The great peregrine heist.




Lykofos laughed, looks like its not your lucky day my dear. He walked forwards and calmly stepped into the sewer opening and landed lightly in the darkness below.

He took a step to the side to allow room for God Killer and turned to Rylus "I don't think we'll have much more time to get this done."



The force bolt slamming into her chest, Cerri's vine lashes out to catch her ankle in the air and she swings upside down nursing where her ribs would be. Coughing as her circulatory system works itself out she mumbles down the headset "Lethal Force Authorized, try to avoid causalities and no firing near the convoy. Tell the Police to move in, they're clearing out."

If they could grab the stragglers they can get them under some Psi questioning and hopefully ferret out what was going here. Well no time for that now, who was still up?



As Leeches arrived face first in the Oroburus area she swore and slowly stood up and saw that Mechano had already left the very angry owners of the Oroburus and they all glared at her and she bowed in fake respect, "So sorry about all this, just a little emergancy".
She pressed something on one of her gloves, "Now to see how my little present I left behind goes".

Back at the convoy a small device on the floor near the back of the van exploded letting out a cloud of green gas, it was mostly harmless but would be enough to sting at the eyes and lungs of the Longbow attackers. she was sure any remaining Villians could take a bit of irritation, if not oh well they were too weak to be true villains.

She took another look around at the menders and smiled showing rows of sharp shark like teeth and said, "Ah yes, awfully sorry must dash".
With that she went to the exit portal and teleported to Port Oaks to plan her attack on a Longbow base, she would have her revenge on them for spiling her fun, silly little hero wannabes heh yes she would enact her revenge as soon as possible.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



As the noxious gas fills the air, Rhi rubs her eyes. The damn thing stung and it tickled her throat something awful

"Poison gas?" splutters Rhi, her head feeling a little fuzzy "Please."

With a flick of her hand, an intense gust of wind whips up and circles the area whipping the cloud further out until the area is clear of. Just a little benefit of not needing to breathe the same thing as humans. Now if that'd been defoliants, whole different story.

Riding the vine above the sticky ground, her first stop was the truck window. The guards inside were out cold and one had crushed his arm as the truck had flipped but they were alive. She threw in another Curae root focusing to have it bloom by them before sweeping her weapon over the scene.

So they'd not looted the whole thing, but they'd still got out a fair bit of tech and it didn't look like it was new exercise equipment. They'd get serial numbers and IDF tags, but if they were carting it back Rogue Island side then likely the next time anyone would ever see it again was on the receiving end.

Nudging her shoulder to activate the comm link Cerridwyn calls out "Miranda, you spot any left? One got nailed by a lightning bolt and I'm going to latch up and cuff him in a second, where'd the zombie priestess go first?"



Having passed his collection of loot to a waiting servant , Blood Ghoul had altered his shape to appear once more as a human ...

And after making a on hold call to Doctor Mechano , for a tactical update, he had made use of another magical portal ...

To return to Peregrine Island , arriving a short distance from the scene of battle , cloaked in the gathering crowd of human onlookers Blood Ghoul pressed as close as he could , so as to view the outcome .



Lykofos hurried along the sewers and came out behind the gathering crowd, he focuses and a black cloud forms around him and he changes into his 'work clothes' and walks calmly through. He passes Blood Ghoul and gives his arm a brief pat and slips past.

He walks up to Rhi and gives a curt Salute. "Sargent James Patterson, PPD special division. I've to take some of the equipment back to Positron, and the delivery notes, see if we can figure out what they were looking for, and if they got it." he surveys what is left and indicates 3 small boxes and a long thin one "I'll return these four to Positron. I think the rest of that scum will have fled by now. I'd get the area sweeped, just in case." he took a slow breath, hoping Rhi would believe him.



Miranda trained her rifle on the next target which happened to show above the carnage… which turned out to be Lykofos, but he was a police officer… wasn’t he? So she returned to scanning the carnage for a proper target.

“Understood Warden, but I don’t see anyone else but the PPD, funny he’s not here without his heavy support” She spoke over the comm. as she focused her view entirely on the webbed up remains of the convoy, almost paying no attention to anywhere else.

Meanwhile, along with the crates of Technology a certain mad scientist had stolen, a large bulbous cylinder also fired into the portal rolled around on top of a crate, little internal timer fast approaching zero.



"Wait for a bomb squad and Hazmat teams Officer, they've likely got more than just the one booby trap and the places saturated with chemicals as it is. If you can go clear a way for the medical teams i'll move on. Right now i'm barely keeping them alive" says Cerridwyn from up on high, waving him back from the web fluid and irritant coated ground that was the convoy as she keeps the downed men supplied with oxygen and a healing mutagenic. Too late for several of them already.

Snorting angrily, Cerridwyn mumbles to herself "Positron wants the crates so bad he can turn up on time." pressing her comm bead she twists the frequency up a few notches "Command? Can you tell Positron that if he wants to do an analysis it'll be on site? We've already lost enough transporting these things in poorly managed police convoys."



