In Your Opinion, What is a "Farm"?




I (personally) do not accept AE as a valid form of actual farming.

Confusing Powerleveling and Farming is what is messing this whole thing up.

Farming is going for Purples, Salvage, Recipes(other than purples), Inf

Powerleveling is going for EXP, or getting EXP for other people on your team.

The AE should have never offered anything other than the ability to expierience other peoples visions for the game. Give like 1/16 exp. Tickets Schmickets.

Maybe I am just an old school farmer. I farm Dev content in PI. I get real drops. I sell them on the market to the Power levelers/levelee's who obviously ENJOY spending hundreds of thousands of Inf on white salvage.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
How do those enemies behave in the "real" game?

If they don't have attacks, then no "exploit" is possible.
If they do have attacks and they were bugged in MA, there is some possible moral hazard for players who knew something was wrong but farmed them anyway.

In any case, if its in the game, people will use it. If the devs don't like that, they can change things. It isn't the players job to decipher what's OK to fight and what is an "exploit".
AFAIK they were working correctly. My opinion is that filling a map with only enemies that you know won't attack and proceeding to farm it is an exploit. However, I'm not assigning any morality to it(unlike some people). I just don't think it's a big deal. I'm just calling it an exploit because it is obvious to me(although some disagree, and I'm fine with that too).

I do agree that it isn't the players job to decipher what's ok to fight and what is an "exploit." IMO, that should be clearly stated if any punishment is to be handed out. The only exception to that, is when it has a direct significant negative impact on other players. And no, I don't consider somebody getting annoyed because some AE baby doesn't know how to play their character significant.

Their return to the original way of dealing with problems is welcome.
Here's hoping the lesson sticks.
QFE. I think this part is extremely important to the long term viability of the game



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Those that had levelled one character to 50 or levelled one or two to 30, seemed to have been left alone.
That is a pretty accurate description of my activity in Comm Officers. Odd thing is the one 50 I got out of it I don't play, and I deleted five mid thirties characters I got out of it, and the couple I have left barely get played. Kinda odd how that worked out for me. But I did make a ton of influence and infamy.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I (personally) do not accept AE as a valid form of actual farming.

Confusing Powerleveling and Farming is what is messing this whole thing up.

Farming is going for Purples, Salvage, Recipes(other than purples), Inf

Powerleveling is going for EXP, or getting EXP for other people on your team.

The AE should have never offered anything other than the ability to expierience other peoples visions for the game. Give like 1/16 exp. Tickets Schmickets.

Maybe I am just an old school farmer. I farm Dev content in PI. I get real drops. I sell them on the market to the Power levelers/levelee's who obviously ENJOY spending hundreds of thousands of Inf on white salvage.
Simply because the coveted item is different does not make them different things in my mind. Farms for drops, heals, damage, rep, kills, inf. All the same to me.

Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
I do agree that it isn't the players job to decipher what's ok to fight and what is an "exploit." IMO, that should be clearly stated if any punishment is to be handed out.
Here is the problem with requiring explicitly naming what is an exploit before hand, since exploits are a result of bugs they are typically unforeseen. If they saw it coming it would be fixed before needed to state what the exploit is. No here is where I can see some queuing up to say that they released it to live even if there were reports of the exploit on test (closed beta or otherwise). They cannot wait for every bug to be fixed. If they attempted to do so, they would never release anything. Some things will get through whether it is due to the complexity of the bug or to publishing schedules.





They are not all the same thoe.




Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
AFAIK they were working correctly. My opinion is that filling a map with only enemies that you know won't attack and proceeding to farm it is an exploit. However, I'm not assigning any morality to it(unlike some people). I just don't think it's a big deal. I'm just calling it an exploit because it is obvious to me(although some disagree, and I'm fine with that too).

I do agree that it isn't the players job to decipher what's ok to fight and what is an "exploit." IMO, that should be clearly stated if any punishment is to be handed out.
And as they have been reluctant to provide any generally useful guidelines, the tactics of the previous regime (patch the issue and move on) seem to be the best approach.

Happily, our current devs seems to have figured this out.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
When MA came out and a certain segment of the playerbase lost their minds because their gameplay changed during online play like the box warned them it would.
I was always under the impression that statement was put there by the ESRB and mostly refers to the rating of the game. Thats what I was always told.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
And as they have been reluctant to provide any generally useful guidelines, the tactics of the previous regime (patch the issue and move on) seem to be the best approach.

Happily, our current devs seems to have figured this out.
That's where I'm concerned. I know some people claim to have been banned for exploiting. It seems what the current dev regime did was come up with a lesser punishment than bannage (removing characters) after the fact, rather than using the punishment at hand, then applying it more liberally.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
[this is so I know who I'm replying to]
I'm doing a very poor job at communicating.

I'm certainly proud of a lot of the numbers I'm capable of generating, which is a mix of skill, mission design, and build design. I understand your point now. In any case, the argument was over semantics. We both admit we can maximize reward. What I consider a good player does this in their sleep.

Will you be including optimized builds in a revised list of "extremist farmer behavior"?
I wanted that list to encourage a more moderate point of view in this debate. In that respect I failed. For lack of a better comparison, we're constantly inundated with Republicans and Democrats, yet where is Ross Perot in all of this?

Again, under the heading "extremist farmer behavior" you list farmers taking exception to the moral crusading of the Fainting Couch Social Club.

Defending yourself & your culture from assault is hardly extremist behavior.
It depends on the culture and the methods of defense. In this case, I don't expect to see anyone on either side of this debate strap explosives to themselves. (eagerly awaits the quote and reply of "We can only hope")

I wanted to make the point that in this AE debate, emotions and opinions have become intensely polarized. I suppose I could have done a better job at this.



Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
I wanted that list to encourage a more moderate point of view in this debate.
A noble, if doomed, sentiment.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
They are not all the same thoe.


PP, yer killin' me with all these wacky dog avatars lately!

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
PP, yer killin' me with all these wacky dog avatars lately!

She is on vacation