Human form PB - mez woes




Honestly I could care less what your friends think as like minded tend to congregate, and you still have said nothing to sway me or anyone to believe a mono-form can do anything a tri-form cannot but without the added benifits of prolonged sustained aoe damage and the ability to truely HOLD agro.

In each and every scenerio you have recalled (that I have read) it's you and whatever large team with a kin or tank or whatever you need to do what a tri-form could do alone.

Your massive damage spike is nothing any competant Kheldian can't pull off. It's not impressive to me, and It's missleading in my opinion.

It's simply not proving the strength of human only builds in my opinion.

And to be honest I find your "Look how awesome I am on my human only Kheld" posts just as comical as you find my posts questioning their impressiveness.

You attempt to sway people to human only and have only anecdotal evidence to do so, and yet totaly refute any math or statistics that shows otherwise.

I was going to end the post with the last line but you wanted to pick apart what I said so it's only fair to return the favor.

You spike the first mob group and I assume use Unchain Essence, maybe Mire, most likely Eclipse with a healthy dose of FS, what do you do on the second mob? Dark Detonation? Unchain probably isnt up mire most likely isn't either unless your sporting a heavy global recharge and are SB'ed, but SB isn't your power It's the Kins.

Even ignoring all that you still don't have the recharge to have unchain up every mob group if your setting the pace you say you are. And Dark Detonation, possibly Mire, Orbiting Death and a few single target attacks are not an effective attack chain if your dealing with 8 man spawns set to anything over heroic unless you literaly can spam Dark Detonation back to back with no stops and that would require more recharge than you can actually get into your build.

Moving on...

If you really want to show me your ability to tank pick an AV, any one will do, and keep the agro on yourself and not others. This is generaly reguarded as Tanking by tankers who would probably know best.

Any AT with sufficient ressits/buffs can jump into an 8 man spawn long enough for everything to be locked in place and killed with sudden spike damage I do it all the time on my WS, jump in Eclipse,Mire, nuke, and in no way am I tanking.

Do I live? most of the time.
Is anyone else taking agro? Not usually, but the mobs die so fast there is no chance for me to be out-agroed. It's still not tanking, It's taking the alpha long enough for everything to be spiked to death.

You like to go on and on about play style being the most important factor. Alright I'll play.

Here is what I would do with your set up, 8 man spawns with a fire/kin in tow with my Tri-Form.

Port or run in if I had SB, Eclipse, wait for FS, then nuke.

Any stragglers the Fire/Kin can mop up since I'm already using Stygian Circle and moving onto the next group in squid form and spamming my AOE's for around 450 a pop with capped ressits. Even without SB I can spam these two back to back adnausium.

If I run into an EB/AV I can go into dwarf form perfectly safe from mez's and using my dwarf heal I can tank the EB/AV usually without support, I'll never kill him (If It's an AV. EB I can kill in dwarf form but slowly.) but I wont die either, and he will never attack anyone else unless there is a Tank there stealing my agro.

In short the only things I cannot do that you can is sit in the middle of a group of mobs smacking them for 26 points of damage every 2 seconds and spam an aoe attack that does ALOT less damage than either of my squid AOE's.

I can, Eclipse, Nuke, Unchain Essence, Stygian Circle, Mirex2, Gravity Well, Gravitic Emmination, Inky Aspect, and Phase, most likely well enough you wouldn't be able to tell visually who's powers were better slotted.

You laugh as if you somehow have the higher ground and proclaim my posts are deteriorating, while your posts really cannot decline as they never held anything but anecdote to begin with.

Your friends think your awesome, this means nothing as mine do too and I could very well be a crappy WS and so could you.

Truth be told I don't find it as funny as you do, probably because you have attempted to take an unassailable position of using nothing in your posts that can be argued because you provide very few facts.

It's a very safe position to take because if you never use any facts or figures then there is nothing that can be proven on either side and you can claim victory with nothing but "well I said it was most fun/best for me" while at the same time making it appear to be a winning playstyle/build to anyone reading.

Anytime you make claims of something being better/worse/equal the burden of proof is on the person making the claims and not the person questioning the claims. You have yet to provide anything that can be measured in any way. You refuse to and I have to question why, other than the obvious "I don't want to/It's not the way I do things/I don't have to."

You may very well be correct, maybe Human form does the job as well, but I cannot figure out how nor why it would given the facts and numbers I have seen, but until you explain it in such a fashion that I can evaluate it for merits (and not rely on the I don't like the forms so it's best for my style arguement) I have to keep calling human form equal to Tri-Form what I believe it to be, bunk.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
But I won't hold my breath. Fixing a 'primary' melee character to function in melee?

That couldn't happen!
I can't think of any 'primary' melee character in the game that doesn't have mez protection. But then PB's aren't primary melee toons, nor are they devoid of mez protection.

I have kept away from the tri-form/human only debate so far in this thread, because I do understand the appeal of human only, but that is a choice not to take the mez protection so why would the devs give you two forms of mez protection just because you don't like the one you have?

Incidentally Dwarf form has more inherant mez protection than any VEAT and I have only ever been held on Mothership raids by multiple EB's after I am left last man standing. Ignoring the fact that VEATs have so much handed to them on a plate they bore me to tears.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post reverse

I know some of you make the Forms into awesome-sauce, but I just can't get them. Maybe if I get different form-looks, or not have to use binds to maximize them, or they'd combine redundant powers (ex: Bright Nova Blast and Luminouis Blast should share slotting) then I'd be more game

Sorry for the minor temporary TJ,

With regard to the powers matching between humanoid and forms, I think the devs should make them macro like...

