Mass Confusion vs XP....




Does mass confusion hurt your XP solo? With the new features coming out in I16 (if/when it is out) allowing you to have missions spawn as if you are an 8 man team…it seems like mass confusion will come in even more handy now solo.

Let me say that I love confusion/deceive powers. I feel lost with out deceive when I switch from my Illusion troller to my ice/storm troller.

I ask because it seems with mass confusion and no AoE immobilize that does damage it would seem that you have a chance to really hurt your total XP as some of the mobs will kill each other off before you can do any real damage to them.



Originally Posted by Greekfyre View Post
Does mass confusion hurt your XP solo? With the new features coming out in I16 (if/when it is out) allowing you to have missions spawn as if you are an 8 man team…it seems like mass confusion will come in even more handy now solo.

Let me say that I love confusion/deceive powers. I feel lost with out deceive when I switch from my Illusion troller to my ice/storm troller.

I ask because it seems with mass confusion and no AoE immobilize that does damage it would seem that you have a chance to really hurt your total XP as some of the mobs will kill each other off before you can do any real damage to them.
This has been covered many times, and no it doesn't hurt your XP. You still get most of the XP as long as you do some damage to the affected enemies, and since you are killing much faster and dying less you have a net gain. Taking longer to complete a mission or defeat a nasty spawn because you fear "losing XP to confusion"; now THAT costs XP.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Greekfyre View Post
Does mass confusion hurt your XP solo? With the new features coming out in I16 (if/when it is out) allowing you to have missions spawn as if you are an 8 man team…it seems like mass confusion will come in even more handy now solo.

Let me say that I love confusion/deceive powers. I feel lost with out deceive when I switch from my Illusion troller to my ice/storm troller.

I ask because it seems with mass confusion and no AoE immobilize that does damage it would seem that you have a chance to really hurt your total XP as some of the mobs will kill each other off before you can do any real damage to them.
Use Terrify and an EPP AoE of your choice to secure xp for your Mass Confused mob



I dunno if anybody's ever worked out the numbers for a solo player, but I suspect it still follows the "less xp per kill, but more kills per hour so more xp overall" scenario.



Thanks all and like I said in the original post I love my confusion powers but have not played with mass confusion yet and was wondering if it may hurt XP with out an AoE damage dealer in Mind.....unlike plant who has SoC and roots.

Also I was not even thinking about the APP powers and getting an AoE type power from there.....once again...thanks for the replys.



Whether you're solo or teamed shouldn't make a difference.

The rule is:

1. How long would the the fight normally take you if you didn't use Mass Confusion?

2. Multiply that by 3.

3. Now multiply it by the fraction of the damage you're doing, among all the damage that needs to be done to all the mobs, to bring them all down.

So long as you take that much time or less *between* fights to get to the next fight, the confuses can't be hurting you. The explanation's in my sig, but it's not for the algebra- or word-question-phobic.

It turns out that's just a crazy long time to find the next fight. And the thing to bear in mind is, if you're going to do only a small portion of the total damage whilst confused mobs annihilate each other, then probably it was going to take you forEVER to take down those mobs without MC.

The thing about solo is, mass confusion like any AoE power, is sorta dubious in utility to use only up against the roughly 3 MObs you'll get in mission doors. 3 is the bare-bones minimum, at least the way I play, for even considering to use an AoE.

If it's 3 bosses or 3 foes that mez, then sure, by all means, MC and follow up with Confusion if necessary. But that kinda thing will be few and far between solo.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
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I included a lengthy discussion about confuse powers in my Ill/Rad guild. The bottom line is that any loss in XP, if any, is easily offset by the great utility, fun and safety that Mass Confusion provides. I think it is probably variable on whether there is any XP loss or gain, but in either event, if you know to do damage to the targets of the confused foes, any alleged loss will be very small and it might be a net gain. Keep using it, and don't worry so much about small amounts of XP.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



I say, use Mass Hypnosis, follow up with MC and Terrify. This means that if and when they launch their one allowed attack, it won't be aimed at you. But you wont lose much XP because they only get the one attack.

Mind you (heh), enemies only usually have a 50% chance to hit. so there's a good chance that they won't be hitting eachother all that much.

