CoR and the Community




How the community can contribute to the development of the upcoming Going Rogue?

The reason for this post is that: I quite very much love CoX. Of course, there are certain things in which that I don't particularly like and there are some aspect of the game where are rooms for improvements. Having said that I do hope that the new City of Rogue would have the qualities that it needs to compete with its rivals.

We do quite often have some really good ideas here; and there are things that we would very much like to see in the game, if only the devs take notice of us. So I hope the development team will allow the players community to take a more active role in the development of CoR. Perhaps, CoR can be a issue that is developed by the players for the players - loved by the players.

What do you all thing? And most important of all, what can us contribute to the making of i16?

By the way, could someone post a link of this in the US forum, please? Even though I know the devs always stay up late to read the EU forum, I still want to know what the US players think about contributing to the i16.




Contribution has already been made - our suggestions get fed back to Paragon Studios and that has helped shaped their direction with the game.

As to direct input... that'll be down to the individual beta/alpha testers that PS employ. Likely some of us may get a chance to help beta.



Contribution has already been made - our suggestions get fed back to Paragon Studios and that has helped shaped their direction with the game.

As to direct input... that'll be down to the individual beta/alpha testers that PS employ. Likely some of us may get a chance to help beta.

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The way I see it is that: suggestions and development have to go hand-in-hand every step of the way; and the community also need feedbacks from the development team - it's a two way process between the developers and the end-users.

I know there will be Beta testing and so on. But judging by the recent experience from the MA issus, most of the feedbacks regarding the possibility of farming/PL exploitation had fallen into deafears. In fact, nevermind the testings, just a casual glance of the posts on i14 related issues recently, it is hard not to notice the feelings that there is a detachment between what the devs do and what the community wants.

Just that there are better ways to handle suggestions and implement them. And I do mean well, I do wish to see us cheering the CoR and not jeering it like the last issue.



CoR can be a issue that is developed by the players for the players - loved by the players.

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No thanks! Not based on the number of stupid comments and suggestions players make.

There was some good feedback that fell on deaf ears during issue 14 beta, but why did it fall on def ears? Because it was drowned out amongst the clamour of stupidity.

I really should do something about this signature.



CoR can be a issue that is developed by the players for the players - loved by the players.

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No thanks! Not based on the number of stupid comments and suggestions player make.

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I want dinosaurs on pogo sticks with laser beam eyes!

Oh wait ...

Damn you PRAF

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Personally I don't think you have to worry about anyone jeering CoR accept those that simply have an axe to grind about 'something' with regards City of Heroes/Villains.

The problems that arose from Issue 14 and the Positron annoucement was that Issue 14 has seen nerf after nerf in order to stop power levelling, enemy groups being removed with little explanation as to how they're going to be put back in (looking at Prisoners here) and a swathe of changes has continually made authors arcs invalid.

Positrons Anniversery announcement wasn't exactly the dynamite I suspect a lot of people were expecting, infact it wasn't anything much, War Witch did a better Anniversery speech even if it was just as 'I remember when X was happening' along with 'it's been a long, hard but fun road for us all, there's a lot to look forward to in the future' compared to the announcement that 'Issue 15 will go straight to open beta' was seen as lackluster by a few.

Then the followup to the Powerlevelling that was rampant to the MA, the initial address at least, smacked of the Devs being very upset and the backhanded threat to ban people who had used the MA, without clarification on what unacceptable abuse of the MA meant, didn't go down to well either.

Issue 14 brought in a lot of problems, it also brought in something only one other MMO has had before (Ryzom) but done in a way which had never truly been done before but people remember bad experiences more than they remember good ones.

Going Rogue, atleast what I can gather from the Forums and from chats on the global channels ingame, seems to have the opposite effect of the Mission Architect which split the community, Going Rogue seems to have unified people, got them all excited thinking of the possibilities. Sure we're still discussing the pros and cons of the idea but the thing is were discussing without raising voices like the MA situation led to.

