We had real butter for tea.....

Blue Rabbit



for me a gamer should not be limited on it's enjoyment, whenever it is RP or PL, it's there choice.
i PL this time for just one simple reason, so all i like is unlocked, nothing more.
i would even delete the lvl 50 if needed to make that point, but i like that what is out of reach.
you might see it as greed, i see it as a reward for what i did and payed for.
i want to play a widow, i should be able from the start.
but because they are not gonna change that, i have no alternative then to PL.

[/ QUOTE ]
Sorudo, you've been on the forums for over a year, so in the game that long at the very least.

If you haven't been swapping between alts all the time (which seems unlikely if none of them are what you actually want to play) it's...[u]stunning[u] that you haven't been able to get a single toon to 50 in that time.



I'm sorry to say, but it was the moderation as much as the playerbase that kept these boards as pleasant as they were. We've always been in need of a firm smacking down on these boards, and anyone who remembers otherwise needs their rose tinted glasses removing.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know what you're smoking, but this certainly appears to be a one-off perspective. I think you're on your own, there.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh i don't know i think Bridger had a very good grasp on the forum nerf bat sometimes accompanied by a "polite" email to tell you to stop being a [censored].



You've got people on these forums who have grown up in different areas. Now if you were to be arguing with one of them from a rough one within their threat zone they'd waste no time in hitting you. It's nothing to do with anything but upbringing.

In some areas men can end up in an argument (often started between the women folk ) the moment the line of personal space is crossed that's when it happens and it is somewhat out of personal self defense.

Some Martial Artists would consider their threat zone with another Martial Artist to be somewhere in the region of 9ft away. It's just in some areas normal.

In work places before all the PC stuff came in, it wasn't uncommon for 2 men to go out back, sort out their differences and come back in and forget about it.

Totally unlike some people in some areas where an on going he said, she said, constant b***hing goes on and people have some stupid thing called a frenemy.

Moderators are very important imo.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just 'cause I disagree with violence, doesn't mean I'm incapable of it.

I just think that anyone who has to resort to physical means to get their point across has already lost the argument. Self defense is a different matter altogether, it's aggressors that are the fools.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Oh i don't know i think Bridger had a very good grasp on the forum nerf bat sometimes accompanied by a "polite" email to tell you to stop being a [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

Bridger, for all his seeming competence as a mod, wasn't exactly the best when it came to disruptive members. He allowed a complete jerk to stay on the forums, flinging some of the most vicious bile and hatred ever seen on these forums, and who didn't even get a ban after physically threatening several forum members with assault.

That guy SHOULD have been thrown out, but the only thing that ever happened (I asked B this in person at a player meet), was that B phoned him and discussed the issue, he promised to stop, and then kept on doing it before eventually quitting under his own steam.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I would suggest a back to basics approach, and yes I would say to save the game.

Fix MA by whatever means. Seriously nerf or nuke it, I don't mind.

Introduce new (dev created) contacts with (dev created) arcs/missions and new (dev created) mobs.

Revamp some existing zones. There is a wealth of game lore to utilise.

Bring in a new zone, or zones.

Bring in new powersets (proliferation is fine - more please).

Spruce up the radio/newspaper missions to allow for more variety.

Above all ... Get back on track with the plot. The CoX backstory is excellent and should be used to enhance the game.

This is a wonderful game and it deserves to be handled with respect.

Now is the time to start doing that.

[/ QUOTE ]

Like half of those are confirmed as things they're doing

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



<--- is getting slightly fed up listening to people moan now

[/ QUOTE ]

This... seriously can we not have the moaners keep moaning plz its getting stuiped how the moaners r posting the same thread just in different words....heres something....WE GET IT



i want to play a widow, i should be able from the start.

[/ QUOTE ]

But that's the whole point of an Epic Archetype. It's supposed to be unlocked. As a treat so to say.

I want, doesn't get.

Contact Information!

Twitter: @TonyParkeze

Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyjp91

Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com



<--- is getting slightly fed up listening to people moan now

[/ QUOTE ]

This... seriously can we not have the moaners keep moaning plz its getting stuiped how the moaners r posting the same thread just in different words....heres something....WE GET IT

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey guess what, now you're moaning.



<--- is getting slightly fed up listening to people moan now

[/ QUOTE ]

This... seriously can we not have the moaners keep moaning plz its getting stuiped how the moaners r posting the same thread just in different words....heres something....WE GET IT

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey guess what, now you're moaning.

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe they could add a new "Moaning" section to the forums?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



<--- is getting slightly fed up listening to people moan now

[/ QUOTE ]

This... seriously can we not have the moaners keep moaning plz its getting stuiped how the moaners r posting the same thread just in different words....heres something....WE GET IT

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey guess what, now you're moaning.

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe they could add a new "Moaning" section to the forums?

[/ QUOTE ]

Good idea - so long as it has rules that there's to be no positive posting. It'd be one section of the forum where you'd never be able to post.

