Human form PB - mez woes




Is there anyway to stop/prevent hold and stun effects when in human form? The only power I can see that offers me hold protection is Acrobatics. I have not taken this power before, and am not so sure about it.

Has anyone had experience with Acrobatics, on a PB or non-PB? I am not sure if the -2 hold protection is any good. Redtomax says Acrobatics has something like a ~54.5% hold resist. Will this reduce the duration of any hold of greater than Mag 2?

Is this a power worth taking? (I have Combat Jump, so acrobatics is another two powers! ug)



Be wary of your terminology: Mez Protection is what prevents a mez from having ANY effect on you, Mez Resistance reduces the duration of mez effects. Acrobatics has Hold Resistance, and Knockback Protection. There is no true mez protection available via the Power Pools (true mez being: stun, disorient, sleep, and hold - ie. an effect that prevents you from using any powers or inspirations except break frees). The Epic Power Pools have some mez protection, but they aren't available to PBs. Your choices are: carry break frees, use lightform, take dwarf form, or team up with people that can provide you with mez protection.

[edit: forgot about lightform, shame on me!]



Your first option, according to any tri-former, will be to just take Dwarf form. So, I'll go ahead and be the first to put that out there. Dwarf will protect you from pretty much any immob, hold, stun, confuse, fear, ect.

However, if you're trying to remain a human-form PB (I have one myself), then I would suggest two things: First, bring plenty of break-frees. Normally on my Khelds, I have about 3 on me at all times... However, if you know you're going to be fighting some mez-heavy foes (i.e. CoT or Rikti), then pack more... Hit a break free BEFORE you run into a mob for the alpha strike, and you won't have any problems pulling off a full attack chain. I don't have to pop them often, but again, I'm not constantly fighting CoT or Rikti, either. IMO, you're just asking for aggravation if you're soloing those guys--On a team with any sort of 'troller, you're likely to be in a much better situation.

Secondly, I'm not sure if you have Light Form built into your Human Form... If you don't, I'd highly suggest not only getting it, but building your human form with as many recharge set bonuses/global recharges as you can to get Light Form up and ready to use as often as possible. Light Form gives you both protection AND resistances against Hold, Stun, Sleep, Immobilize, Knockback, and Repel for its entire duration--You're basically in "god mode" when it's activated, much like a "fully tapped" Eclipse--so, definitely build for that thing to recharge as fast as possible, and fight around that.

On the question of Acrobatics, yes, it has good resistances to holds... Remember, this isn't "protection" from holds, it's just reducing the duration of it--meaning, you'll still get held... just for roughly half as long. Now, if they'd offer any pool power that had that kind of resistance to stuns, I'd be on top of that in a heartbeat...

Hope this helps!

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



You know... I just thought of something... The "numbers guys" might be a little more helpful at this, but I would think that building for some set bonus defenses would be quite helpful for getting somewhat "protected" from getting held. If their powers are missing you, then you're not getting held! I'm not sure which defense you'd have to build for though, as some enemies have different types of holds... For example, a CoT Death Mage might have a single-target ranged hold, whereas a Rikti might have some sort of cone-shaped or AoE mez.... I'm not an expert on every enemy power in the game, so definitely don't take my word on this... I'm just saying that maybe you should look into building for defense as well, because that may help your "overal" human-form build playstyle that you choose to play.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Actually, Acrobatics does give mag 2 hold protection according to Mids. However, mag 2 is pretty pathetically weak and not all that useful (considering how expensive Acro is (requires 2 other powers and is rather endurance heavy).

Breakfrees are definitely your best bet (mediums are rather cheap). The only other viable solution is to get them before they get you. This is where having Devastation Hold Procs in your ST attacks is handy. Sure, you can't rely solely on them, but they do go off quite frequently and can make a difference when it's needed most.



The mag2 protection given from Acrobatics wont actually protect you from any mez that I know of - though I am far from an expert I think they are all mag3 at least, or at least any that I have noticed, the reason most people take Acrobatics is for the KB protection which is good, I don't know anyone who takes it for the hold protection/resistance.

But AlienOne is right that building for defence would negate some of the effects because the mez's would miss you. Most of the mez's that will affect you are AoE's, unless you regularly take the alpha and get the single target ones, which tend to be ranged rather than melee.

