Night Widow vs Fortunata
I know the first is scrapper like |
and the second is a ranged control freak |
but from the people who have one at 50...which do you find more enjoyable. |
TL'DR: Do they solo well? Are they powerful? |
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Personally I find the fortunata more fun; it is the more versatile of the blood widow options. My fortunata is my favorite character IMO while leveling up they are fairly mediocre. Once some effort and inf is dedicated, we can do most of the crazy things you see scrappers doing.
Powerful? Solo? Most certainly! With SOs I was able to do the RWZ challenge fairly easily. After working on the build for a while, taking down AVs and even pylons in RWZ was possible. However, its is neither easy nor cheap.
If you're trying to decide between NW and fort. Fortunatas are a cross between mind controllers and psi defenders, but with good defenses! Its the safe route as you can spend most of your career out of melee range/kiting. Night Widows are like claw/spines sr scrappers. Night Widows put out significantly more damage against single targets due to the powers having much better damage per activation time. In a team setting it can be argued that Fortunatas are better; they have a PBAE confuse, and a nuke that doesn't drain end, plus can take spin, psynado, dart burst, and psyscream.

I love my Night Widow, can't stand the fort build.
Forts are harder to perma ML, less damage, an imo jus not as fun.
Try them both, with dual builds you have nothing to loose
Effy On Hot Sauce Fire/Cold Corr
Effy On Hot Chilli Fire/Dark Corr
Effy On Heat FM/SD Before FoTM
Effy Unleashed DP/EN Blaster 1st 50 @ Union
Thanks for the input. Gonna go roll one now.
That's not debt, those are my "fury bonus points"--Stahlkopf
MOST amazing Brute engineer goes to: Ultrawatt. His SS/Fire farm build is SMASH!
Congrats to Black Assassin! Won 100,000,000 INF for building most survivable NRG/NRG Blaster
I know the first is scrapper like, and the second is a ranged control freak, but from the people who have one at 50...which do you find more enjoyable.
Also, anyone have one of these as their favorite villain? I ask, because I haven't rolled one yet and played it beyond lvl 5 or so. Didn't have time w/ other projects. Now I'm thinking of going with one, but not sure if I wanna start lvl'ing one up to 50. Fear of disappointment I suppose. TL'DR: Do they solo well? Are they powerful? Tourettes |
Honestly, if you spend the time to put sets into NW or Fortunata, they won't be disappointment! I don't know what you've tried before but NW, Fort and Crab (some can argue about Wolf and Bane) can be extremely strong.
SoA is the only AT that I feel worth investing in. Dominator is another.
Which one is more enjoyable? I lean more towards Fortuanta because I've always enjoyed controls. I have two builds. One is Blood Widow (NW using follow up) and one is all ranged Fortunata. Blood Widow build does a lot more ST damage but Fortunata's damage is not laughable at all. I carry two Assault leaderships so I constantly have about 30%+ damage buff (I have other set bonuses too). Soloing as Fortunata has been a joke. You hold one and kill another and even if you fail to hold, your defense and mez protection make you almost impossible to get killed.
Fortunata is by far my #1 favorite AT. She is like a mini Tank-troller. Great defense, decent damage, decent controls, awesome team buffs, great mez protection (which means you can solo almost anything you want in regular story content) and a fun mini-nuke that you can show off (without endurance drain). I don't think you can ask for more!
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
I know the first is scrapper like, and the second is a ranged control freak, but from the people who have one at 50...which do you find more enjoyable.
Also, anyone have one of these as their favorite villain? I ask, because I haven't rolled one yet and played it beyond lvl 5 or so. Didn't have time w/ other projects. Now I'm thinking of going with one, but not sure if I wanna start lvl'ing one up to 50. Fear of disappointment I suppose. TL'DR: Do they solo well? Are they powerful? Tourettes |
I only have four villain characters and my Night Widow and Fortunata are my favorite characters villain side and among my favorite on either side.
"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)
I prefer the Night Widow build, but like others have said, there's no need to choose with dual builds.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
Every time I play my Night Widow a little bit of wee comes out.
I tried to like Fortuna, I love confusion (one of my favorite toons is a plant dom), but I just found it too difficult to level, so shelved it for a long time. Eventually I came back and switched over to Nightwidow. The Nightwidow owns. I swear I'm more survivable at 40 than my IOed out SM/WP brute who has about 10 purples. I can't quite keep up damage wise when he's got full fury going, but on the other hand I've got a ton of team buffs, where he's got none, and some nice debuffs in the attacks as well.
