The great peregrine heist.




((This topic is for those villains that have agreed to come along on Eds heist of a military convoy of high-tech arms on their way to the Shadows Shards through Peregrine. this is semi-closed RP for villain characters, since they need to be part of the NWA on order to participate but Open RP for heroes, since anyone is allowed to respond to the various attacks)).

Edward sat, waiting, just offshore from Peregrine island in an Arachnos sub he had managed to convince one of the Arbiters to borrow...after all Arachnos dropped villains out here every day through the use of an Arachnos flier to rob the bank however he wanted something more subtle than the scream of jet engines overhead. Edward spoke through his radio to the others that had agreed to help him.

"Ok, I want everyone to call in, I need to know everyone and everything is in place and ready before I begin my taped transmission to distract the heroes while we liberate the technology currently inbound for portal corp..."

This needed to be quick, before the heroes realised that the chaos elsewhere was just a distraction, he hoped that Mr Ghoul had cooked up that long range mass teleportation spell as well to get them all out of here, otherwise it was going to be one crowded submarine on the way home...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Leeches herd Mechanos call as she hid in the shadows of the roof of a skycraper, she answered Mechano, "Leeches here, all is ready, robots now on route to begin causing trouble in Kings Row, I will be heading to the target zone, out".

With that bat like wings burst from her back and she took to the skies on her way to the real target, she had to admit the doctor did have a style. It was amusing to think of the heroes scrambling around in panic.

In a warehouse seven large crates had recently arrived and had been left in a corner, they were supposed to be carrying spare parts. That however was not the case, each crates front fell off and smashed to the floor in unison and a large battle robot clambered out of each one, they each had six lasers at the end of one arm and three rocket launchers at the end of the other, they lifted their weapons as one and blew a hole in the side of the warehouse and made their way to the shopping district of Kings Row.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



Blood Ghoul stepped off the train at Peregrine station , and, looking very human , did as many others and answered his cell phone …

“ Ah my dearest Edward , I am at the station now , and I have the transportation arrangement you asked for sorted , I merely need to hand out the tickets , where should I meet you ?”

((to keep thing in simple rather than a grp tp and as BG doesn’t have that power pool , the transport works as a temp power base teleport to BG’s Paragon base (the lost graves), from there people can go in what ever direction they like , seem the best way for all to TP when they are scattered all over the map ))



"Good Countess, I have hidden the explosives in Kings Row, Skyway and Steel Canyon, your robots will make even more of a distraction, disguising our presence from the eyes of the capes..."

"Ah Monsieur Ghoul, head towards Peregrine Isle, I am waiting just off the coast on an Arachnos Submarine...but I suggest handing out the tickets for when we all meet up once the job is complete...I am still waiting for others to call in..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Rylus closed his laptop, if his mechanical face would allow it, he would be grinning with delight. He turned to the police chief saying; "Looks like your sources have proved right. I'm afraid I will no longer be needing you."
"Well, you heroes need he-", the police chief was cut of by a laser slicing through his heart.
"Foolish humans, this is why machines are superior." He put down his pulse rifle and tapped the small communications device on his wrist and brought it up to his face, "Yes, Edward? It looks like we were right about that one PPD fool you knew that something was going on. He has been eliminated. Me and my retinue are ready when you are"

Rylus walked over to a small console on the wall and punched in a code. In an instant a door slid open and a handful of robots lay presented before him, ready to do his bidding.



Wintertron, opting to wear a casual shirt and jeans instead of his usual attire, lazily leaned against the van he had acquired on the way to Kings. He immediately tossed his cigarette down the nearest drain grille upon hearing Mechano's callout before he answered.

"Just tell me where the fan is, and I'll be more than happy to throw the poop. Not, err, literally, if you know what I mean... you get the idea. Right?"

The hopeless goit kept his communicator held to his ear as he then proceeded to swing open the driver's side door and climb into the cab, hoping that he hadn't just verbally dug himself into an embarrassing hole.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




“Damn,” God Killer sighed. Hours ago Dr. Mechano had sent out the signal that the heist was going to take place, so God Killer hastily made her way to Paragon City the only way she knew, through Siren’s Call. Unfortunately, God Killer had not visited Paragon for some time, and her “short cut” that should have bypassed any trouble from the forces of Skyway and lead her directly to King’s Row had now got her stuck, and lost, in the middle of Paragon’s sewer network knee deep in the mess of the city.

