Human form PB - mez woes




Yeah, just sitting there "satisfied with everything" never does anything to actally ADD to the game, nor give the Devs any reason to work. And we DO want them to earn their living, don't we? :P

"The One"



Originally Posted by AlienTwo View Post
Yeah, just sitting there "satisfied with everything" never does anything to actally ADD to the game, nor give the Devs any reason to work. And we DO want them to earn their living, don't we? :P

"The One"
And revisions for a small subgroup of a small percentage of players isn't actually adding anything to the game either, and I do believe they are earning their living quite nicely.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
Having to drag around Inspirations to 'function' should be the first sign that there is a *PROBLEM*.
I agree with this statement.

Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
Then it got hijacked for PvP 3.0 and made useless...
ah ha! That does make sense. And out of curiousity .. what sort of percentage of players PvP? Is this an example of hindrence to the majority to suit a small percentage? I'm Canadian, I know all about that!

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
I see this as no different than wanting to not take the
status toggle on any scrapper or tank set and saying I need "other" status protection.
This would be a fair comparison if the said Toggle power on a tank or scrapper took away all their other powers and assigned them a limited subset of powers, which they had to slot to be effective when thier toggle was on. Oh, and it would also change thier character visually into something completely different. Then that would be a fair comparison. I have a feeling the tank and scrapper community would have something to say about that!

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
but the fact you have no protection to mezz is a flaw in your chosen design.
I didn't design anything aside from my background story and cool costume.

In regards to my suggestion of a small dose of mez protection:
Originally Posted by SoilentGreen View Post
Nope, I'd still be a tri-former, but I would spend more time in human than I do now...which is very little.
This is an excellent sign! This means that a small adjustment of this nature may not impact the many people who play in Dwarf form. I have a feeling that a LOT of people would be happy to hear they could spend time in their cool costume, AND use the powers *they* were allowed to choose. Imbalancing? Obviously not if experienced players say this would not change the way they play.

Regardless, I have a high degree of confidence in the developers and designers of this game. Although, personally, I feel this sort of thing would not be game changing, I am sure the devs have worked hard on making the ATs balanced and fun. They are doing a great job in my books!

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
The fact you have chosen to not take this isn't a flaw in the design it's a choice you made in building your character for concept and not effect
Dwarf form is not my idea, its the dev's idea. I like to have a concept for characters, perhaps a background story, this is what makes the game fun, for me and MANY MANY others. I also spent a good amount of time designing a costume, and maybe several other costumes as well! A person designing for effect is either wanting to solo AV's, PvPing, or wants to show off on a team. A person designing for concept is enjoying the game ... until they risk using some of thier attacks on an enemy that can hold. Then they say "why did I bother picking ANY powers at all? I should just take Dwarf, fully slot it, and screw the costumes."

Or they put up a post like this!

Out of curiosity, has *anyone* on these boards with a Kheld attempted to use Acrobatics in human form to avoid holds?



Yes, it didn't work at all, it did however reduce the hold time.
(yes I know the numbers do not work out but 15 levels of human only being held almost non-stop with acrobatics isn't something I would forget)

And just out of curiousity, how is dwarf form any different from the -70% move speed and --60% recharge speed and the ugly look of granite form and rooted?

I don't want my costume obscured and I dont want my attack chain limited either.

So whats the difference?

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



OK... I'm pulling back from this discussion guys. Kheldians will not get solo-friendly Human-form mez-protection other than Break Free inspirations and the Devs have made that clear that's a design decision they simply do not want to break.

Being an avid TriFormer with every Kheldian I make has shown me one thing: we (TriFormers) are TankMages in fact, even when we solo, until such time as something goes wrong (95% of the time because we simply miscalculated, and probably 5% of the time its lag) and the transformation doesn't happen before we die.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
And revisions for a small subgroup of a small percentage of players isn't actually adding anything to the game either, and I do believe they are earning their living quite nicely.
Revisions for a small percentage of players of the game?


i13 PvP changes, anyone?



"The One"



I suppose I could believe that someone who has mastered a Tri-form Kheld would see better numerical performance vs. someone who has mastered a Human Only. However, I simply do not believe that the descrepancy is as great as some of you are suggesting, nor would I be surprized if it turns out that a High Level Human Only (I'll yield that low levels probably lean more toward formers) can actually perform better in more overall situations than a Tri-Form.

