The Prom ((Closed RP))




Pulling a face at the music Horizon hops the plate across hands and slides it on to a table, giving Danny a quick kiss she fiddles with her ear piece trying to turn it up over the din.

"BODI?" she tries experimentally "Can we get Sandstorm by Darude?" grinning at the slightly inappropriate choice for a prom dance.

"Come on you" she says to Danny, tugging him out onto the dance floor with an arm locked round his side "Hope you can still move in that suit, we're going to bounce around a bit to get in the mood"



Amy is dragged to the dance floor and looks awkwardly around her. Amy doesn't know how to dance, well she knows how to dance really well to one song but she just dancing she's got a pair of two left feet but she tries for Flash's sake...

Amy sighed, "Bodi...can we have Tunak Tunak's about the only song I know how to dance well too...ooh and a private comm chat with you if you please Bodi..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Richard held out his hand formally to Cara, ready to lead her to the dance floor, and murmured softly to her. "My apologies in advance, my dear. My dancing ability roughly rivals the capability of a hippopotamus at tightrope walking."

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Cara allowed Richard to lead her to the dance floor, looking rather nervous. "Um... Well, I'm not a lot better either... Just don't tread on my feet, alright?"


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Flash giggles slightly, "Well you tried...And so did I. We both failed." hugs Amy, herself unable to dance well at all...

[Union Roleplayers]Kiken: Tick the off in your Observer Book of Lesbians
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: we need a perma-man feature
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: I'd trust you more if you did it in front of me

Gotta love dem dere RolePlayers



Cassandra entered from the back of the Room, dressed in a floor length fitted black silk dress, and moves the the side of the room watching Cara and Richard dance with a smile on her face.



"Hey don't worry about it, the delays are as much my fault too." Leo turned slightly pulling Gemini round and bringing her into the conversation. "Have you met my sister? Gemini this is Sophie, Issac, Juan and Mina."

Gemini gave them a small smile and then looked at the floor.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Guess it's introduction time proper then." Isaac grinned, offering Gemini his hand. "Isaac Anderson, student at PCU and owner of The Pits nightclub in Kings. And here's my lovely fiancee,"

"Sophie Reynalds!" Sophie cut in with a grin, offering her hand. "PCU student as well, student here, and I work at the Mighty Mart."

Juan nodded politely, offering his hand. "Juan Ross. Student at PCU Steel as well, I'm a TA here I guess, and use the place to train."

"And I'm Juan-kun's fiancee, Minako Nishzumi. I study Art at Harvard, and help out here with the activity class." Mina said with a smile, offering her hand last.


Annette marched past Joanna and Jamie into the elevator, thumped a button, and allowed the door to close. She did not let go of Claudia.

"I don't know what you did, or to who, though I can guess the last part, and I don't care. You had your chance. You couldn't manage ten minutes. I am probably doing this all wrong, but you are getting a time out."

[/ QUOTE ]

Ryan was already on his way up to the floor BODI was reporting they were going to, blurring along the staircase and through the corridors. Any trouble tonight he wanted headed off as soon as.


"Chichen?" Tabby said, blicking. "Chichen good!" She crawled forward, more or less stuffing her bottom in Jackal's face before leaning up and locating a couple of drumsticks and re-submerging under the table.

She waved a drumstick at Jackal, grinning brightly, before sinking her teeth into the meat, tearing off a chuck happily.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jackal growled, watching Tabby. "I share chicken, you share wrapped mice." He said firmly, eyeing the tray she had procured. "Though I know you cats are selfish." He added, nostrils flairing.


“Ooops, sorry!”

Joanna said, with slight embarrassment, as she began to release Jamie’s arm. She raised an eyebrow as Annette stormed into the elevator but said nothing before looking to the table having missed the hand.

“I don’t see anything Jamie, c’mon it’ll all be gone soon!”

And with that she begin pull Jamie towards to long half depleted buffet tables.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Hey, I'm sure there'll be more, but let's grab what we can now." Jamie nodded, wandering over with her and offering one of the paper plates to her, before taking one for himself and begining to load it up. "Place looks packed, pretty much all the students must be here." He remarked, adding some cheese to his plate, before going for the sausages. All food on sticks or not likely to ruin his suit.


