Levitate vs Lift




Ever since I've played this game, their has been a damage difference between Lift and Levitate, why? They are identical in every other aspect.

Lift: 24.47 Damage
Levitate: 40.37 Damage

This really needs to be changed, Lift is doing almost half the damage it should be and makes soloing with a Gravity Controller unecessarily more difficult and slow.

Whats more:

Lift: Increased this powerÂ’s damage scale from .8 to 1.32.
In Issue 15, this was fixed. However only for the Dominator archtype, Controllers still have a broken version of lift. The above change effectively made Lift and Levitate do equal damage.

Apperantly Lift's damage was nerfed in CoH Beta due to a fear that with Propel, Gravity would do too much damage. I have never been able to confirm this 100% but, how annoying that such a silly change was made and then left and forgotten about for 5yrs? :/



Amen! My main strike against this game is the developers seeming inability to right wrongs. They come off as either lazy or incompetent. No offense intended.

These sets were designed before the inherent and epic powers were implemented. That changed a lot, yet the sets have largely remained untouched. Gravity is paying a hefty price for having Lift and Propel. Both which are highly skippable powers considering a pool power like Air Superiority gives significantly better DPS, not to mention epic powers which totally outstrips the DPS of these powers. For these two skippable powers, Gravity is sadled with subpar controls even compared to Fire which ends out outdamaging Gravity like there is no tomorrow. Even though Mind Controls Levitate is superior here, that set should be looked at as well (compare it to Plant Control and see how lacking it really is).


Lift animates faster than Levitate, but the damage really should be the same (they do the exact same thing after all). Blaster secondary powers Telekinetic Thrust and Power Thrust, for instance, has the same damage and effect - yet one has twice as long animation as the other.

Propel is perhaps the most unique power in the game and really fun. And really fustrating on teams where you more often than not end up hitting a foe already down. When Hurl and Hurl Stone got their animation lowered, I was shocked to find no similar love was given to Propel. Lower animation to 2.5 secs and do it NOW.

These two changes to Gravity Control can and SHOULD be done quickly. Enough is enough! Then at next juncture, look into how to address the reasons why these two sets underperform compared to the likes of Fire, Plant, Stone and Illusion with epic powers and pool powers in mind.



This is one of those "dead horse" topics. It comes up on a regular basis. The Devs have never given a specific reason why Lift has such a lower damage level than Levitate, but I suspect it is a balance issue. Grav does a lot of damage in Propel, and if the damage was increased to Lift, then the Grav set would probably do too much damage in their eyes.

The damage in Propel makes my Grav controller particularly good for solo. I use Crush instead of Lift in my Grav controllers current build. If Lift's damage were increased, I would find something else to drop to fit it in, but since Castle made the adjustment to Dominators and not Controllers, I would bet that this issue was looked at and left as is on purpose.

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Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
This is one of those "dead horse" topics. It comes up on a regular basis. The Devs have never given a specific reason why Lift has such a lower damage level than Levitate, but I suspect it is a balance issue. Grav does a lot of damage in Propel, and if the damage was increased to Lift, then the Grav set would probably do too much damage in their eyes.

The damage in Propel makes my Grav controller particularly good for solo. I use Crush instead of Lift in my Grav controllers current build. If Lift's damage were increased, I would find something else to drop to fit it in, but since Castle made the adjustment to Dominators and not Controllers, I would bet that this issue was looked at and left as is on purpose.
I pause to think Grav would do too much damage.

1. We are talking single target damage and yet the set that need not be named is abusive on an AoE level.

2. Propel has a long enough animation it gets skipped, or it's target dies before the animation gets pulled off.

3. Considering Grav's current lackluster status, giving it a high amount of ST damage would likely be a good thing.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
I pause to think Grav would do too much damage.

1. We are talking single target damage and yet the set that need not be named is abusive on an AoE level.

2. Propel has a long enough animation it gets skipped, or it's target dies before the animation gets pulled off.

3. Considering Grav's current lackluster status, giving it a high amount of ST damage would likely be a good thing.
Yes. The outrageous brokenness of Plant's immob damage output, the limitations of propel, the inherent gimpiness of ST damage, and the subpar performance of Gravity, knock down the "Grav would have too much damage if lift = levitate" argument at least twice over.