“Can’t retrace my steps,” she thought to herself, “And I’m sure there’s some group of heroes or Longbow or something following me down here. I hate this city.” God Killer briskly jogged down more and more sewer pipes, all of which looked just the same. Frustrated, God Killer stopped in her tracks. Pulling the NWA phone out of her pocket she tried to contact Mechano, only to be met with a soft crackle down the phone, apparently the ancient pipes blocked communication.

Stopping to think for a moment, an idea came to God Killer. Channeling the powers of the netherworld, she summoned before her, her lich companion Death. Death stood tall, cracking the bones in his neck as if he’d just woken from a long slumber. “Death. I need you to find your way above ground, stick to the shadows so your abilities will mask anyone seeing you. We cannot risk anyone knowing our plans just yet. Find a guide, find a map, find Mechano.” God Killer gritted her teeth in anger, “ I don’t care what you do, just find me a way out of these damned sewers and in to King’s Row. I will not be happy if I’m late to the party.”

With a simple nod, Death phased into the shadows and was gone from vision. Pulling herself into some pipes near the ceiling, she too phased in the shadows, and quietly twiddled her thumbs in anticipation of Death’s return.



Rylus' foot met the door with a loud crack, bursting it open. He briefly ran a thermal scan of the warehouse, searching for any form of life. "Good, it seems clear enough." he turned to one of his drones "Scout out the area to be sure, bring back anything of interest."

Rylus strolled around the warehouse and started looking through the contents of the crates. "No tech. Ah well, I shall have to wait here reglardless"
The drone came back reporting that the area was completely clear and secure, with that Rylus posted a small guard at the door and formulated multiple battle strategies while he waited for Mechano to give him the signal.



A black sub urban vehicle skidded to a halt outside a Steel Canyon shop front. Bullets shot out through the car's open windows, tearing at the shop walls. Pedestrians screamed for help, scuttling out of harms way as quickly as their little feet could take them. Some were falling over each other only to scramble back up and run faster. Five pairs of glossy leather shoes emerged from the car doors and landed elegantly on the concrete pavements. Five men in long leather trenchcoats haad stepped out of the SUV, brandishing modified machine guns. "The Gang is here!" one bellowed. "Everybody cower in fear" came the response, followed by a lobby of explosive clips which destroyed the entire shop facade, bringing down the structural pillars in a cloud of chaos and destruction.



Cracking his knuckles, Enerfist emerged from the Arachnos sub. Touching the communicator on his wrist, he spoke;
"Moving to position outside Portal Corps.; got the old suit on, they shouldn't suspect a thing - just another hero going about his 'duty'" he uttered, "give me the go Ed when it's time"
And with that he blasted off into the sky and northwards.



"Alright...we can't waste any more time...the Convoy has just left the ferry, we're going to have to hit and hit now...everyone make your way to Peregrine, I'm sure those of us already here can delay the convoy enough to get everyone gathered..."

Edward pressed a button on his cybernetic arm and somewhere in the rogue Isles, a dish aligned and a tape begun to play...

...across Paragon city the now familiar sign of chaos appeared throughout TV screens, the skull within the cog.

Edward appeared on the TV screen the a manaical smile.

"Welcome one and all, this isn't a drill, this is time for fun, the hour has come again Paragon, for too long have I been quiet and left you hanging, now we're going to have an 'explosively' good time," Edward gave a chuckle.

"What better relaxes someone than a shopping spree? Yes, yes I know I've done this in the past but I happen to be in a retro mood right now, so it's time to play that golden-oldie, crime spree...thugs of Paragon, grab as much loot as you can get hold of...and remember...points mean prizes..."

As Edward heard himself say he pressed another button...

...Not too far from Pistol and her gang a car exploded in the main shopping strip of Steel canyon, shattering the glass on all the shop fronts, soon the area was filled with Outcasts, Tsoo and Trolls, hollering and brawling as they tried to get the best pick of the loot.

