The great peregrine heist.




Blood Ghoul left the ruined police car with a powerful leap , bounding to the Doctors side .

He palmed a small clay square to the Doctor , “ not teleport , but portals , harder to counter , just break to use ...not where is our treasure ?”

Blood Ghoul looked in to the van and randomly grabs a great arm full of high tech death machines .

“ arrh Longbow ..such fit and sweet flesh , a pity we can not stay , another time ..ready when you are Doctor ...”



Lykofos nods with a slight tilt to his head. "I'm Lykofos and that is exactly why I'm here, to get us to the party. PI I assume?"

He holds out a hand and laughs, "Though we've just met, I suggest you hold my hand...and do try to keep a hold of me. Oh and one more thing." He draws a blackwand staff and fires it just a red and white shape comes into view. The Longbow Rifleman fell with a cry. "We're not alone."



Leeches looked at the helicoper and hissed slightly, she hated Longbow, she saw them as deceptive. At least Arachnos were pretty clear about their goals, Longbow however liked to play games and take the moral high ground. She fired a flash arrow at some arriving longbow guardians temporary blinding them. She ran along the roof of the truck and took a Rune from Ghoul as she entered the van and took some weapons, yes this is what she had been hoping for, she smirked slightly and exited the truck watching around her for any Longbow movement
"I do so wish we could smash their pretty little helicopter out of the sky, oh well another time perhaps".
She said with a hint of annoyance.

She fired a glue arrow in front of two approaching Longbow guardians and mecyilessly gunned them down with her laser rifle as they struggled to break free, she smirked slightly under her helmet. To her these were more legitimate targets that the police. Longbow were enemy combatants the police were just a service.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



"Doctor, I know you would love for me to personally intervene but I'm afraid those EMP's are too much of a problem for me! You seem to forget that unlike you, I am fully robotic. I'll send in the full force of my retinue now, I'll get a couple to grab the loot and the rest to distract the EMP's. I'm also sending down a shield generator for my arrival. Be with you in a moment."
Rylus quickly set the co-ordinates for the rest of his retinue and closed the laptop. He stood up and walked out of the warehouse, "Time for pay day." With that, he leapt into the air with his rocket boots.



“Not alone?” God Killer spat out sarcastically, “I was alone until your showed up. So just know this, I don’t trust you what so ever. So just watch your back, one screw up and you’re Death’s next meal.”

Extending her hand, God Killer pulled back some of the barbed wire covering her gloves. “Now, if it’s not too much of a problem, seeing as I’ve missed out on the distractions, we have a police convoy to get to!”



Once the rocket launcher Longbow Guardian had fired off his rocket at the poor Zombie Knight blowing it to pieces Night Assasin knew just who would go first. Just as the Longbow reloaded his launcher the rumble dust fell around which was the sign of what was coming, suddenly with a few bricks falling down the guy was down flat on the street no longer would he be a worry for them as he was now no more than a paddle of a man. With a flicker Night Assassin came into veiw for that split second before he darted off after the next Longbow Guardian who was near by.

Three sweeps of his blades was all it took to take that one down as well, each one making him flicker into veiw as the hits sliced into the guardian leaving the guy less than armless after the blows.
"Grab the loot he says.. gee I was just starting to have some fun here." Night Assassin's synthesized voice spoke in a ghostly whisper as he vanished again into his cloaked mode and dashed towards the van.



Miranda smirked as the zombie exploded, pieces landing all over the road, a pair of guardians moving forward to try and give suppressing fire, only to be gunned down, causing the grenade launcher toting guardian to bite her lip on frustration.

Someone placed another crate of ammo down beside her, she didn’t notice who it was, all to focused on the job at hand now, “W.E.W. barrage in five, get your heads down!” she hissed over the comm. as the launcher whirred once again as it changed ammo.

A few seconds later a quintet of wide area web grenades were hurling towards the group of villains, soon to coat the entire area in hyper sticky webbing.



This was getting messy fast, Rhiannon threw down her Curae roots and as the tree burst from the ground spreading a slightly intoxicating green mist through the area and she let it get busy stabilising the fallen.

"We're way outgunned here, got four meta-criminals out there at least and I'm, not happy about the ones I do recognize. Cook off the last of the Rpg's in that clip and relocate Mira"

Pressing a small button concealed in her costume under her ear Cerridwyn waited for the Helicopter to confirm voice link and deploy the speakers. Even though she talked normally the Helicopters systems let her voice be loud enough to carry the whole area.

