The Prom ((Closed RP))




Following Fusebox from the elevator in a scarlet one shoulder dress, slit up the left thigh, was the Vigil Martial Arts instructor Tigergirl. Slipping an arm around her blue haired fiancé, she glanced around the room to see who decided to come along.

Tigergirl/Yoko Hatori - Full time hero
Kiyarii Kade - Model and part time hero
Mileena Lim - Alien Demon Bat Sorceress or rather Hotel property owner
Starborn/Klair Elwin - Full time hero and Journalist



Cara smiled and looked up at Leo, "Oh, hey there Leo! You're looking yum..... uh..." A deep crimson blush runs up her cheeks. "Nice suit..." She finishes, somewhat weakly.

[/ QUOTE ]
Cluadia managed not to giggle, through use of the final mental exercise of pinching her own arm, and turned her shining blue eyes on Leo. "She's so pretty whe she blushes," she thought, and pushed it toward Leo, smiling like Christmas had come early.

[/ QUOTE ]

Leo coughed slightly and smiled politely.

"Thank you Cara and that dress is lovely." Leo smiles "You know you're really pretty when you blu..."

Leo stopped himself to late. His jaw dropped open for a few seconds. He had no idea why he had said that.


Gemini Wright was lying on her bed in Unity Tower when she felt the intrusion on her brothers mind.

Gemini knew about the party, but had no intention of going until now. She looked at the floor length lilac dress her brother had bought her.

"I guess Cinderella is going to the ball!" Gemini quickly climbed off the bed and got dressed.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Flash, sighed again at the lack of Amy and went to the buffat table again, rather offput which was glaringly obvious in the way she looked, her face spoilt by a look of anger mixed with sadness

[Union Roleplayers]Kiken: Tick the off in your Observer Book of Lesbians
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: we need a perma-man feature
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: I'd trust you more if you did it in front of me

Gotta love dem dere RolePlayers



"When am I not nice?" Diana replied, smiling her sweetest smile. Well, she thought it was her sweetest. "Pleased to meet you, Valeria. That's a lovely name."

Dane was almost too embarassed to notice the jibe in passing. He grinned weakly at Jacob and shook Valeria's hand. The streets had taught him to fight, but they had not taught him to duck when Diana came looking for a date. He wondered absently whether Annette had any tips on ducking emotional attachments and his gaze wandered around to see where she had got to.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Thanks." Valeria smiled, looking a little curiously between her and Dane. "Jacob never mentioned you two were seeing each other. Well, unless you're just going to give each other company?" She smiled. "Which is nice to do too."

Jacob gave Dane a look that was almost of pity for the mutant, having to be part of Diana's little games.



Joanna smiled once again at Jamie’s compliments, offering him a brief hug and a small kiss before linking arms with the grey suited young man.

“Well, think we should be going down to the dance? Or should we stand in the corridor complimenting each other all night, not that I mind the second!” She giggled.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jamie kissed her on the cheek back and nodded. "Let's get down there, I don't want to miss anything. Let's hope it all goes well!" The young man smiled, clearly happy to have someone to take, especially his girlfriend, the pair good friends as well. Taking her arm, he lead her to the elevators.


Hannah grinned as Yoko caught up to her, holding back a hand for her. "Buffet table? Ryan looks like he's about to make a speech, so could do with getting some food and drink in me, hun." She said, before leading her over.


Ryan tapped the microphone, clearing his throat a little and remembering to let Robert go and get off the stage. He used that time to make sure everyone at least had some of their attention on him before speaking.

"Well, good evening everyone." He said with a grin, taking the tinted glasses he was wearing off befor looking round the room. "I know you're all eager to get on with things, so I'll keep this short." He paused for dramatic effect, looking around the room.

"You guys look great. You girls look gorgeous. The food, well, I'm sure you're all enjoying that. Got a great range! Some stuff for the more adventurous of you, and more of the middle of the road stuff too."

"We'll have music soon, got a great range of songs from now and the nineties, and a few eighties classics too. Songs to dance to, songs to... flail about to, I don't know, not so big on that part, and of course, songs to slow dance to. I know some of us are -real- eager about that," he grinned, before pointing to himself, "And some of us are a bit nervous. We -do- have first aid staff on hand to deal with any trips, falls and broken toes. But we'd rather not."

"And finally? Last day of this term. You made it. Congrats. I'll see you about the tower during the holidays, no doubt, and you can still train and work out, but term starts again three weeks on Monday. This party's going to go on till 1, and even after you'll be able to chat, eat and just relax. You earned this break guys. All the staff here are proud of you... and y'know? We -really- hope you're proud of us. So let's take it away."

