I15 - Cannot wait to see every aspect of it

Arctic Man



Well their project management must suck then.

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It is starting to look like that. Considering the size of I15 and how much I13 and I14 slipped (almost 11 full months of those two issues alone) I'm really not impressed by the time they're needing to get a quite trivial I15 done.



Erm people, Is it just me or is I15 prepping parts of the game for future changes...

Pocket D's VIP area Tailor...

Trina the Seamstress -> Trina the Body Sculptress

And the changes in name to some of the Face/Icon staff too.

Looks to me like this is prep work for allowing us to change body type/size/build!

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



Erm people, Is it just me or is I15 prepping parts of the game for future changes...

Pocket D's VIP area Tailor...

Trina the Seamstress -> Trina the Body Sculptress

And the changes in name to some of the Face/Icon staff too.

Looks to me like this is prep work for allowing us to change body type/size/build!

[/ QUOTE ]

Ooh, I didn't hear about that - what are some of the new Icon names?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



And don't forget that pretty much the whole team will be focusing on GR right now - they were probably busy with it even while the MA was being developed, as the MA didn't need the full range of devs to get it up and running - like BAB and his animators, Castle and his power team, and War Witch wouldn't really be needed that much for creating the MA system, so they'd be free to work on GR.

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If I remember right, Castle had to do all the little scripts for the NPC powers in MA so that probably kept him busy.



Well there's definitely a distinct lack of excitement with regards this issue from some (myself included).

The below is personal opinion.

New hero taskforce: Plays kind of like a 3 or 4 star MA arc, it's "Just a bunch of stuff that happened" or so it seems, there doesn't really seem to be a lot linking each mission together other than the fact it's a taskforce. The maps a nice but there's plotholes abound and then end AV suffers from "Unkillable unless by luck (doesn't activate his tier 9) or a couple of Psi blasters are in the team" won't say more incase it ruins it for those waiting for it to get onto live.

Villain Strikeforce: Suffers horrendously from the "Lord Recluses [censored]" syndrome that a lot of the Taskforces and story arcs redside fall into, you've beaten up his sidekick for your patron arc (and by an extension THEIR sidekick) and if you've complete the 45-50 section of your patron arc, you've handed Lord Recluse his future selfs helmet and told him you're not going to be a pawn anymore.

Yet here we are again, hell Barracuda talks to you like your barely worth her attention, that's the sidekick of a sidekick to Recluse (not to mention one you've pummelled MANY times by the time your at 45-50 range if going through ordinary non-MA content).

It hands the villains the idiot ball and makes them run with it...never a good thing mind you the Villain SF does get an epic cutscene, something distinctly lacking in the Hero TF.

One interview it was said that there would be "Multiple ways to beat [x]" (still not saying who it is, just incase) when I've yet to see anything that suggest the standard stratergy isn't simply involved again, there didn't seem to be other ways of doing it unless they meant "pound down the AV while someone tanks the adds" or "tank the AV, while pounding down the adds"...which I count as two seperate ways of beating the AV, not really the multiple I imagined.

New faces: To be honest the faces did need new additions, it's been a long time since there had been any additions at all in that catergory. They're pretty good, neutral faces, nothing to complain about here.

new costumes: Ulterior is another set in a similar vein to Stealth and Exproto, it's ok but compared to the paid for additional costumes we've been getting recently, kind of falls flat. Vines, however, does not live upto it's name, the merest whisps of colour that the set uses as 'vines' aren't what the name brings to mind when the worse 'Vines', most people, I imagine, would think of something along the lines of the Batman Rogues Gallery member, Poison Ivy. If they change the name to something more suitable, I think it would be a lot better and save Vines for something more akin to vines wrapping around the body. Neither costume is really upto the standard of the paid for costumes and seems a tad lackluster in the long run.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



There is great stuff in issue 15.

But it's all in the MA additions, so if story telling with the MA don't float your boat there isn't much else.

I really should do something about this signature.



Trina the Seamstress gets a new title: Trina the Body Sculptress.

Certain Icon Employees are now Icon Cosmetic Surgeons.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can confirm that Trina's name has indeed changed on the test server!

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



I think both the TF and the SF are going to get quite a bit of tweaking before they go live.

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They better because as they stand now, I suspect they were written (not programming written but storytelling written) by one of the new guys as their first piece of big work as there's a lot of things wrong with regards the story in terms of pacing, details given, the clues are kind of lackluster (no a Hopeless bossfight isn't fun and is just damn confusing...admittedly the objective does just switch to "Find Mission exit!" but still try to find some other way to show just how uber this returning villain is).

I'd personally be very surprised if War Witch had done the mission dialogue and NPC dialogue as it certainly doesn't seem up to her usual standard.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



They better because as they stand now, I suspect they were written (not programming written but storytelling written) by one of the new guys as their first piece of big work as there's a lot of things wrong with regards the story in terms of pacing, details given, the clues are kind of lackluster

[/ QUOTE ]

Not War Witch and not a junior developer, although somewhat new to CoX since it seems he started with Issue 13:




But since this is the "closed" beta where everyone gets to test Issue 15 it may still be at a stage where it could be expected to be a bit rough.