In Skyway another car had detonated, a Lost Headman climbing through the window of an electronics store, picking up a TV and turning to his companion, "Hmm what do you think, new hat?"

"Nah, makes your head look fat, try something smaller..."

"Me Troll and me say you look stupid..." replied a Caliban who was already in the store.

"Yeah well, don't care what you think you Incredible bulk..."

"Oi, dat not smash!"

A fight had now broken out along the shop front between the Trolls and the Lost, a few brawling and a few looting.

In Kings row the Skulls had begun their looting as well.

Edward lifted the radio, "ok everyone...the convoy is in the middle of the strip...go go go!"

Edward activated his rocket boots, his robotic family fired their rockets and he sped from the sub towards the convoy.

((The convoy is arranged as a police car infront flanked by two police motorcycles, a very large truck in the middle, also flanked by two police motorcycles and finally another police car bringing up the rear again flanked by two police motorcycles)).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



James Patterson was already in Paragon when the attacks started, in fact he was in the same PPD Building as Rylus.

He heard the pulse rifle fire and knew something was going on, he'd heard rumour that the NWA was on the move again. He had thought to get Lykofos in on the action but he was detained by Paragon Customs. He was hidden behind a door when Rylus made his call to Ed. All he heard was the final line "Me and my retinue are ready when you are."

He turned, two Officers were running down the corridor, shouting about laser fire. As the first officer passed him he close lined him to the floor. The second span towards him and drew his weapon.

"James? What did you do?" James smiled and raised his arms out to the sides, he summoned all the power he could and the cop raised into the air spinning around. He walked over to the officer, a man he had known many years. He leaned in close and whispered to him, "Andrew, you know that villain you've been searching for...Lykofos?" he stepped back and back flipped. As he landed a dark cloud washed over him and he stood in his true costume.

Lykofos stepped forwards, "Survival of the fittest Andrew, and right now, you don't look to good. Farewell." He reached up and broke his neck. He drew the darkness into himself and unleashed a torrent of dark energy upon the first officer, now stirring, he cried out and vanished, dragged to the underworld.

"Now then, time to party." He knew what the target was to be the only place worth hitting today was the PI bank.



At the far end of the street Marie walked up... In her hand she had a vial of a very potent acid most had never heard of. The police car in front rushed straight to wards her!

The man behind the steering wheel saw her and hesitated for a second. Almost inclined to lower speed. "Who is the crazy broad!", he called out. The man next to him was a bit faster on the uptake though... "Don't stop... run her over! Never stop! You know the rules."

Marie looked at the car who speeded up while two zombies became visible behind her. At the last possible moment she threw the vial against the carwindow... and jumped away with a catlike agility that neither of the men inside the car had expected. The acid-like potion ate its way through the reinforced glass and splattered over the drivers. The men started to only for a second. Then both became silent as there was no skin left on their bodies.

The instant Marie threw the vial both zombies accelerated and either of them pulled an officer of his bike. Twisting the head of the motor cyclist in a fast move with a nerve wrecking sound.

The car now driver-less and out of control speeded up. Apparently the full weight of the driver's body was placed upon the gas.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Blood Ghoul , as is his way , took the direct approach , and stepped in to the road to the rear of the convoy , and , with his inhuman power , leaped onto the rear of the following Police car .
There he unleashed a hail of blows at the car , pouring vast amounts of dark magic into pounding the car into the ground .

Under his blows the chassis buckled and snapped , gas gushed from the fuel tank , the tires burst , window glass exploded under the pressure , and police offices screamed .

To add to the terror Blood Ghoul shape shifted back into his natural form , great talon tipped hands ripping the car’s metal as if it was paper , his teeth filled maw wide as he screamed in delight …..



Leeches arrived at the attack site and smiled slightly as she flew over the truck itself, such a big target easy to hit, she lifted her bow and fired a EMP arrow directly at the truck. The arrow smashed into the roof of the drivers cabbin and activated and the truck lurched to a slow halt, now it would be going nowhere. She switched to fire arrows and fired one into the petrol tank of one of the police motorbikes and it exploded in a impressive fireball.