Hence the reasons for the status quo are pure speculation. Developer malice, indifference, ignorance-- it's fun to make any of these claims, sure. I don't think we can know.

I don't generally try and address these things directly myself, because unlike many here who think they know the inside track to bringing something to dev attention, I wouldn't know where to begin aside from a thread demanding action from the devs, and I thought those were against ToS.

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I'll tell you why Levitate does more than lift: Grav gets an autonomous pet. Mind doesn't (unless you count confusing a horde of minions who can't hit one another once every 4 minutes).

Though it doesn't explain giving the dom version a damage boost =. *shrug*


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
I'll tell you why Levitate does more than lift: Grav gets an autonomous pet. Mind doesn't (unless you count confusing a horde of minions who can't hit one another once every 4 minutes).

Though it doesn't explain giving the dom version a damage boost =. *shrug*
Yeah, go ahead comparing Gravity to the only other majorly gimped set and find that a good meter for overall balance why don't ya? You might as well ask why Plant get a better power at level 8 than Mind gets at 32, a pet and VASTLY more damage.

I suspect the developers have ignored Gravity and Mind woes due to Controllers as a whole being and awesome, dare I say overpowered AT (certainly compared to poor old defenders). Then again, Scrappers were strengthened when certainly no performance boost was warranted. Devs have to cater especially to the most popular AT in the game I guess.



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
I'll tell you why Levitate does more than lift: Grav gets an autonomous pet. Mind doesn't (unless you count confusing a horde of minions who can't hit one another once every 4 minutes).

Though it doesn't explain giving the dom version a damage boost =. *shrug*

Its actually pretty clear the dev's don't agree with this logic - the fact that they upped the damage on lift for dominators without any corresponding changes to mind shows that they don't think it needs to be 'weaker' at single target damage then mind. You are also ignoring the fact that mind actually has 2 single target damage powers as you can basically consider mesmerize as a blast power - it does as much damage as any normal tier 1 blast and at the same end cost, its only real disadvantage is that it has a 6 second recharge instead of 4 seconds which is more than offset by the 1.1 accuracy and the long sleep at the end. So mind is WAY ahead of gravity in both control and single target damage.

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Originally Posted by Seraphael View Post
Yeah, go ahead comparing Gravity to the only other majorly gimped set and find that a good meter for overall balance why don't ya? You might as well ask why Plant get a better power at level 8 than Mind gets at 32, a pet and VASTLY more damage.

I suspect the developers have ignored Gravity and Mind woes due to Controllers as a whole being and awesome, dare I say overpowered AT (certainly compared to poor old defenders). Then again, Scrappers were strengthened when certainly no performance boost was warranted. Devs have to cater especially to the most popular AT in the game I guess.

Good sir, my Mind Controller can do just about anything short of solo an AV (...yet) , so i'd hardly call that gimped =P


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
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Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post

Good sir, my Mind Controller can do just about anything short of solo an AV (...yet) , so i'd hardly call that gimped =P
What can they do that any other set can't do better? At the end of the day all Mind Control really is left with, is the ability to solo easy material well. I stand by my words; it is as gimped set as a controller set can be and struggle where other sets shine. Which is too bad really, as the two sets I thematically fancy the most (Gravity and Mind) are also by far the worst.



Originally Posted by Seraphael View Post
What can they do that any other set can't do better? At the end of the day all Mind Control really is left with, is the ability to solo easy material well. I stand by my words; it is as gimped set as a controller set can be and struggle where other sets shine. Which is too bad really, as the two sets I thematically fancy the most (Gravity and Mind) are also by far the worst.
you're making me laugh...

Mind has a few things going for it.

1. best ST DPS
2. Most control options

Don't even try to get into the whole plant > Mind thing... it's not. Mind is far superior in terms of control.


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

I think you underestimate our fools, sir.

Why /duel is a bad idea



Originally Posted by Psyonico View Post
you're making me laugh...

