl 20-30 in 2-3 days. Now in the same amount of play time it's more like...

Day 1: lvl 10
Day 2: lvl 12
Day 3: lvl 14
Day 4: lvl 16
Looks like a good plan of keeping you playing the game, to me. besides, WHY do you "need" to rocket through the levels?

Of course, it may just be like that on villain side which I am unfamiliar with because I've only really ever played heroes. If I was playing on hero side again it'd probably be a lot faster.
Why do you need to go faster on the side of the game where the stories are all uniformly better and more fun to go through?

I got on for an hour last night and broadcasted in Port Oakes and didn't get anything, and was surprised to find I was really the only person looking for a team at all.
Then broadcast is your least useful tool like someone else said. If you're just here to piss and moan about it that's nice, but... you ask in your thread title if the game got slower. No, it didn't.

We've had several changes to Xp curve, reduced debt, the addition of the AE, AND patrol xp. All those things make leveling easier. But again: if you're trying to play the game, don't try and speed through it. At least enjoy the first time around if you're not playing villain side much. I've finally started enjoying my redside ride, and note my join date. Villains stuff is way better written, and they would like to keep you playing / paying as long as possible. Thus... Why speed?

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!




Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
Thus... Why speed?
I guess you missed the part where I said I'm trying to catch up to my friends?




Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post

I guess you missed the part where I said I'm trying to catch up to my friends?
Sidekick, and then SOLO some. It's not that hard. Make your OWN teams. Dont' just stand there broadcasting. Find the right level area, open your "find team" tab and start sending tells politely. there are teams.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!




Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post

Sidekick, and then SOLO some. It's not that hard. Make your OWN teams. Dont' just stand there broadcasting. Find the right level area, open your "find team" tab and start sending tells politely. there are teams.
I tried soloing on my elec/elec brute. I think I'd rather go through a root canal without the use of pain killers. I can barely take an Lt and two minions and I have to rest after every other fight. Plus the XP compared to teams is garbage.

And I tried making my own team last night, but if I'm the only one broadcasting it doesn't matter if I'm looking for a team or trying to put one together if I'm the only one even interested.

But please, continue to talk down to me and be condescending...



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
I tried soloing on my elec/elec brute. I think I'd rather go through a root canal without the use of pain killers. I can barely take an Lt and two minions and I have to rest after every other fight. Plus the XP compared to teams is garbage.
Ooh! Elec/Elec Brute!
I enjoyed mine greatly. Looking at your former posts, I see "Day 4: L16".
You have some very good powers to look forward to.
Chain Lightning is no longer the dog that it used to be.
Grounded allows you to ignore Malta Sappers later on, and provides your KB resistance.
And from there it gets better, Stamina+Powersink=Limitless Endurance. Conserve Power was utterly redundant.
Lightning Field+Powersink= the ability to sap foes to nothing.

While soloing may give less XP/hour than teaming, you should recieve much better wealth/level in the form of drops.

Low-level Brutes are quite dependant on Endurance, since Fury requires momentum. A fair number of Brutes skip damage enhancements early on, focusing on Endurance to build Fury and Fury to generate Damage.



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
Like I said, my issue isn't with the XP required it's with getting teams. I hardly ever solo, especially in the lower levels where it's just a pain in the butt.
It's taken me 79 hours to solo to 45. I guess that it a long time.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
Ok, I'm not some noob who's just started playing the game and doesn't know how to use all the tools. I didn't make this thread to ask how to find teams, I just wanted to vent about my hatred of AE farms and how they impede on my leveling.
Nothing wrong with venting..



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Ooh! Elec/Elec Brute!
I enjoyed mine greatly. Looking at your former posts, I see "Day 4: L16".
You have some very good powers to look forward to.
Chain Lightning is no longer the dog that it used to be.
Grounded allows you to ignore Malta Sappers later on, and provides your KB resistance.
And from there it gets better, Stamina+Powersink=Limitless Endurance. Conserve Power was utterly redundant.
Lightning Field+Powersink= the ability to sap foes to nothing.

While soloing may give less XP/hour than teaming, you should recieve much better wealth/level in the form of drops.

Low-level Brutes are quite dependant on Endurance, since Fury requires momentum. A fair number of Brutes skip damage enhancements early on, focusing on Endurance to build Fury and Fury to generate Damage.
Yeah, I made a thread on the brute forums detailing my utter pain with the last few teams I've been on (i.e. faceplant heaven). I usually forego enhancements until I can get SOs but DOs may in fact take away much of the pain I've had so far xD

And sorry again if I seem to have a crummy attitude. I actually was having fun before my last break just taking it slow and soloing a few arcs. I think the only reason I seem to want to go fast is because now I'm back playing with my friends and they really like to push things...



It's never been faster to level in this game playing normally than it is now, even solo.



Soloing an Ice/Kinetics controller is a painful process.

I've just got him to level 20 a day ago, and during the grind from 1 to 20 I was on a total of three teams that lasted more than a single mission.

Every other team I've been on takes upwards of fifteen minutes to assemble. Then a single mission is completed. Following that, two players will immediately notify the team that they are leaving. From that point, there is a 75% chance the rest of the team will immediately dissolve after those two players have left. In the small 25% chance, the team continues with less than half of its original starting number, and will fall apart in the middle of the second mission.

Thankfully I have yet to particpate in an AE farm, and I never wish to do so. Perhaps some people find it enjoyable, but I'll be staying away from it. Hopefully the changes coming in I16 will make it so that the farmers don't have to consume the majority of the playerbase to do their farms.



Originally Posted by Columnist_Freak View Post
Every other team I've been on takes upwards of fifteen minutes to assemble. Then a single mission is completed. Following that, two players will immediately notify the team that they are leaving. From that point, there is a 75% chance the rest of the team will immediately dissolve after those two players have left. In the small 25% chance, the team continues with less than half of its original starting number, and will fall apart in the middle of the second mission.
Heh, you pretty much described exactly how many of my teams have gone, except I'd also add in somewhere the teams that insist on taking a 10 minute or more break after every mission.