"BODI?" she tries experimentally "Can we get Sandstorm by Darude?" grinning at the slightly inappropriate choice for a prom dance.

[/ QUOTE ]

Amy sighed, "Bodi...can we have Tunak Tunak's about the only song I know how to dance well too...ooh and a private comm chat with you if you please Bodi..."

[/ QUOTE ]

The projector built into the podium stand flicked into life, a graphical display showing song times, listings and the playlist in general appearing to project on the white screen behind the stage. The next song listed was a nice slow dancing song, Amy's pick, some rock after that, then Horizon's song, followed by another slow dance. Soon more students names began appearing to song titles as they appeared in the schedule.

"Happy?" BODICIA displayed at the bottom of the screen. "The micromanagment I have to do to keep you happy... it is a good job I am a loving, benevolent friend of humanity" She said. For a brief moment, the armed defences in the ceiling opened up, weaponry barrels sticking out before retracting.



Ryan was already on his way up to the floor ...

[/ QUOTE ]

Annette bodily carried Claudia to her room, opened the door, and tossed the blonde girl down onto a couch. She was, rather uncharacteristically, fuming.

"How could you?!" She began pacing back and forth, glowering at Claudia. "You had to know everyone was watching. And then, as usual, you go picking the wrong target. I have no idea how Leo's sister knew something was going on, but after Cara went off in a rush with Leo looking confused... Are you totally stupid, Claudia?"

Claudia was wide eyed. Annette couldn't quite tell whether it was acting or actual fear. She started doing mental exercises to calm herself.

"I-I-I didn't think..." Claudia began.

"You'd get caught? Or didn't think at all? You are staying here. BODI, lock the door when I leave, and turn her TV and console off. If she seems to be behaving, you can let her out in an hour."

Without waiting for a reply, Annette marched out of the door which slid shut behind her.


Jackal growled, watching Tabby. "I share chicken, you share wrapped mice." He said firmly, eyeing the tray she had procured. "Though I know you cats are selfish." He added, nostrils flairing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Without saying a word, Tabby pulled her plate of mice around between them. "Ah..." she began, and stopped. "Ah..." she tried again, and stopped. "Ah..." This time she shook her head before continuing. "Me not cat," she said. "Ekchansh is fair barrterr." Grinning brightly, she sank her teeth into the drumstick again.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Cara allowed Richard to lead her to the dance floor, looking rather nervous. "Um... Well, I'm not a lot better either... Just don't tread on my feet, alright?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Richard grinned at the rejoinder, and began to dance - quite poorly - ensuring that his feet didn't encroach on Cara's person.

He succeeded quite well, for a while, until he spotted Cass off to one side, and all thought seemed to dribble from his mind, and he stood there for a moment, dumbly staring, before resuming his attempts at keeping a rhythm.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



"Guess it's introduction time proper then." Isaac grinned, offering Gemini his hand. "Isaac Anderson, student at PCU and owner of The Pits nightclub in Kings. And here's my lovely fiancee,"

"Sophie Reynalds!" Sophie cut in with a grin, offering her hand. "PCU student as well, student here, and I work at the Mighty Mart."

Juan nodded politely, offering his hand. "Juan Ross. Student at PCU Steel as well, I'm a TA here I guess, and use the place to train."

"And I'm Juan-kun's fiancee, Minako Nishzumi. I study Art at Harvard, and help out here with the activity class." Mina said with a smile, offering her hand last.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gemini held a hand to her head as it began to pound. The pounding stopped as suddenly as it started. She knew what she had to do.

She lifted her head and smiled at each introduction and shook everyone's hands.

"I'm Gemini as you know. Leo's free loading sister." She joked with them.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red




Without waiting for a reply, Annette marched out of the door which slid shut behind her.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ryan was leaning against the wall just down the corridor, hands in his trouser pockets as he looked up to the ceiling. Just visible under his shirt was the silver cross that had been given to him for his 18th birthday by Rob.