Mind has a few things going for it.

1. best ST DPS
2. Most control options

Don't even try to get into the whole plant > Mind thing... it's not. Mind is far superior in terms of control.
Did you note the person you're quoting points out that Mind IS left with soloing ability?

I trust you're aware that spawn size scales to team size?

I trust you're aware that what distinguishes ST DPS from AOE DPS is that the latter's power scales directly with spawn size, wheras the former does not? And that the game caters overwhelmingly to team play, wherein spawns then are very large? And ST Dmg is drowned out by all those AoEs taking x8 to x10 damage output multiplers because there're 8 or 10 mobs present?

And Plant doesn't toast Mind into ignominity. It toasts it into oblivion. The comparison:

Seeds, Roots, Entangle, Giant Fly Trap, Carrion Creepers, Spirit Tree
Mass Confusion, TK, Mesmerize, Levitate, Terrify, and Confuse...

That's four 5-star powers, a 4-star, and a throwaway, vs one 5-star power, four 3-stars, and a 2-star.

And no, it's not the ability to lock down spawns with X bosses in X+1 applications of two powers (MC + Confuse), vs the ability to lock down spawns with X bosses in X+2 applications of two powers. (Seeds + Strangler). Unless one's really soloing (which has been acknowledged a specialty of Mind), this emphasis on instant lockdown of ALL bosses is unwarranted. Not to mention that that comparison misses the fact that [MC+Confuse] is going to be availabel half as often as [Seeds + Strangler].

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Originally Posted by Psyonico View Post
you're making me laugh...

Mind has a few things going for it.

1. best ST DPS
2. Most control options

Don't even try to get into the whole plant > Mind thing... it's not. Mind is far superior in terms of control.
1. Mind has the lowest st damage (or very close to it) after pets. It also has the lowest (or very close to it) aoe damage.

2. Mind is very good at pausing the game, unfortunately pausing the game is counterproductive to progression.

As for mind vs plant? I happen to have a lvl 50 mind/kin and a lvl 50 plant/kin. If I had to put them on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of control I'd rank seeds of confusion higher than the entire mind set put together and once I add in the other plant goodies I'd give plant a 10 and mind a 2.

St control goes to mind though...yay.

In vanilla pve there is almost nothing that plant can't do better than mind. In AE boss teams I'm currently soloing 15-17 + 2 bosses at the same time safely and very quickly. My mind/kin can't even solo that many +0 luts . Well that isn't true, it is just painfully slow.

Both sets are pretty lame vs AV's, but at least plant can actually control it a bit with immobs and offers some team regen.

Edit: put a contagious confusion proc in seeds. I usually one shot confuse ~half the spawn of all bosses. Anything less isn't even worth discussing as it is below fodder for plant. Carrion creepers is imo more akin to mass confusion except better by quite a bit. Seeds is in its own world.



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
This is one of those "dead horse" topics. It comes up on a regular basis. The Devs have never given a specific reason why Lift has such a lower damage level than Levitate, but I suspect it is a balance issue. Grav does a lot of damage in Propel, and if the damage was increased to Lift, then the Grav set would probably do too much damage in their eyes.

The damage in Propel makes my Grav controller particularly good for solo. I use Crush instead of Lift in my Grav controllers current build. If Lift's damage were increased, I would find something else to drop to fit it in, but since Castle made the adjustment to Dominators and not Controllers, I would bet that this issue was looked at and left as is on purpose.
I think it is only a 'dead horse' topic because people have given up figuring out why, not because there is an actual answer.

I really don't think everything in this game is designed the way it is for a reason, more like because 'thats the way it has always been'. I would love to see the Devs or anyone try and rationalise Lift, Propel or Dimension Shift in the context of the set as a whole and compare it to other Control sets. To me, the reason Lift does less damage is not because the devs want it to do less damage, but because that is the way it has always been and no one has ever re-evaluated it.

If this was Super Strength we were talking about, you would have 10 people demanding an answer, but because it is Gravity Control, hardly anyone cares enough to do anything.