I think both Fortuna & Nightwidow are a little weak right after the forced respec at 25, maybe up to 35, but my Nightwidow was much easier than the Fort. I'm definitely going to try out the alt build with Fortuna again after I hit 50, but I just can't see how it could be as effective in any situation besides a farm. If I really want control my plant dom would be far better at doing it, and he's no slouch at putting out the damage after i15 either.
One last thing about it... Nightwidow seems like an extention of Bloodwidow which you've been playing up to 25 to get there, and Fortuna plays like a totally different class, which can really throw you for a loop.
So I'd say try Nightwidow first, and if you don't and don't like the Fortuna, switch first before giving up on it.
I leveled up as a pure psi/control Fort from 1 to 50. I really enjoyed it, but after I had the character's build pretty much done I decided to make a pure claws attacks alt Widow build. The Widow kills a bit faster, they're both soft capped where they need to be without Mind Link, and the Fort has more toys to play with. Really, I don't think either is better or worse than the other, they're just different. If you like melee pick Widow. If you like mind bullets pick Fort. If you like both then there's always dual builds.
Not to nitpick, but I highly doubt you can do it easily following all the rules with just SOs. You pretty much need to be softcapped to do it with a Fort.
With the fort you can open with aura of confusion and keep single target confusion on a chief soldier boss. Outside of that just pick away everything else around. It's easy to stay mobile out of melee and rikti do mostly psi and energy damage. Since we have psi resistance its not a major concern. Aid self for hairy spots. Single target confuse has had its animation time lowered since I tried it with SOs months ago, I'd imagine its even easier now to do it with this tactic.
With the widow you don't have the convenience of confusions, but you do have elude. It puts you significantly over the soft-cap and gives you 3 minutes of unlimited endurance to take them out.

You shouldn't need Elude on a decent Night Widow, Even the extra recovery isn't needed.
Effy On Hot Sauce Fire/Cold Corr
Effy On Hot Chilli Fire/Dark Corr
Effy On Heat FM/SD Before FoTM
Effy Unleashed DP/EN Blaster 1st 50 @ Union
Rules other than no insps, temp powers, teammates? On both the fort widow it isn't terribly difficult.
With the fort you can open with aura of confusion and keep single target confusion on a chief soldier boss. Outside of that just pick away everything else around. It's easy to stay mobile out of melee and rikti do mostly psi and energy damage. Since we have psi resistance its not a major concern. Aid self for hairy spots. Single target confuse has had its animation time lowered since I tried it with SOs months ago, I'd imagine its even easier now to do it with this tactic. With the widow you don't have the convenience of confusions, but you do have elude. It puts you significantly over the soft-cap and gives you 3 minutes of unlimited endurance to take them out. |
I always thought that for the RWZ challenge you have to have all of the aggro on you at all times and no kiting. Since it started with Scrappers doing it.
By that reasoning, any secondary effects are illegal. If confuse is invalid, holds are invalid too (since the mobs aren't aggro on you while they're in a block of ice or rock or holding their head). It would be terribly difficult to do the RWZ challege on a fort without the use of scramble thoughts, dominate, or any confuses and just SOs. Would such things be illegal on a dominator where disabling opponents is the main form of damage mitigation? Many melee sets use their secondary abilities to great effect, ss/ with its knockdowns and kob, em/ and ma/ with its stuns, dm/ with its to-hit debuffs and fear. Why should forts be penalized for powers they have available?
If a /wp scrapper can use a wall to get the rikti into melee range so they get the benefit of rttc, why is it illegal for a fort to stay out of melee range to get the best benefit of their defenses (so long as they don't lose aggro)?

I always thought that for the RWZ challenge you have to have all of the aggro on you at all times and no kiting. Since it started with Scrappers doing it.
Instead of duplicating Scrapper Challenge. I would like to give Scrapper a challenge. See who can finish ITF faster with 8 Scrapper or 8 SoA. My bet is on 8 SoA!!
Each AT is designed differently in this game and I don't want people to feel bad about their AT just because they can't complete RWZ Challenge. For one, if you have no mez protection, you'll get owned by Mentalist. For two, Scrapper has god-mode and only NW has god-mode.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Fair enough. I was doing the challenge on my Fort playing as a Scrapper, sort of heh. It's pretty hard that way even with my softcapped, perma ML Fort. I guess it was to test out my raw survivability, the only moving around I did was to position my cones.
Don't get me wrong, I usually play my Fort involving lots of kiting. Things don't usually hit as hard from range. And for that ITF challenge, as much as I love Scrappers, the SoA would wipe the floor with them.