You can get your AoE defence up to 20 or 30% without losing too much, and that will protect you from about half the AoE mezzes that come your way.

Sadly there isn't an easier way for a human form only.

(I know you are human only but if you find the mezzes are getting you killed I would consider taking White Dwarf even if you don't slot it, at worst you can TP to safety and wait the mez out.)

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Pre-Light Form, all the advice everybody gave is good. Post Light Form (lvl 38 all the way to 50), you are good to go with Human Only, thanks to recent changes. No toggles dropping and the 3-1 Insp Swap *IS* your mez protection and it works fine.

I'll solo any non-AV mission or arc in the game on my Human PB without blinking. Example: I've soloed most of Crimson's Malta arcs and Harvey Maylor's (sp?) Carnie Arcs and I never had to make an escape to the store or contact for more BFs, the 3-1 swap means I always had 3-5 on me (that's how many I try to keep). This, plus the tactic of bashing the smack out the Mezzer first should get you thru just about everything.

Another good test: a Bank Mission in PI. The whole map is full of Carnies and Malta, as is the Vandals and Side Missions. I've cleared the entire map and completed all side missions more the once on my Human PB, often with several minutes to spare.

Again, all this PB uberness really only takes effect post-38, and with good IO slotting, you'll find you don't use Light Form that much anymore. That said, I leveled my PB Human only all the way from 1, soloing a good chunk of it (alot prior to the 3-1 and toggle changes too). While it's certainly challenging, I never experienced the mezzing horror stories some describe. I think that knowing I had to deal with it going in (meaning I had to use tactics to overcome it, and not flip out when it did happen) made a good bit of difference too.

Perhaps it's a change in mindset, but that's doable too - after all, my first 50 was a Scrapper



Socorro makes a good point, you have pre-emptive tools in your arsenal to avoid the mezzers at least when solo - whack them in the face before they see you, get them stunned or knocked on their backsides or dead - 'most' mezzers are lt's so should stun in one hit.

In a team there are more mezzers that you can't necessarily just deal with that quickly, but you should have the support of controls/shields/mez protection anyway, or even just learn to never be directly behind whoever takes the alpha and try attacking from as close to the back as you can get.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
The mag2 protection given from Acrobatics wont actually protect you from any mez that I know of - though I am far from an expert I think they are all mag3 at least, or at least any that I have noticed, the reason most people take Acrobatics is for the KB protection which is good, I don't know anyone who takes it for the hold protection/resistance.
Actually, Acrobatics will protect you from a single Mag-3 hold. Hold magnitude must exceed protection, and everybody has a base protection of 1, so Acro will actually prevent one Mag-3 hold from taking effect.

On certain of my toons I actually do prefer Acrobatics to -KB IOs for this reason.



Originally Posted by Chaos_String View Post
Actually, Acrobatics will protect you from a single Mag-3 hold. Hold magnitude must exceed protection, and everybody has a base protection of 1, so Acro will actually prevent one Mag-3 hold from taking effect.
Ah I never knew about the base protection, that makes more sense now, so it might be useful for a solo human only PB.

Less use in teams but then again as mentioned in teams you should have other options to avoid mezzes.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Socorro makes a good point, you have pre-emptive tools in your arsenal to avoid the mezzers at least when solo - whack them in the face before they see you, get them stunned or knocked on their backsides or dead - 'most' mezzers are lt's so should stun in one hit.

In a team there are more mezzers that you can't necessarily just deal with that quickly, but you should have the support of controls/shields/mez protection anyway, or even just learn to never be directly behind whoever takes the alpha and try attacking from as close to the back as you can get.
Well, while I look for Mezzers (and more avidly when soloing), I don't really play that cautiously, esp. on teams. In fact, I play my Human Only almost exactly like I would a Scrapper. I charge in with them, right on the tank's A$$. I'll take Alphas if there's no tank. A High level Kheld on a large team; we're too powerful to lay back haha.