/macro Blast "powexecname Luminous Blast$$powexecname Bright Nova Blast"

So that the one icon/power would activate whichever power is available to that form, if that power was selected...

In the case above, a player having either Luminous Blast or Bright Nova selected as a power would gain a single 'Blast' power which would work in both forms, but would be independently slotable as now.

Additionally they could give a merge option in the Enhancement Management screen similar to the SG chest emblem toggle, to combine the powers effects and release a few slots at the cost of managed enhancements per power.

Thanks for your time...


Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Honestly I could care less what your friends think as like minded tend to congregate, and you still have said nothing to sway me or anyone to believe a mono-form can do anything a tri-form cannot but without the added benifits of prolonged sustained aoe damage and the ability to truely HOLD agro.
I still don't understand how you've got some sort of assumption that I think human-form is "the best." I've stated over and over and over and over and over that I don't. I guess if one is aggravated at another person enough, they'll just think whatever they want about them, and nothing will change their minds.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
In each and every scenerio you have recalled (that I have read) it's you and whatever large team with a kin or tank or whatever you need to do what a tri-form could do alone.
And I have also stated I could do it alone as well, albeit a few seconds longer than it would without a FS. Go ahead. Go back and check it out.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Your massive damage spike is nothing any competant Kheldian can't pull off. It's not impressive to me, and It's missleading in my opinion.
Now THAT is exactly correctomundo! THAT is what I'm trying to promote here. THAT, my friend, is what it's all about. And, I'd guess that's what you're wanting as well--to promote competent Kheldians. You're interested in doing this via numbers, and I'm interested in doing it via showing how one can play a Kheld playstyle-wise, and still be effective. We're just going about it different ways. Numbers are important for min-maxing, and learning how to play the AT is important for developing skill. Numbers will help you very little there.

In fact, I went as far as to test that theory out a couple months ago... I let a friend who plays CoH (35 mo. vet, but doesn't play Khelds) play one of my completely setted out Khelds on my computer... The result was an absolute disaster. Death after death after death. He was so frustrated! Where there is a lack of skill and experience with an AT, no amount of numbers, no matter HOW purpled out a toon is, will help you. In fact, there's proof of this every day in the game--just team with a few PL'd toons from AE... Several of those guys have great sets on their toons already... But, they STILL don't know how to properly play them. Numbers only go so far, my friend. Skill's gotta take 'ya the rest of the way. And, in a lot of cases (especially the cases where you can't afford to buy all your sets/enhancements yet), skill has to work around numbers, until you can get the numbers to where you want them. I'd say skill is the more important of the two, because that lays the foundation for how effective you'll be, regardless of numbers, and then min/maxing will take you the rest of the way to get to the "top."

Now, whether or not you or anyone else is impressed by my Kheld stories really doesn't move me to tears one way or the other. Yay for you if you're impressed. Yay for you if you're not. I'm simply relaying facts about my experiences. If you're bored by it, skim over it or skip to the next post. There's also a handy-dandy little option on these forums to ignore another forum-user. If the fact that someone can have so much fun on a human-form WS or PB annoys you so much, maybe you should try that feature out.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
It's simply not proving the strength of human only builds in my opinion.
If taking down 8-man mobs solo and surviving isn't proving the strength of a human-only build, then what is? What are you looking for? Sure, you can do the same thing on tri-form.... Guess what? You can do the same thing on dual-form builds as well... If a tri-form did it, would THAT be showing the strength of a tri-form? Of course! But, if a human-form does it, it's not showing it's strength? lol, you're killin' me, man....

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
And to be honest I find your "Look how awesome I am on my human only Kheld" posts just as comical as you find my posts questioning their impressiveness.
Yay for you. As stated before, I'm not swayed to tears one way or the other if you're entertained or not. *golf clap*

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
You attempt to sway people to human only and have only anecdotal evidence to do so, and yet totaly refute any math or statistics that shows otherwise.
Your statements get more and more and more false as you go along... I have never attempted to "sway" anyone to "only play human form." Now, if they WANT to, then I'm there to help with telling them how to do it (as should you, if you have the knowledge on good human form builds--which you don't seem to), and certainly not dissuading them. I've never tried to dissuade anyone from playing a tri-form. In fact, if you wanted an example, here's a post from me IN THIS VERY THREAD:

Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Your first option, according to any tri-former, will be to just take Dwarf form. So, I'll go ahead and be the first to put that out there. Dwarf will protect you from pretty much any immob, hold, stun, confuse, fear, ect.
Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
I was going to end the post with the last line but you wanted to pick apart what I said so it's only fair to return the favor.

You spike the first mob group and I assume use Unchain Essence, maybe Mire, most likely Eclipse with a healthy dose of FS, what do you do on the second mob? Dark Detonation? Unchain probably isnt up mire most likely isn't either unless your sporting a heavy global recharge and are SB'ed, but SB isn't your power It's the Kins.

Even ignoring all that you still don't have the recharge to have unchain up every mob group if your setting the pace you say you are. And Dark Detonation, possibly Mire, Orbiting Death and a few single target attacks are not an effective attack chain if your dealing with 8 man spawns set to anything over heroic unless you literaly can spam Dark Detonation back to back with no stops and that would require more recharge than you can actually get into your build.

