can we use graphic signatures on this new forum
friggin Awesome XD
Volt Sentinel Reference
Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.
It's just like the new website (Which is a game also owned by NCSoft, for those who don't know

now to get somone to make me a sig
Volt Sentinel Reference
Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.
Unfortunately yes... *searches for the option to turn off signatures entirely*
I hope they give more options for removing this new feature. The CoH boards were one of the last few places where one could go and not be assaulted by various horrible works of photoshoppery when browsing for information.
Kinetic Fusion - lvl 50 EM/EA Brute
Galvanized - lvl 50 Bots/Dark Mastermind
Umetrus - lvl 50 Fire/Kin Corruptor
Psychotropic Pstud - lvl 50 Mind/Psi Dom
And on a plus, They gave us a silly "Reputation" rating system. I'm sure it will help us with the Search ability, which makes the new forums superior to the old.
I hope they give more options for removing this new feature. The CoH boards were one of the last few places where one could go and not be assaulted by various horrible works of photoshoppery when browsing for information.
Go to USER CP In the top left corner of your screen and on the side is a menu where you'll have to go down to Edit Options. In the Third section you'll see this:
Thread Display Options Visible Post Elements You have the option to show or hide various elements of messages, which may be of use to users on slow internet connections, or who want to remove extraneous clutter from posts. [x]Show Signatures [x]Show Avatars [x]Show Images (including attached images and images in [IMG] code) |
Problem solved for everyone! Cheers!

Go to USER CP In the top left corner of your screen and on the side is a menu where you'll have to go down to Edit Options. In the Third section you'll see this:
Check/Uncheck options you would like/dislike Problem solved for everyone! Cheers! ![]() |
I'm well aware that I can shut off signatures altogether, I would just rather there be an option to just shut of the irritating image portions of them.
I would like to view posted images.
I would like to view text signatures.
I would also like to not view image signatures.
Kinetic Fusion - lvl 50 EM/EA Brute
Galvanized - lvl 50 Bots/Dark Mastermind
Umetrus - lvl 50 Fire/Kin Corruptor
Psychotropic Pstud - lvl 50 Mind/Psi Dom
If you uncheck the images option, it just leaves the url to the image, so you can click on it if you want, but also not have to deal with the added lag from a mass amount of images.
Aye, I think the newest update for the forums next Tuesday might introduce the "Horrible Artwork Filter". That will be in the CP section as well.
I think I'm laughing out loud right now.
Testing 1, 2, 1920x1200...
... Holy smokes! You can do it!
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

huge pic is huge.
Well, clearly it's time for a bandwidth killing screenshot thread! Now with actual inlined screenshots!
Oh my god, bAss_ackwards
Our forums took advantage of the Double Exp Weekend and leveled up with new abilities such as player-posted pictures, multiquotes, and more! Wewt!
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

Oh my god, bAss_ackwards
Date of Birth March 7, 2008 |

And hey! That huge picture is legit! 100% screenshot from in-game and unaltered!

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

I did make point of stating that I hoped they would include MORE options.
I'm well aware that I can shut off signatures altogether, I would just rather there be an option to just shut of the irritating image portions of them. I would like to view posted images. I would like to view text signatures. I would also like to not view image signatures. |
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
I did make point of stating that I hoped they would include MORE options.
I'm well aware that I can shut off signatures altogether, I would just rather there be an option to just shut of the irritating image portions of them. I would like to view posted images. I would like to view text signatures. I would also like to not view image signatures. |
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
It's not like getting rid of images will keep sigs from being a problem. Many frequent posters already have signatures that are 10 lines or more, and dwarf their two sentence response.
Even better are the people who SIGN THEIR POSTS MANUALLY. What in the bajeezus is all that about? What do you think a signature is?
I don't see the ability to post using [img] lasting, though. It isn't as if it was some missing feature from the old ones.
My views on the matter exactly. Why anyone allows for images in signatures in forums these days is beyond all logic, considering the bandwidth it gobbles up, the added moderation effort required so... naughty things are kept out and sheer ugliness factor added to said forums. *golfclap* |
My Going Rogue Trailer
Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

My views on the matter exactly. Why anyone allows for images in signatures in forums these days is beyond all logic, considering the bandwidth it gobbles up, the added moderation effort required so... naughty things are kept out and sheer ugliness factor added to said forums.
is it possible O.o

OMG we can put images in the threads O.o
Volt Sentinel Reference
Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.