Not to say I don't use *any* strategy on large teams. I do try to position to avoid too much KB grief, and I consider it my job to take out the Kheldian foes (Vs,Qs, and Cysts...esp. Cysts) and if I don't warn the team of a cyst before we bump into it, I feel a keen since of failure. Other than that, I run around bashing and blasting things (although I will try to get large groups in AoE positioning). I've gotten into PB-Lock more than once



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Well, while I look for Mezzers (and more avidly when soloing), I don't really play that cautiously, esp. on teams. In fact, I play my Human Only almost exactly like I would a Scrapper. I charge in with them, right on the tank's A$$. I'll take Alphas if there's no tank. A High level Kheld on a large team; we're too powerful to lay back haha.

Not to say I don't use *any* strategy on large teams. I do try to position to avoid too much KB grief, and I consider it my job to take out the Kheldian foes (Vs,Qs, and Cysts...esp. Cysts) and if I don't warn the team of a cyst before we bump into it, I feel a keen since of failure. Other than that, I run around bashing and blasting things (although I will try to get large groups in AoE positioning). I've gotten into PB-Lock more than once
That is AWESOME. Almost exactly to a "t" how I play... I have a bind that warns the team there's a cyst/quant/void in the mob even before they know there's a mob there (yeah, I'm an aggresive player)... Most of the time, I'll have my "nemesis" taken down before any other team member can even target them, which has caused some teammates to type "Are you SURE there was a void? 'Cause I don't see one..." However, I still think it's a good thing to warn them, if for unforseen reason I'm not able to get to the enemy, then my teammates are warned ahead of time.

A lot of times, my good friends who enjoy their tanking get a bit frustrated that I'm continually "leading the charge," as it were (I'm not afraid of dying, even when running into a full 8-man mob of all 54 bosses--yeah, I've even tested that before with my Human-form WS)--they've admitted later, however, that they liked the "ballz to the wall" pace I set, especially when it comes to task forces... No tank I've ever teamed with has ever complained about KB, because my friends are 'trollers, and we've played together so long that we actually time our attack chains with the other to compliment eachother. For example, if my friend's on a f/k, their "usual" attack sequence is to Flashfire for the stun, hit Fire Cages, then run in and pop a Fulcrum Shift, possibly Fire Cage again, and then wear the mob down with the rest of their attack chains... When I'm on the team with either of my human-form WSs, they switch up their attack chain. It usually starts out with me rushing in for an Eclipse... As I'm pulling an Eclipse, they're hitting Fulcrum Shift, quickly followed by Fire Cages. They no longer worry about Flashfire, as I can pretty much stun most of them with Inky Aspect coupled with Unchain Essence, and I've got the one's who aren't stunned aggro'd already (how's that for "tanking?" hehe--hey, now, try not to get all "offended" by that statement)... They can usually pull off just FS and Fire Cages and *possibly* one other power (depending on the situation) before I have all but the 2 bosses down already.

Yeah... Human form doesn't do well, I know.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
...Yeah... Human form doesn't do well, I know.

"The One"
Yes, actually Human-form doesn't do well at all... for me! You see, I've never managed to make it work for me because quite frankly, I like the forms, and I dislike the shields. I never doubted that past Lv38 Human-only Kheldians are quite workable and can be fun, but they're just not for me.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post

Yes, actually Human-form doesn't do well at all... for me! You see, I've never managed to make it work for me because quite frankly, I like the forms, and I dislike the shields. I never doubted that past Lv38 Human-only Kheldians are quite workable and can be fun, but they're just not for me. reverse

I know some of you make the Forms into awesome-sauce, but I just can't get them. Maybe if I get different form-looks, or not have to use binds to maximize them, or they'd combine redundant powers (ex: Bright Nova Blast and Luminouis Blast should share slotting) then I'd be more game



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post reverse
You know.. to each their own... but I you have several good points here which I'd like to examine and touch on:

Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
...Maybe if I get different form-looks...
I'd love that too, or at least if we could color/accessorize our forms.

Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
...or not have to use binds to maximize them...
I definitely agree with that and I think that the same way Masterminds get certain macros automatically built and added to their power-trays, Kheldians could probably use the same concepts, but even more so, a special tutorial Kheldian covering form-shifting would be just awesome. I'm still trying to contemplate how to make one with AE actually, but I have to say it's not going on very well

Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
...or they'd combine redundant powers (ex: Bright Nova Blast and Luminouis Blast should share slotting) then I'd be more game
Yes, that would be fun, but in my opinion — and based on my TriForm experience — also redundantly overpowered!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
Yes, [Similiar Power slot-sharing] would be fun, but in my opinion — and based on my TriForm experience — also redundantly overpowered!
Well, you certainly know more of triforming than I, but still, could you elaborate on why it'd be grossly overpowered?

I'll also spell out how I think forming should have been done...

See, to me, forms shouldn't have separate powers, per se (other than what's truly inate to the form itself. ie. flying for Nova, hitpoints/resist for Dwarf). Rather, the forms should serve as *modifiers* to the base human form's powers. Nova grants damage bonus and reduced defense - dwarf, pretty much the opposite.

Using PBs as an example, the Nova form itself doesn't have any Ranged Powers. Rather, it just changes the Damage Modifier for the human power the player has already selected. ex: The PB's Proton Scatter Power's damage mod goes from 0.8 to 1.45, but it's the same power - there's no such thing as Bright Nova Scatter.

Likewise, White Dwarf doesn't have any attacks of it's own - it used Radiant Strike, Inc. Strike, and Solar Flare, which the human form must have picked (current dwarf animations would work). The dwarf heal is the human heal. The Dwarf Powers Subliminate (taunt) and Step (teleport) become powers choices in the Luminous Aura secondary. Heck, Step could replace the groupfly power .

The obvious effect would be that this would certainly help with the slot crunch formers experience. Further, some powers would have to 'disable' while in a form, either for a thematic or overpower reasons. Nova's can't do footstomp Solar Flare any more than a flying Character can, although I don't see that big of a problem with Nova having a version of the two Strikes, turning Nova in a true Blapper form. Shields should probably disable too. Ranged attacks should also disable in Dwarf form. But certain Powers (Kheld and Pool) should be accesable in any form: Hasten, Conserve Power, Healing others...

Another effect is that selecting a form wouldn't automatically grant you 4 or 6 new powers in one stroke. A PB isn't suddenly a floating gunship for picking Nova at level 6. It has only the attacks the Human has selected (likely Bolt and Blast), and wouldn't get Scatter and Detonation if/until the Human also got them.

This is all theoretical musing (I had time to kill at work ), and we know such is not going to happen now, so no need to go about pointing out problems. My assumption is that such issues would have been addressed were it implemented this way from the beginning. I do think this is how it should have been done, though - in my humble opinion



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
...could you elaborate on why it'd be grossly overpowered?
Simply put, because it would allow a TriForm Kheldian to have more powerfully slotted powers than any other AT in the game. The reason I said it seems redundant to me is because my attack chains rely mostly on Nova or Dwarf attacks so I don't feel a "need" for slotting Human-form attacks.

To complicate things, there's also the matter of slotting different attacks for different things. Since my Human-form is mostly for utility purposes, I usually to slot my Human-form blasts with a mixture of slows/procs rather than reliable DPS, where-as the Nova blasts are slotted more for DPS and procs. Having Nova/Human blasts share the same slotting may decrease my abilities while increasing my DPS in a form I almost never use for DPS in the first place. For me and my playstyle, that's actually not an improvement.

Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
...I'll also spell out how I think forming should have been done...
Uh oh.. I have a bad feeling about this...

Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
...See, to me, forms shouldn't have separate powers, per se (other than what's truly inate to the form itself. ie. flying for Nova, hitpoints/resist for Dwarf). Rather, the forms should serve as *modifiers* to the base human form's powers. Nova grants damage bonus and reduced defense - dwarf, pretty much the opposite.
Yup, I was afraid you'd say that.

I can already, with the use of binds and good reflexes and timing, pull a spawn with Nova blasts and meet them on the ground in Dwarf.

Anything that would remove what little risks I'm taking while form-switching, will essentially decrease the pleasure I get from pulling those stunts off, and bring the whole AT more than one-step closer to being a TankMage, then everyone would want one, and CoH will turn into City of Kheldians.