Any AT with sufficient ressits/buffs can jump into an 8 man spawn long enough for everything to be locked in place and killed with sudden spike damage I do it all the time on my WS, jump in Eclipse,Mire, nuke, and in no way am I tanking.

Do I live? most of the time.
Is anyone else taking agro? Not usually, but the mobs die so fast there is no chance for me to be out-agroed. It's still not tanking, It's taking the alpha long enough for everything to be spiked to death.
Isn't that what I was saying? Are we just both repeating ourselves now?

Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Even a tri-former would have to start in human-form with a fully-slotted Gravity Well and Unchain Essence to match the numbers for the seconds it took to take thoses minions/LTs down.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
You like to go on and on about play style being the most important factor. Alright I'll play.

Here is what I would do with your set up, 8 man spawns with a fire/kin in tow with my Tri-Form.

Port or run in if I had SB, Eclipse, wait for FS, then nuke.

Any stragglers the Fire/Kin can mop up since I'm already using Stygian Circle and moving onto the next group in squid form and spamming my AOE's for around 450 a pop with capped ressits. Even without SB I can spam these two back to back adnausium.

If I run into an EB/AV I can go into dwarf form perfectly safe from mez's and using my dwarf heal I can tank the EB/AV usually without support, I'll never kill him (If It's an AV. EB I can kill in dwarf form but slowly.) but I wont die either, and he will never attack anyone else unless there is a Tank there stealing my agro.
That's pretty solid. Sounds you're like a pretty competent Kheld. Wish there were more like that out there.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
In short the only things I cannot do that you can is sit in the middle of a group of mobs smacking them for 26 points of damage every 2 seconds and spam an aoe attack that does ALOT less damage than either of my squid AOE's.

I can, Eclipse, Nuke, Unchain Essence, Stygian Circle, Mirex2, Gravity Well, Gravitic Emmination, Inky Aspect, and Phase, most likely well enough you wouldn't be able to tell visually who's powers were better slotted.
Again, as I've stated before (how many times does someone actually have to repeat themselves before someone GETS it), I've never said human form was BETTER... I've said it is EFFECTIVE. IT GETS THE JOB DONE. Really, the only times you'll REALLY tell the difference between the two though, is when you're fighting AVs and if you're on a lvl 54 boss AE farm or something like that, because with my human form and any competent tri-former, a full 8-man mob is down in literally seconds.

Yes, I do have a TON of recharge on my guy. A human form Kheld is a very expensive toon to make, and a choice I don't tell everyone they "should" take. However, if they WANT to go that route, it's THEIR f*****g choice, and I'll give them all the encouragement in the world, and tell them exactly how to get the job done.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
You laugh as if you somehow have the higher ground and proclaim my posts are deteriorating, while your posts really cannot decline as they never held anything but anecdote to begin with.
I laugh because you entertain me. You act upset that I can do a good job on a human-form Kheld, even though you seem to indicate it's "mathimatically impossible" to do anything well in a human-only build. And yet, I do it. Not sure if that causes something to snap in your head, or if it just irritates you to no end, or what... I won't attempt to say I know--it's just funny that you can't seem to give just a little ground. You continually state that I can't seem to "admit when I'm wrong," even when I've stated multiple times that I don't believe human form is better. I have stated in my personal opinion (which, of course, is entirely subjective) that I think it's more fun to play, but I've never stated that human form is the best, nor have I ever, ever, ever stated that I think tri-form sucks. In fact, my 2nd build on ALL THREE of my Khelds is a tri-form build.

So, the fact that you can't seem to get over the fact that I enjoy playing in human form is, I must admit, quite entertaining. So, I laugh--I "LoL," as it were.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Your friends think your awesome, this means nothing as mine do too and I could very well be a crappy WS and so could you.
What are you talking about? I AM a crappy Warshade! There is NO EXCUSE why I can't seem to die like a good human-form WS should... No excuse at ALL, and I apologize for that.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Truth be told I don't find it as funny as you do, probably because you have attempted to take an unassailable position of using nothing in your posts that can be argued because you provide very few facts.
What facts are you wanting from my stories of teaming with my friends? The exact numbers for every single hit, death, power used, team/AT makeup on every mission I do with them? 'Cause, that'd be a lot, and you're simply not worth me spending that amount of time researching all that. Sorry.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
It's a very safe position to take because if you never use any facts or figures then there is nothing that can be proven on either side and you can claim victory with nothing but "well I said it was most fun/best for me" while at the same time making it appear to be a winning playstyle/build to anyone reading.

Anytime you make claims of something being better/worse/equal the burden of proof is on the person making the claims and not the person questioning the claims. You have yet to provide anything that can be measured in any way. You refuse to and I have to question why, other than the obvious "I don't want to/It's not the way I do things/I don't have to."
That's because there isn't any "I win" in any of my statements. It's simply "I had fun, was effective, and you can too." If they want to try it as a tri-former, more power to them. If they want to try it as a human-form, more power to them. Who am I to judge what should be and shouldn't be a fun gaming experience for someone? In fact, who are YOU to judge how someone should play their game?