"Oh, I'm so not gonna be the fan favourite now..." Wintertron facepalmed within the cab of his van, some distance from the scene of it all. Way to make a debut, he thought, being completely absent from the party and all that. Seconds later, he felt someone - or something - grab the back of his head, and haul in back into his seat by his hair. It didn't take long for him to find out who as he found himself staring at a somewhat distrubing individual with red hair and a borderline maniacal smirk on his face.

"Look, man," the possibly deranged redhead finally broke his silence. "You're doing that wrong. You want proper face pain? A little advice from the Crazy Dragon."

The man then slammed Wintertron's face into the wheel several times, each blow accompanied by the sound of the van's horn, and the continuation of the man's verbal suggestion.

"That's!" *beep!* "Oh God!"
"The way!" *beep!* "Stop!"
"To do it!" *beep!* "I'd like to keep this nose, please!"

The man threw the now-dazed Wintertron back into his seat and pulled out a PPD radio, leaning against the van as he switched it on.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Rylus phased out of his cloaking just under the manhole he planned to exit, Lykofos had already gone ahead, now it was his turn. He readied his rocket boots so it would be a simple dash around grabbing what he could.
When Rylus managed to pry the manhole open through the residue of the web grenades the scene of the crime was not as he expected. There were PPD and Longbow everywhere. "Damn." He muttered to himself. He activated his cloaking once more, but it would only last long enough to get to the convoy and the jets of the rocket boots would surely give him away but it was worth a shot.
When he reached the convoy he dived into it, switching off the cloaking for good and started to lay his trap. He gathered what he could and readied himself to leave.
"I'm set over inside the convoy, get over here so I can get us out." he said on the comm. to Lykofos and God Killer.



Miranda saw something move out of the corner of her eye, like air rippling as Rylus decloaked just outside the convoy. She trained her rifle carefully at the truck, a niggling part of her mind telling her she was imagining things, that she should get back to keeping an eye out on things.

“Warden, thought I saw somthing move near on of the trucks, possible contact? Maybe hiding behind it”



Form his place of concealment with in the gaggle of spectators , Blood Ghoul watched as Miranda's body tensed , as she spotted “something” , with sloth like speed Blood Ghoul manoeuvred toward a spot directly to Miranda rear .

Calling up his best Human voice he made use of his cellphone ..dialling Mechano's number

“ oh my , yes Edward its a real pitched battle here cops and those spangly dressed longbows , it sheer bedlam here , you should see it , what ever is one to do ? “



Gritting her teeth in frustration, Rhiannon finished pulling out the drivers from the truck carefully laying them on a patch of rain swept ground. Hand gesturing for them she had her vines burst up from the ground and wrap up the truck, the metal creaking as its lifted. The vines waver under the weight of several tonnes of armour plating and with a twist its slammed firmly back down with a heavy thud, the back doors now rather pointedly stamped into the ground one of its tyres bouncing away into the distance as the road cracks and ripples.

"Fixed. Move out and arrest that char grilled creep soldier, we've got feet on the ground here now."

Taking a deep breath for calm, the air gets chilled and frosty the first flakes of snow starting to fall on the convoy, Cerridwyn's lightning gun hums ominously as it picks up to a rolling wave of icy snow, looking for a shape in the Blizzard, moving the snow in sheets a small localized tornado keeping the injured truck drivers in its eye so they're both safe and dry.

"Losing. Patience. If the person stupid enough to come back would like to stick their head out so I can kick it in for them, it'd be almost rude not too by now."



Lykofos saw the flare of Rylus' jets and moved before Rhi could react, he leapt forwards and grabbed him from behind around his neck.
He got his mouth close to his ear(?) "They didn't buy it. I need you to fight me. I'll get you to the manhole and you drop down. I've spent too long getting myself integrated with the PPD to loose it all now. Think you could interrupt the signal to Positron?"



A longbow sniper rifle was pointed at the ever chaotic scene, watching as the many super powered beings fought, though the one holding the rifle was no longbow.
As the man watched Dr mechano dissapear through his portal he placed the rifle down on the ledge he'd been sat upon for the better part of an hour, nearly a mile away from the scene of the crimes still in progress.
"well i doubt it was to plan but i suppose they got the job done..."
The being known as the Stormraiser turned around to face the charred body of the snipers previous owner, some nobody longbow who was far too interested in the scene far away, than that standing behind her.
"your gun really...hahaha...ok im leaving now..."
Off in the distance a van exploded, Stormraiser turned to watch the scene in the far off distance.
"well....time to find myself a doctor"
Stormraiser looked up and started rising further and further up into the clouds - My main, under construction



Edward sighed as he picked up the phone as he talked to Ghoul, "well nothing ever goes completely to plan...I suggest that you and any other survivors vacate the area as fast as possible.." Edward hung up the phone.

Edward begun hooking up the battlesuit, "well this certainly is a nifty shield device and all.."

"hmm perhaps something to give my next genetic experiment..."

Edward begun dialing his offices in Necrotech, "Yes, Edward here, look fire up the fast growth genetic vats...I've got a plan..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Rylus pulled out his laptop "Sure, I can do that," he said to Lyokofos. He began typing rapidly. "And the jammer is up. Now, before we stage this fight.." he creeped over to a couple of crates still left inside the convoy and slapped a second teleport beacon to them. "Ok, I'm ready. We'll split it fifty-fifty after this."
Magnus awoke with a throbbing headache. Damn, that villain has a strong punch he though. He carefully stood up, trying not to fall over. He began looking around the alley for something that might be useful when suddenly he noticed Rylus' teleport beacon on the wall. "Well, well, well, this could be interesting."
He imediately tried to telepathically contact someone who might be of help so he could warn them that something was destined for teleportation to this alley. In the mean time, he waited.



With a groan and moan, the now crispy Night Assassin began to come round again, just in time for him to notice eveyone was gone from the Villains leaving him behind to face the massing forces of Police and Longbow alone.
"aaww.. my acking bloody head.. huh?" He groaned as he glanced about still dazed from the amount of current and blast he had been hit with. "Oh fantastic.. just my luck.. missed the whole exit thing.. now Longies are here.."

With another groan he tried to get up, his suit damaged badly from the point blank shock, his blades laying just near by to him enough for him to struggle to kick over enough for him to grab barely with his crispy gloved hands.
"Please tell me the cloak still bloody works.. really not in the mood for the whole talk and such." He groaned as he glanced about again.



(( Mech question ..can we pick what loot we gathered or do you need to say what it was for plotage ?))



((can pick what loot you gathered))

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Lykofos, chuckled and threw a punch, the slight nod as his fist approached indicated that the deal was done. He drew his PPD issue baton and lashed out.

Quickly he glanced back at Rhiannon, "get hold of Positron yet?"

He turned back to the 'fight' and smiled to Rylus "Oh by the way I had to clean up after your little incident at the PPD Precinct."



"Jammed, we can wait. Let me help you out with ugly there" she says to Lykofos, a cloud of purple mist coming from a flung out hand the wind currents around the pair pick up so that Rylus was near smothered with the mind addling spores while Lykofus was left untouched.

Raising her lightning gun, Cerridwyn nods to the side "Step to the left please Officer, I'm going to put him down and out."


Meanwhile, as Night Assassin gathers his bearings, two thin tendrils lash out towards him. Nibbles, Cerridwyn's pet attack piranha plant was bearing down on him, jaws snapping excitedly as it tried to wrap him up with its long vine like arms before carrying him back to its master.



Rylus was rising to his feet after Lykofos' attack. He glanced over his shoulder tp see Cerridwyn raise her lightning gun. He computed that if he did not avoid it he would be destroyed, with no chance of his robots repairing him.
He dived out of the way with the aid of his rocket boots and landed in the manhole. As he was sailing through the air he heard a spluttering and the sounds of failing machinery. Damn, boots are shot. It may not have gone exactly to plan but he got down the manhole after all, didn't he?
He started to run back towards the alley through the sewers prepping the loot for teleportation. "That red and white better not be after me." He growled to Lykofos through the comm.



Suddenly Night Assassin noticed the vines then the snapping jaws of Nibbles coming for him. His arms still ached from the blow from before, and his head was still spinning from it aswell.
"Aahhh! get off me you bloody thing.. get away!" Night Shouted out in an attempt to scare off Nibbles.



Lykofos watched Rylus flee and smiled to himself a little, "Let him go, we don't know how many more of them there are. Besides," he holds out his hand, I bugged his shiny metal behind. He wont get far." he had actually attached the device to a Hellion he had MORE than compensated for his trouble.

"At least what is left of the cargo is intact." he activates his com link and mutters a reply to Rylus, 'Think you're good buddy. I got a friend who can get you a hold of some nice tech to repair those rockets of yours. I owe you, big time. Lykofos out.'

He turns and salutes to Rhiannan and Cerridwyn. "I knew coming alone was risky but I couldn't wait for them to assemble. I had to try and secure at least ONE thing in this delivery." he walks over and picks up a small box. He opens it and lifts out a small device, it looked smaller than a grenade but it looked like the insides were surging with energy. "A new type of EMP grenade, they say that it could disable even Grandville, just imagine what the likes of Rylus or Dr Mechano could do with it. Would they reverse engineer it? Take it to the seat of Recluse's power and take it for their own. I don't even think Black Scorpions power suit could stand up to this." He carefully placed the device back into the box. He made sure that Rylus' TP beacon was hidden behind his hand. In his other hand was his own TP Ticket. He'd activate it at the same time as Rylus and then claim to have been taken by the NWA.