Gravity gives up a lot of control for having both Lift and Propel. Despite this both powers are gimped. Lift does less damage then even Mesmerize and ST Immobalizes, and propel's damage is not enough when taking into account that Gravity loses a control power to have it, and that Propel's whole design is to do damage.



Actually, Mind is great at tearing down multiple targets. Especially if you take an AoE from your APP of choice. I've solod the entire Cim wall (all 10 spawns of 10 dudes) in only a few minutes.

I've held AVs through the PToD without outside help.

I've had to have my Mind controller TANK missions because the team didn't have a tank that could stand up to psi damage (we also had a fire controller who, surprise, was worthless in taking the foes down fast enough or keeping them from attacking anyone). Yes, that includes the AVs at the end.

Could Mind use some help? Sure. But i'd hardly call it gimped.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Mind is gimped? This is the first I've heard of it.



Mind Control is a set that matures relatively early, and then stagnates a in the late game. When other sets are taking off because of access to their pets, Mind Control is left with... yet another way to prevent incoming damage from a large group of enemies - in a set that already has a plethora of such options available to it.

In my experience, Mind Control is a dominating force, pre 32. After that, it fades into almost complete obscurity. And it has always been this way - Plant Control didn't do this. It's just the nature of the set, I fear.

Ironically, Gravity and Mind Controls seem to be at opposite ends of a spectrum. In the low levels, a Gravity Controller has to leverage his/her Secondary well to be at all effective in teams. Meanwhile, a Mind Controller has to learn to really rely on their secondary as they move into the late game...

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Since I play a grav/kin controller, I would have liked to see Lift get a damage boost for controllers too, but the fact is that as a controller primary, Gravity already has good single-target damage. While I understand and largely agree that "good" single-target damage doesn't justify or outweigh Grav's AoE control and damage shortcomings, I'm also aware that the set has never been as sub-par for controllers as it has always been for dominators.

For dominators, Gravity has always been borked. While contained Lift and Propel may be viable sources of direct damage for controllers, in the dominator primary they were completely eclipsed by damage powers from the secondaries.

For controllers, particularly solo controllers, Gravity's early access to damaging attacks helps the set to solo well. But Lift and Propel were almost entirely superfluous to a dominator with an entire secondary of superior damage powers.

Therefore dominator Lift was buffed. Now it provides viable direct damage, a bit of soft control, and an alternative damage type to what's offered in the dominator secondaries. In other words, it's as good as Levitate.

But among controllers, Gravity already had more ST damage prior to pets and APPs than any other set besides Mind, so the devs didn't give Lift a damage buff.

Frankly I'd be happy to see controller Gravity buffed in any way; the set needs it, I think. But controller Lift didn't need adjusting the way that dominator Lift did.

The tradeoff of AoE control for ST damage may be a bum deal, but it's especially stupid if the damage you gain is utterly irrelevant and superfluous in light of what you already have. And that was the tradeoff for dominator Grav. And that's why the set got a buff for doms that didn't carry over to controllers.



You know I am not even going to touch this Mind Control debate that has risen in this thread by certain individuals. If you want to shout about how Mind sucks be my guest, it is completely false and just absurd.

Originally Posted by Chaos_String View Post
Since I play a grav/kin controller, I would have liked to see Lift get a damage boost for controllers too, but the fact is that as a controller primary, Gravity already has good single-target damage. While I understand and largely agree that "good" single-target damage doesn't justify or outweigh Grav's AoE control and damage shortcomings, I'm also aware that the set has never been as sub-par for controllers as it has always been for dominators.

For dominators, Gravity has always been borked. While contained Lift and Propel may be viable sources of direct damage for controllers, in the dominator primary they were completely eclipsed by damage powers from the secondaries.

For controllers, particularly solo controllers, Gravity's early access to damaging attacks helps the set to solo well. But Lift and Propel were almost entirely superfluous to a dominator with an entire secondary of superior damage powers.

Therefore dominator Lift was buffed. Now it provides viable direct damage, a bit of soft control, and an alternative damage type to what's offered in the dominator secondaries. In other words, it's as good as Levitate.