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
You may very well be correct, maybe Human form does the job as well, but I cannot figure out how nor why it would given the facts and numbers I have seen, but until you explain it in such a fashion that I can evaluate it for merits (and not rely on the I don't like the forms so it's best for my style arguement) I have to keep calling human form equal to Tri-Form what I believe it to be, bunk.
Human form is not "equal" to tri-form. They are different. Different in numbers, different in playstyle.

What we seem to REALLY be arguing is "are they equal in FUN?" THAT... is entirely subjective. And since it IS entirely subjective, I will most definitely say beyond a shadow of a doubt, in MY subjective opinion, after playing dual-forms, tri-forms, and several different setups of my human form, that my human form is the MOST fun I've ever had on a Kheld.


"The One"



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
But it wouldn't decrease *any* utility in your human form. If you're sharing slots between Form and Human attacks, then you essentially have the same slotting left over for Utility. The difference is that your Human form would have a little extra Ooomph on top of it.
Which may decrease in many, the need to even use the form, thus leading to a Human/Dwarf mentality that treats Dwarf as yet another shield that simply blocks away all ranged attacks. Yay for the new would-be FToM and City of Conforming Kheldians.

Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Well we all have our comfort zones
True, and to me, playing a shape-shifting class is all about shifting between your comfort zones which means you momentarily sacrifice and restrict your comfort in one zone to increase your comfort in another zone.

Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Well, do note that I ended my little speculative with the caveat that this is how I think it should have been done *from the beginning* and that such power issues and tankmage worries should have been dealt with then.
Very true, you did warn me about that, but the problem with a TankMage exists because a TankMage essentially unbalances the holy trinity of survival, melee attacks and ranged attacks. Anything that can survive well both in melee and ranged combat, has to sacrifice something in the damage arenas, and anything that does very well in melee and ranged combat has to sacrifice its survivability. Essentially, I don't see how your idea could be balanced.

Worse yet, if Kheldians were designed like you suggest, and essentially, using Dwarf form for instance would limit you to just your melee attacks, but there would be no "form-change" effect, people may get the wrong idea and think their character has suddenly become broken, because the way many players would look at it would be: "dude!!!! I spent 50 levels on my main Hero just to get this guy and when I use Dwarf-form, I can only use melee attacks? Sheesh that's broken! FIX IT!".

This would then become the same discussion as wanting Human-form mez-protection, and you know the community would not accept any logic offered by the Devs.

Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
See, it's the 'Completely Different Being' that I don't like the concept of.
I approach this from the point of view that the melded Kheldian itself, as are we all, is nothing more than Quantum particles. However, since humans have not yet learned to control their QMatrix, and Kheldians obviously have, when a Kheldian shifts forms, it essentially enforces the QMatrix it remembers, thus changing the form physically, which leads to the blocking of powers that would otherwise work in different forms.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I've been told flat out in a PM by Castle that there aren't any plans to grant Kheldians with any human form mez protection. He said it would "obviate" Dwarf form...and no one would use or take that power (I disagree) if we had mez protection in human form.

The solution they gave us was the insta-break free with Dwarf form, and they threw us a bone with toggles continuing to run while mezzed so we didn't have to re-toggle every time (even though the benefits outside of PvP would be lost during that time).

The devs told us to team with controllers or bring break frees, so those are your best bets. We've had this type of discussion in this forum many times over.



Originally Posted by SoilentGreen View Post
I've been told flat out in a PM by Castle that there aren't any plans to grant Kheldians with any human form mez protection. He said it would "obviate" Dwarf form...and no one would use or take that power (I disagree) if we had mez protection in human form.
On a Warshade, if Human-form had mez-protection, and before I13, people would use Dwarf just for its Black Dwarf Mire, so giving Human-form mez-protection would definitely mean a decrease in Black Dwarf usage.

At first, I thought that on a Human-only PB, you might be right Soilent, but then I went to Mids and played a little and got a "build" that without sets, started at 10% defense and 28% resists to everything but toxic/Psi damage. Add to this what sets could add, and Human-form mez protection, and whatever values the PB would get from Cosmic Balance, and you'd be looking at a tank mage, at least that's the impression I got.

So, why would anyone want to restrict themselves by using White Dwarf at all when they can make a tank mage? I wonder...

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
So, why would anyone want to restrict themselves by using White Dwarf at all when they can make a tank mage? I wonder...
But...but... How could it be called a "tank" mage, if it's not "tanking?"

(har-dee-har, har)

"The One"



Originally Posted by AlienTwo View Post
But...but... How could it be called a "tank" mage, if it's not "tanking?"

(har-dee-har, har)

"The One"
You almost got me, because by the time I read the emphasized part, I was prepared to actually explain TankMage! Sheesh! I'm getting old...

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post

On a Warshade, if Human-form had mez-protection, and before I13, people would use Dwarf just for its Black Dwarf Mire, so giving Human-form mez-protection would definitely mean a decrease in Black Dwarf usage.

At first, I thought that on a Human-only PB, you might be right Soilent, but then I went to Mids and played a little and got a "build" that without sets, started at 10% defense and 28% resists to everything but toxic/Psi damage. Add to this what sets could add, and Human-form mez protection, and whatever values the PB would get from Cosmic Balance, and you'd be looking at a tank mage, at least that's the impression I got.

So, why would anyone want to restrict themselves by using White Dwarf at all when they can make a tank mage? I wonder...
As it stands right now you could run a tankmage with Cosmic Balance. Just run with 4 controllers and 3 scrappers and you'll have all the mez and extra resistance you'll need (added to the shields).

