With a little help from the GM
You were very lucky... I've had issues where it has been faster to reset a mission than to wait for the GM. Running a mission team the other day we petitioned a stuck enemy. waited around the mission entrance for a bout five minutes. Got tired of waiting. Exited, reset the mission cleared it and were about half way into the next mission before it the GM got in touch with me.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
You were very lucky... I've had issues where it has been faster to reset a mission than to wait for the GM. Running a mission team the other day we petitioned a stuck enemy. waited around the mission entrance for a bout five minutes. Got tired of waiting. Exited, reset the mission cleared it and were about half way into the next mission before it the GM got in touch with me.
This. Only it was several missions later, and 3 hours, I think. Told him/her/it to nevermind, we'd moved on.
And only that one time. Most times, it's via the email.
I'm jealous of ya, Sharkbait. I may have to stalk you to find out how you got the GM that fast.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
I'm with Sharkbait I always get fast responses in game and I also want to thank them.
I'm with Sharkbait I always get fast responses in game and I also want to thank them.
Not to mention the petition system for CoX is way more user-friendly than most other games I play. (It took me five minutes just to figure out how to petition in WoW.)
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
I've also had relatively good response times in game. The only thing that annoys me a bit are the fixed responses when talking to a GM, as if they can only communicate in preapproved phrases. It would seem friendlier if it didn't feel like I was talking to an AI.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
The only thing that annoys me a bit are the fixed responses when talking to a GM, as if they can only communicate in preapproved phrases. It would seem friendlier if it didn't feel like I was talking to an AI.
Because the last "talks" I had with a GM didn't feel like talking with some AI thingy.
Anyone know if they are free to communicate how they want ?
@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)
Of course they are, but you get the same exact problems so many times that I'm sure a large number of them just prefer to hit a button that answers the question, rather than typing (at however fast/slow their wpm is) the whole thing out again and again.
If you go outside an easily-scripted question, you'll get a real response. If you say "I have a dude stuck in a wall," they'll most likely hit the "dude stuck in a wall response" button and start working on unsticking the dude.
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
I've nothing but good luck with GM assists in game and through the ticket support system. The last issue I had was with my account, it took about 5 days to fix, the CS members kept in contact with me on a daily basis, passed it up the chain without any griping from me, were helpful, always polite, and resolved my problem. They went way beyond my expectations.
I wrote and extended 'Thank You and You Rock!" letter that I had TheOcho pass on to the appropriate staffs Director.
Every single time I've had to petition for a GM I've gotten a response in less than five minutes.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
My response times have been all over the place, though usually fairly quick. I'm jealous of the people saying that they've gotten GMs who sound human though. The last few times I've needed GM help in-game their English was a bit bizarre, as if they weren't quite comfortable with it or someone needed to proofread the phrase macros. It felt more like talking to a bad chatbot than a person.
i had this very same issue with the bugged heist mission on the 20th. i cleared it, checked to make sure that no one was hiding in a nook or cranny, couldn't find anything i'd missed, but the mission wouldn't complete. Finally, i decided to petition it. Tabbed out to check my mail (since sometimes you get auto-responses if there's a long queue) and by the time i'd tabbed back into the game GM_Lara was there and willing to help. She quickly and efficiently searched the map, declared it a bugged, incompletable map, and finished it for me. i was quite happy with friendliness, response time, and skill in the GM that helped me. She was there literally less than 5mins since i'd sent the petition.
That particular mission is bugged. She also filed a bug report for it, so that it can be fixed in an upcoming patch.
The one time I needed a GM, it was there within 10 minutes (on a Saturday night by the way) and got our dog outta the tree lickety split. Concise and to the point it was, for sure, but oh well...less time wasted on shooting the shoot with us means it gets to the next problem quicker.
It happened to me again yesterday with a bugged mission at around 5pm EST.... the wait was over 30 minutes. This was the 2nd time I tried to clear this mission but since I couldn't and didn't want to go through the hassles of a third time,I just went around the house and did some work. I'd poke my head into the game to see if I heard anything from them but nothing till well after 5:30.. and talk about the chatbot feel with a dire need of grammar check. I felt like I was talking to my 3 year old nephew who didn't have english as a first language...
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
Every time I've needed GM help they been very professional. Wait times for me have ranged from 5-30 mins. I think that's quick but then again I normally solo most of my missions so, I'm never really in a rush.
Screw every one of you, and then your ovens. Marcian_Tobay
You don't get something for nothing
You can't have freedom for free
This may be the chief difference between the unhappy and the happy here. 30mins wait, to me, is perfectly reasonable. Yeah, less is better, but 30min hardly seems like to long.
Heck, I've been a hold with AT&T for FAR longer than that (4 hours one time in particular, but many times I've gotten close to that)...and they are a HUGE company with support departments MANY times bigger than ours.
I have always had a fairly fast and friendly response when this problem popped up in the game. Average wait time for me has been 10 minutes. The GMs were very polite and helpful. My absoulte favorite thing that happened during one such incident was when GM Ronnie showed up in my game as a police drone! It still makes me smile.

Last night I was doing a mission in Skyway City with my Dr Intox toon and had trouble finishing the mission.
It was a "stop heist" mission where I had to save some hostages.
Well as I cleared the map and rescued all hostages, the mission wouldn't compleet.
So after retrying several times I sent a messages for GM help.
And very shortly after I got a reply from GM Murphy.
Honestly, I was amazed. Because I hear a lot of bad things about the support in game here on the forums. But what I witnessed first hand was great support.
GM Murphy was friendly, helped me out, talked to me like a human being (and not some machine reply bullsh*t) and was very fast in helping.
So I just wanted to thank GM Murphy and all other peolpe outhtere giving us support and helping us out.
I know it's a big big game with big big problemes from time to time, but people should stop complaining all the time and give thanks when thanks should be given.
Ps: wasn't sure where to post this so I hope this fits
@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)