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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    Oh, you're asking mechanically.

    From a purely thematic perspective, I think it'd be a ton of fun to do an obviously-robotic mastermind with human minions, and go around telling people that the revolution has come. this is funny...and an idea I may have to copy.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pseudonym1 View Post
    What, no Mercs/ ?
    I have a mercs/traps MM and he just feels so slow.

    I am looking for something that kills at a decent rate for the entire game...and is a good combo.
  3. Any good guides out there for DS? I looked in the guide section here and didn't see one linked.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
    It's very sturdy. Don't be afraid to go in melee with the three big demons later to mix it up and twilight grasp.
    Awesome...I was thinking it would be a good mix of in the group type of stuff.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
    Robot is primarily range. Necro is more melee-centric, and Demons is a bit of both. In each group I listed storm as last in the group since I feel it takes more skill to play. Forcefields is very basic. Dark and thermal are about the same once you get to the higher levels.

    To me the highest evolution of destructive ability for a mastermind is ... Robots/Storm. I use combat tp to queue up gale on spawns and work the Robot KB into forcing groups into corners for stormy corners of dooooom.
    Cool. Thanks for the info.

    I think I am leaning towards DS/Dark...don't have a lot of experience with either so it will be somewhat new.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    Also, /Pain Domination would be good solo as well as on teams. If you want AoE right away, go Demons or Thugs, they have more AoE early. Robots are all single target until level 32.
    Are bots still the AOE GODS post 32?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post

    If this is your first MM or your first Stormy, I would pick something else to get used to masterminds.
    Not my first MM or stormie...I have not played a MM in an issue or two seriously so I was looking for some good ideas.

    So this list is it from top to bottom suggestions or (more what it looks like) a grouping of suggestions.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cipher View Post
    The upgrade powers are area-effect. Use it when your robots are standing together and they both receive the benefit. There are physical changes in the 'bots, but they're subtle. What you need to do is use the arrow on your pets window to see what buffs your pets have, then you'll know if one is missing the effect.

    At 12, you can take your protector bots. When given the first upgrade, they can heal other robots. You'll spend much less time waiting for their heal to recharge than for triage beacon, which, unenhanced, never seems to be up when you need it.
    Great points Cipher! I got so focused on helping with this current issues...I did not even look ahead to the next level.

    Yes at 12 you get a lot better...not only does the protector bots heal but they also bubble.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Merchant of Chaos View Post
    Nope, just tried the mission again.

    I set up a triage beacon but my robots will not remain in its range. They continue running up to enemies to melee them and die in seconds. I try setting up a beacon right where the enemies are, which works a bit better, but then I'm left waiting for triage beacon to recharge. Way too much downtime.

    I'm guessing Mastermind isn't for me. I nearly rolled a scrapper for my first toon but I figured it would have the 'noob' class stereotype. However, if it's less frustrating than Mastermind, I'm all for it now.

    Thanks for the help anyway.
    MMs take some getting used to that is for sure.

    The next time you run a MM I would definelty suggest getting the binds from the Sandol's guide...they help out a ton...WAY better then the games default ones...they actually help you keep your pets out of Melee.

    Good luck with the is a fun AT. I prefer brutes but that is just me.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Merchant of Chaos View Post
    Well, I figured out how to switch to a second build, but I had to buy new enhancements for the sockets. I'm broke now, but hopefully this build I found helps out.

    Sorry about that...I completely forgot about that option too...funny how you forget things when you don't use them.

    Also something that will help a lot is downloading Mids. It is a great character builder program that will allow you to actually build/plan your character from 1st to 50.

    A lot of people use this program (myself included).

    edit: as for your enhancements...the training origin (the first ones you get access too) are not that great so most people tend to skip them. You will get access to dual origin enhancements at level 12. They help a lot more.

    Hope your new build allows you to level quicker (Acid Mortar should help out quite a bit)...just make sure to set up your traps and pull people to you because your traps don't move with you.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Merchant of Chaos View Post
    I'm just playing blind, so odds are my build is terrible. How do I respec?

    From the Robotics Set, I have Battle Drones, Pulse Rifle Blast, Pulse Rifle Burst, Equip Robot, and Photon Grenade. They're mostly slotted with damage enhancements, though I put in a recharge reduction into Pulse Rifle Blast and Pulse Rifle Burst because I hate standing around waiting for powers to recharge.

    Out of Traps, I only have Web Grenade so far. Nothing else looked that useful, at least until now, when Triage Beacon is looking mighty helpful.

    I also took Hover so I can get Fly later.