"Rogue Island Forces, it's all over. Your mission is a failure you've put up a good show but this is it. We've got a Rank 3 Containment field up in a three block area and two of your team in custody already," Paragon didn't have any prisoners actually yet, but they didn't know that unless the had a mind link, "maybe if you disperse now one or two of who's left will make it to the edge and home but this place is going to be Hero central in two minutes if you don't. Your choice"

As if to punctuate this, two large spiked vines burst through the pavement, wrapping themselves around the Police cars and pulling them free of the fire line and the sky in the short gap between the briar patch and the convoy starts to darken and rumble with thunder. Nibbles chirrups happily, waving it's tendrils in the air as it sits on guard ready to grapple anyone who risks a frontal assault.The downed forces on the slope are picked up by less threatening, rope like vines that travel through the ground like earthworms, making a bed to get them close enough to start stabilizing.

Cutting the loud hailer off she rubs her throat and speaks aside to Miranda "Damn it, I can't get the Van drivers free else i'd fill the box with enough lightning to make Statesman think I was showing off. I'm going in right under the webs."

Snapping open a bulky case, Rhiannon pulls out a bulky looking glove with a slowly rotating generator and fits into onto one hand, flexing her fingers before whipping the winds to push her as she ran. Speeding down the hill as she quickly took in an approach and saw the web nades fly over head, Nibbles running along on his four root like legs with excitement the huge jaw snapping in the air.



Night Assassin glanced up as he skidded to a halt, "..Your mission is a failure you've put up a good show but this is it. We've got a Rank 3 Containment field up in a three block area.." sounded over his head.

"Well like that would stop me, they got to find me first even then I wouldn't go down without at least taking half the block out first." His synthesized voice said as he glanced over his shoulder and spotted the Longbow girl running towards him along with her little pet flytrap.

"Ooo lookie.. yet another prey coming this way, she's in for a shock..." With that he knelt down to his knees and held out his blades either side of him so should she continue running there was only going to be one thing in her way, a lazered thin blade able to slice even the tough armour of most of the foes he had fought in the past.



Wintertron hated being late to a party. Amid all the Chaos, Panic and Disorder he himself wanted to contribute to, the doofus was still flooring it en route to the scene. The van itself seemed to have received a minor paintjob too, and it amazed even himself that he hadn't attracted any (obvious) unwanted attention because of it.

"Sorry I'm late!" he screamed. "Traffic was murder, ya know?"

Meanwhile, in an alley on the same route, a red-haired man dressed in a white suit, dirtied presumably by being thrown into trash, charged out onto the open road, following the same route.


The seemingly irritated man then disappeared in a flash of light, having teleported after the van in question.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Edward saw the containment field go up...

He scrambled behind the truck, his robots were down but his forcefield was still up..." we cannot teleport out way out of this normally but I know where we can go..."

Edward pressed a couple of buttons on his arm, the oroborous symbol appearing on the floor, "Think this is the last time the Menders will be letting me use their little toy like this, already had complaints before about using it as an escape make the most of it..."

Edward yelled out, "Alright...everyone grab what you can and go through the portal...teleportation may be a no but I don't know any containment field that stops these kind of portals to escape..."

Edward quickly punched a few more buttons and his robots slowly rose from the ground and moves to block any incoming assaults on his position.

"Come on people...let's move shall we?"

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



“Doctor , you did not listen , “ roared Blood Ghoul , over the growing cacophony of combat sounds .

“ I am well used to dealing with Longbow , my majicks are set to avoid their teleport blockers , I made the tablets activate portals to a very well warded location , there is no need to worry ..”

Blood Ghoul held up the clay token and crumbled it between his talon tipped fingers ,before him appeared a hole , hanging in the air . The hole , a shiny blue black stain , appeared to be a near circular rip in the very air itself ..

“last one out is a dead man” , giggled Blood Ghoul leaping into the hole ...

The hole screeched as it collapsed the instant Blood Ghoul had crossed .



Rylus arrive at the site of the destruction a few minutes after the contaiment field went up. "Dammit!" he cursed to himself. Opening a comm. link he said, "Edward, I'm afraid I arrived a bit too late, try keep my retinue safe while they get out with the goods, those EMPs won't do them any good."
He used the device on his wrist to command the robots to make a beeline towards the portal Blood Ghoul opened with as much loot as they could carry while the assault bot paved the street with missiles. "Things seem to have gone a bit awry." Rylus leapt off to a safe area where he could make sure the loot could be extracted without any distractions.




"Ooo lookie.. yet another prey coming this way, she's in for a shock..."

[/ QUOTE ]

Ironic really.

As Night Assassin held his two metal blades to his side the clouds above roiled and rumbled. Much like playing golf in a thunderstorm, they made a rather attractive conductor for the defensive lightning storm building up in the ground between the two groups. The discharge fired with a blinding flash and a earth-shattering kaboom causing Cerridwyn to duck well clear of the light bolt, seeing the group use those god damn Oroborous portals to escape.