Also, since MC is on a hideously long recharge, you really CAN'T use it enough to lose a significant amount of XP from lost kills unless you take forever to solo a small group.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



If the mobs deal damage to each other equal to 50% of each other's HP and you deal the rest, you still get 70% of the xp for the kill. So it does reduce xp per kill, but more than offsets this by increasing your xp per hour. If used well with damage powers Seeds of confusion can substantially increase your xp per hour. Mass confusion less so, but still noticeably.



Originally Posted by Jorlain View Post
If the mobs deal damage to each other equal to 50% of each other's HP and you deal the rest, you still get 70% of the xp for the kill. So it does reduce xp per kill, but more than offsets this by increasing your xp per hour. If used well with damage powers Seeds of confusion can substantially increase your xp per hour. Mass confusion less so, but still noticeably.
70% of the XP in 50% of the time, indeed.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



And yet, you, like myself, will still get people complaining about the lost xp if you dare to use a confuse power

Spines/ D A lvl 50 Scrap, stone/wm lvl 50 tank, Kat/reg lvl 50 Scrap
Grav/Kin lvl 50 Cont, Fire/Enegry lvl 50 Blast
Warshade lvl 50, PB lvl 39, nightwidow lvl 50, crab lvl 42
plant/thorns lvl 50 dom, ice/fire lvl 40 dom, grav/nrg lvl 41 dom



here is a nice graph to look on:

Helge corr lvl 50 rad/cold
Helge2 corr lvl 50 ice/rad
Techbothelge MM lvl 50 robo/dark
Helge Mauz def lvl 50 emp/ele
illuhelge troller lvl 50 illu/rad
Wiederbelebter helge nk lvl 50 bs/reg
Maennerschreack nightwidow lvl 44
Quantenjaeger ws lvl 3



Originally Posted by Constant_Motion View Post
And yet, you, like myself, will still get people complaining about the lost xp if you dare to use a confuse power
I have been kicked from a team because of their fear of lost xp when I used my seeds of confuse. They just don't understand the advantages to it. I think more awareness needs to be put out there.

After really tracking it in solo, the xp loss is about 8% - 15% for mins. 3% - 10% for Luts. 1% - 6% for boss. It is so well worth using the confuse vs. the small amount of xp loss. You can finish fights faster and can finish mish for the bonus xp faster that in no time, you've over come the small amount of loss.

Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper



Originally Posted by Pans_Folley View Post
I have been kicked from a team because of their fear of lost xp when I used my seeds of confuse. They just don't understand the advantages to it. I think more awareness needs to be put out there.

After really tracking it in solo, the xp loss is about 8% - 15% for mins. 3% - 10% for Luts. 1% - 6% for boss. It is so well worth using the confuse vs. the small amount of xp loss. You can finish fights faster and can finish mish for the bonus xp faster that in no time, you've over come the small amount of loss.
I don't mean to belabor this, but it's kind of a habit to do so, and as somebody just got through saying, there needs to be more awareness out there. (If I played more dominators I'd go there and browbeat people.)

It's IMPOSSIBLE to lose XP because of a confuse, in any sense at all. Just to deal with the narrowest sense:

XP on mobs that you don't get because a confused mob damaged the mob, is NOT lost-- you can't say you earned it-- you didn't-- so you can't say you lost it.

The closest you can get to saying a confuse caused you to "lose" something, is saying that it causes lost opportunity. There are other reasons this is more broadly untrue, that have to do with how confusion XP distribution schemes work. But in the narrowest sense:

Opportunity of the sort "lost" is not at all limited. IOW: infinity minus one, is still infinity.

Again, I cover the rest of the reasons that confusions are actually an XP bonus elsewhere. And not to nitpick your word choice (sorry), but when people say XP loses you something, they're saying something that's completely, unreservedly, wrong.

Sorry you got kicked by people. That's highly lame.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Originally Posted by Enantiodromos View Post

It's IMPOSSIBLE to lose XP because of a confuse, in any sense at all. Just to deal with the narrowest sense:
Do I get full xp for a take down when a confused mob has taken some shots on my take down? No. I get a percentage of xp based on the amount of damage I delt vs the amount received by a confused. The full potential could be say 2000xp. I get 1800 out of the 2000xp. I've lost 200xp because of the confused mob.

Not Impossible - Fact.

Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper



Originally Posted by Pans_Folley View Post
Do I get full xp for a take down when a confused mob has taken some shots on my take down? No. I get a percentage of xp based on the amount of damage I delt vs the amount received by a confused. The full potential could be say 2000xp. I get 1800 out of the 2000xp. I've lost 200xp because of the confused mob.

Not Impossible - Fact.
No, you didn't. You never earned the 200 XP. You can't lose something you didn't earn.

If that's lost XP to you, you should be FURIOUS about the fact that, all over the game, all the time, everywhere, spawns are de-spawning. Right now. Every single one of those mobs in spawns that despawn is "lost" XP according to you (who thinks he deserves XP he didn't earn.)

So stop and think about it. What you're really concerned with losing is not the XP you didn't earn. It's the OPPORTUNITY to earn XP.

And no opportunity can be lost when opportunity is infinite, which it certainly is in play.

There is no sense whatsoever in which XP is lost due to confusions.

Don't sweat it. You're just mistaken to call it lost XP. Lots of people make the same mistake you are. No big deal.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Originally Posted by Enantiodromos View Post
No, you didn't. You never earned the 200 XP. You can't lose something you didn't earn.

If that's lost XP to you, you should be FURIOUS about the fact that, all over the game, all the time, everywhere, spawns are de-spawning. Right now. Every single one of those mobs in spawns that despawn is "lost" XP according to you (who thinks he deserves XP he didn't earn.)

So stop and think about it. What you're really concerned with losing is not the XP you didn't earn. It's the OPPORTUNITY to earn XP.

And no opportunity can be lost when opportunity is infinite, which it certainly is in play.

There is no sense whatsoever in which XP is lost due to confusions.

Don't sweat it. You're just mistaken to call it lost XP. Lots of people make the same mistake you are. No big deal.

Welcome to Planet Earth.

Your esoteric mumbo jumbo is not going to change things here. It's a real stretch to compare lost xp on mobs you're engaged with to all mobs generated within the game. I'm sadly disappointed that this is all you could come up with. Seriously, are you even trying? And I had such high hopes for you. TISK TISK . . .

Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper



Originally Posted by Pans_Folley View Post
It's a real stretch to compare lost xp on mobs you're engaged with to all mobs generated within the game. I'm sadly disappointed that this is all you could come up with. Seriously, are you even trying?
No. Actually there was quite a bit more than that; scroll up. Or see my guide. Your inability to pay attention doesn't make the evidence go away.

And no, it's not a stretch at all. It's XP you didn't earn. You can't lose it.

The stretch is where you think you deserve unearned XP. It would be ridiculous to whine about lost XP from mobs despawning. It's exactly as ridiculous, for exactly the same reasons, to whine about XP opportunity shifts due to confused mob damage.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Originally Posted by Enantiodromos View Post
No. Actually there was quite a bit more than that; scroll up. Or see my guide. Your inability to pay attention doesn't make the evidence go away.

And no, it's not a stretch at all. It's XP you didn't earn. You can't lose it.

The stretch is where you think you deserve unearned XP. It would be ridiculous to whine about lost XP from mobs despawning. It's exactly as ridiculous, for exactly the same reasons, to whine about XP opportunity shifts due to confused mob damage.

You're really on a strange and bizzar bent here.

Who's whining about lost xp from mobs despawning? If I have it right, you're the one who brought that point in all on your own. As a matter of fact, I pointed out how stupid it was of you to make that kind of point to begin with, as nice as I was about it the first time.

You seem to be pushing the point that if you didn't inflict the damage, then you don't deserve the experience. No Kidding - That is called "lost" experience. You can get yourself all twisted up about if you like, I think this is a lot of fun, but the fact remains, the xp was lost do to damage from the confused mob. Plain, Simple, End of Story.

If you want to keep going on about it, that's fine, I'm game.

Oh, and you may want to check out that guide of yours. It's not entirely correct. ---- You lose out on the exp when a mob takes damage from a confused.

You can cause mass confusion within a group of foes, creating chaos. All affected foes within the area will turn and attack each other, ignoring all your allies. If you confuse your foes before they noticed you, your presence will continue to go unnoticed. You will not receive any experience points for foes defeated entirely by confused enemies.


Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper



I use Seeds on most groups and have never noticed a Xp dip because of confusion. I know you lose it if they straight up kill one another but I was always told that as long as you do dmg to the mob you get the full amount of xp...