She activated her armour, the armour seemed to appear from her clothing covering her in a insect like body armour and a fanged skull helmet with two twisted horns on it. She landed on the roof of the truck and got her laser rifle off her back as her wings sank back into her back, she crouched down and fired at the driver of the other motorbike hitting him in the shoulder and sending him crashing into the floor, she then waited and watched to see what would happen next. So far though it had seemed to be going off without a hitch.

In kings row her robots had began their attack and were firing into shop windows ignoring the Skull looters entirely, if anything they were helping them, the gangsters cheered as rockets and laser blasts blew shop windows and parked cars apart. people scattered in terror as the robots continued their rampage and a petrol station was attacked by them and there was a spectacular explosion.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



The Night Assassin looked down at the choas that had taken over the street, hidden completely by his cloak he watched on waiting for the perfect moment to jump in and strike down his target. Slowly he pressed his communicator button on his mask, his synthesized voice called out over it.
"Doctor Sir, Im ready to strike at the first foolish person to attempt to stop us for you... They won't know what hit them."
He glanced down to the street again once again watching the events unfold.



Rylus opened up his trusty laptop on a crate in the warehouse and started punching some co-ordinates in. "Now let us see what the PPD can do about this." he muttered as he hit the "Enter" key.

Over at the scene of the crime a series of large metal boxes fell from the sky and fell apart to reveal an array of large robots. From his base of operations, Rylus commanded the robots to form up a roadblock around the area where the convoy was travelling to ensure no one would get by.
"The roadblock is in place, Doctor. I will monitor the situation and see how things go and see reinforcements where neccessary, nothing will get by the retinue." As he finished his sentance one of Rylus' robots picked up a PPD car and hurled it into an oncoming SWAT van, taking both out in the process.
"Easy payment" Rylus muttered to himself as he continued to monitor the situation of the heist.



For Guardian Brena White it was a bad day, Longbow command had been breathing down her neck since the morning and didn't seem very keen on leaving any time soon.

Gritting herself to receive another tirade she tries again "I'm sorry Sir, but they are all gone. Half of the big players of non loyalist forces and a few heavy hitters have dropped out of radar and we've not picked them up since."

Chief Officer Larkin was the lucky Longbow agent to pull rank for this whole debacle and he personally thought someone higher up the chain couldn't get here any time sooner. "I suppose it's too much to ask that they're gearing up to strike at Arachnos? We should have seen this sooner, I'm getting a Warden to give the place a mind check once this is over." he asked glaring at the big bank of monitors.

"Unlikely Sir, a small majority of them are actually rather approving of Recluse and we've never had strong intel on them. The only reason we picked this out is a black out from our contacts. I'd say they're coming here."

"Well then" says Larkin, going to a phone on the wall "Get teams in the air, I have to get some people out of bed."


Thundering away from the drop off point in the distinctive red and white Longbow helicopter, Officer Cerridwyn was starting to get a little worried. They'd already dropped most of their heavy support was off dealing with robots and a surge of gang violence and all the Crash suits were out in the Isles, securing a relief convoy. Warden's only came to Paragon when on leave and currently that was two of them, one with a broken leg.

That left her with a skeleton squad and whatever they could scrounge out of the armoury before lift off. They'd managed to grab some nice toys at least.

"All right, drops in five! Listen up" shouts Cerridwyn over the helicopter rotors, the back of it was already open she was countering the rushing wind with her own air currents to keep the inside calm.

"We're on Peregrine detail, things have gotten hot. Still, don't forget there's civilians down there so don't fire any heavy ordinance until they're clear, stick to web grenades and the tear gas if you can. Police are holding perimeter, which as we all know means they're getting their butts kicked so as soon as the containment field goes up so the creeps don't bug out as soon as look at us we're jumping, check off. No Civilian Heroes arrived yet, guess they're all still getting the spandex on."

The six man squad stood up and started checking each other over, the whine of servo motors audible on the large rotary grenade launcher they'd snagged out of R&D, that thing was going to be a lot of fun to watch. Tugging at the straps to her own jet chute, the thing will get everyone down to the ground faster and safer than any rope delivery system but Cerri was a bit more malleable than the normal person and it didn't feel too good being pushed into a lump before she hit the ground. Taking up a small stubby pistol she walked to the exit and grabbed the handle so she could lean out to look. They'd been three blocks from the convoy when it got the message off, a response time this fast might just get them a commendation later on although it looked like it was getting the absolute hell beaten out of it.