    As for mission difficulty, it's Praetoria, where there aren't any mission difficulties - it's all automatic. It's a level 11 mission, though, but I keep running into orange-difficulty Hombres that are tearing me apart.
    Your powers are fine. I would suggest dropping either Pulse Rifle Blast or Burst AND Photon Grenade and pick up Caltrops and Acid Mortar from the traps set.

    Caltrops is a great power to help keep people off you melee wise and Acid Mortar is a great debuff power. It will really help to turn the tide of battle in your favor and is really good right out of the box.

    Triage Beacon is fine but it really shines once you have it 6 slotted and have at least Single Origin enhancements in it (which you don't get access to until 22).

    There are three ways for a new person to can either restart (which at level 11 is not a killer), wait until you get high enough to do the respec task force, or wait for a free respec to be given out (which usually only happens with power changes or issue releases). Other then that you would have to wait for the first respec vet reward which I think is 12 months.

    One thing you will want to know is that with MM attacks they are typically low damage/high end attacks.

    Once you get higher level you will find that setting your traps and directing your minions will take up 90% of your time during a battle and that the extra damage you are adding really doesn't speed things up that much.

    I would also suggest if you haven't already go and look up Sandelphina's (spelling?) guide to MM binds. Once you have these binds copied and pasted in (you copy the lines for the correct bind and paste it into your chat box) will make it easier to direct your minions while attacking.

    I find it best early on to have all of my minions focus on one baddie at a time...this way their damage is all going to one guy and not being spread over a couple as their damage is not all that great by their self.

    Also note that AoE/Burn patch type attacks really are the bane of MM pets...specially the tier one pets as they will stand in the patch until they die until you move them out with either the "go to" command or by you moving far enough away that they follow you.

    I hope this helps some.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Merchant of Chaos View Post
    Hey everyone!

    I'm new to CoH, currently my Mastermind is at level 11. I'm a Robotics/Traps MM.

    The first 5 levels were quite boring because I only had a couple skills to work with. Then, up until level 9, it was actually quite fun. Now it's getting really difficult, though.

    Up until now, my robots were fairly resilient. I gave them a health inspiration a couple times per mission to freshen them up, but ever since I've started doing missions in Imperial City, my robots are dying every couple of fights.

    An Hombre can use his rock-throw and take out half my robot's health. I'm also running into missions with orange-difficulty mobs. Even white mobs are making quick work of my bots - I'm currently in a mission where white 'Blast Masters' can take out 25% of both my bot's health with this AoE fire attack.

    I got a skill that let me upgrade my bots but it seems to do little difference. They don't even change appearance, so sometimes I accidentally upgrade the same bot twice, wasting a ton of stamina.

    They feel so fragile now. What can I do?

    The only thing I can think of is pick up Triage Beacon when I hit level 12, though I still have a whole level to go before that, and I've currently been in that same mission I mentioned for about an hour now. The only thing that really works for me now is defeating a group of enemies, then going AFK for 5 minutes so my bots recover their health. This isn't fun.
    What's your build looking like? What is your mission difficulty?

    I have played just about all of the MM primaries at least until the mid teens. Some are going to be great against some enemies and some are going to dominate others.

    Just know that AoE/Burn attackes always hurt MMs. It is their one big downfall....especially the first tier pets.
  13. I am looking to start a MM and am looking for ideas on what is a good/great leveling MM combo...both solo and in groups.

    I am looking for a decent combo for both single target and AoE damage.
  14. Greekfyre

    DB Servers?

    I am getting the same thing...but the website says all the servers are up.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
    Lag and rubberbanding all have to do with your connection, your ISP and how busy the server you're on is.In short, it's mostly out of your direct control, regardless of how good your computer is. =(
    I am on a wireless connection but I have full (excellent) connection strength.

    maybe I was just running into server type lag. I am thinking I should bump my ingame graphics setting down one.
  16. I just upgraded my computer to the following specs....but I seem to keep getting some major lag and rubberbanding issues and not sure if it is a comp issue or just the game.

    CPU - AMD II X240 Dual Core 2.8 GHz
    RAM - 4 gigs of PC800 DDR2
    Vid Card - Geforce 9800 GT (512 MB of on card memory I think)
    Monitor - 20 inch widescreen LCD
    HD - 500 GB (SATA)
    DVD Rom
    OS - Windows 7 (64 bit)

    Since I have upgraded I have set the ingame graphic settings to max (assuming I had the power to run it that way) current resolution is 1600 x 900.

    Any help would be great.....Thanks!
  17. Thanks all and like I said in the original post I love my confusion powers but have not played with mass confusion yet and was wondering if it may hurt XP with out an AoE damage dealer in Mind.....unlike plant who has SoC and roots.

