So, how'd you do?
Rebel.Yell sonic/electric blaster 4-10
Southern Rayne (Pinnacle) 4-10
Edit: Oh, and I moved 2 toons to new day job locations on Protector, and 6 on Pinnacle.
Controller - Lvl 40-47 (Still playing so this could go even higher)
Scrapper - Lvl 10-26
Dominator - Lvl 42-49
Stalker - Lvl 12-38
In spite of, or maybe because of, the challenges, this was a very entertaining weekend.
I only got one scrapper from 28 to 29 and one brute from 31 to 32. I know nobody wants to hear it, but the mapserve situation made it really difficult to play on Protector. My real efforts were on another server this weekend.
No new 50s, but a bunch of levels. My scrapper/emp duo broke into the upper 30s (everyone get ready for me to run Numina soon!)
I have a brute at 49, a sheild scrapper at 40-something...
But I actually left the house and participated in social activity this weekend.
Kagebunshin Stalker 43-50
Robofari-Man Defender 9-16
Offensive Lineman Tank (pacted w/Sooner) 40-44
Chonic Punk Corrupter 18-25
ShogunNamedMarcus Scrapper 39-46
Now to wait for I16 so I can roll Rasta as a Blaster

Self Proclaimed KING of Radiation
My Post count is > Dave Winfield
The Smoking Lounge. Saturdays @ Midnight on The Switch
i learned how to make tamales. mmmmmm. yeah, didnt get to play at all.
"When Eric Estrada looked me in the eyes, I thought I would feel different..." Michael Perry
The Frat and the Furious - MA ID 27145
Town of Super People - MA ID 59106
Think I got 2 toons 1 lvl each. Was tied up alot this weekend.
get your minds out of the gutter folks.
Don Dada lvl50 Emp/Dark Def-Protector
Radufett lvl50 Merc/Drk Msma MM
@Don Dada
I think I got one level on my Stalker, one on my Widow, and then four or five on my Corruptor.
That would be 43 to 44, 43 to 44, and 43 or 44 to 48, respectively.

Let's see...
Mare Aether, 14 thugs/ff MM to 29
Shikei, 24 db/nin stalker to 28
Inanna, 20 fire/pain corr to 29
Indignant Fury, 1 inv/axe tank to... 6? (rerolled, was 38 tank)
Ignorant Bliss, 35 dm/wp brute to 40
And not a single AE mish. =)
Defender 21 - 41
Tank 38 - 50
Scrapper 39 - 50
Woot probably would have been better if my server hadn't been crashing and lagging like a drunk at Mardi Gras.
BIG BROTHER MIDAS, Ice/Ice Dominator, 1314 Badges
* Any toon you see with Midas in the name is probably me