What do we use to judge these things: Calculators or actual Performance?

My Human Only PB can solo a PI Bank Mish, chock full of Malta and Carnies (some of the worst mezzers in the game), stop the robbery, halt all ambushes, complete all the side missions, then clear the entire map and have 10+ minutes to spare when done. I've done this more than once...

How fast can a Tri-form PB do it? I have no doubt that a good Tri-form build with a player who knows what they're doing could also do this (and has, I'm sure), but do they do it that much faster and more efficient? What's the threshold here?

Fighting EBs? I've taken down Carnie and Rikti EBs (remember that PBs have no Psi damage resistance).

How well can a Tri-form farm the Cimeroran wall? I play on virtue (populous server) I've never encountered another Kheld doing the wall besides me, and I do it routinely. I can hover above the Romans and blast them with impunity with my Ranged Attacks and AoEs, and with my Shield and Heals, they literally cannot touch me. In those moments, I become what this game doesn't want - a Tankmage. If I switch to lightform, I herd up two or three mobs, then wail with my AoEs. I have a lvl 50 Tanker, Brute, and Scrapper: my PB can mow down these Romans every bit as quickly as they do (sometimes seems quicker since I have more AoEs). It's so easy, almost like stealing, that I feel guilty for doing it too long...

Note that all of the above is when soloing. On teams it just goes up from there. On large teams, I'm right there with the Scrappers and Blasters when dealing damage, but unlike the Scrapper I have a boatload of AoEs and unlike the Blaster I have Shields and Heals.

And yet I hear that the Tri-Form is, in the hands of a master player, supposed to be obviously head and shoulders above and better than this???

As I said, I'll yield that *maybe* a Tri-form is, in the hands of a master play, more efficient numbers-wise than a Human Only - but I'm afraid I have think the degree of difference is not all that much - and it may just be the other way around.

Maybe I'll really try to master my Tri-form alt. build and find out for myself, but it's almost like taking a test in school. My classmate might be a bit smarter than me, but if I'm smart enough to score a 100 on the test, well, how much better can she do than that? If both builds can score a 100, what will we have proven?



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
it's almost like taking a test in school. My classmate might be a bit smarter than me, but if I'm smart enough to score a 100 on the test, well, how much better can she do than that? If both builds can score a 100, what will we have proven?
Socorro really hit on the heart of the issue here. Obsidian is really trying to prove that tri-formers can score a 100 on the "gameplay test", while human-form builds can only score a 50. Or a 25. Or a 10. Hell, I don't know what he thinks a human-form should score. Probably 0, judging from his heated posts about how much they suck "comparatively speaking."

The REAL question is, what IS the test?

Is it time-based? Taking down an 8-man mob as a tri-former a few seconds faster than a human form can?

Is it mezz-based? The tri-formers can hit a button that changes them to dwarf form, while human-formers can hit a break free?

Is it surviveability-based? How long you can last in a "en masse battle royale?"

Is it PvP-based? Which build can survive longer in a one-on-one fight or in a team-based fight? Arena?

Is it TF-based? Which form performs better exemped down, or which form performs better when handling continuous ambushes, etc.?

Is it AV-soloing-based? Which form can actually do it? There was actually a thread recently which discussed that a Kheld isn't powerful enough in ANY form (human, dual, tri) to take down an AV solo... So, I doubt this is the true test....

It's all situational-based. You can quote "numbers" all you like, but when you're not referencing anything like "These numbers work when you're soloing an 8-man mob" or "This is the numbers when teamed with 4 players" or "This is your true numbers when soloing an EB", then how are the "numbers" actually PROVEABLE? They're not, because there are different numbers, depending on the situation. If you're basing your numbers off a continual attack chain as a tri-former, and in that "situation" you're suddenly for no reason hit with a "stealth strike," then that's going to mess up your "attack chain numbers over 1 minute" isn't it, because you're going to interrupt it to heal! Situations, a player's skill, a players experience, even what inspirations they are currently holding change what happens in a real-time battle.