Dwarf would still offer more HPs, an extra heal (on both WS and PB), another AoE attack/Buff, and more resistance. Seems like a better vehicle for absorbing an alpha strike to me.

But...I've been through threads like this many times before. Some people are for human form mez protection, some are against. I personally still don't get having self-res shields and numerious melee attacks (especially PBs) without any mez protection. It's counter-intuitive in my opinion. I think it's a design flaw that could have been addressed when they made adjustments to Kheldians a while back. I like what we have now, but this would open up the AT to more players who want to go human-only.



Originally Posted by Coolio View Post
With regard to the powers matching between humanoid and forms, I think the devs should make them macro like...

/macro Blast "powexecname Luminous Blast$$powexecname Bright Nova Blast"

So that the one icon/power would activate whichever power is available to that form, if that power was selected...
You can already accomplish this functionality by using separate bind-files — one for each form — which change the bindings to execute the desired powers, or by changing power-trays when you switch forms and organizing your powers for each form on the corresponding tray in such a way that Human/Nova blasts use the same keys.

I think that it is possible that using
/macro Blast "powexecname Blast"
may have the exact results you described because I think the /powexecname function filters through the list of available powers to find the best match based on the partial string you supplied. So, in Human-form, Luminous Blast would be invoked, and in Nova-form, Bright Nova Blast would be executed. It's worth a try.

If anything, it would be nice if the Devs tightened the whole concept of using binds and macros in the game, as well as include Kheldian keyboard template layouts, but since Kheldians are just too few, I doubt the Devs would do any of this and so we must rectify these issues ourselves.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by SoilentGreen View Post
...Some people are for human form mez protection, some are against. I personally still don't get having self-res shields and numerous melee attacks (especially PBs) without any mez protection.
The emphasized part is exactly the reason why I've always maintained that Kheldians were never based on a strict copy of the melee AT templates, and should therefore never be measured against, or compared with Scrappers/Tankers!

Originally Posted by SoilentGreen View Post
...It's counter-intuitive in my opinion. I think it's a design flaw that could have been addressed when they made adjustments to Kheldians a while back.
To me, the fact that this could have been "fixed", but it never was — and the Devs had 13 issues to think things over and over — speaks volumes about how Kheldians are supposed to be, and how in fact the Human-form mez-protection "hole" is not a design flaw, but rather the one thing that makes the AT interesting to play.

Originally Posted by SoilentGreen View Post
...I like what we have now, but this would open up the AT to more players who want to go human-only.
This makes me ask, "what then would be the point?".

What's the point to having a character that can protect itself sufficiently from both melee and ranged attacks, and can use both melee and ranged attacks? This brings us straight back to this whole TankMage discussion, does it not?

You also said
Originally Posted by SoilentGreen View Post
As it stands right now you could run a tankmage with Cosmic Balance. Just run with 4 controllers and 3 scrappers and you'll have all the mez and extra resistance you'll need (added to the shields).
So basically, a Human-only Kheldian can already achieve this as long as they team with the desired team-makeup.

Don't you think it possible that if Human-only Kheldians had mez-protection, that would actually kill off much of the incentive to actually play a shape-shifting Kheldian?

I think in light of this, Castle is wrong... I think that had Human-only Kheldians been given mez-protection outside what they can already get, Dwarf and Nova would find themselves without any use.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



For a Human Kheld beyond lvl 40 I just can't see why anyone has any Mez issues. We have so many Inspirations, and the 3-1 is so easy, that I'm almost *Never* without a Breakfree or three. Positron said he was worried that giving Mez protection to Human would obviate the need for Dwarf...and I see his point. My Human Only simply never needs the extra protection Dwarf can provide. I don't even save my Purple and Orange Inspirations. The minute I get 3, I trade them for a Red Insp and More damage (unless I'm running low on BFs). My defenses and Heals are just seem sufficient enough that I can concentrate on killing (Hmm.. that sounds creepy )

See, the 3-1 Insp trade essentially means my Human Only has Mez Protection *all* the time. No matter if it's normal missions, soloing, Task Forces... I never worry about Mezzing...ever! And should I happen to need something longer lasting, like say against a lvl 52+ Rikti Mentalist Boss or a Carnie Dark Ring Mistress, well, there's always Light Form if you just gotta... I use it rarely though - and routinely take down Mezzing Bosses without it.

About the only time lack of mez protections is kinda noticeable is Rikti Mothership raids, but it's never that bad, esp. if you have a team with Tanks and Trollers.

As The One keeps saying, Human is better *NOT* than Triform - it's not worse either. It's just very different. I've been playing around with my Tri-Form second build a bit and it's quite effective. In the hands of a more experienced former I can see how it'd be awesome. Even so, I feel more effective and more powerful in my human only and just prefer that playstyle.



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
...Which may decrease in many, the need to even use the form, thus leading to a Human/Dwarf mentality that treats Dwarf as yet another shield that simply blocks away all ranged attacks. Yay for the new would-be FToM and City of Conforming Kheldians.
I don't think it would. A lot of the Formers play that way because they simply like shapeshifting and going from different extremes of play at a keystroke. Somethining tells me you're such a one. C'mon, if Human got mez protection, would you rebuild your fave. high level Khelds, or do you prefer them just as they are and wouldn't change a thing?