>_>.... <_<.... brute 18-50.... Scrapper last damn 10 bars making a 49-50
I did very poorly. One Redsider and one Bluesider from 30-32 each, another Bluesider from 31-33, a Redsider from 36-38, and a final Bluesider from 44-45.
Oh, that was Protector...
On Virtue, one Bluesider from 38-39.
In prior Double XP weekends, I got a whole CHUNK of characters related to those mentioned low-30s characters a bunch of levels. About two or three apiece. I feel like I've betrayed them.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Alazne Scrapper 33-36
I spent most of the weekend exemped down to help out my lower-level friends. It was a lot of fun!
My experience was pretty much like Grey's; one or two levels here and there (mainly THERE ::growls:: ) over several
Notable, I guess, would be 2 or 3 of my Soldier's (Slap Chop !) 10 levels, got my Widow to 18 (from...17 !), Wolfie came and rescued my MM from GW to get me to 44 (from 43). Got two or three levels on a couple of my Wild Stampede toons (They're not on Protector, they're on a server that was UP !)
Just sayin' :-D
Gravition Prey grav/ff troller 41-49
Charm Prey elec/elec brute 45-46
Nobel Prey fire/kin toller42-43
Burning Prey kat/fire scrap 26-28
Mortal Prey IV mind/sonic 27-28
Carnage Prey fire/traps corruptor 5-19
Argetlam Prey WP/SS tank 1-18
Wicked Prey nrg/nrg brute 12-15
Prey Family Art
My Alts
Mortal Prey II soloing AV's no temp/insps
I didn't get to play much this weekend
Got Scrapper Jerek Stormguard (MA/Shield) 28-29
My Art
CoyoteM - Lvl 50 Energy/Fire Blaster
CoyoFire - Lvl 50 Fire/Energy Tank
Ukanai Ricchi - Lvl 50 Kinetics/Electric Defender
Dark CoyoteM - Lvl 50 Energy/Kinetics Corruptor
Kiri Aki - Lvl 50 Stone/Energy Tank
Lets see how I did
Assassin Prey DB/Regen Scrapper lvl 41-49
One Rush Elec/SD Brute lvl 43-44
Fallout Prey Rad/Kin Corr 29-31
Slayer Prey SS/WP Brute lvl 0-19
Marvelous Prey Claws/SR Scrapper lvl 10-15
Robotic Prey Bots/Traps MM lvl 8-16
Essence of Prey Mind/NRG Dom lvl 10-14
I Made Slayer Prey this weekend got him to lvl 6 and then rerolled him and got him to lvl 19.
I could of got Assassin to 50 if I could of played more Saturday but I don't care still had a lot of fun
I must say that I am proud of myself. I resisted the urge to ding a new 50. I did however get all of the characters that I care about to 35 with the exception of my warshade
Despoil 15-41
Backstroke 16-35
Diamond Blades 22-37
Tyger Uppercut 26-36
Occluded Front 40-48
Sultry 40-48
Gunny Bass 31-40
Mylonite 35-47
Prototype XII 35-47
Nuckin' Futz 34-35
Vek Tor 11-29
I took Friday off, didn't sleep much and had a lot of help. Now to do the pesky stuff like unlock Cim, pick patrons, unlock weapons, and cry about missed mayhems. I should be busy for a while.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
Quick Zapper 44 From 43
Little Red Riding 22 From 21
Screaming Byatch 27 From 26
Enforcer of Forseti 17 From 15
Not your concern 35 From 32
Drakontos 32 From 31
Rebirth of Ophiuchus 31 From 28
Jenlee 14 From 9
Sometimes, I impress my boss. Sometimes, I impress myself. The rest of the time, I scare people. I can live with that.
Vega, with regard to the missed mayhem maps, this is not an issue. I will be backtracking and picking them up, I'll give a shout when I'm doing it, like before, so you and others can run in and get the badges too.
i did decently almost hit my two goals (troller to 40 and tank to 30)
troller from 37 to 40
tank from 20 to 28
blaster from 35 to 36
although now i see how many heroes i have lvl'd and realize my need to hop on villains some more... maybe next double xp weekend i will focus on villians
Got a few levels in on a varity of characters, with no single focus on any. Also for some reason this Double XP weekend didn't seem as busy as other ones in the past. Maybe the wonky behavior of our sever kept people away.
Flash-back my Stone/Ice tank up to level 32.
Alexandros my Thugs/Poison MM to level 44.
Kelpton my Gravity/Psy dominator got up to level 14.
let me see, hmmmmm.............
I took full advantage of dbl xp, without breaking night.
PB 26-47
grav/sonic troller 1-41
fire/kin troller 1-49.25
yes, yes I know no need to say it, but damm it was fun ( excpet for the constant mapservs)
I wish to thank all my Protector buds who put up with me over the weekend and let me mooch pretty much the whole time.
Thx guys

.... I got 1 level on another server's lowbie.
I got 3 or 4 bars on my 41. :/ I got nothin. It was too hot to play, and I still feel crappy (seeing the md next monday) but I wish that I'd been able to stay on protector and do a couple tf's or whatnot. Instead, I soloed a bit of Indigo, and did other stuff. meh.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
So, how'd you do this Double XP Weekend?
Mascarado Energy/Energy Brute 32-33
Fritellino Fire/Fire Dominator 32-33
Passerino Dark/Shield Brute 29-33
Operative Gray Arachnos Widow 19-27
And pleeeaaase, for now let's not fill this thread with the "i didnt get to do anything because of all the mapservers!!!!11!