"You okay, 'nette?" He asked, glancing at her and smiling gently. Straightening up, the young man offered her his arm.



Without saying a word, Tabby pulled her plate of mice around between them. "Ah..." she began, and stopped. "Ah..." she tried again, and stopped. "Ah..." This time she shook her head before continuing. "Me not cat," she said. "Ekchansh is fair barrterr." Grinning brightly, she sank her teeth into the drumstick again.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jackal's tongue lolled out before he took one of the sausage rolls and ripped the pastry off before starting to take bites of the meat. He looked curiously at it, then Tabby, then finished his mouthful.

"'sh pork." He gulped down the remainder.



She lifted her head and smiled at each introduction and shook everyone's hands.

"I'm Gemini as you know. Leo's free loading sister." She joked with them.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Oh, I know all about freeloaders." Isaac said with a grin, before giving grinning winces as he was elbowed by three people in short succession. "Okay, I kid, they pay their way in goods and services." The eldest of the four said.

"Besides, there's like, worse places you can be than this!" Sophie nodded. Her dress was still holding together, even under some of the more risque groping that Isaac had done and was doing. "And you could always join and train if you wanted to give something back, right Leo?"



Richard grinned at the rejoinder, and began to dance - quite poorly - ensuring that his feet didn't encroach on Cara's person.

He succeeded quite well, for a while, until he spotted Cass off to one side, and all thought seemed to dribble from his mind, and he stood there for a moment, dumbly staring, before resuming his attempts at keeping a rhythm.

[/ QUOTE ]

As she danced with Richard, somewhat awkwardly, her thoughts drifted back to the events only a few minutes earlier, and the image of Leo swam into her mind accompanied by another hot flush, if considerably cooler than the one that had made her run.

Feeling Richard stop dancing for a moment, she glanced away in case he'd stopped because of her rising temperature, and spotted Cass standing at the end of the dance floor. Her feet stumbled briefly as she stared at the woman, and her heart seemed to suddenly race as once again, her temperature began to spike again.

Quickly, she released Richard and started to turn away mumbling. "Sorry, I... I gotta go... Do something..."


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Amy looked at Flash and smiled, "when my song starts you might want to give me some space..much arm and leg flailing is involved..."

She chuckled softly, "yeah it's an odd song to know the dance to but I just seemed to pick it up.."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Besides, there's like, worse places you can be than this!" Sophie nodded. Her dress was still holding together, even under some of the more risque groping that Isaac had done and was doing. "And you could always join and train if you wanted to give something back, right Leo?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Leo glanced curiously at his sister for a moment; wondering what had happened to the moody girl who had wanted to leave a few moments ago.

"I'm sure joining the New Vigilants will totally help you Gemini. You have kinda turned into a hermit." Leo nudged his sister in the ribs with a grin. "You could always join my team? I still haven't been told who I'll be mentoring."

"Maybe one day... I'm still a little too unstable to be any use right now." Gemini's cheeks flushed with colour. Deep down she was angry but she didn't let it show.

"Great dress Sophie, who made it?" Gemini attempted to divert the attention away from herself.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Sophie blinked a little as Isaac nodded something in her ear, before white haired young man slipped off with a grin and a nod, wandering towards Cara.

Getting her thoughts back together, she looked to Gemini. "Oh, thanks! I made it myself... was looking at all the dresses in the shops, and they weren't really me, so... I made one that was!"

"Fifty paperclips up each side of the dress, and two for the clasp." Juan said. "Guess who had to pin her in it?" The psychic chuckled, tracing a hand down her back.

"I'd have helped, if I wasn't washing my hair." Minako sighed.

"Still, stability is something you can learn here. Or even hone, as I find. It's useful to have a place that you can safely lift cars." Juan said to Gemini.


"Drink, Cara?" Isaac asked, holdig out a glass of water for her. The bar manager had a smile on his face, and in his other hand was his own glass of punch. "Usually serve up something a little stronger, but thems the breaks."




"Happy?" BODICIA displayed at the bottom of the screen. "The micromanagment I have to do to keep you happy... it is a good job I am a loving, benevolent friend of humanity" She said. For a brief moment, the armed defences in the ceiling opened up, weaponry barrels sticking out before retracting.