Once this was over she was going to see to it that the Mender's balls got dragged over a fire to stop that kind of abuse. Skidding to a stop as missiles rain down around the area, (Had she been hit in the side? Even with the wind shielding her some shrapnel had got through and it felt bad...) Cerridwyn pulled her free hand up to raging storm and waved in a circle, papers and debris blowing into the air as a small localized tornado started to whip up among the robot firing line, the ground crumbling and coming away as the Truck is slowly swept along with a loud grinding throwing up sparks in its trail.

Shouldering the rifle with the slowly circling capacitor, Cerridwyn takes aim generating a small storm cloud inside the reserve and the round apperture sped up, humming loudly. She'd never spent much time on the range with this but she couldn't just let them bail like this and it was going to be standard issue for weather controllers soon enough. Two control rods shot out of the front of the rifle, with a blue spark running between them and as she pulled the trigger her eyes went white and the world rang for a moment, the arc of electricity jumping the distance and attaching itself to anything metal he men inside the vehicles luckily safe from harm.

"Holy sh-.... they didn't say it was so freaking loud" Cerri complained to herself, taking off again with a blur of speed head still dizzy.

(( As for the escape, I'm confused. Blood Ghouls portal disappeared as he left so how are the robots using it?. And there's still web grenades in the air that seem to have just been flat out ignored.))



((well that's the reason Edward scrambled behind the truck to avoid the Wide Area Web grenade, the Robots belong to Ed, not Blood Ghoul, Blood Ghoul used his own portal not the oroborous portal that Ed summoned, ReclusesPhantom seems to have got mixed up since Blood Ghoul's portal did indeed close behind him))

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



((Woops, sorry about that, didn't seem to make things clear enough. Anyway, back on with the RPing?))
Rylus was safely hidden down the nearest alleyway trying to re-assess the situation. He turned on his comm. link "Can someone take the loot of my retinue? Those Longbow and their damned web grenades have slowed them down and I don't think any of us want to risk losing the loot."
Rylus hastily opened his laptop looking for a way to shut down the containment field. "It looks like the Longbow have this thing pretty well protected" he muttered.
Suddenly he heard footsteps coming down the alleyway.
Magnus Malachi knew something was up when he heard screams outside the circus tent in the middle of his performance. He DEFINATELY knew something was up when a few minutes later a bunch of Trolls ripped their way into the circus tent. Unlike the other heroes, Magnus knew that it was a diversion, someone must have caused the looting. Now, after finding the containment field up he found the source of the problem. As he walked down the alley where he saw one of the villains flee, he could feel an almost static tangibility of magic in the air from whatever was happening behind the containment field. The plan was simple, subdue this villain and then help out the Longbow, he just hoped it turned out that simple.



Leeches fired wildly all around herself and she had got partially stuck in part of the web grenades mess, she swore and struggled to free her leg as a savage lightning storm started to kick up in the area, she didn't have much time, she had to get out of this fast.
"Just typical of Longbow no stumach for a proper fight".
She tried a way out she was not too keen on and lowered her armour it worked enough to untangle her leg and she flung herself at Mechano's Portal just catching it in time. She had been lucky, she had been too slow thanks to the webbing for Ghouls exit plan. She reminded herself next time she would make her own escape plans, she still saw this as a great sucess though, she still had the weapons she had been after for months and would make sure she put them to use against a Longbow base on the Islands.


The hero Justice For All had just got a Skull gang under control in Kings row when he saw seven robots round a corner, so these were the things that had been seen blowing stuff up. It was time to put a stop to that, however as he approached them each robot exploded one after another. Self destruct? This whole thing had been a trick!

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



Edward sighed, he'd managed to duck out of the line of fire for the webnades but his robots hadn't nor had they the chance to avoid the arcing electrical charge, the robots fizzled and then exploded. The lightning arced onto Edwards metal arm and he let out a yell as the electrical charge went through it, slamming his arm into the ground to force the electrical charge to ground safely. Edward looked a little worse for wear, he shook his mechanical arm, "damn it...50% strength capacity..."

There was still some heavy lifting to do...Edward grunted as he pushed the crate containing the battlesuit through the Oroborous portal, "Ladies, Gentlemen, time to leave...activate the teleportation tickets Mr Ghoul gave you or use this portal...ditch any remaining loot and just get out of here..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!




(( As for the escape, I'm confused. Blood Ghouls portal disappeared as he left so how are the robots using it?. And there's still web grenades in the air that seem to have just been flat out ignored.))

[/ QUOTE ]

((The portal Blood ghoul used is a one char device so agreed robots cant use it
Blood Ghoul ignored the webs as he has Immo / hold prot ))



Much to Cerridwyn's suprise, this was actually going pretty well. Nibbles charged towards the Assault Bot, a volley of sharp thorns bouncing off it's steel hide as the walking plant charges into it, jaw snapping away angrily.

Cleared the main robot problems, that big lunker can't even get a good hit on me. Time to go do something incredibly stupid.