Until I can actually see a MAJORITY of Kheld players proving that they can actually play in game, I'm not going to base what I say on "what if we're both even with skills"... I may be able to say to someone "On paper, a tri-former will do this," but I can't guarantee that the person who makes that build is ACTUALLY going to be able to pull off those numbers IN-GAME, because I don't know their skill.

It's just not fact-based when you make assumptions like that, even with numbers.

"The One"



Originally Posted by AlienTwo View Post
The REAL question is, what IS the test?
What is the most fun!

Human form is the most fun, not only because it is my costume, but more-so because it is the powers I have picked and the character I have built. A form is someone else's power selection and costume.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
I suppose I could believe that someone who has mastered a Tri-form Kheld would see better numerical performance vs. someone who has mastered a Human Only. However, I simply do not believe that the descrepancy is as great as some of you are suggesting, nor would I be surprized if it turns out that a High Level Human Only (I'll yield that low levels probably lean more toward formers) can actually perform better in more overall situations than a Tri-Form.

.... If both builds can score a 100, what will we have proven?
Really all you have to ask, Socorro, is this: If a Tri-Form really is head and shoulders above a human form build, then why did Castle feel that the simple addition of mez protection to human form completely obviate dwarf form?

If human form alone is powerful enough to do that to dwarf form, and Nova offers - at best - two single target attacks and two aoes at a higher damage scale (and lowered survivability) then human form builds are plenty powerful in and of themselves.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by MrSuzi View Post
What is the most fun!

Human form is the most fun, not only because it is my costume, but more-so because it is the powers I have picked and the character I have built. A form is someone else's power selection and costume.
Well, generally a toon has to perform pseudo-well to be fun in an MMORPG - true masochists usually relegate themselves to other pursuits...

But I agree with you. Human is the most fun *for me*, and it works extremely well.

I've made some pretty powerful claims in this forum, so to to reassure myself, I did a quick mission during lunch: A cave map in the Shards, fighting CoTs and rescuing 5 victims and wrecking 3 altars. Giant room at the end with a horde of demons, robed idiots, and a Death Mage boss...

Finished the entire thing in less than 10 minutes - never used Light Form once...

Yep, self-confirmation mission successful.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Finished the entire thing in less than 10 minutes - never used Light Form once...

Yep, self-confirmation mission successful.
I'm glad it all works for you, but what if my personal standards regarding fun, do not even include time as a factor in the equation?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post

I'm glad it all works for you, but what if my personal standards regarding fun, do not even include time as a factor in the equation?
Well, normally, I don't either - I just did this as a 'for instance' in light of the discussion we're having here. Only a fairly powerful toon could do such a map that fast, IMO, which is what're we're sorta have let this thread devolve too... (plus, it was during lunch - my honey looked at me funny for even doing it, so had to hurry )

But normally time isn't an issue for me - I'll often go thru a mission slowly on purpose, and I generally hate being on TFs where they're doing a speed rush to the end.



Originally Posted by AlienTwo View Post
Revisions for a small percentage of players of the game?


i13 PvP changes, anyone?



"The One"
I have to yeild ground on this one...perhaps you all need to scream and cry as much as the PVp'ers did to get the attention, but then again look what it did for them. Are you SURE you want anything changed?

But the stone tank vs dwarf form question still remains and I am waiting for anyone to answer this.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Really all you have to ask, Socorro, is this: If a Tri-Form really is head and shoulders above a human form build, then why did Castle feel that the simple addition of mez protection to human form completely obviate dwarf form?

If human form alone is powerful enough to do that to dwarf form, and Nova offers - at best - two single target attacks and two aoes at a higher damage scale (and lowered survivability) then human form builds are plenty powerful in and of themselves.
Not to dispute (aww heck who am I trying to kid) but it's both a higher damage scaler and a 45% bonus damage, and with Eclipse there is little if any survivability decline, outside of having to drop to human form to fire Stygian (and most of the time with a good Eclipse you don't even need to heal)