The idea of the RWZ Challenge was to be a general stress test from Scrapper builds. Not completing the challenge didn't invalidate a specific build, but it was meant to be a learning experience, to see what one can be done and what can be improved. It was created with the Scrapper AT in mind. Other ATs have decided tried to do it, with mixed results. Some ATs do better on it, while others might need some tweaking for better performance. And some ATs also put in some of their own "AT rules" that are more applicable for that AT (such as allowing kiting or not).
When the VEATs came around, their abilities allowed them to achieve soft-capped defenses easily, which are considered the target damage mitigation strategy for any kind of high-level challenge. I don't think there are any other ATs out there as whole that hit the soft-cap as easily (some individual sets, possibly). With such a high level of survivability, all that is needed is some damage dealing and the toon is set.
Now to throw a challenge like a speed ITF would against scrappers wouldn't actually be fair. Individually, there might be a fair challenge in that, but in groups the victory would most likely be given to VEATs because the archetype is heavily based on teaming. With each VEAT buffing each other, something that most scrappers cannot do easily, the team challenge is definitely stacked in the VEATs' favor.
If you want to PvP on one, then I would recommend the Night Widow because of Elude. You'll at least have a chance not to get three shotted by a Fire/SS Tank with it up.
If you want to PvP on one, then I would recommend the Night Widow because of Elude. You'll at least have a chance not to get three shotted by a Fire/SS Tank with it up.

I just hit 50 with my first character a few nights ago and started a Widow.
In order to get my first toon just right I had to respec and rebuild several times. I'd rather avoid doing this with my Widow.
I plan on having one build for Night Widow and one for Fortunata. Can anyone point me to a link or where I can find good suggested builds for these?
I've played a dual build, switching both off for the other at multiple times during the character's career before some bugs kicked in on the character and I deleted her in fear of losing my account for potentially exploiting them. I'll assess what I gathered from the Widows, bear in mind the Fortunata I built was not a hybrid like a few Forts I've seen.
Oh, and Gryndle, don't worry. You have to respec at 24, but it's free. So don't worry.
Night Widow
-Quick attack cycle
-Mental Training and conditioning work well together, faster attack rate with higher base endurance and health regen.
-Comparatively fast movement (with Mental Training)
-Potential to one shot kill most minions, lieutenants and a few bosses
-Single target offensive juggernaut
-Smoke bomb spam when Placate isn't an option
-With a quick attack cycle, if not IOed right she'll turn into an Endurance sink.
-Requires massive amounts of Infamy to fine tune to one's liking.
-Uses armor made of paper, comparatively fragile when put against burlier classes.
-Little ranged potential means that in PvP you'll get little respite.
-Good Soft Control
-Good Hard Control
-Tons of Buffs
-Vengeance as a class feature
-Slow enemy recharge
-Decent AoE crowd control, their T9 offensive is a mass hold
-Slower attack cycle than the widow
-Little melee potential, consider taking air superiority if you take flight to keep enemies on the ground and away from you.
-Expensive to IO out.
-Not very PvP oriented, but if you can build a fort for PvP, there's a bit of a fear factor there, like taking a Kheldian in and kicking much butt.
Universally though, a team of villains is a team of specialists working together in concert for the greater evil. A Widow, and a Soldier of Arachnos both have their place there. Paired with diverse skills and different builds you can use for each, you can utterly destroy the competition, and look damned stylish while you're doing it.
I love my Night Widow, can't stand the fort build.
Forts are harder to perma ML, less damage, an imo jus not as fun. Try them both, with dual builds you have nothing to loose ![]() |
The NW in my hands has been better against bosses and EBs as she has the defenses to keep up against them. My fortunata build has so far not been able to hold off tougher critters and doesn't have the defense to go toe-to-toe against them.
-Playing since COH beta and still love the game!
I know the first is scrapper like, and the second is a ranged control freak, but from the people who have one at 50...which do you find more enjoyable.
Also, anyone have one of these as their favorite villain?
I ask, because I haven't rolled one yet and played it beyond lvl 5 or so. Didn't have time w/ other projects. Now I'm thinking of going with one, but not sure if I wanna start lvl'ing one up to 50. Fear of disappointment I suppose.
TL'DR: Do they solo well? Are they powerful?
That's not debt, those are my "fury bonus points"--Stahlkopf
MOST amazing Brute engineer goes to: Ultrawatt. His SS/Fire farm build is SMASH!
Congrats to Black Assassin! Won 100,000,000 INF for building most survivable NRG/NRG Blaster