I15 - Cannot wait to see every aspect of it

Arctic Man



So I'll check it all out tomorrow.

Shame I'll have nothing to do on Friday though.



Just checked it out on Test, it looks like theres a few very nice additions, not gunna bother with TFs etc till it's on Live.

Effy On Hot Sauce Fire/Cold Corr
Effy On Hot Chilli Fire/Dark Corr
Effy On Heat FM/SD Before FoTM
Effy Unleashed DP/EN Blaster 1st 50 @ Union




The second one is how I would have written it had someone given me the first lot of info and said "Pad this out so it looks beefier."

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"And you know what you could do as well? You could just add two or three line breaks after every single item to make I15 look even more massive!"



Or Patch Notes generally specify things in greater detail than summaries...summaries summarise.

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.



I15 is just a small patch with a new TF, costumes, and MA improvements and typo fixes what's the big deal about it?

I want new powersets with a new issue. SOMETHING big and cool.



I15 is just a small patch with a new TF, what's the big deal about it?

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We were all led to believe it was the "next big issue" when they knew it wasnt Thats a good point actually, have they confirmed that issue 16 is the big one?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



We were all led to believe it was the "next big issue" when they knew it wasnt Thats a good point actually, have they confirmed that issue 16 is the big one?

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No, although that they've announced it already suggests it. (Personally, I suspect I17 is more likely, but there's not really been any indication of that either.)



So I'll check it all out tomorrow.

Shame I'll have nothing to do on Friday though.

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Logged in to test server, tried TF (hero).

Seen it all (well mostly). Really not worth raving over.



So I'll check it all out tomorrow.

Shame I'll have nothing to do on Friday though.

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Logged in to test server, tried TF (hero).

Seen it all (well mostly). Really not worth raving over.

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They got new costumes, i'm happy

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



So I'll check it all out tomorrow.

Shame I'll have nothing to do on Friday though.

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Logged in to test server, tried TF (hero).

Seen it all (well mostly). Really not worth raving over.

[/ QUOTE ]


Villains get, imho, a better SF but otherwise not really worth an issue. Would have been better to include some proliferation of powers. Would it really have been that difficult to proliferate Trick Arrow to Corruptors?



Just goes to show really, that the majority of there devs are currently working on the paid expansion. The free issue's team is probably REALLY tiny at the moment...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Just goes to show really, that the majority of there devs are currently working on the paid expansion. The free issue's team is probably REALLY tiny at the moment...

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Usually i would be against this, but with the potential of CoR i would have to say this is a good thing.

Hopefully all the extra team on it will finally show the true potential of this game.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Just goes to show really, that the majority of there devs are currently working on the paid expansion. The free issue's team is probably REALLY tiny at the moment...

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Usually i would be against this, but with the potential of CoR i would have to say this is a good thing.

Hopefully all the extra team on it will finally show the true potential of this game.

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I'm not going to commit to it being a good OR bad thing, personally. I just hope that, once CoR is released, the free issues team gets bigger again... If I16 is as lackluster as I15, I can't see people reacting well.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Just goes to show really, that the majority of there devs are currently working on the paid expansion. The free issue's team is probably REALLY tiny at the moment...

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Usually i would be against this, but with the potential of CoR i would have to say this is a good thing.

Hopefully all the extra team on it will finally show the true potential of this game.

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I'm not going to commit to it being a good OR bad thing, personally. I just hope that, once CoR is released, the free issues team gets bigger again... If I16 is as lackluster as I15, I can't see people reacting well.

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Oh believe me if issue 16 is ANOTHER QOL issue and we have little information about how big CoR is then i will be one of the ones who raise their voice too. 4 QOL issues will be a step too far UNLESS they reveal a lot of detail and not keep it as "good things soon".

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Just goes to show really, that the majority of there devs are currently working on the paid expansion. The free issue's team is probably REALLY tiny at the moment...

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Usually i would be against this, but with the potential of CoR i would have to say this is a good thing.

Hopefully all the extra team on it will finally show the true potential of this game.

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Personally I agree, but its not really enough to tide us over until GR, and I for one will most likely stop subscribing prior to GR, I wonder how many others will do so also?

A slightly more filling i15 would help retain players until GR/i16 both of which should satisfy more.



Going Rogue e-mail cancellation refers to itself as...
The Issue 16 e-mail cancelation!

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



Was that not just in the early "leeked" emails?



1 week later, whinage is back.

Just cancel then, stop proclaiming your whinage here. kkthxbb.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



1 week later, whinage is back.

Just cancel then, stop proclaiming your whinage here. kkthxbb.

[/ QUOTE ]

Its actually 17 days which is over double your estimation

Can i get a hell yeah?!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



1 week later, whinage is back.

Just cancel then, stop proclaiming your whinage here. kkthxbb.

[/ QUOTE ]
Which I will.

Devs should have input more better stuff in i15 to retain players waiting for GR. (Grammar or lack intended.)



1 week later, whinage is back.

Just cancel then, stop proclaiming your whinage here. kkthxbb.

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Which I will.

Devs should have input more better stuff in i15 to retain players waiting for GR. (Grammar or lack intended.)

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I think their schedule is still a little disrupted over the shifting of the MA - after GR comes out, it should get back to normal.
And don't forget that pretty much the whole team will be focusing on GR right now - they were probably busy with it even while the MA was being developed, as the MA didn't need the full range of devs to get it up and running - like BAB and his animators, Castle and his power team, and War Witch wouldn't really be needed that much for creating the MA system, so they'd be free to work on GR.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



1 week later, whinage is back.

Just cancel then, stop proclaiming your whinage here. kkthxbb.

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Which I will.

Devs should have input more better stuff in i15 to retain players waiting for GR. (Grammar or lack intended.)

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I think their schedule is still a little disrupted over the shifting of the MA - after GR comes out, it should get back to normal.
And don't forget that pretty much the whole team will be focusing on GR right now - they were probably busy with it even while the MA was being developed, as the MA didn't need the full range of devs to get it up and running - like BAB and his animators, Castle and his power team, and War Witch wouldn't really be needed that much for creating the MA system, so they'd be free to work on GR.

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Well their project management must suck then. If they knew that GR was going to be pushed in quarter 4 '09 quarter 1 '10 then their project management guys should have moved something originally slated for i16/17 (which according to Posi is already being worked on) up to fit into i15/i16 to give us something to do while waiting for GR. Me I'm 100% sure that I'll get GR, mainly as I have been waiting since i7. But I wonder how many people will look at the frankly poor i15 and just not bother coming back?



I don't think I15 is poor - it's kinda small, but I think it's only really here as a bridge between the major stuff of MA and GR - espeically as the announcements were so close together - we got I14, then I15 was announced pretty soon after, and then the whole GR surprise very soon after too.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Can't wait for i15 but I' waiting until it goes live because I don't want to ruin the fun (and Training Room is broken for me )
I don't expect i16 to be the big issue, maybe i17 will be but just remember, they're putting the icing on the cake we know as Going Rogue.