Issue 14 was a major release but it also contained very little else apart from the MA, unfortunately this is coming after Issue 13 was also a very small Issue and Issue 15 seemed to continue the trend and people questioned what on earth all those new devs were doing for giving us so little contentwise, now people know, it's eased the burden somewhat.

So I although there will be jeers, some people just don't plain like the idea of being able to switch sides, I feel they'll probably be in the minority, since the introduction of City of Villains, Going Rogue has been something many people have hoped for.

Even if it's just the two new powersets, Praetoria (however many zones it may be) and the ability to switch sides, Going Rogue will probably still be a success. If there's more to it than that, say a graphical overhaul and Power customisation, then I predict it will have exceeded my expectations and probably everyone elses.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Personally I don't think you have to worry about anyone jeering CoR accept those that simply have an axe to grind about 'something' with regards City of Heroes/Villains.


Even if it's just the two new powersets, Praetoria (however many zones it may be) and the ability to switch sides, Going Rogue will probably still be a success. If there's more to it than that, say a graphical overhaul and Power customisation, then I predict it will have exceeded my expectations and probably everyone elses.

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^^ This ^^

All of the above, even the snipped bit, I completely agree with.

Blueside Union: Starblayde (Blaster), Pax Imperia (Tanker), Pax Britannia (Defender)
Redside Union: Natasha Redshade (Stalker)



Once players (or users) gets what they have wined about for months or even years they will inevitable turn and complain in various ways about what they have gotten. That's Hellpigs first law of development.



How the community can contribute to the development of the upcoming Going Rogue?

The reason for this post is that: I quite very much love CoX. Of course, there are certain things in which that I don't particularly like and there are some aspect of the game where are rooms for improvements. Having said that I do hope that the new City of Rogue would have the qualities that it needs to compete with its rivals.

We do quite often have some really good ideas here; and there are things that we would very much like to see in the game, if only the devs take notice of us. So I hope the development team will allow the players community to take a more active role in the development of CoR. Perhaps, CoR can be a issue that is developed by the players for the players - loved by the players.

What do you all thing? And most important of all, what can us contribute to the making of i16?

By the way, could someone post a link of this in the US forum, please? Even though I know the devs always stay up late to read the EU forum, I still want to know what the US players think about contributing to the i16.


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CoR blimey guvna!

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



What is CoR anyway?

Going Rogue is GR. (Or Grrrrrrr... depending on your view.)



GRrrrr CoX......... sounds creepy to me

Maybe they mean City of Rogues

but then CoR CoX sounds a bit creepy too...... no very

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



GRrrrr CoX......... sounds creepy to me

Maybe they mean City of Rogues

but then CoR CoX sounds a bit creepy too...... no very

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I'm calling it GR. No idea where CoR came from? City of Rambo!

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



I like CoR. I'm going with that.

Please fight My Brute:

Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.



Except we're not turning into WoW and thus won't have any rogues.



The players of an MMO are absolutely the worst people for planning a game's future - we all want different things, we're biased towards our own self-interest, we have no overview as to how our ideas could affect the rest of the community or the long term future of the game (which we may not even be around for - players are fickle), and we have little knowledge of how many man-hours it would take to implement certain things or whether they're workable with the existing code.

Sure the Devs should listen to our suggestions, to a point, either for inspiration or so players don't feel ignored - but we have to trust the Devs' vision of where this game is heading. I'd rather the Devs have a definitive plan of where they're heading, than not - MMOs without planning and vision are MMOs without a future.

I trust the Devs' vision at the moment - if that changes I'll unsubscribe - ultimately that should be the main effect players have on the course of an MMO. Predictive suggestions are fun though - but only to see if you're right if/when the feature you anticipate is finally implemented.



very true Val. I'd like the Devs to stick in things we ask for, as and when they fit into their plans. If there's things a lot of people are asking for, and they can make them work without angering an equal or greater amount of people, fine.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.