EDIT :: You'd also completely remove the whole idea of a Kheldian that took the forms actually being able to truly transform and change into a completely different being, and where's the fun in that?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Just my 2 inf:

Since I'm still new at this Kheldian thing, I too got frustrated at the whole "everything and it' cousin mezzing me happy-funtime extravaganza".

My sorta solution: "Impervious Skin: Mez Status Protection", gives a +7.5% in mez reduction/resistance (whichever it is)...and they're non-unique.

I currently have 2 slotted and have a third waiting for a power selection. That'll give me a 22.5% mez....thingie.

After playing around in Mids...if you were crazy enough and took ALL the shields, tough, and slotted one into dwarf form, you "could" end up with 37.5% mez status whatever. And that's not even taking into account the Aegis:Mez Status enhancement.

Note: I figure that regardless of whether it's mez "resistance" or "status duration", ANY amount you can throw in that direction is a "good idea"...if you can spare the slots. Don't get me wrong, I took dwarf form and it's a blast AND taking that much mez resist would be a "little" silly for dwarf form, but for human form? Can't hurt to get a couple.

My in-game spell check is 6 slotted for damage.

" I assure you, my good man, Nemesis is most definitely 'down with the street.' Word up, my homie, as it were."



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post

Simply put, because it would allow a TriForm Kheldian to have more powerfully slotted powers than any other AT in the game. The reason I said it seems redundant to me is because my attack chains rely mostly on Nova or Dwarf attacks so I don't feel a "need" for slotting Human-form attacks.

To complicate things, there's also the matter of slotting different attacks for different things. Since my Human-form is mostly for utility purposes, I usually to slot my Human-form blasts with a mixture of slows/procs rather than reliable DPS, where-as the Nova blasts are slotted more for DPS and procs. Having Nova/Human blasts share the same slotting may decrease my abilities while increasing my DPS in a form I almost never use for DPS in the first place. For me and my playstyle, that's actually not an improvement.

But it wouldn't decrease *any* utility in your human form. If you're sharing slots between Form and Human attacks, then you essentially have the same slotting left over for Utility. The difference is that your Human form would have a little extra Ooomph on top of it.

Uh oh.. I have a bad feeling about this...

Yup, I was afraid you'd say that.
Well we all have our comfort zones

I can already, with the use of binds and good reflexes and timing, pull a spawn with Nova blasts and meet them on the ground in Dwarf.

Anything that would remove what little risks I'm taking while form-switching, will essentially decrease the pleasure I get from pulling those stunts off, and bring the whole AT more than one-step closer to being a TankMage, then everyone would want one, and CoH will turn into City of Kheldians.
Well, do note that I ended my little speculative with the caveat that this is how I think it should have been done *from the beginning* and that such power issues and tankmage worries should have been dealt with then. Essentially, I just think the design from the ground up should have different. Perhaps I think this based on this...

EDIT :: You'd also completely remove the whole idea of a Kheldian that took the forms actually being able to truly transform and change into a completely different being, and where's the fun in that?
See, it's the 'Completely Different Being' that I don't like the concept of. I view the forms as 'energy templates' you have stored in your memory, not a whole 'nuther being altogether. Your form changes - not your mind, spirit, and essence. Unfortunately, even though I think the Kheldian idea in the minds of the Devs was more in line with the 'changing form only' concept, the actual implementation route they took is more akin to what you describe - a whole new being(s) altogether, with their own powers (and apparently, own minds too, because they certainly forget the ones the Human has )



My All Human PB has 3 of the Impervious Skin: Mez Status Protection slotted as well as the Aegis:Mez Status enhancement. He also has Acrobatics and the KB protection IO from the Steadfast protection set. I've primarily built him around Rech, Regen, and HP and I'm able to get him to perma Essence Boost w/ Hasten in the build. I have a great time soloing him on Invincible, and what I usually like to do when I see a void/quant is to kill all the minions around him and save him for last so I can have a 1v1- that's how much I no longer fear them. Even better if I can encounter a Void/Quant boss- I always come out on top, but it's fun to see that they try to put up a fight . And the few times that he does get mezzed, it's only for a few seconds and that fact that shield toggles don't drop anymore means I can just keep on chuggin along. On teams it gets even crazier, he's usually a non-stop wreckin' machine. And this is all without even using Light Form yet, which I only use for really extreme situations.