[/ QUOTE ]

Horizon looks down from the briefly much more threatening ceiling and putting a hand on Danny waist and another on his shoulder "Don't worry" she says "It's not like she'd get close to hitting me, you'll just have to follow my lead. Not allowed to get shot either remember?"

It takes a lot of effort to dance to a banghra pop song you've never head before, but Horizon was going to give it a go. Watching the pair on the dance floor it wouldn't be hard to believe dancing was all a complicated ploy by Horizon to test Danny for motion sickness, but the pair seemed to be having fun regardless.



"Drink, Cara?" Isaac asked, holdig out a glass of water for her. The bar manager had a smile on his face, and in his other hand was his own glass of punch. "Usually serve up something a little stronger, but thems the breaks."

[/ QUOTE ]

Cara almost skidded to a halt as Isaac intercepted her rapid retreat and she looked up at him, that same frightened rabbit expression on her face just for an instant. "A drink? Oh, uh... No... No thanks... I uh... I really have to go."

She tried to dodge around Isaac, but found it surprisingly difficult to get past the slender man, and after a few seconds she stopped trying and let out a long breath. "Alright... I.. thanks..." She quickly took the glass and gulped the water down, a little steam escaping her mouth as the cold liquid met her rather hot lips. The temperature around her felt decidedly warmer than the rest of the room.

Handing the now rather warm glass back to him, she gave him a brief but thankful smile, "Thanks, really but.... I have to go... I need some air... It's stuffy in here, don't you think it's stuffy in here? I'm stuffy in here..." She moved to skirt around him once more, heading in the direction of the doors to outside.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Having temporarily ceased grazing the buffet, Linda drifted through the party sipping sparkling white wine. She'd lost Annette, and wasn't keen on interrupting the people she knew while they were dancing. She realized that, for someone who'd been in the Vigil for quite a long time now, she didn't actually know quite a number of the people here. Feeling a little like a wallflower, she was even beginning to wonder if an emergency call for Liberty Girl to rush to Portal Corps wouldn't be a bad thing...

((mainly because I'm having trouble keeping up ))



You okay, 'nette?" He asked, glancing at her and smiling gently. Straightening up, the young man offered her his arm.

[/ QUOTE ]

Taking Ryan's arm, Annette sauntered back toward the lift. "The feeling of anger and irritation, together with the associated adrenal secretions, are subsiding," she said. "By the time we get back to the party, I shall be happy, joyful, and ready to engage in some form of ritualised rythmic movement. Claudia will be sitting the party out until BODI decides she's fit to let back into society." He face clouded again for a second. "I don't know whether I'm doing the right thing, but I'm not having her spoil it for everyone else." She grinned. "And I claim a dance when you've finished groping Robert for a while."


"'sh pork." He gulped down the remainder.

[/ QUOTE ]

Tabby looked at the sausage roll in her right hand, and then at the drumstick in her left. "Whas porch?" she said, popping the sausage roll into her mouth anyway. "Tastes lich mice... looches like... squished mice... is mice."


Out on the dance floor, Dane was wondering how you danced while half-supporting a girl who was trying to make another guy jealous. He did have to admit that Diana had all the right bumps and curves and having her draped over him wasn't exactly uncomfortable, but tactically, he thought, she would have done a lot better if she wasn't constantly looking daggers at Valeria. On a basic principle of getting a better grip, he settled his cheek against hers and pulled her slightly tighter.


Claudia fumed. She would have thrown things, but experience had taught BODICIA that Claudia's room was best furnished with unbreakable items, and throwing things that did not break was, she had discovered, unsatisfying. So... Claudia fumed.

(( [ QUOTE ]
((mainly because I'm having trouble keeping up ))

[/ QUOTE ] Give me a second. Libby's going to be forced to dance when Anne gets back downstairs. ))

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



"Fifty paperclips up each side of the dress, and two for the clasp." Juan said. "Guess who had to pin her in it?" The psychic chuckled, tracing a hand down her back.