Originally Posted by King_Armageddon View Post
I use Seeds on most groups and have never noticed a Xp dip because of confusion. I know you lose it if they straight up kill one another but I was always told that as long as you do dmg to the mob you get the full amount of xp...
If a confused mob does some of the damage you don't get the full xp but you don't lose as much as Pan is implying. For a simple explanation of how much XP you get from a mobs that are being damaged by other confused mobs look at this paragon wiki chart:

Unfortunately, as thorough as Enantiodromos guide looks to be it is also a little hard to follow - so take as a simple example the case where you do 50% of the damage to a mob and something else does the other 50% of the damage (say a player who is not grouped with you). In this situation you would only get 50% of the xp. This is the normal case.

If instead a confused mob did 50% of the damage you actually get 80% of the xp instead of 50%. Now, this may seem like a loss of 20% but consider that it probably only took you half the time to kill the mob - so if you killed two confused mobs in the time it would normally take you to kill one you just got 60% more xp than normal, not 20% less because the only number that REALLY matters is xp earned over time.

This is what makes all the whining about xp 'loss' to confusion to be silly - there is no limit to the number of mobs you can fight in the game as you can always find more, either by moving on to a new group along the street, starting another paper/scanner mission or re-running a mission in the MA. As long as you are still earning xp as fast or faster than you would without confusion there is no grounds for complaint.

Finally, my comments above completely ignore the control aspect of confustion - both area confuse powers (mass confusion and seeds of confusion) are long duration control powers that completely prevent all damage from a spawn, unless they miss. Factor that in to the increased kill speed and any xp that you don't get because of confused mobs damaging each other is meaningless.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Thank you very much for your post. It reinforces my statements exactly - only much clearer. My figures were based on solo play in both radio missions and MA missions. I take the exp earned on confused mobs and unconfused mobs. It was a good two week trial. You will find that the minion exp difference is going to be higher because if you can't hold a Luit or Boss right off the back, they can take out a minion in one or two shots, not granting you much experience for the drop. However, exactly as you stated, the faster you run through the mish, the better the exp net gain averages are for you.

I do want to clarify one point though, at no time am I whining about the exp loss. I totally expect it and understand the penality by using the power(s). I just wanted to make sure that it was understood that there is an exp loss per drop when using the power(s).

Again! Great Post! Thanks!

Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper



There is a similar XP loss when anyone in the game who is not on your team damages anything, anywhere. The enemy -- which you might potentially have gotten to eventually and defeated for XP -- despawns, and you get none of that XP. Gone. Lost.

Obviously, you did not consider that XP to be "yours" in the first place, and thus do not consider this a "loss". The question is, why do you consider the XP to be "yours" when an enemy you confuse damages them and causes them to despawn? Do you consider every enemy in a mission to be your defeat as soon as you zone in? (In that case, you lose lots of XP if you stealth a mission.) At what point does the XP given by an enemy go from something you have to earn (not yours yet, no loss if it goes away) to being yours (so that it counts as a loss)?

That's the issue Enantiodromos is getting at. To him, you don't earn the XP until you kill the enemy, and you can't lose something you never earned. That seems sensible to me. My question is, how else would you put it? At what point do you claim to have earned that XP, such that you can "lose" it? Sure it can go away, out of the game, but that's the game's loss, not yours directly. I can see how confuse can make the game lose XP, but I don't see how it can make a player lose (earned) XP.

I team with the Repeat Offenders.



Originally Posted by IronYeti View Post
There is a similar XP loss when anyone in the game who is not on your team damages anything, anywhere. The enemy -- which you might potentially have gotten to eventually and defeated for XP -- despawns, and you get none of that XP. Gone. Lost.

Obviously, you did not consider that XP to be "yours" in the first place, and thus do not consider this a "loss". The question is, why do you consider the XP to be "yours" when an enemy you confuse damages them and causes them to despawn? Do you consider every enemy in a mission to be your defeat as soon as you zone in?
Yes, if I plan on running the full mission, I do. If I'm with a team, then I expect it to be ours.
(In that case, you lose lots of XP if you stealth a mission.)
I would call that "Making a choice not to gain XP".
At what point does the XP given by an enemy go from something you have to earn (not yours yet, no loss if it goes away) to being yours (so that it counts as a loss)?
When I start attacking it.

