The Prom ((Closed RP))




Horizon looks down from the briefly much more threatening ceiling and putting a hand on Danny waist and another on his shoulder "Don't worry" she says "It's not like she'd get close to hitting me, you'll just have to follow my lead. Not allowed to get shot either remember?"

It takes a lot of effort to dance to a banghra pop song you've never head before, but Horizon was going to give it a go. Watching the pair on the dance floor it wouldn't be hard to believe dancing was all a complicated ploy by Horizon to test Danny for motion sickness, but the pair seemed to be having fun regardless.

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Danny was doing his best to keep up, but to any observer it probably looked like he was ready to give up and collapse from exhaustion.

He did his best to keep a tight grip on Horizon, his feet working at double time but trying desperately to slow the dance down. When the music changed, he let out an audible sigh with a grin.

"It's the suit, I swear. I can't dance in a suit."


Bassai, Canadian Kid, Alruna, Kahi

Mistress Rad, Culpeo, Ms. Demeanor, Celsius

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Let's go to work.



"But he was the one who gave in!" Sophie proclaimed.

Juan's attention was on Gemini mostly, raising an eyebrow at her. "In your own mind first." He said, his eyes glowing slightly. "Control that inner turmoil and fury, build your defences up, practice manipulating your -own- mind first. It's the most powerful tool in the world, and you need to get yourself trained to use it first before working on others."

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"I'm not sure if I should be worried about you Sophie!" Leo grinned at her and Mina, to let them know he was joking. "Anyway what you you think?" Leo indicated his suit. "and I lost the shades too!"

While talking to Mina and Sophie, Leo kept one ear on the conversation his sister was having.

"And if I said my own mind is perfectly trained. What would your recommended next step be?" Gemini watched Juan as she waited for an answer.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Sue smiled as the none too graceful red head tumbled into her, hey she wasn’t complaining, and wrapped her arms around the unsteady woman.

“Alright, but I’ll get you in heels one day, come on lets go find a chair so we can try and salvage these shoes dear”

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Reggie nodded as best she could, considering she had Sue wrapped around her.

"Aye, alright..." she answered as she propped herself up, straightened herself and hobbled over to the nearest chair with her partner.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




grins to Amy, "'Kay. Will give yah plenty of room for as much flailing as you want..."

[Union Roleplayers]Kiken: Tick the off in your Observer Book of Lesbians
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: we need a perma-man feature
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: I'd trust you more if you did it in front of me

Gotta love dem dere RolePlayers




"It's the suit, I swear. I can't dance in a suit."

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Hugging in him to her for the slower paced dance Horizon wanders around the dance floor, a low kicking step as they wind around the other dancers.

"You dance great in it, so i'll assume your some kind of professional out. Will have to take that up later!" lowering her voice she whispers into his ear "I mean look how bad the rest of them are, I bet if we herd them a little we can get a good pile up going." the air of mischief about her clearly not gone even here.



Dancing slowly past Danny and H, Annette lead Linda across the floor. Well, when Linda had learned to dance, the lady followed. Annette rolled her eyes slightly, directed the flow away from H's gangly legs, and checked where the First Aiders were.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Outside in the cold night air, Cara burned. Flames twisted around her form of ice, blackening the flagstones and licking dangerously close to the huge Christmas tree as the young mutant tried to calm herself down.

The dress Ellie had made her had long given up the fight against her fire, and a few charred remains lay smoking on the ground, rapidly shrivelling up from the heat as Cara buried her face in her hands.

The doors to Unity Tower opened and a Valkyrie class Vigilant android strode out, a stripe of blonde visible in it's otherwise black hair, Bodicia's favourite avatar. She strode up to Cara and stood before her with hands on hips, unflinching against the intense heat.

"My my my, someone get you a little hot under the collar, Cara? What would your Ryan think, hmm? All his hard work teaching you to control yourself going up in smoke, along with the tree if you're not careful."

Cara's head snapped up, finally taking note of where she was, and her fire flared brightly for an instant before dying down to it's regular flicker, just enough to prevent her ice form from freezing solid. "I... I didn't realise... Sorry."

Bodicia clucked dissaprovingly. "Really Cara, you must be more aware of your surroundings!"

Cara nodded and glanced up at the tree. "Sorry... I... I'll go back to my room then..."

Bodicia's nodded and a small smirk graced her lips. "Take the roof entrance please, I'm sure you have no desire for your classmates to see your current state of attire."

Cara looked at her puzzled, then looked down at herself in horror. "Oh god!" Flames lept up around her body again, obscuring the details, and she rose quickly into the air, rocketing skywards and heading for the roof of Vigilance tower. Behind her, Bodi smiled and picking up the last remnants of Cara's outfit, walked back to Unity Tower.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



(( Awww, poor Cara. And Anne's not allowed to tell her how it started. Alas, cruel fate. ))

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



(( Awww, poor Cara. And Anne's not allowed to tell her how it started. Alas, cruel fate. ))

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((Oh, she can tell her.... But if she does, Claudia's gonna get roasted... Literally. ))


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.