...the problem with a TankMage exists because a TankMage essentially unbalances the holy trinity of survival, melee attacks and ranged attacks. Anything that can survive well both in melee and ranged combat, has to sacrifice something in the damage arenas, and anything that does very well in melee and ranged combat has to sacrifice its survivability. Essentially, I don't see how your idea could be balanced.

Worse yet, if Kheldians were designed like you suggest, and essentially, using Dwarf form for instance would limit you to just your melee attacks, but there would be no "form-change" effect, people may get the wrong idea and think their character has suddenly become broken, because the way many players would look at it would be: "dude!!!! I spent 50 levels on my main Hero just to get this guy and when I use Dwarf-form, I can only use melee attacks? Sheesh that's broken! FIX IT!".
Maybe I'm not understanding you - there would be a form change effect. Switching to Dwarf suddenly makes you a hellalot harder to kill. I think a noticeable increase in survivability would help salve the loss of range attacks. Then, when the great danger is over, switch back to more damaging, but squishier form.

The rightly built Kheld already breaks the trinity anyway. Power Up, bombast a mob with incredible Nova attacks, then when the survivors close in, you've switch to Dwarf and they can't touch you - what does that sound like?

I approach this from the point of view that the melded Kheldian itself, as are we all, is nothing more than Quantum particles. However, since humans have not yet learned to control their QMatrix, and Kheldians obviously have, when a Kheldian shifts forms, it essentially enforces the QMatrix it remembers, thus changing the form physically, which leads to the blocking of powers that would otherwise work in different forms.
Well, that's a decent explanation, I suppose and I can live with it - even though it sounds like it was pulled from a horse's rear end *kidding kidding haha*



Well personally I would be all for a 'limited' mez protection. To me a PeaceBringer is a very unique AT, that seems to 'potentially' fill some holes in a team. The Dwarf form is obviously a 'tank' type, considering it comes with Taunt. The Nova, a 'blaster', and the Human appears to border on Scrapper / Defender. Now a Defender does not have mez protection, but a scrapper does. I would think a 'weaker' mez protection in Human would not hurt, perhaps .. 3 points combined with 1 natural would total 4. If most holds are 3 points then a human PB could withstand 1 hold solo. On a team with 2 controllers 2 holds. Its no scrapper! It seems like a PB is an 'almost' many things, but with no mez protection at all, it is a FAR stretch from being a scrapper. I have seen several PB builds that skip Thermal Shield, perhaps a small dose of Mez protection in there would encourage people to take the power and use it.

After building a Tri Form and taking it to level 45, I found in the higher levels I simply did not use Nova Form at all, and rarely Dwarf. Human form puts out the damage in a big way, and allows you to use all of your powers as opposed to a 'half a tank', or 'half a blaster'. Soloing, I have had to switch to Dwarf to save my own butt, usually this was due to a mez, and since I have dumped Dwarf this has become a sore spot.

(oh and before I get lambasted for saying "half a", please remember that your powers in those forms have been selected for you, and while in form you do not have access to the full array of powers as opposed to a blaster/tank that has a full arsenal at their disposal.)

All in all if there is no solution to the mez issue perhaps Acrobatics is for me. If not for the out and out protection, then for the 54% (or so) hold resistance. I think if I can combine this with an Aegis unique, and perhaps a couple/few status resists/hold resists from sets or IOs I might be able to recover from a hold in time to blast that mezzer into next week.




Nope, I'd still be a tri-former, but I would spend more time in human than I do now...which is very little.



Originally Posted by AlienTwo View Post
Human form is not "equal" to tri-form. They are different. Different in numbers, different in playstyle.

What we seem to REALLY be arguing is "are they equal in FUN?" THAT... is entirely subjective. And since it IS entirely subjective, I will most definitely say beyond a shadow of a doubt, in MY subjective opinion, after playing dual-forms, tri-forms, and several different setups of my human form, that my human form is the MOST fun I've ever had on a Kheld.


"The One"
I would never argue "fun" that would be pointless, and it's exactly the kind of discussion I try to avoid.

If a person comes in and asks "If I master human form only and Tri-Forming playstyle, what build will yeild me the best results in damage and all around performance?" I do not want "Human form is not "equal" to tri-form. They are different. Different in numbers, different in playstyle." as the given answer because it in no way gives them an answer to what they asked.

Your right, you have never directly said human form is equal to the Tri-Form in performance, but you also have never (that I have read) been able to say " The Tri-Form build if done and played correctly will be usefull in more situations and will yeild better numbers over the long haul." and this makes me think it's because you would like more people to play in the style you prefer.

If that is an error on my part my bad, but I do not know why such a simple type question that is commonly asked in many different ways but usually almost always seeking a best way to build and play inquirery always recieves answers avoiding that little disclaimer.

I don't hate mono-forming, I really really do not. What I do hate is when information is left out or discarded as irrelivant based on playstyle. The people who truely prefer human only will always play human only and this is fine in my opinion so long as they know that they will be doing so at a not in my opinion so slight statistical/numerical dissadvantage.

If the numbers don't matter to them good. All the better. But there is a not so small segment of the playerbase who will care to make the build that will (on average) outperform the other types of build and I do not want the facts obscured behind talk of fun and style choice.