"I'd have helped, if I wasn't washing my hair." Minako sighed.

"Still, stability is something you can learn here. Or even hone, as I find. It's useful to have a place that you can safely lift cars." Juan said to Gemini.

[/ QUOTE ]

"I can't imagine Sophie sitting still for two, nevermind a hundred and two." Leo laughed. "You have my sympathy Juan."

"Where would you suggest I practise manipulating minds safely, Juan?" Gemini gave him a sweet smile and a look full of daggers.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



BODICIA just didn't have the heart to tell Linda she was drinking sparkling white grape juice as she wandered about. She did make note though on if there'd be any placebo effect.



Taking Ryan's arm, Annette sauntered back toward the lift. "The feeling of anger and irritation, together with the associated adrenal secretions, are subsiding," she said. "By the time we get back to the party, I shall be happy, joyful, and ready to engage in some form of ritualised rythmic movement. Claudia will be sitting the party out until BODI decides she's fit to let back into society." He face clouded again for a second. "I don't know whether I'm doing the right thing, but I'm not having her spoil it for everyone else." She grinned. "And I claim a dance when you've finished groping Robert for a while."

[/ QUOTE ]

"We can discuss it more formally at some point... Claudia, I mean, not the dance. I'd be happy to, but don't expect me to slow on the groping. Weekends are our time, after all." Ryan grinned, leading her back to the elevator.

"At least we've had no supervillains attack yet..." Ryan said, before quickly tapping the bark of a shrub they passed as they got to the elevator.



Out on the dance floor, Dane was wondering how you danced while half-supporting a girl who was trying to make another guy jealous. He did have to admit that Diana had all the right bumps and curves and having her draped over him wasn't exactly uncomfortable, but tactically, he thought, she would have done a lot better if she wasn't constantly looking daggers at Valeria. On a basic principle of getting a better grip, he settled his cheek against hers and pulled her slightly tighter.

[/ QUOTE ]

Valeria and Jacob were still dancing away, the pair talking between themselves as Jacob tried his hardest to ignore the stares coming from Diana's direction. Idly he wondered how Claudia was, less out of personal concern and more for team wellbeing.


Tabby looked at the sausage roll in her right hand, and then at the drumstick in her left. "Whas porch?" she said, popping the sausage roll into her mouth anyway. "Tastes lich mice... looches like... squished mice... is mice."

[/ QUOTE ]

Jackal just rolled his eyes, before skulking out from under the table. He'd return in a minute or so, with plates laden with meats and a pitcher of water.

"If you s'hay s'ho." The mutant shrugged, before cramming a bacon bite into his mouth.



"I can't imagine Sophie sitting still for two, nevermind a hundred and two." Leo laughed. "You have my sympathy Juan."

"Where would you suggest I practise manipulating minds safely, Juan?" Gemini gave him a sweet smile and a look full of daggers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sophie grinned. "I can sit still if I want to. It was Isaac that was the problem, he kept poking me with the safety pins."

"You kept asking him to, Sophie-chan." Mina grinned.

"But he was the one who gave in!" Sophie proclaimed.

Juan's attention was on Gemini mostly, raising an eyebrow at her. "In your own mind first." He said, his eyes glowing slightly. "Control that inner turmoil and fury, build your defences up, practice manipulating your -own- mind first. It's the most powerful tool in the world, and you need to get yourself trained to use it first before working on others."



Handing the now rather warm glass back to him, she gave him a brief but thankful smile, "Thanks, really but.... I have to go... I need some air... It's stuffy in here, don't you think it's stuffy in here? I'm stuffy in here..." She moved to skirt around him once more, heading in the direction of the doors to outside.

[/ QUOTE ]

Isaac nodded, juggling the glass between his hands. "Sure thing. Just call if you want any company. I think Juan wants to speak with you later about something, and if you ever want to dance... well, me and Sophie are always up for promonading young women about the floor."



Reggie for the most part seemed to be managing to remain on her feet as she danced - somewhat badly - with Psy. However, the amount of times she nearly -had- lost her balance, she was starting to wonder whether she shouldn't have bothered at all.