I believe Castles stated reason was you can cap ressists in human form using Eclipse and *if* human form had status ressistance there would be no use for Dwarf Form, and to be honest if status ressist was added I would most likely end up dropping dwarf, I would lose the ability to tank but I could pick up the Presence pool taunt and most likely do well enough in non-AV scenerios.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Not to dispute (aww heck who am I trying to kid) but it's both a higher damage scaler and a 45% bonus damage, and with Eclipse there is little if any survivability decline, outside of having to drop to human form to fire Stygian (and most of the time with a good Eclipse you don't even need to heal)

I believe Castles stated reason was you can cap ressists in human form using Eclipse and *if* human form had status ressistance there would be no use for Dwarf Form, and to be honest if status ressist was added I would most likely end up dropping dwarf, I would lose the ability to tank but I could pick up the Presence pool taunt and most likely do well enough in non-AV scenerios.
Fair enough. I had forgotten about the 45%, and since Socorro was talking about his human form PB I was thinking Light Form instead of Eclipse. Good points.

But since you brought up Warshades you might also remember that with just SO slotting and hasten it's nothing to have two extracted essences out perma, so the difference in time that it takes to wipe out a spawn nova vs. human is the difference of two seconds (quazar excluded), and if you're not already eclipsed you're also looking at two seconds nova animation time.

So while Nova will certainly give you more damage, the case can be made that it's a bit of overkill, at least on a Warshade.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post

So while Nova will certainly give you more damage, the case can be made that it's a bit of overkill, at least on a Warshade.
Depending on your difficulty setting it could very well be overkill or also not quite enough to 2 shot the whole bunch. And Quasar and other quasi-nukes are on a long timer even on the highest end recharge builds so I rarely include them as part of attack chains.

I'll fully admit that first spawn will take a bit longer than it might for a human build, but once a squid form is buffed it can rip through a couple more spawns at least before having to do the whole squid dance thing again.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



I'll admit that a Forming Warshade seems to have more potential than a Human Only Warshade (don't know from experience - never got one past lvl 14). But Peacebringer's Human Only, esp. at high levels, seems every bit as effective as a Former. My lvl 50 PB's 2nd build is Tri-Form, and it's pretty good, but I can just arrest things faster (and without the shapeshifting clunkiness) with Human Only.

There is one aspect, though, where a PB Tri-form is perhaps better, and that's when a team needs a Niche performer. Say, all a team needs is extra DPS or can't find a Tanker, a Tri-form can fills those rolls. I played someone's AE arc (something about the Marines). Team had a Tanker and 3 Scrappers haha. Star asked me if I could switch to my build that had Nova for the extra AoE DPS. I did, and that's pretty much all I did, hover back and blast clumped mobs. I was pretty effective, but I still think my Human Only would have been effective in that situation (or at least as good). A Human PB, with those single target Melee attacks, shields and heals, is better against bosses and above - and this arc was chock full of them...

And let's be honest, no Niche-player is ever a *Must Have* in today's CoH world.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
...Star asked me if I could switch to my build that had Nova for the extra AoE DPS. I did, and that's pretty much all I did, hover back and blast clumped mobs...
I only do that when I'm tired... and got no patience for anything more complex.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I have ALOT less experience on the PB side (one 44 PB I rarely ever play), but my experience is on a PB not having the squid is not alot of a loss, the PB's focus is on single target damage and hard targets, while a WS's focus is mainly AOE damage on soft to medium targets.
This is why my PB is mainly human with dwarf for heavy tanking situations while the WS uses mainly the squid and dwarf forms and human for the buffs and heals.

A PB can AOE but it's not it's forte, human form single target heavy hitter attacks is, and the reverse is true on the WS. In my opinion the force multipliers on a WS simply make the squid form AOE's too good to pass up.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



While Ascendantia was leveling up to Lv50, she used to have a strictly solo build. On it, her Cone and AoE Bright Nova blasts were proc'ed so much that she usually didn't need more than a one-two combo. On teams — that were not All Kheldian teams — she usually obliterated most things before the rest of the team even got there. When the difficulty was raised and enemies would survive her "alphastrike", Solar Flare, Photon Seekers and White Dwarf Flare would finish the job.

Bright Nova's definitely not a great kiter or bomber like Dark Nova is, but it still is the best tool in a PB's arsenal for pulling mobs and if you know what you're doing, you can stay in Nova and still defeat a full mob without getting hit to badly, and that's while solo and without any shields.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati