Guardian's Double XP Weekend Updates and Results
Got a few levels on Jade Arbiter and Ivana Burnya so far.
My Blogs on
Angels of Wrath/Evilnighters/Legion of Catgirls
Mission Arc: #352860 - RJ The Road Dog: Big Trouble in Little Tokyo
I have only really played on Friday for a bit and got my peacebringer from 42 to 44.
I got all my villains to 40 or above... all my low level heroes into the 30s.
Ran some good missions, some dumb AE arcs, some failed ITFs...
All in all a decent XP Weekend so far.
I'm not aiming to get as high as possible with my characters. I'm aiming at getting at least one character in range for any TF in the game. So far it's been great and I have hit my mark with the characters I have played so far. 17 levels spread out on lowbies and mid level characters.
Sunday is my thoughest day as I have a few tough characters to get to higher levels. It's going to be fun and I look forward to teaming with my fellow Guardianites.
The Kickers base.
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx
Ok, I couldn't leave well enough alone. I went back and finished 39-40 on the alt I mentioned above and got her cape mish started.
Now off to bed and then work while you guys wrap up sunday.
@Blood Beret
Red October Scrapper Claw/Invuln 37 to 39
Project Peace PB 40 to 42
@Hell Bob
Pete The Plumber Tank WP/Mace(Wrench) 40 to 41
Shin Splint (Thugs/Dark) MM 43 to 44
Probably gonna add a few levels to various villians today. I want to get my Dark/ninja Stalker to 20(Currently 17), I have a few low 20's villains that I want to add a level or 2 on, and maybe get a few of my upper 30 viallins into the 40's. But I want to to Winston Phelps arcs because he is just Evil...
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
I've actually hit all my goals for the weekend, getting all my Guardian lowbies stamina;
Blizzzard - 10 - 24
Cyborg Anna - 8 - 20
Paragon Thought - 8 - 22
Immortal Arrow - 8 - 20
I also got my wp/ss tank from 38 - 41. About to log on, dunno if I'll try and level a villain or work some more on the tank.....we'll see.
*edited for an extra j
My Arcs:
Man's Insanity: The Beginning - 93644
Save the City of Heroes Podcast - 103442
So far:
Coca Cola Woman (stalker): 14 to 21
Pepsi Gal (controller): 37 to 41
Codename Flint (blaster): 44 to 50
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
I teamed up with my roomie to get my DM/WP brute, Badjac, from 10 to 16.
Not bad for a morning's work.
Home server: Guardian
My 50s: 3 scrappers, 2 tankers, 1 blaster, 1 defender, 1 controller, 1 warshade, 1 stalker, 1 brute, 1 corruptor, 1 widow, 1 dominator, 1 mastermind (on Liberty)

Current project
made a necro/dark mm on friday morning ....was 50 by friday afternoon making 50 # 26 i believe
also i have a dom at like 2 lvls on him as well..but i was lvld out on saturday so i just kinda hung out
So far:
Blaster 43-50
Tank 43-44
Corr 1-22
Operative Pepsi (SoA): 21 to 38
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
I'm done for the weekend and ended up with 32 levels gained, both low and high. I did fail my objective of having one character in range for every TF and trial in CoH, I can't play Sis Psyche.
But my new level 15 scrapper and my new 16 sonic defender are great to play so I'll soon fix that problem. Then you'll hear Jack on tha Guardian channel bugging people to join my TFs.
I must say of all the teams I have been on this weekend I have only ended up on one (1!) that stunk. (And boy did it reak!) All other dozen or so teams have been great. A special shout out to Back Alley Blaster and his crew for the PI arcs run. Fantastic! My own teaming in the Hollows was also great, with both new players and vets showing that lowbies aren't boring to play.
Many thanks to our SG The Kickers, and the friends of Kickers. (Svannah Nightwolf comes to mind ).
I hope you all had at least as much fun as I did. If you did, this game will never die.
The Kickers base.
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx
finally figured out how to log into new forums anyway here it goes for me:
Beholder Emp/Dark Def - 37-40
Prime Girl Inv/SS Tank 41-43
Enervating Flame Fire/Rad Troller 41-45
Slip Nova WS 26-31
Sangreal Farcry Dark/Dark Def 13-22
Spiral Fortunata Widow 15-25
Mu'Zurak Elec/Kin Corr 11-22
and i think i might be missing something somewhere but oh well, i suppose not to bad on the results this time around although coulda been better as well but either way night guardian and hope ya had fun as i did
didn't get much leveling in this weekend. Due to sleeping in due to a RL issue that happened Thursday, doing other RL stuff preparing for a vacation this week from this Wed to next Mon.
I think I got my stalker from 46-48. might get a level or two tonite.