That's the issue Enantiodromos is getting at. To him, you don't earn the XP until you kill the enemy, and you can't lose something you never earned. That seems sensible to me. My question is, how else would you put it? At what point do you claim to have earned that XP, such that you can "lose" it? Sure it can go away, out of the game, but that's the game's loss, not yours directly. I can see how confuse can make the game lose XP, but I don't see how it can make a player lose (earned) XP.
Apples & Apples

Fine, I can change it so it reads "You "lose out on" the exp that you would have received had you not confused the mob." Does that make it easier to accept? I'm not hung up on symantics as others seem to be. Lose vs Didn't Earn is all the same thing. You're net xp from the experience is lower when a confused mob attacks your take down. That point is agreed upon by everyone. We're just debating on what it is called. So we can call it Lost, Unearned, Adjusted.... fill in the blank.

When people engage in an assault against a mob, possession of the mob is claimed. Expectations are set and claims are laid. This can be done by a single person or an entire group. It is our makeup, our way of thought. If someone is about to hand you $20 in $10's for nothing more than just standing there, and someone runs by and takes $10 of it, and then you're handed the remaining, are you going to sit there and say, "I only earned $10" or are you going to say "Hay, that guy took my money!"? The normal, every day person is going to say that they lost the $10 and may cry foul because of it. It is how I apply the word "Lose" here. Sure, you can convince others to phrase it your way, and say that it was unearned, but when someone sees the exp they receive from a whole take down and then see the exact same mob taken down with help from a confused, which point of view do you think they're going to take? (Seriously, I'm talking about the average person in general)

I just think it's wrong to nit pick and denigrate on symantics when both points of view can be valid. The human factor is always the missing component in these discussions and perceptions play a very big part in our experiences. We're losing sight of the larger picture here which is both can be correct if you don't sweat the details. Now Go Play CoX and Have Fun!!!

Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper



Originally Posted by Pans_Folley View Post
Thank you very much for your post. It reinforces my statements exactly - only much clearer. My figures were based on solo play in both radio missions and MA missions. I take the exp earned on confused mobs and unconfused mobs. It was a good two week trial. You will find that the minion exp difference is going to be higher because if you can't hold a Luit or Boss right off the back, they can take out a minion in one or two shots, not granting you much experience for the drop. However, exactly as you stated, the faster you run through the mish, the better the exp net gain averages are for you.

I do want to clarify one point though, at no time am I whining about the exp loss. I totally expect it and understand the penality by using the power(s). I just wanted to make sure that it was understood that there is an exp loss per drop when using the power(s).

Again! Great Post! Thanks!
I don't think you really read my post correctly - please note that I tried to avoid using the word "loss" to describe the reduced XP - because you aren't LOSING anything (and ultimately I think thats Enantiodromos's point as well). The way this game works is you only get the XP for which you do the damage, which is why I mentioned initially that its normal to only get 50% of the XP if you did 50% of the damage to kill a mob. By giving you MORE xp than the amount of damage you dealt when using a confuse power the game is actually awarding you MORE than you should get instead of LESS. So while you may receive LESS xp per mob when using a confuse power you don't actually LOSE anything, indeed you do the opposite. Claiming otherwise is simply playing word games.

Its a lot like when you team - you don't get full XP for killing a mob in a team, you only get a portion of it. Would you consider this to be "losing" XP? Actually, I think this is a very good comparison - in a team you get X/(Group Size) multiplied by a team size mod (where X = normal mob xp) to make grouping more attractive. Confuses are just like that - you get X*(% damage done)*(Confuse mod) to make confuses more attractive but that doesn't change the fact that you are getting MORE xp than you should so there is no loss of XP.

I think the real point here is that by referring to the effects of a confuse as "losing xp" it comes out more as a complaint than an observation and you also mislead people into thinking that they are coming out short when they use a confuse - when the real truth is that by any REAL measure you are coming out ahead of the game because you earn XP at a faster rate.

EDIT: I definitely need to read ahead before reposting - I see that Pan has already dismissed the "It's like teaming" theory. I completely disagree with him on that - its exactly like teaming, but thats not really the point. As I said above, I think the real point is that using the word "loss" to describe how a confused mob affects your xp gain is both incorrect and misleading - but as long as you always follow that up with the addition that your xp over time will go up even though your xp/mob goes down it's a tolerable habit, even if wrong :-)

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13