As the red light in the back flashed green and everyone rushed for the jump the Helicopter Cerridwyn fired the small flare gun like device, a packed bag of seeds flying out ahead of them and impacting into a small green belt island beside the road. Before they'd even covered half the distance to the ground a tangled briar patch was waiting to receive them shifting slowly as it stretched out its new tendrils. The group hit it dead centre, a cloud of white smoke going up as the jet chutes fire and then detach with loud clunks before a misty cloud smokes out of the air, obscuring them all.

One of her more well loved tricks, Cerridwyn concentrated on adapting the smoke to each persons small visual implant so it didn't bother them before waving an arm onwards "Heli's got visual on at least eleven techs, one big bruiser and some rotters. Ditch the gas, lets get some EMP in there and then take the rest with the riot foam."

Two vines tunnel out to give Cerri a bit of better view of what's to come meanwhile her pet Piranha plant Nibbles crawls out of a small pocket and chews at the ground growing to a good eight foot in mere moments.

Happy with the arrangment, Cerri flicks a hand forward "Keep cover till we've got a base of fire. Lets show them who they're dealing with"



Longbow Guardian Miranda Wong hit the ground with a heavy thud, a much heavier thud then it should have made for a small lightweight woman such as herself, the reason for this was the huge rotary grenade launcher that no one had been able to tear her away from since it had been taken out of the R&D lab.

The little gun obsessed guardian shrugged her jet chute off, she had far too much weight to deal with as it was, settling on one knee as the Launcher quickly anchored itself into the ground, sliding her own beloved rifle into ready snatching position should she be required to run and gun quickly.

A green light flashed near the small display near the handle of the huge stock of the launcher, a set of grenades whirring into position as a very large smile creeping onto the young guardians face at it did.

“Heavy support is a go” She whispered over the squads’ radio, “Firing trio of E.M’s, be clear in five” she clicked the comm. off before whispering to herself “Night night clunkers” as she pulled the trigger.

A trio of bulbous grenades shot out in quick succession, flying on three separate headings, trying to get as much of the group of robots in their blast radius before exploding.



The Night Assassin glanced over his shoulder pads just in time to see the helicopter flying off past him on his roof top hideing spot. With a creeping walk he made his way to the other edge of the roof, to spy the squad of Longbow just landing down.
"Doctor Sir, looks like my first victems have came to the party, six Longbow with heavy guns." Assassin's synthesized voice said over the com line before he drew both of his blades from over his shoulders.
"Now for me to have a little fun.." he said as he lepted off the roof and used the blades to help guilde him safely down to the street level via the building oppersite him.



The screen was flashing a dangerous red colour. Rylus sat sat up suddenly scanning the monitor of his laptop for the source of the problem.
"Edward we've got some EMP's incoming, I'm afraid I can't do much with those being fired at us, make sure someone takes them out. Now. For the moment I'm pulling my retinue out, I don't want to have to re-wire them again."
Without severing the comm. link he quickly typed something into his laptop. The results he got made him quite pleased.
"Edward, it looks like we're in luck. My temporary base of operations seems to be a Crey storehouse. I'll see what is in here, if there are any of their tank suits I just may be able to hijack them and send them in as canon fodder." Rylus quickly cut the comm. link before he could get any sort of response and began to hastily type.



As he travelled the shadows of the netherworld he came upon a Lich, it seemed to walk with a purpose.

Must have been summoned by a necromancer, as it passed it was muttering something about 'Find Mechano.' and cursing its summoner.

"Hold it, where IS Mechano, more to the point, if YOU'RE heading for Mechano, where is your master?"

The lich hesitated for a moment, this being knew Mechano, or at least seemed to.

'Mec...han...o' it pointed off to the left slightly.
'' it indicated a rocky outcropping to the rear.

Lykofos nodded, "I think I actually understand what you mean. I must thank Necrosis for teaching me a little about zombies." he stood for a moment thinking.