With the barbed vines around the police cars free to attack again, Cerri speeds up and grabs one, using it to swing around above the webbed area, pulling herself up to stand on the end of its stalk around 8 feet off the ground and a bit back from the portal as she holds the rifle ready, still humming up to recharge.

"Wow," Cerridwyn says "considering how often you've failed in these plots there Edward I'm amazed you can even get flunkies any more..... you guys do know how badly this guy record is don't you? What's the matter, Recluse finally get rid of Social Welfare and Burger King wasn't hiring?"



Miranda didn’t need to be told twice, the female guardian letting emptying the three frag grenades left in the clip, aiming them all towards the orange glow of the portal.

As soon as the last grenade left the barrel Miranda un-slung her rifle and brought the butt down hard on the little computer display, shattering it and rendering the launcher useless. The red and white clad figure did a quick roll as she sprinted for the cover of a nearby post box, letting a spray of rather uncontrolled gunfire fly towards the group of villains, trying to keep their heads down.

With a thud she landed against the hollow blue post box, breathing at a high rate as she switched her ammo clip for a fresh one from the multiple webbing pockets her outfit contained. “Warden” She said between quick breaths, “Rest of the squad is down, just us two, request use of maximum force”

While she waited for response she steadied her breathing and leant her rifle against the top of the post box, aiming out at the group of villains, preparing to take a shot.



((Sorry for delay in my post, been unable to get to my laptop for 2 days))

Lykofos grabbed God Killer by the hand and dragged them both into the shadows. The world warped around them and the sank into the nether.

In the sewers the longbow unit giving chase to God Killer rounded the corned fully as they left. The warden leading the unit slowed to a stop, "Damn it!! She got away, she had help."

A Minigun unit ran forwards, "Sir, we have another situation, the convoy in PI is under a heavy assault and are requesting heavy assault backup. We need to move."


Back in PI a heavy transport was thundering its way to the attack location, inside Agent Crimson was briefing the units within.

"Ok guys listen close, we have a number of villains, some have reportedly fled already. We are about to activate a Teleportaton Suppression field in the area. Hopefully we can capture at least ONE of these villains." the truck rolled to a stop. "On three we exit and attack, give no ground. One, TWO, THREE!!!!" the rear door swung open and the Longbow unit spilled out.

At the same time Lykofos and God Killer appeared in the alley just behind Rylus. "Sorry we're late. But just in time by the look of it."



As Night Assassin held his two metal blades to his side the clouds above roiled and rumbled. Much like playing golf in a thunderstorm, they made a rather attractive conductor for the defensive lightning storm building up in the ground between the two groups. The discharge fired with a blinding flash and a earth-shattering kaboom causing Cerridwyn to duck well clear of the light bolt, seeing the group use those god damn Oroborous portals to escape.

[/ QUOTE ]

Night Assasin watch the longbow sheading towards him, then and only then did he notice the fact that he was sitting right under the storm cloud.
"Oh for [censored] sa-.." was all he managed to say as the bolt hit him and arched through him which in turn blasted him back quite a few feet through the air and into a nearby wall.

"That.. hu..rts.." was the last words he said as his blacked out a phased and flickered back into normal sight, his suit now extra crispy and smodering from the blast.

(( Thought this what be a suitable payback for my mistake earlyer on which who was who on the longbow side, as I have already spoken to Omy about but will say again Sorry about the mix up mate, won't happen again I promise."



"Finaly, some help. I thought I would have to try save some loot myself." Rylus said to Lykofos and God Killer. "At the moment, I'm trying to take down the containment field but-"
Magnus Malachi ran down the alley only to be greeted by three villains damn, thought there was only one he thought to himself. Before he could react a metallic hand met his face and he blacked out.
Inside the containment field Rylus' robots were trying futily to lumber through the adhesive of the web grenades and make it to Edwards Ouroboros Portal. By now, the majority of them had been taken out by the Longbow but a couple remained, bearing some of the loot.
Rylus stretched his mechanical hand after knocking the hero out cold. He quickly scanned the alley for any means of getting inside the containment field and grabbing some loot before making his departure. Suddenly, he spotted an alley. Before turning to Lykofos and God Killer he slapped a teleport beacon onto the wall. "Here's the plan, we take this sewer network in under the contaiment field and take what we can off my retinue. After that stick close while I activate the teleport beacon to get us out of here." And with those parting words he slid open the manhole and jumped in, cape billowing behind him.



Edward smirked, "Shame you're just that bit too late my dear...we've got what we came for...if I wanted to spar with you I would be in the appropriate form to do it...but this old dog still has some teeth!"

With that Edward hurled a force bolt towards Cerri before jumping backwards through the portal, which closed after him.

Edward could see the angry looks he was getting from the Menders, he quickly grabbed the crate he had managed to swindle and push it through the exit portal to Cap Au Diable...exiting himself soon after.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!