My current project is my Tri-Form WS- I'm looking forward to all the madness that is Tri-Form once he hits 50 and I can start building up his IO sets, hehe!

Mission Architect arc: The Hive Connection, Arc ID: 96660
Triumph: (@UltraBatz)
UltraBatz, lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper (1355 badges)
UberBatz, lvl 50 Peacebringer (769 badges)

SG: The Steel Paladins, Fusion Force



Originally Posted by MrSuzi View Post
Is there anyway to stop/prevent hold and stun effects when in human form? The only power I can see that offers me hold protection is Acrobatics. I have not taken this power before, and am not so sure about it.

Has anyone had experience with Acrobatics, on a PB or non-PB? I am not sure if the -2 hold protection is any good. Redtomax says Acrobatics has something like a ~54.5% hold resist. Will this reduce the duration of any hold of greater than Mag 2?

Is this a power worth taking? (I have Combat Jump, so acrobatics is another two powers! ug)
No. The developers have not discovered a great enough discrepancy between Kheldians and SoAs to warranty fixing something that the players have stated was a problem since i3, IIRC.

I hold no hope that they will fix it, but the earliest I'd guess is probably about i20.

But I won't hold my breath. Fixing a 'primary' melee character to function in melee?

That couldn't happen!

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post

Yeah... Human form doesn't do well, I know.

"The One"
Yes, a true testiment to the power of a fire/kin.

I cannot think of an AT/powerset that was even moderately well built who couldn't function well in that scenerio.

And your still not Tanking, your agroing.

Hey look, no numbers...But at least I didn't have to take the time to actually figure anything out to post this.

Totaly unprovable, unfounded statements FTW.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



You're a funny guy, Obsidian. Thanks for the entertainment!

I don't even have to think for half a second for a powerset/AT who couldn't function as well taking full aggro on an 8-man mob, if a F/K has only pulled off 2 powers, including AVOIDING Flashfire. There are others who could, so I'm not saying "no one can," but you're seriously saying that the entire "power of a f/k" lies in FS and Fire Cages? C'mon, man... You're arguments are deteriorating quickly... FS is a lot of it, yes, but there's a lot more to a f/k than just FS. Any f/k will tell you that.

In fact, I could have stated I could accomplish the same thing without the f/k (though not nearly as fast--It'd be a few seconds slower), which I can (yes, team scaled to 8)... But, that wasn't the aim of the statement. The aim of the statement was to say that I've usually got the group down (except for the 2 bosses in an 8-man mob) before the f/k has a chance to pull off a 3rd power....which, umm...yeah.... shows off the power of a f/k...sure. I should get some of my f/k friends to post how fast they've been able to take down 8-man mobs with just FS and Fire Cages--nothing else. I'm sure you'd see some pretty laughable numbers there.

I've gotta use that statement "you're not tanking, you're aggroing" with my friends and then clock how long the continuous stream of laughter goes, and post those "numbers".... In fact, that's pretty quote-worthy! Gratz!

Even a tri-former would have to start in human-form with a fully-slotted Gravity Well and Unchain Essence to match the numbers for the seconds it took to take thoses minions/LTs down. Heck, if you started your attacks in nova form (after an eclipse) and stayed in the middle of the group for a full FS hit, and then flew back for nova attacks, that'd still take you longer to take the mob down time-wise, even though nova's damage is *superior*... My statement wasn't on "damage numbers"... It was on "time," which, I guess does say a little bit about how much damage you can do in human-form before even switching to any other form.

But, you're exactly right... Totally unfounded statements FTW! haha!

Lovin' it.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



good advice here (as always)...I play both my PB and WS in human form the majority of the time. My solution is always carry break frees and once an hour stop at the base for the temp buff stations mez and damage protections. They last an hour (no matter what the description says)..and as someone stated, even if you ARE mezzed your protection toggles dont drop anymore. so all I really have to worry is damage when I'm mezzed and restarting orbiting debt (on my warshade)



I gave up trying to play a Kheldian and have regulated myself to suggesting a branching PPD epic with a Kheldian branch (alongside the Hardsuit and Psionic branches).

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!