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



<--- is getting slightly fed up listening to people moan now

[/ QUOTE ]

This... seriously can we not have the moaners keep moaning plz its getting stuiped how the moaners r posting the same thread just in different words....heres something....WE GET IT

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey guess what, now you're moaning.

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe they could add a new "Moaning" section to the forums?

[/ QUOTE ]

Good idea - so long as it has rules that there's to be no positive posting. It'd be one section of the forum where you'd never be able to post.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure - it'd keep the rest of the forum positive

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I would suggest a back to basics approach, and yes I would say to save the game.

Fix MA by whatever means. Seriously nerf or nuke it, I don't mind.

Introduce new (dev created) contacts with (dev created) arcs/missions and new (dev created) mobs.

Revamp some existing zones. There is a wealth of game lore to utilise.

Bring in a new zone, or zones.

Bring in new powersets (proliferation is fine - more please).

Spruce up the radio/newspaper missions to allow for more variety.

Above all ... Get back on track with the plot. The CoX backstory is excellent and should be used to enhance the game.

This is a wonderful game and it deserves to be handled with respect.

Now is the time to start doing that.

[/ QUOTE ]

Like half of those are confirmed as things they're doing

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, maybe they will bring them all in.

Soon ....

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



<--- is getting slightly fed up listening to people moan now

[/ QUOTE ]

This... seriously can we not have the moaners keep moaning plz its getting stuiped how the moaners r posting the same thread just in different words....heres something....WE GET IT

[/ QUOTE ]

If these threads and posts upset you, then don't read them?

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



If these threads and posts upset you, then don't read them?

[/ QUOTE ]

I love hearing this. It makes me all warm and fuzzy when I tell someone what I think of them, their thoughts, their face, their religion, their very existence, etc, and get this in return.

Technically I could then respond with the exact same phrase and cause a universal divide by zero paradox as the two opposing sides become locked into a say/read/respond loop that tears open reality as we know it, and replaces the whole lot with fire and cream.

I don't do it because I don't like warm cream.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Be happy that this game still has some sort of development. There is at least one other MMO out there who's players are crying out for development.
You may not all like new developments, you can't please everyone, but zero development pleases no one.



In work places before all the PC stuff came in, it wasn't uncommon for 2 men to go out back, sort out their differences and come back in and forget about it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh. Sure it was. And pre-ED the servers were busier, lag was unheard of, broadcast was used for intelligent, considere discourse and everybody wrote the Queen's English with proper punctuation and ortography.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, point one is on the money anyway.

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



It's not the lack of updates and new material that's a problem. It's the cow manure spin that's put on it to make it sound as though this new update is going to be the one thing we need to make the next issue the best one yet.

And then what happens is we get the next issue or update and it's not forthcoming and we get told "Ah yes, but SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON(tm)

We've been waiting for story updates for ages. The Coming Storm's been hanging over our heads for years, that's simply one example. Instead we get a new zone and two new threads to stories that are not obviously related to the plot lines.

The Dev's keep promising "Soon" and it never happens because they seem to have collective ADD or something and go chasing new stories before finishing others. Then when something is promised and doesn't happen, like the Vault, they don't even bother to tell us it's shelved.

When Positron spoke to us in Pocket D I was very disappointed. Presentationally he came across as arrogant and as though he'd much rather be anywhere other than speaking to the paying customers, to me at least, and I think that's the biggest problem the Dev team has: They are incredibly poor at marketing an otherwise excellent product and their expectation management is non-existent.

The game itself is great but when you get strung along all day and then get a "Special Announcement" that's just poor, that's not encouraging.

What compounds this is that nobody amongst the departees is saying they think the game's rubbish and I can say with a total certainty that nobody amongst those who've said they are leaving this week wants to see City of Heroes fail. Far from it. But we are all too aware that there is some massive (and interesting) competition just around the corner and when Matt Miller declares arrogantly that "they have to compete with City of Heroes" that's just nonsensical.

Paragon Studios have to really pull something out of the hat and I honestly believe they've dropped the ball.

I've said before that if they have their wits about them they would have a great issue just before CO lands, and then a couple of months later once the furore has died down launch a great issue to entice everyone back who went and had a look at CO. Sadly I think unless CO falls over and misses its launch date by a margin, Paragon Studios aren't actually capable of anything like that as things stand.

I await to be very happily surprised but for the last two issues things have backslid, and I see no sign of Issue 15 doing anything to rescue that. It's too little too late IMO. Jam tomorrow, to coin a phrase.

There are two redeeming features that I hope can save City of Heroes: They do have 14 issues of great content and there's still lots for a veteran to do, including (once the MA is fixed) create great stories of your own.Champions Online won't have the content at launch that CoH has now. They also have an apparently huge dev team now and it does seem to be odd how little content is being produced according to the numbers. Perhaps there's some hope there.