    Also I was not even thinking about the APP powers and getting an AoE type power from there.....once again...thanks for the replys.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by nataku View Post
    thank you for all the replies, it looks like Illusion/Storm controller doesnt really fit in my group all that well which is a shame really as i do like the character. think i may just reroll to a spines/fire scrapper or would a fire/kin controller work well in the group?

    i am pretty new to the game on the whole so i don't really know much of later levels.

    Spines/Fire is the AoE king amongst scrappers but will be a little squishier through out his career due to the fire armour...I have not played it on a scrapper but I have it on my 50 fire/fire tank.

    Fire/Kin is a VERY powerful combo but it will not reach it's full power until level 38 when you get Fulcrum it is a late bloomer, but from what I hear worth the wait.

    Also I wouldn't delete the Ill/storm troller unless you had to.....keep him to solo with if you really like the sets. Like I said Ill/Kin is one of my favorite solo or duo toons.
  19. Does mass confusion hurt your XP solo? With the new features coming out in I16 (if/when it is out) allowing you to have missions spawn as if you are an 8 man teamÂ…it seems like mass confusion will come in even more handy now solo.

    Let me say that I love confusion/deceive powers. I feel lost with out deceive when I switch from my Illusion troller to my ice/storm troller.

    I ask because it seems with mass confusion and no AoE immobilize that does damage it would seem that you have a chance to really hurt your total XP as some of the mobs will kill each other off before you can do any real damage to them.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fury_Flechette View Post
    That's not just a problem with illusion or even controllers in general. Teams that are AoE heavy will tend to wipe out most minion heavy mobs in seconds. Even tanks/scrappers have that problem if they're paired with a couple of good AoE blasters which can kill groups from range.

    Save your PA for really hard targets or when you're running a team without tanking, you can tank with your pets. I find illusion controllers excellent in taking the alpha on teams full of squishies.
    that is true about heavy AoE teams....

    I tend to have to use my PA that way but doing it that was does limit Illusions total damage output as they are one of your more damaging powers if not the most.
  21. I agree with the OP somewhat....I think it is more the Illusion side of the equation more then anything.

    I find that my Illusion troller seems pretty useless in big groups as well. Probably not as bad as the OP as my secondary is Kin so I at least have that going for me....but my primary suffers from non use in big groups.

    Sure I can use ST, but most of the time half a group is dead before I even can get it summoned. I have the same problem with PA....if my group is killing quickly (like most of my SG groups) then PA is pretty useless as I summon we kill the entire group and most of the PAs summoned time is getting to the next group so their damage output is severly limited. About the only thing I get out of my primary on a regular basis is the phant.

    I think the problem is that Illusion only has one reliable hold and spectral wounds. So you have 1 damage and a total of two holds (one being AOE that does no damage).

    Now Ill/Kin is one of my funnest toons because I really get full use out of almost all of my powers then because I control the tempo of the missions and can make sure I put myself in a position to maximize the goodyness of Illusion.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
    Mind has no pet, so it would be rather difficult in that situation. Depending on the secondary, Stoney and Jack will be good, but Stoney and Sing would be the toughest.

    One knock against /rad is that it doesn't really help Seeds compared to something like /ta. Seeds + stacked -res + Oil Slick.

    Ill/kin is kind of quirky in that /kin has some issues with Ill so they aren't that high ranking for synergy. Still a good combo, but as much as I like Kin and Ill, it ranks rather low on my combos to play. Fire/cold will be very slow to develop, but end game wise should be a beast.

    I was thinking the same thing Amy_Amp about fire/cold
  23. Great feedback.....I was thinking (based on my limited experience) that Ill/Kin was almost a perfect blend of safe and fast....but I will have to try out some of the other combos as well.

    I am now wondering how a fire/ice troller will work.
  24. Is Ill/Kin the fastest and safest combo?

    I currently have a lvl 29 Ill/Kin, a lvl 31 mind/FF, a level 32 ice/storm, a lvl 23 plant/thermal and a level 20 fire/rad.

    I know some of these are lower level and don't have their level 32 pets, but to me it just seems like when you look at the speed and safeness of leveling the Ill/Kin is the best and I don't even have my phantasm yet....I can't imagine killing any faster then I am now.

    What does everyone else think is the fastest and safest combos and why.

    I am currently also leveling an earth/sonic (level 6) and a plant/TA (level 3).
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    Have been playing an elec/pain for the last few weeks and i absolutely LOVE the set!

    Still does a lot of damage and has an amazing secondary! thread. One question though - how much are most of you folks netting at level 50 with the toggle healing power? I'm a long ways off 50 but was curious if it was hitting 200+ with IO's and suchlike.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am currently level 36 and am hitting in the 60s per pulse so I don't think you will get to 200 but if you can get to 100 or so it is still nice.