People need to be able to make fully informed decisions and plastering the important facts out front helps that. If every proponant of human form used a disclaimer something like "Many enjoy human forms playstyle better but you are in fact losing alot of potential in damage and ability to tank by avoiding the forms." my posts on here would drop by over 50%.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I can't think of any 'primary' melee character in the game that doesn't have mez protection. But then PB's aren't primary melee toons, nor are they devoid of mez protection.

I have kept away from the tri-form/human only debate so far in this thread, because I do understand the appeal of human only, but that is a choice not to take the mez protection so why would the devs give you two forms of mez protection just because you don't like the one you have?

Incidentally Dwarf form has more inherant mez protection than any VEAT and I have only ever been held on Mothership raids by multiple EB's after I am left last man standing. Ignoring the fact that VEATs have so much handed to them on a plate they bore me to tears.
Yes, but the VEATs Mezz protection doesn't turn off 80% of their powers too.

Originally Posted by SoilentGreen View Post
I've been told flat out in a PM by Castle that there aren't any plans to grant Kheldians with any human form mez protection. He said it would "obviate" Dwarf form...and no one would use or take that power (I disagree) if we had mez protection in human form.

The solution they gave us was the insta-break free with Dwarf form, and they threw us a bone with toggles continuing to run while mezzed so we didn't have to re-toggle every time (even though the benefits outside of PvP would be lost during that time).

The devs told us to team with controllers or bring break frees, so those are your best bets. We've had this type of discussion in this forum many times over.
Having to drag around Inspirations to 'function' should be the first sign that there is a *PROBLEM*.

Originally Posted by SoilentGreen View Post
As it stands right now you could run a tankmage with Cosmic Balance. Just run with 4 controllers and 3 scrappers and you'll have all the mez and extra resistance you'll need (added to the shields).

Dwarf would still offer more HPs, an extra heal (on both WS and PB), another AoE attack/Buff, and more resistance. Seems like a better vehicle for absorbing an alpha strike to me.

But...I've been through threads like this many times before. Some people are for human form mez protection, some are against. I personally still don't get having self-res shields and numerious melee attacks (especially PBs) without any mez protection. It's counter-intuitive in my opinion. I think it's a design flaw that could have been addressed when they made adjustments to Kheldians a while back. I like what we have now, but this would open up the AT to more players who want to go human-only.
Or that want different builds (or RP builds.) One of my builds was supposed to be squicked out by shapeshifting into cosmic horrors and didn't take those powers. But to function in the high level, I had to get Dwarf Form.

And it sucks.

Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
For a Human Kheld beyond lvl 40 I just can't see why anyone has any Mez issues. We have so many Inspirations, and the 3-1 is so easy, that I'm almost *Never* without a Breakfree or three. Positron said he was worried that giving Mez protection to Human would obviate the need for Dwarf...and I see his point. My Human Only simply never needs the extra protection Dwarf can provide. I don't even save my Purple and Orange Inspirations. The minute I get 3, I trade them for a Red Insp and More damage (unless I'm running low on BFs). My defenses and Heals are just seem sufficient enough that I can concentrate on killing (Hmm.. that sounds creepy )

See, the 3-1 Insp trade essentially means my Human Only has Mez Protection *all* the time. No matter if it's normal missions, soloing, Task Forces... I never worry about Mezzing...ever! And should I happen to need something longer lasting, like say against a lvl 52+ Rikti Mentalist Boss or a Carnie Dark Ring Mistress, well, there's always Light Form if you just gotta... I use it rarely though - and routinely take down Mezzing Bosses without it.

About the only time lack of mez protections is kinda noticeable is Rikti Mothership raids, but it's never that bad, esp. if you have a team with Tanks and Trollers.

As The One keeps saying, Human is better *NOT* than Triform - it's not worse either. It's just very different. I've been playing around with my Tri-Form second build a bit and it's quite effective. In the hands of a more experienced former I can see how it'd be awesome. Even so, I feel more effective and more powerful in my human only and just prefer that playstyle.
It is worse. Every time your heavily slotted human powers are not accessable due to Mezzing, it is 'worse'.

What do I need to be in my 'tank form' when there are already two tanks in my team?

Why do I need to special-build my team to get the 'perfect balance' of mezz protection?

The developers are wrong. We aren't demanding scrapper levels of mezz protection, but we are asking that our inherient mezz protection actually work.

Right now, it does not. Not reliably and certainly not to any degree of fun.

And that should be the meter-stick.

Originally Posted by MrSuzi View Post
Well personally I would be all for a 'limited' mez protection. To me a PeaceBringer is a very unique AT, that seems to 'potentially' fill some holes in a team. The Dwarf form is obviously a 'tank' type, considering it comes with Taunt. The Nova, a 'blaster', and the Human appears to border on Scrapper / Defender. Now a Defender does not have mez protection, but a scrapper does. I would think a 'weaker' mez protection in Human would not hurt, perhaps .. 3 points combined with 1 natural would total 4. If most holds are 3 points then a human PB could withstand 1 hold solo. On a team with 2 controllers 2 holds. Its no scrapper! It seems like a PB is an 'almost' many things, but with no mez protection at all, it is a FAR stretch from being a scrapper. I have seen several PB builds that skip Thermal Shield, perhaps a small dose of Mez protection in there would encourage people to take the power and use it.