[url="http://adingworld.wordpress.com/mission-architect-story-arcs/"][b]My Story arcs[/b][/url]: [i]The Siren Supremes[/i] ([b]1143[/b]), [i]The Missing Geneticist[/i] ([b]2542[/b]), [i]Elemental Jones[/i] ([b]263512[/b]), [i]The Soul Hunter[/i] ([b]294431[/b]), [i]Heart of Steel[/i] ([b]407104[/b]), [i]Project Serpens[/i] ([b]434082[/b])



I think both the TF and the SF are going to get quite a bit of tweaking before they go live.

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They better because as they stand now, I suspect they were written (not programming written but storytelling written) by one of the new guys as their first piece of big work as there's a lot of things wrong with regards the story in terms of pacing, details given, the clues are kind of lackluster (no a Hopeless bossfight isn't fun and is just damn confusing...admittedly the objective does just switch to "Find Mission exit!" but still try to find some other way to show just how uber this returning villain is).

I'd personally be very surprised if War Witch had done the mission dialogue and NPC dialogue as it certainly doesn't seem up to her usual standard.

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MA has taught us how to be much more critical of story arcs...

I really should do something about this signature.



Trina the Seamstress gets a new title: Trina the Body Sculptress.

Certain Icon Employees are now Icon Cosmetic Surgeons.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can confirm that Trina's name has indeed changed on the test server!

[/ QUOTE ]

perhaps because "Seamstress" is a euphamism for another profession?

I really should do something about this signature.



Same guy who did the magic man arc? If so i'll forgive him since there was no way he could live up to my standards again after that arc

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!




I'd personally be very surprised if War Witch had done the mission dialogue

[/ QUOTE ]So would I, since she doesn't do mission dialogue, she works on zones.



Ah I assumed she was the general go-to gal for all the dialogue and now I know she isn't.

Still glad to see that the feedback is being taken into account.

Edit: And yes PRAF it really has, well certainly taught me to go over things with something more than "I smash gud" mentality through missions, now I actually pay a hell of a lot more attention to mission dialogue, clues, pacing...

Needless to say most early CoH vanilla content would be 3 star MA arc at best

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Edit: And yes PRAF it really has, well certainly taught me to go over things with something more than "I smash gud" mentality through missions, now I actually pay a hell of a lot more attention to mission dialogue, clues, pacing...

Needless to say most early CoH vanilla content would be 3 star MA arc at best

[/ QUOTE ]I only wish more players weren't so forgiving. Most of the parties I've had invites for (MA-wise) have been running missions which are usually hastily cobbled together with an extremely thin storyline purely to the effect of farming.

Still, the number of farmers has died down considerably, so it's reinstated my interest in the game somewhat. For a moment there I was starting to lose hope.

That said, it's still hard to find good storylines with all these, for want of a better word, rubbish arcs taking up the majority of the search results. The diamonds in the rough are getting harder to spot by the day as players release more and more arcs.

Anyway, totally off-topic, but... what is that location they used for the backdrop on the update page? I thought I recognised it, but nope... it's gone.


The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)



perhaps because "Seamstress" is a euphamism for another profession?

[/ QUOTE ]
Knew there was a reason to not translate her title to dutch..



I think it's just a generic city location, not an actual zone.

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I agree it's nowhere found ingame. However it does look like there's atlas' statue on the right hand side



I think it's just a generic city location, not an actual zone.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree it's nowhere found ingame. However it does look like there's atlas' statue on the right hand side

[/ QUOTE ]
I don't see Atlas at all in that.

My immediate answer was Steel Canyon, purely from the density of high rise structures. If and when there is a major graphics overhaul. That is what I'd expect Steel Canyon to look like.



I think it's just a generic city location, not an actual zone.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree it's nowhere found ingame. However it does look like there's atlas' statue on the right hand side

[/ QUOTE ]
I don't see Atlas at all in that.

My immediate answer was Steel Canyon, purely from the density of high rise structures. If and when there is a major graphics overhaul. That is what I'd expect Steel Canyon to look like.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's right there!

ok, you can only realy see a globe, but I haven't seen a globe anywhere other than on Atlas' shoulders



I think it's just a generic city location, not an actual zone.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree it's nowhere found ingame. However it does look like there's atlas' statue on the right hand side

[/ QUOTE ]
I don't see Atlas at all in that.

My immediate answer was Steel Canyon, purely from the density of high rise structures. If and when there is a major graphics overhaul. That is what I'd expect Steel Canyon to look like.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's right there!

ok, you can only realy see a globe, but I haven't seen a globe anywhere other than on Atlas' shoulders

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you sure it's not just someone playing with the chest slider?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I think it's just a generic city location, not an actual zone.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree it's nowhere found ingame. However it does look like there's atlas' statue on the right hand side

[/ QUOTE ]
I don't see Atlas at all in that.

My immediate answer was Steel Canyon, purely from the density of high rise structures. If and when there is a major graphics overhaul. That is what I'd expect Steel Canyon to look like.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's right there!

ok, you can only realy see a globe, but I haven't seen a globe anywhere other than on Atlas' shoulders

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe its petronia or whatever tyrants city is called