Is Cryptic and NCSoft just getting Lazy?




Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
Actually, I can report that the devs are lazy - Positron has Twittered that he's playing D&D right now

And playing D&D doesn't make one lazy. Actually enjoying leisure time has been shown to increase productivity.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Just a quick reply, because I find this thread lulzy.

1) Nothing said in the OP is accurate, end of story. I'm still trying to decide if this was a serious gripe or some form of flame-bait.

Originally Posted by Living_Fyre View Post
To anyone that is insulted by this... Sorry. Get thicker skin. It's the internet.. and this is Freedom of Speech...
2) Freedom of Speech doesn't apply on a privately owned message board. Seriously, get over your sense of entitlement.



I totally called it on the flames.



Originally Posted by Silver_Gale View Post
This is the sort of post that's best used for a drinking game.

- For every misspelling, take a drink.
- For every misuse of punctuation, take a drink.
- For every demonstrably incorrect assertion, take two drinks.
- Every time the OP demonstrates a complete ignorance of how a game mechanic works, take two drinks.
- If you're not even sure what a sentence is supposed to mean, finish the glass.

For best results, play with friends and combine with a dramatic reading of the post.

Oh my God...

Something more dangerous to the ability to live than the Jimmy Olsen Drinking game!

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Living_Fyre View Post
Mission Architect- Ok, I like the idea. Conceptualy it's sound. In practice it aint to bad either save 1 massive flaw... You've spent the last 4 years trying to eliminate Power Leveling, Mission Farming, etc. Things you (NcSoft/Cryptic) consider "Game Breaking"... Ummm, you just gave me the ability to remake ANY old mission that was "Nerf'd" with a timer... and Now... I can farm it for as long as I want on any charater I want and never have to do a single solitary mission. What... You didn't like the game content that was designed. Sure players were farming missions before. It was all fine and dandy... but now. Hell you can't find a team for Anything outside of the AE... Forget trying to do SF/TF's. Can't solo em obviously... can't get a team together for em. Everyone's to busy in the AE makin stupid *** farming missions that a lvl 1 could complete in their sleep... Just get tired of makin your programmers do their job?
So much wrong with this.

A.) Giving people the option to make their own stories in game, isn't lazy. The developers aren't putting AE in so they can stop making new missions, they gave us yet another tool to customize their game experience.

B.) If you are farming in AE, then you are farming inefficiently, I'm sorry but from my experience, Boss farms go too slow and it's faster to farm regular old missions everyone used to farm to get XP. (Though admittedly that would take more effort.)

C.) If you don't want to Farm\PL in AE, you don't have to, stop acting like it's the only option, that brings me to

D.) I haven't used AE since the second week of it's release. Since then I have had no trouble at all finding teams to run TFs, Trials, Respecs, regular missions, old fashioned farm missions. I continue to level my characters outside of AE and even in the middle of the night when it's really slow, I have been able to form full teams for late night missions. If you honestly can't find anyone to play with outside AE, you aren't trying... Like, at all...

Originally Posted by Living_Fyre View Post
To anyone that is insulted by this... Sorry. Get thicker skin. It's the internet.. and this is Freedom of Speech...

So it's okay for you to rant and rave and blah blah blah but it's not okay for other people to be insulted? Is it freedom of speech or isn't it?

And so what if it is the internet, does that mean you can't be polite, make a logical argument based on facts or allow other people to have their own opinions? I mean, is it really a rule now that if you post on the Interwebz you have to be a jerk?

Also, it's not really Freedom of Speech. This isn't the American government that is constitutionally obligated to let you say what you want, these are privately owned forums and your speech can be limited by the company and it's employees who run the boards.

Honestly, the way you posted that blurb at the end, I think you were just out to tick people off. However given that you don't seem to have a grasp of many of the facts of the matter, (Not only the ones I posted here but all the stuff others have pointed out as well. Hell it's going on 2 years since NCSoft bought this game from Cryptic.) I don't think anyone is going to be very offended, they will probably just roll their eyes and point out how wrong you are in all of the facts you brought up, and how ill informed your opinions are.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Okay it seems that the OP's post has been totally picked apart and rebutted nicely, all that's left is to talk about pie



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
And playing D&D doesn't make one lazy. Actually enjoying leisure time has been shown to increase productivity.
I wasn't being totally serious

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
I wasn't being totally serious
Yes you were dont you know the internetz is srs bsns



Welcome back! Things are going to just get better and better and better and......



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
I mean, is it really a rule now that if you post on the Interwebz you have to be a jerk?
You say 'now' as if it's new.

Pretty sure that the neccesity of jerks to keep teh intawebz running with clean tubes was first mandated in the December 1974 RFC 675.

But sadly, due to the lack of tech know-how of many jerks, it wasn't until Berners-Lee popped the web on top of the internet that sufficient number of jerks could easily gain access to teh intawebz.

Having too few jerks for the best part of 20 years meant that many of teh webz tubes were clogged up or blocked entirely and many are still being slowly cleaned. It's estimated that by 2020 there'll be enough jerks that the tubes are all clean and lag is eradicated.

The web can't run without jerks.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



You want lag come play on the EU servers

Its a known fact that the problem is the data centre location etc etc .

I get lag because of that and the fact i have a cheap isp and an old pc i just deal with it .

You say the content is recycled ? well tbh in any mmog thats been running as long as we have the stories may change but you are still going to basically go out and pommel stuff .



Originally Posted by Living_Fyre
Greetings all. I havn't posted in a while and
To anyone that is insulted by this... Sorry. Get thicker skin. It's the internet.. and this is Freedom of Speech...
Wow, so much has already been said about the OP's rant and well there is no need to address just how out of touch and incorrect it all was.

Not much more to add except perhaps this to his parting comments.

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