But among controllers, Gravity already had more ST damage prior to pets and APPs than any other set besides Mind, so the devs didn't give Lift a damage buff.

Frankly I'd be happy to see controller Gravity buffed in any way; the set needs it, I think. But controller Lift didn't need adjusting the way that dominator Lift did.

The tradeoff of AoE control for ST damage may be a bum deal, but it's especially stupid if the damage you gain is utterly irrelevant and superfluous in light of what you already have. And that was the tradeoff for dominator Grav. And that's why the set got a buff for doms that didn't carry over to controllers.
I know what you are saying Chaos_String and in some ways I can agree with you.

However to me, Gravity has 4 single target attacks, Crush, Lift, Gravity Distortion and Propel that should all do good damage.

Punishing Gravity powers so you get "less bang for your buck" because of its quantity of single target attacks is wrong. The reason I say this is because in my mind, Gravity gives up other powers to have access to them, so they should be each be individually good.

If gravity didn't have lift and propel, imagine what could take its place? Powers like quicksand or shiver? Room for more early AoE control at least. I'm not saying Lift or Propel should be removed, but their existance needs to be justified. Lift should do equal damage to Levitate, irregardless of its other attacks. Currently is does almost half of levitate and less than even air superiority.



I'm getting real tired of this plant>mind stuff.

Mind can do things plant controllers only dream of.

Namely enemy placement, and total control.

Telekinesis makes enemies go where you want them to, even my defenders take it! This power is golden, not as a hold (which it is great for too, if you have a corner) but as a positional godsend. I can put enemies in to Freezing Rain slick, in a to glue arrow, into a burn patch, Oil slick burn patch. You name it. Can a plant troller do that?

Comparing SoC to MC is ridiculous. They don't come in to a controller's build even CLOSE to the same time. SoC is more appropriately compared to something like Mass hypnosis or Telekinesis for mind, and Flashfire etc for the other sets. (Ice Slick, Dimension Shift, Stalagmites...not really Group Invis). Mind has a tool for every situation. Plant has one tool for every situation...and if you find yourself facing Nemisis? Plant is beyond broken.



Originally Posted by PosterChild View Post
I'm getting real tired of this plant>mind stuff.

Mind can do things plant controllers only dream of.

Namely enemy placement, and total control.

Telekinesis makes enemies go where you want them to, even my defenders take it! This power is golden, not as a hold (which it is great for too, if you have a corner) but as a positional godsend. I can put enemies in to Freezing Rain slick, in a to glue arrow, into a burn patch, Oil slick burn patch. You name it. Can a plant troller do that?

Comparing SoC to MC is ridiculous. They don't come in to a controller's build even CLOSE to the same time. SoC is more appropriately compared to something like Mass hypnosis or Telekinesis for mind, and Flashfire etc for the other sets. (Ice Slick, Dimension Shift, Stalagmites...not really Group Invis). Mind has a tool for every situation. Plant has one tool for every situation...and if you find yourself facing Nemisis? Plant is beyond broken.
Ya I've found perma carrion creepers to be absolutely useless vs Nem, I hate how npc's attack it, I much prefer getting all the agro. And vines is way worse than total domination. Not to mention spore burst (if plant ever had reason to take an aoe sleep) is pretty crappy too compared to masshyp when you are actually going to fight the enemy.

I wish plant had a way to drain its own endurance bar in a matter of seconds while getting shot up to death... I really do.

Unfortunately plant can't push a few enemies back into a patch, but it can kill them all in less time than the mind spent repositioning them for someone else to do the job. My plant troller has more cat skins in her collection than my mind troller.

Anyway, I actually like mind, I've just never been impressed when I use it in teams or when I've seen others using it in teams. I'm sure there are some pretty amazing mind players out there though.

As for levitate and lift --- lift should be buffed. If the reason it was lower before was due to overall set balance I think it is safe to say that balancing perspective has gone out the window in favor of per power balancing quite some time ago.



Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
You know I am not even going to touch this Mind Control debate that has risen in this thread by certain individuals. If you want to shout about how Mind sucks be my guest, it is completely false and just absurd.
I'm left to wonder if everyone who disagrees with you is automatically "shouting about how something sucks."