After building a Tri Form and taking it to level 45, I found in the higher levels I simply did not use Nova Form at all, and rarely Dwarf. Human form puts out the damage in a big way, and allows you to use all of your powers as opposed to a 'half a tank', or 'half a blaster'. Soloing, I have had to switch to Dwarf to save my own butt, usually this was due to a mez, and since I have dumped Dwarf this has become a sore spot.

(oh and before I get lambasted for saying "half a", please remember that your powers in those forms have been selected for you, and while in form you do not have access to the full array of powers as opposed to a blaster/tank that has a full arsenal at their disposal.)

All in all if there is no solution to the mez issue perhaps Acrobatics is for me. If not for the out and out protection, then for the 54% (or so) hold resistance. I think if I can combine this with an Aegis unique, and perhaps a couple/few status resists/hold resists from sets or IOs I might be able to recover from a hold in time to blast that mezzer into next week.

That actually brings up my peeve about the non-detoggling powers. This was actually brought up as a possible 'fix' for Kheldians. Keep up the primary resistance toggles while mezzed, maybe tack on a bit of mezz resistance so we aren't city of statues...

Then it got hijacked for PvP 3.0 and made useless... Not only don't you have your resistance powers 'active' but you are getting dinged on endurance for that 'benefit'.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post

The developers are wrong. We aren't demanding scrapper levels of mezz protection, but we are asking that our inherient mezz protection actually work.

Right now, it does not. Not reliably and certainly not to any degree of fun.
Your Inherant status ressist IS dwarf form and a tiny bit from controllers. The fact you have chosen to not take this isn't a flaw in the design it's a choice you made in building your character for concept and not effect.

This was already tackled in another thread and if we really are changing how things work so concept builds are not penalized then I want Rooted and Granite form to not have any hinderances and I want alternate Status and ressist toggles that do not have ugly auras in Invulnerability.

Concept characters almost by definition do not work as well as their bread and butter using counterparts, and trying to change this to me makes no sense.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Your Inherant status ressist IS dwarf form and a tiny bit from controllers. The fact you have chosen to not take this isn't a flaw in the design it's a choice you made in building your character for concept and not effect.

This was already tackled in another thread and if we really are changing how things work so concept builds are not penalized then I want Rooted and Granite form to not have any hinderances and I want alternate Status and ressist toggles that do not have ugly auras in Invulnerability.

Concept characters almost by definition do not work as well as their bread and butter using counterparts, and trying to change this to me makes no sense.
Ah, this 'fallacy' and straw-man.

Dwarf is not Kheldian's mezz protection. It's its *own* mezz protection.

If you can tell me a way that it gives me Mezz protection in human form, I'll believe you.

Otherwise leave your 'facts' at the door, because this is nothing more than a lie.

Still here, even after all this time!



I see this as no different than wanting to not take the status toggle on any scrapper or tank set and saying I need "other" status protection. It has similar restrictions to rooted and granite armor, nobody is forced to take them but they also cannot say they do not have access to status protection either.

You can build an all human if you like but the fact you have no protection to mezz is a flaw in your chosen design not the design of the set.

I'm not overly sorry you don't like it but thats the truth.

They do not redesign an AT to placate the people dedicated to building concept characters.

They said you could build your Kheldian in any manner you like but never made any claims it would be as effective as taking the forms.

This seems to be "their" vision of the AT and playing with or against it is a choice that both sides have to live with the results of their choices.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
Ah, this 'fallacy' and straw-man.

Dwarf is not Kheldian's mezz protection. It's its *own* mezz protection.

If you can tell me a way that it gives me Mezz protection in human form, I'll believe you.

Otherwise leave your 'facts' at the door, because this is nothing more than a lie.
It's not a fallacy or straw man. It's the truth.

One cannot make a "Squid" only Kheld or "Dwarf" only Kheld either. Why? Because those forms are essentially your main powers. Squid for Damage and Dwarf for Tanking/Scrapping.

ESPECIALLY now that Dwarf Form acts like a Break Free, choosing not to take it is gimping yourself.

Your choice, of course, but you don't get to whine about it.....

It's kind of like this.....if you choose to build an ***/INV Tank without Unyielding, don't complain about being mezzed.



Originally Posted by JulioThom70 View Post
It's not a fallacy or straw man. It's the truth.

One cannot make a "Squid" only Kheld or "Dwarf" only Kheld either. Why? Because those forms are essentially your main powers. Squid for Damage and Dwarf for Tanking/Scrapping.

ESPECIALLY now that Dwarf Form acts like a Break Free, choosing not to take it is gimping yourself.

Your choice, of course, but you don't get to whine about it.....

It's kind of like this.....if you choose to build an ***/INV Tank without Unyielding, don't complain about being mezzed.
Your facts don't line up with reality. Now if Unyielding turned off all but 3 weak attacks and most of your other defenses and all power pools... you'd be closer.

Yes, powers *can* have draw-backs, but saying 'Dwarf is Kheldian's mezz-protection' flies in the face of Cosmic Balance and Dark Sustenance.

Still here, even after all this time!



This really is a moot point, as all signs indicate things will be staying as they are for the forseeable future. The possibility was raised analyzed and rejected. Saying the Dev's are "wrong" is just plain sour grapes, it is their game and as such whatever they decide is correct.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Actually, it would take hard numbers and a lot of complaining. But as I said in another thread, I expect it will be at least i20 before they look into 'why aren't EATs doing as well as VEATs'.

Still here, even after all this time!