Time will tell, and I sincerely and fervently do hope we're not seeing City of Heroes' swan song because CO to me at least isn't making my pulse beat any faster and I've absolutely no interest in DCUO. But then I'm not most people...

but my subs still count. Or at least they should

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Oh i don't know i think Bridger had a very good grasp on the forum nerf bat sometimes accompanied by a "polite" email to tell you to stop being a [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

Bridger, for all his seeming competence as a mod, wasn't exactly the best when it came to disruptive members. He allowed a complete jerk to stay on the forums, flinging some of the most vicious bile and hatred ever seen on these forums, and who didn't even get a ban after physically threatening several forum members with assault.

That guy SHOULD have been thrown out, but the only thing that ever happened (I asked B this in person at a player meet), was that B phoned him and discussed the issue, he promised to stop, and then kept on doing it before eventually quitting under his own steam.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not quite sure if you are agreeing with the point that Canine made and i backed up or not in that there has always been people in need of a mod-slap and that there where mods there to slap them even if they did not slap everyone who needed it.

Either way it is clear at the moment there are quite a few people in need of a good mod-slap at the moment and i freely agree i am one of them



Oh i don't know i think Bridger had a very good grasp on the forum nerf bat sometimes accompanied by a "polite" email to tell you to stop being a [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

Bridger, for all his seeming competence as a mod, wasn't exactly the best when it came to disruptive members. He allowed a complete jerk to stay on the forums, flinging some of the most vicious bile and hatred ever seen on these forums, and who didn't even get a ban after physically threatening several forum members with assault.

That guy SHOULD have been thrown out, but the only thing that ever happened (I asked B this in person at a player meet), was that B phoned him and discussed the issue, he promised to stop, and then kept on doing it before eventually quitting under his own steam.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now see! Those people do exist and if it weren't for mods locking stuff or diffusing situations who knows!

I personally think that when people resort to name calling then that is playground like. Showing lack of respect "before my day" got people a clip round the ear and when you got home and told ya parents about it, ya dad hit ya an all!

I know an old guy who when was at school got a cane across the top of the head, when he complained to another teacher he got a cane round the side of the head and when he told his dad he got a whack around the otherside, he never misbehaved again and his ear still hurts now and then till this day.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



In work places before all the PC stuff came in, it wasn't uncommon for 2 men to go out back, sort out their differences and come back in and forget about it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh. Sure it was. And pre-ED the servers were busier, lag was unheard of, broadcast was used for intelligent, considere discourse and everybody wrote the Queen's English with proper punctuation and ortography.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, point one is on the money anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

I lagged badly back then.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



In work places before all the PC stuff came in, it wasn't uncommon for 2 men to go out back, sort out their differences and come back in and forget about it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh. Sure it was. And pre-ED the servers were busier, lag was unheard of, broadcast was used for intelligent, considere discourse and everybody wrote the Queen's English with proper punctuation and ortography.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, point one is on the money anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

I lagged badly back then.

[/ QUOTE ]

I never lagged once (that I recall) in the USA. But I was referring to subscribers pre and post (allowing for CoVs intro) ED.

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



personally think that when people resort to name calling then that is playground like. Showing lack of respect "before my day" got people a clip round the ear and when you got home and told ya parents about it, ya dad hit ya an all!

I know an old guy who when was at school got a cane across the top of the head, when he complained to another teacher he got a cane round the side of the head and when he told his dad he got a whack around the otherside, he never misbehaved again and his ear still hurts now and then till this day.

[/ QUOTE ]

And this is relevant because?Back in the age of dinosaurs people would solve things by clobbering each other and guess what you wouldnt live to tell if you offended someone.So [censored] what?

It's nothing to do with anything but upbringing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Aint that some [censored] generalisation.So someone who had a nice upbringing and good childhood would never resort to violence?I lold and triple lold and bow to your vast [censored] knowledge once again.

In work places before all the PC stuff came in, it wasn't uncommon for 2 men to go out back, sort out their differences and come back in and forget about it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah if you were a redneck plucking chicken all day long in some factory in Alabama.

Because you know in some parts of the world you would step out to solve the differences but someone would just shank you and then he would just forget about it.

As for Bridger imo he was the bestest ever.Jaws and the B were the awsomeness and despite dropping the banhammer when necessary their word was rule.No offense to the other guys that came after i think they all did their best.But B and RJ imo were top.

Also OP....just lol.People beating on a dead horse atm and going circles around same things over and over.



It wasn't a reply to you so keep your nose out. Your opinion is your opinion. Don't be so arrogant. You don't live everywhere. If you can't be on the forums and be nice I will assume your on the forums to actually meet people. Sure some people are naturally sick but many people are raised in poor and rough areas learning to be a certain way.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Yeah I don't lag at all on the US servers which does say something imo. Despite the fact that they are across the Atlantic the connection happens to be so much better.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.