"Could you take me to your Master." he hoped that the distance would dull its senses and allow it to take him back.

It slowly nodded and led him around the outcropping and pointed to the shadow of a large boulder. "That exit, thank you. I can help your master, I believe we have mutual interests in finding the good Doctor."

He stood in the shadow and focused and before he knew it he was standing knee deep in sewage water. "Urgh, not good, this better be worth it. Hello? Anyone down here?" he had a good idea where he was and didn't like it.



Edward heard the chopper coming in over head, "great, red and white are coming in...just what we need..."

He pressed the radio to his ear, "Alright, remember, as much fun as this is, we're here for a purpose, the Police convoy seems to be taken care of...let's just get the gear we've come for and then get the hell out of here...seems like the explosions have distracted the heroes but not Longbow..."

"Night, engage the enemy...see if we can bring any in alive but just getting rid of them will do, Rylus just get here, as much fun as it is having someone track the PPD response I need everyone to carry things so ju...."

The radio cut out as the EMP grenades went off..."Damn it...seems like Longbow came prepared..." Edward threw up his shields, ALL of them...

Yelling above the din of the chaos going on, "Just get the truck open and get the loot...ladies and gentlemen I suggest grabbing a teleportation ticket from Mr Ghoul, no doubt they'll try to contain it, if the teleportation fails...I suggest we all make a beeline to the Arachnos sub..."

Edward smashed open the back door of the van with a force bolt, buckling the metal inward and shattering the lock. He grinned as he was met by rather bulky battlesuit, "ooh you'll do nicely..."

"Unless you're currently engaged in combat...grab the loot!"

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Marie directed her knights towards the loot. One of them grabbed two arms full while the other stayed ready to knockback any interferrence.

The black Creole was very visible though and it didn't took long for a Longbow forerunner to spot her. The man grabbed his gun and pointed it at Marie.

"Freeze, lady!", he called out to her.

Marie looked remarkable calm during this. "Of course young man... should I put my hands up too?"

Then the knight who was standing guard stepped between them. The Longbow officer emptied his gun at the zombie. But had to realise the effect was almost none. He quickly moved back, just in time to avoid a cleaving blow of the rusty sword the creature had drawn.

"Holy [censored]!", he screamed... moving back further. Grabbing new munition he reloaded and noticed backup arriving. One of them had a small rocket launcher.

"You there! With the launcher...", he called out... running towards him. The knight had started shooting blasts of dark energy as he couldn't keep up with the man. One of the blasts grazed the his shoulder... A freezing inner cold came over it!

"Shoot it! Shoot it!"

Five seconds later there was a rocket flying towards the big zombie knight who was nowhere fast enough to dodge it. The rocket hit the creature pointblanc and a small explosion followed.

Marie was already making sure she and part of the loot where safe. The explosion made her look back though and she quickly realised what had happened. "George!", she called out, but it was already to late. Part of the zombie scattered all over the place. "Damn you Longbow...", she hissed but couldn't do anything then making sure she was safe. Both walked to wards the guy who should have the teleportation thing worked out.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Snoring quietly, God Killer still perched on the upper pipes of Paragon’s sewer. Suddenly, the whole sewer system rocked around God Killer. Waking up abruptly, God Killer sat up and became completely aware of what was going on. “Come on! I’m missing death and explosions! My favorite!” she growled. “Either that or this place is turning into another faultline.” Examining her surroundings, God Killer’s head whipped around towards the direction of a splash. Grinning slightly she mumbled to herself, “Think you can ambush me down here, huh?”

Jumping down from the pipes, God Killer started to channel the powers of the netherworld, charging up a dark blast ready for someone to make an appearance. And make an appearance they did, as Death came charging into view God Killer blasted him into a nearby wall before she realize who it was. Slowly striding over to the crumpled mess that is Death, she picked him up off the ground, “Apologies Death. Why didn’t you just phase in next to me like usual?” Death pointed from where he just came. “Lykofos.”

Striding up to her came another villain, but before he could say anything she cut him off, “I don’t know who you are and I don’t have time for introductions, boy. We need to get above ground, I have to get a job done. Come on then, chop chop, we don’t have all day. There’s murdering we’re missing out on!”