Also left in doubt: why after saying you were "not even going to touch" the conversastion, you assert a position. This is your way of admitting you can't at all defend it, I assume? Hit and run opine?

Actually, there has been some pretty reasoned discussion of mind control here, though I'm not sure remarks that summarily declare straw men "completely false and just absurd," show our best work.

Needless to say, nobody's "shouting that mind sucks," that was your own invention. So. Hopefully that's clear now.

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A Mind VS Plant debate.

How unexpected.



Originally Posted by PosterChild View Post
I'm getting real tired of this plant>mind stuff.
I don't think anybody is holding a gun to your head if it's not something you want to discuss. I'm sure you see that people have differing views on the topic. But if you're tired of it, there's always leaving it to the folks who're interested and understand the topic.

... plant controllers only dream of ... enemy placement, and total control.
That's not really true. In the first place, Plant has four total controls: Strangler, Spore Burst, Vines, and Seeds of Confusion. Mind, granted, numerically has more (six)-- confuse, mass confuse, dom, mes TD, and Mass Hypnosis.

But obviously this is not a situation in which plant "only dreams" of having powers it has (numerically) four of, opposed to mind's six. Moreover-- and this is an important basic point about the way the game plays that lots of people don't get, but fatigue doesn't change the facts-- AoE powers are substantially more powerful than ST equivalents for normative play (where there are many MObs) because their effectiveness scales directly with number of MObs present. Not only does the AoE question make a simple count of powers obsolete, but so do other features of the powers, cheif among them, recharge. Total Dom and Mass Confusion, AoE powers both, are on LONG recharges. Plant control's Seeds is half that-- which effectively makes it twice as available.

If we pair off Mass Hyp + TD + Dom with Vines + Spore Burst + Strangler, we're left comparing Mesmerize and Confuse to Seeds of Confusion.

Which would you rather have, Seeds vs [Confuse + Mesmerize]? I have Mind controllers levels 50, 50, 43, and 29, and Plant Controllers 50, 49, 47, and 11. Over the course of a career of normative play, I would prefer Seeds to the pair.

By a vast margin. That's the hard control comparison between the two sets.

Telekinesis makes enemies go where you want them to, even my defenders take it! This power is golden, not as a hold (which it is great for too, if you have a corner) but as a positional godsend. I can put enemies in to Freezing Rain slick, in a to glue arrow, into a burn patch, Oil slick burn patch. You name it. Can a plant troller do that?
As a rule, it need not. All the other powers you mention are positionable, and in fact easily so. Something you may not be aware of if you've not worked with AoE immobs in the past (and in many sets besides plant, AoE Immobs are a less safe proposition): spawns are usually initially tight enough for things like Freezing Rain, and an AoE Immob will keep them that way.

Comparing SoC to MC is ridiculous. They don't come in to a controller's build even CLOSE to the same time. SoC is more appropriately compared to something like Mass hypnosis or Telekinesis for mind, and Flashfire etc for the other sets. (Ice Slick, Dimension Shift, Stalagmites...not really Group Invis). Mind has a tool for every situation. Plant has one tool for every situation...and if you find yourself facing Nemisis? Plant is beyond broken.
I don't in the slightest follow the "what level it comes at" logic. Comparisons of powers that come outside equivalent levels is not at all ridiculous.

If it were ridiculous, then (by your logic) comparing defender siphon speed (@L6) and controller siphon speed (@10) is ridiculous.

I don't see how claiming to be tired of a conversation is a good justification for making baldly indefensible arguments of this sort.

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Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
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It's like a glue factory in here, but I'll throw my two cents in anyway.

If legacy and fear of overpowered solo grav's are the only thing holding back the damage on lift, well... that's just a sad state of affairs. Grav hurts in so many departments, please throw it a bone somewhere.

In the matter of Mind v. Plant, I find the fact that mind's control are psionic give it an advantage a lot of folks overlook. Granted, I'll curse carnies to hell and back, but it's fun to shred through Romans. (You can't hide your thoughts behind your puny shield!)