The Character Copy tool has been made over!




Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
No idea when/if they're gonna fix it.
I guess it's time for the classic "soon (tm)" for all cryptic devs...



Originally Posted by Robot_Apple View Post
I guess it's time for the classic "soon (tm)" for all cryptic devs...
It'll probably get fixed on or shortly after the 18th, in which case the fix is simply flipping the switch on the beta server to "off".

"Your voice holds the key to your society
Expose the ones that want to **** it up for you and me
No more of settling for what they feed
The time has come to put the pressure up against the greed"
- Senser, "Resistance Now"



Originally Posted by Skeeterbane View Post
No luck with char copy so far. Been trying to copy over one of my villians to see what the archtypes are like, and it says 'in progress' for 30+ mins but doesn't copy her over. Tried several times this weekend - my guess is que is swamped with open beta applicants
Is everyone still having problems with character copy or is it just me?



Yeah...I think we're around a month down at this point. Why don't you just remove the Test server and copy tool and coinciding links altogether and pretend that's what everyone wanted? It worked for i13.



Originally Posted by Psoma View Post
Why don't you just remove the Test server and copy tool and coinciding links altogether and pretend that's what everyone wanted? It worked for i13.
Be careful what you wish for!

Can't logon to Test at all now.





Just an update: we could log into the Test server okay last night, but THE COPY TOOL IS STILL BROKEN, so I hope you already had toons copied.



Unfortunately I cant copy from Guardian to test now. It says "The selected service is currently unavailable"



for some reason it says "The selected service is currently unavailable."
can anyone help me?

Bruce-lee,scrapper,MA/SR 50 (H) Pinnacle
Fire-d Star,tanker, Fire/fire 50 (H) Pinnacle
Something Ugly, Brute, Elec/stone 50 (V) Pinnacle



That would be the devs. But they don't seem overly-concerned with this matter, since the copy tool has been broken like this for well over a month. Take comfort in knowing that you cannot possibly be more irritated about this than me.



If this isn't getting fixed, then perhaps it's time to remove the information referring to a Char Copy tool? No point having information on something that doesn't actually exist.

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
Saving CoX events/FB info



Here it is the 31st, and it still seems to be down.



Originally Posted by MoltenSlowa View Post
Quoted from the other thread

It's sexy, I'll admit it.

However, I do have a suggestion. Show the Archetype or level of the character too. Such as

Molten Slowa (Tanker/Level 50)

Seconded. And thirded if necessary. Heck I'd do whatever is necessary to make this happen.

Originally Posted by Galactoman View Post
Poor Coyote... I've always wondered what he did to piss off Statesman badly enough to earn himself a lifetime of telling newbies to punch sick people...
Mark Urial - 50th level Kinetic/Energy Defender - Guardian
Ooohhhh Snap - 50th level Fire/Kinetic Controller - Guardian
Frigid Hottie - 50th level Fire/Cold Controller - Guardian



I assume that the Copy tool is still down and it's not my computer, I only get the "The selected service is currently unavailable." message when I try yo copy. Am I right?






Originally Posted by Firemoth View Post
Sorry, my klingon is not that good, "woot!" was "yes" or "no"?



So I guess there is like no hope of it ever coming back seeing how it's been broken for quite some time now?



nm, not falling for That trick again ;-)



It has been broken so long, can't tell they have any intention of fixing it, or, even if they care.