Recipe Rethink




I've been scanning through the various recipes available to my characters as they level. I find that a level 26 recipe which requires a Mu Vestment is extremely cheap. At level 26, Mu Vestments are still very expensive becaise the same recipe at level 39 uses the same components. This is a huge 13 level range through which a lot of inf is usually collated, therefore affording the higher level character a greater degree of spending power.

What I suggest is that level 26-32 (arbitrary figure, since I haven't done any maths) have different components be required, and 33-39 be another set of components required, so that lower level enhancements are more affordable to players at those lower levels.

Please fight My Brute:

Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
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I sort of disagree.
There's three level spans atm. Not sure exatky where they start and end. But the salvage does start drop at the same time you start requiring that salvage.
If the level spans are more and narrower, it will be much harder to find those specific salvage as people level past it quicker. So with a shorter supply and a higher demand, prices will go up.

You'd also compound the issue we have already, with some salvage being worth alot more than others. The level 1-20 (?) salvage barely sells for the price you can sell em to a vendor for.
Then at higher levels, prices go up on higher demand salvage. Look at the price diffrence between a Diamond and a Pangean Soil. Diamonds are around 20-50k. while pangean soils sell for around 4 million.
With shorter level spans, will see that effect go up too. Commonly used rare salvage will have it's price shoot thru the roof while the rare salvage not used as much won't have any value.



The level 1-20 (?) salvage barely sells for the price you can sell em to a vendor for.

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You say this like you haven't had to buy large numbers of Luck Charms, Spell Scrolls and Ancient Artifacts. I outright farm Hellions at the lower levels because I'm pretty much forced into it if I'm not going to just transfer a ton of inf over to the toon.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

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The level 1-20 (?) salvage barely sells for the price you can sell em to a vendor for.

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You say this like you haven't had to buy large numbers of Luck Charms, Spell Scrolls and Ancient Artifacts. I outright farm Hellions at the lower levels because I'm pretty much forced into it if I'm not going to just transfer a ton of inf over to the toon.

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Needed some...what was it now...carbon rod, that was it, for base crafting...
3k! 3k for a common bit of salvage! And, believe you me, all those little ones add up fast.
But the price on some of the later stuff is indeed horrible :P

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I've found that common salvage of the first range (1-25) is rather expensive. The common salvage of the last range (45-50) is rather cheap.. or at least, I can't sell it for the 300 I put common salvage at.

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The level 1-20 (?) salvage barely sells for the price you can sell em to a vendor for.

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You say this like you haven't had to buy large numbers of Luck Charms, Spell Scrolls and Ancient Artifacts. I outright farm Hellions at the lower levels because I'm pretty much forced into it if I'm not going to just transfer a ton of inf over to the toon.

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I sorta meant rare salvage. Since those are only used in set IOs, the price on those are nil.
I know full well luck chamrs go for like 50k a pop these days simply cause they used to make low level accuracy IOs.



Not sure about the suggestion because as Sapphic Neko says it could result in driving the prices even higher and making those just starting out have a harder time collecting what they need to craft stuff

What i would like to see is the dev's give some thought to rarely used/ almost worthless salvage things like Kinetic Weapon which atho used in a fair few recipes seems to be worth next to nothing at auction weather this is because the recipe is its used in a rent all that popular or because it has a above average drop rate I'm not sure but any time I've listed some on the AH they've sat for days and not moved (and i only list them at 5 inf).

Of course i suppose it could be because the recipes its used in are hard to come by so its not needed very often but if that's the case hopeful architect will help with that a bit.



Mu Vestment

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Only ever had this drop ONCE for me Rarest drop ingame imo! Makes this damz sad

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Oh, I have a whole bunch of these. Just make sure you fight magic mobs when playing through that level range.

I really should do something about this signature.



Mu Vestment

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Only ever had this drop ONCE for me Rarest drop ingame imo! Makes this damz sad

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Go hunt. Kil Zombies.

(DA is a great place to get em).



I think the problem with these and the cost of salvage is due to the IO sets over the standard IO's

My reasoning behind this is that if you sidekick/exemplar below the level of an IO set bonus then you lose that bonus...

A quick example would be Celerity +Stealth, if you have the level 50 version and sk/ex down you lose the +Stealth bonus, however if you crafted and used the level 1 (An expensive recipe due to this) you could sk/ex down to level 1 and still have the stealth bonus.

My point being that the lower level IO set requires both low level and now expensive salvage, and the low level recipe seemingly worth several million inf.

I firmly believe that these should use both rare salvage and in the case of popular set IO's such as +Stealth which DO NOT change strength based on their level then these should in my opinion either always drop as level 1's like the costume recipes do or allow the bonuses to sk/ex down to level 1 even if the IO set becomes inactive.

Nuff Said...
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I've always assumed that the price difference between the high and low salvage was in large part due to the number of people playing at those levels. Toons move through the low levels fast, and kill relatively fewer mobs. More people play for longer at the high end, killing more mobs. Anyone playing to get purple recipe drops will incidentally generate a huge amount of high level common salvage, which they can then dump on the market.

Low supply leads to high prices, and high supply to low prices. I wouldn't be surprised if the spike in mid-level magic salvage prices after I13 came out was at least in part caused by the abrupt drop in people doing Katie Hannon runs.

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I've always assumed that the price difference between the high and low salvage was in large part due to the number of people playing at those levels. Toons move through the low levels fast, and kill relatively fewer mobs. More people play for longer at the high end, killing more mobs. Anyone playing to get purple recipe drops will incidentally generate a huge amount of high level common salvage, which they can then dump on the market.

Low supply leads to high prices, and high supply to low prices. I wouldn't be surprised if the spike in mid-level magic salvage prices after I13 came out was at least in part caused by the abrupt drop in people doing Katie Hannon runs.

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The highest level range of salvage actually has a pretty high supply, but the demand is also very high.

There's a pretty high supply on the lowest range too, due to alot of alts and such. But the demand there is lower. Not many i know use IO sets at those levels, they tend to wait until 30+ to slot lvl 35 IOs.

I myself use that route. 1-11 i don't even bother slotting anything. Not even training. 12-21 i use DOs exclusively. 22-50 i tend to go with SOs, if i really come to like the char and want to IO it, i tend to start looking at sets at 32 and up. And several of my friends that bother with IOs tend to do the same, and while i suppose my group of friends might be special, i don't think we're alone with that train of thought.