A thought that was reinforced when one of the heels snapped, causing her to stumble into Psy.

"Aw buggerit!" she blurted. "Next time I'm tryin' platforms!"

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."





"Hey, I'm sure there'll be more, but let's grab what we can now." Jamie nodded, wandering over with her and offering one of the paper plates to her, before taking one for himself and begining to load it up. "Place looks packed, pretty much all the students must be here." He remarked, adding some cheese to his plate, before going for the sausages. All food on sticks or not likely to ruin his suit.

[/ QUOTE ]

Joanna happily took the offered paper plate before starting to put on a few small random bits of food, and trying to locate the sausage rolls and not being too happy that she couldn’t find any. After a sigh she rejoined Jamie and began to nibble on the bits of party food.

“No sausage rolls! I mean that’s totally not right, how can you have a party without sausage rolls!”

Reggie for the most part seemed to be managing to remain on her feet as she danced - somewhat badly - with Psy. However, the amount of times she nearly -had- lost her balance, she was starting to wonder whether she shouldn't have bothered at all.

A thought that was reinforced when one of the heels snapped, causing her to stumble into Psy.

"Aw buggerit!" she blurted. "Next time I'm tryin' platforms!"

[/ QUOTE ]
Sue smiled as the none too graceful red head tumbled into her, hey she wasn’t complaining, and wrapped her arms around the unsteady woman.

“Alright, but I’ll get you in heels one day, come on lets go find a chair so we can try and salvage these shoes dear”



"We can discuss it more formally at some point... Claudia, I mean, not the dance."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Uh-huh... after New Year. Claudia, not the dance. But first, I have to drag Linda away from the buffet and onto the dance floor." The elevator doors opened and she walked out, scanning the crowd. "So you go get on with your groping and enjoy yourself."

Locating Linda, Annette drove a casual wedge through the assembled people, scooped the glass out of her hand, and dragged her across the floor. "C'mon," she said, "I'm not letting all that work go to waste."


Actually, now Diana came to think about at, Dane was kind of comfortable, and he hadn't stepped on her feet once. But the hated Valeria must die! Um... later. She'd set fire to Valeria's dress or something. Yeah. Almost without thinking about it, Diana wrapped her arms around Dane a bit tighter.


He'd return in a minute or so, with plates laden with meats and a pitcher of water.

[/ QUOTE ]

The concept that cats and dogs should hate each other on sight had been an alien one to Tabby when she first turned up in King's Row. This was largely because she had never seen a dog before, and did not consider herself a cat. However, she had learned quite quickly what the rules were and responded appropriately.

Here, however, was a dog that brought food and water. In her book, that made him right up there with things she liked, such as string, shiney objects, and pouncing Diana.

"Ah..." She grimaced at her inability form a simple vowel. "Me lich you," she said, and tried a bacon bit of her own.


Claudia's flood of tears was interrupted suddenly as the door opened. For a brief second, she thought Annette had relented, but instead a Vigilant walked in carrying a mop and bucket in one hand and a large box of tissues in the other. She stared at the man for a second, and then burst into tears again.

(( I hope that was a suitably BODI reaction to a teenager in tears, Z. ))


“No sausage rolls! I mean that’s totally not right, how can you have a party without sausage rolls!”

[/ QUOTE ]

If one were listening carefully, one might have heard a growl coming from under the buffet table.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Isaac nodded, juggling the glass between his hands. "Sure thing. Just call if you want any company. I think Juan wants to speak with you later about something, and if you ever want to dance... well, me and Sophie are always up for promonading young women about the floor."

[/ QUOTE ]

Cara mumbles a hurried thanks and walked quickly to the doors, pushing them open and going out into the cold night air. A few moments later she stops not far from the Christmas tree and sits on the edge of a stone bench, taking deep breaths as she mutters. "Calmdowncalmcdowncalmcdowncalmcdowncalmcdown. .."

A few seconds later there's a bright flare of light just visible through the tinted lobby windows, and Cara's body shifts over into her Burned Ice form, flames erupting around her body in a veritable inferno.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.