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
well i got a MA/regen stalker from 1-50 and a sonic/rad corruptor from 28-50 so ..2 more 50s. i did not touch hero side as i do not play it anymore
40 50s so far.
if you dont like me....i dont really care.
respect is earned , never given
My Double XP Weekend is done. Final tally:
Silverslice WP/DB Tank 39 -> 50
pacted with Svipul Grav/FF Troller
Alpha Aquilae DP/WP Brute 43 -> 50
Frau Tarantul Night Widow 32 -> 50 (that makes a 50 of each Villain AT)
Phoenix Mk.VI Fire/Fire Blaster 14 -> 24
pacted with Paragon FCU Fire/Therm Troller
Mercury Cougar Rad/Rad Corr 10 -> 25
pacted with Obsidian Puma Dark/Dark Brute
Guardian of Steel Sonic/NRG Defender 29 -> 40
And since my wife isn't able to log into the new forums:
ZOMGWTFBBQ Spines/Fire Scrapper 47 -> 50
pacted with Kirshou Moon Arch/NRG Blaster
Agent A Peacebringer 1 -> 40
Rogue Ivy Plant/Thorn Dom 31 -> 39
o.0 Bane Spider 30 -> 40
That's my last gaming weekend for a long time. I have an airshow to go work and then a year of training for my new trade.
Cheers Guardianites
I got a 29.5 scrapper all the way to 30!
Other things accomplished:
1. aquired internet card (finally) so I can have internet access while deployed to Kuwait
2. downloaded all of the patches since I last played (including I15). That only took about 10 hours
3. finally able to skype with my family, including my wife and daughter, which is more rewarding than getting another few 50's!
I'm just happy I have internet now. The other options they provide where I'm at sucks! Having to carry your computer 1/2 a mile to sit directly under a WiFi spot is rediculous! But if you didn't, you'd get booted off as the bandwidth is crap. I'm glad everyone else did so good though
Glad to hear your ok and have Internet now Backhand. Stay safe over there and we may even get you to 30.5 sometime soon
Glad to hear you have internet access now Backhand and are better able to communicate with your family. Enjoy your time with them.
global handle: @Celtic Coders 1, @Celtic Coders 2
26 to 40 on Salas and my goal was 40. Too bad I have to do a Respec on her now.
Toons found here.
Gamer cards found here.
Proud member of Angels of Wrath and South of Heaven.
MA#: 65131 Play it today.
Well, Double XP weekend turned out pretty well after all.
While I only still have one 50 to speak of, I worked some toons up into the 40's and now I have a 46, 45 and 41. Hopefully, I can ding 50 #2 before the end of the year. =)
Started on Friday at work with some of my lowbies, then the evening time ended short when I had to go pick up my brother in-law at work, so the FNF I had scheduled I had to cancel last minute.
Saturday was AE for most of the morning and an ITF that ended up short at the end.
Sunday was a Sara Moore that was longer than usual, but we all got through it in the end and took down the AV pretty well. Lots of bumps and bruises for my fire/kin in that TF.
After Sara Moore, took a break then came back on to run some other missions and finally an AV run with Draconis and his gang, with a dinner break of sushi for me and the misses.
So, here are the results:
Thermakinesis (Fire/Kin/Fire Controller) from 38 to 46
Quantum Gloom (Dark/Dark/Dark Defender) from 34 to 41
Levoignis (Fire/Spines Scrapper) from 26 to 34
Telum Vinco (Archery/Archery Defender) from 27 to 35
ElectricBarbarella (Elec./Elec. Blaster) from 12 to 20
A couple of other toons went up a level or two here and there, but these were my big movers.
Had a great time, ran on some great and fun teams.
Global: @Armeros
City Info Terminal - Armeros
City Of Heroes - Guardian Server page on Facebook
"Official Park Ranger of the Shadow Shard"
On Guardian:
Pale Devil, Scrapper: 45 --> 48
Molm Reindar, Stalker: 41 --> 42
Ingaborg, Blaster: 40 --> 42
On Triumph:
Operative Emmanate, Arachnos Soldier: 14 --> 19
Zaphoriza, Widow: 6 --> 11
On Pinnacle:
Burning Scarab, Scrapper: 40 --> 41
Global name: @k26dp
Here we are on an early Sunday morning. Double XP Weekend has been roaring for over 40 hours with about 30 hours to go.
While you may be at work, grabbing a bite, or just taking a break from the game, throw us an update.
Personally, my work shifts only allowed me about 8 hours on friday night/saturday morning. I was fortunate to make some progress and finish a few more 50s.
I took 3 alts from 46/48 to 50 and dragged a lowbie from 14ish to just shy of 40. I'm happy.
So how'd you do and are you done yet?