With that, the DJ started with Rhianna's 'Disturbia', music pumping out through the sound systems in the lobby, directed towards the main dance floor area to allow for talking without having to raise your voice -too- much.



((hey some of us have to work/socialise so we don't get the chance to post in these topic as quickly as others :P))

Amy finally sauntered into the area, dressed in a Tuxedo, obviously deciding that one of those normal prom dresses really wouldn't suit her or the given attributes as to why she tried not to wear any form fitting clothing.

She slowly wandered through the crowd and over to Flash at the buffet table, "look sorry I'm late but I had some stuff to deal with, robbery in progress and I was a block away...I wasn't going to let a chance like that pass me up...anyway...I'm here now."

Amy smiled and leaned down to give Flash a kiss on the cheek, "Though I can't say I like the music they're playing..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Leo coughed slightly and smiled politely.

"Thank you Cara and that dress is lovely." Leo smiles "You know you're really pretty when you blu..."

Leo stopped himself to late. His jaw dropped open for a few seconds. He had no idea why he had said that.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cara froze, and the blush creeping up her her face suddenly rushed through her entire body. In her hand, the glass of punch she was holding began to bubble and fizz as the liquid inside started to boil.

Her gaze suddenly dropped from Leo's face to her hand, and she let the glass go with a gasp just as Ryan began his speech. "I... Sorry.. sorry... I... I have to go... to... to the bathroom." She managed to stammer out as the embarrassment hit her like brick, and she jumped to her feet, knocking the chair over in her haste. A second later she was little more than a red blur as she dashed across the dance floor, heading for the nearest ladies room.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



(( So much to respond too. And 7:55, FFM, eep! ))

"Thanks." Valeria smiled, looking a little curiously between her and Dane. "Jacob never mentioned you two were seeing each other. Well, unless you're just going to give each other company?" She smiled. "Which is nice to do too."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Err, well..." Dane began and was immediately interrupted by Diana.

"It's a recent thing, y'know... Oh, music! C'mon, honey, let's dance." To those watching, it might have seemed as though Dane's feet actually left the floor as Diana grabbed had hand and dragged him toward the dance floor.


Claudia frowned. Well, that was no fun. Who'd have thought Cara was so easy to wind up? Oo! She wasn't sweet on Leo was she? Hmm, that bore investigating. If she wasn't out of the bathroom in ten minutes, steps would need to be taken.


Annette politely clapped Ryan's speech, though the sound was utterly drowned out by the music, and she was actually paying more attention to what Cara was up to and the fact that Claudia was in the direction she had come from. There was also the fact the Leo was looking a little dumbstruck over there. If that girl caused problems tonight...

Still, she'd asked Juan to keep an eye out, and he was certainly the man for the job there. There wasn't a lot to be done yet, and neither Annette nor Ni had a clue how to dance to this. She grabbed a plate, scooped random food onto it and joined Linda for random chatter and food consumption.


From under the buffet table, a contented purring noise could have been heard by those with very sensitive hearing. Tabby sat, hiding from the music, a plate of 'mice' in her lap, and a big grin on her face.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Cara froze, and the blush creeping up her her face suddenly rushed through her entire body. In her hand, the glass of punch she was holding began to bubble and fizz as the liquid inside started to boil.

Her gaze suddenly dropped from Leo's face to her hand, and she let the glass go with a gasp just as Ryan began his speech. "I... Sorry.. sorry... I... I have to go... to... to the bathroom." She managed to stammer out as the embarrassment hit her like brick, and she jumped to her feet, knocking the chair over in her haste. A second later she was little more than a red blur as she dashed across the dance floor, heading for the nearest ladies room.

[/ QUOTE ]

Leo had no idea what to say as he watched Cara run off. He moved around the table and picked up the chair Cara had knocked over. He turned to watch Ryan's speech, then he needed to find Cara.


As Ryan's speech finished the front doors opened and in walked Gemini. She was wearing and off the shoulder floor length dress that billowed around her legs as she walked. Her blonde hair, the same colour as Leo's, was pinned up in a french roll. Gemini wore very little make up and looked stunning, it made a huge change from her hiding behind her hair.

She looked around the room, she spotted Leo and started to make her way over to him. She also started to look around for whoever had intruded on Leo's mind.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



In the thankfully empty ladies room she's burst in to, Cara stood in front of the sinks, her hand either side of the ceramics as cold water gushed from the tap, instantly turning into steam as his hit the hot ceramic. Clouds of steam billowed up, fogging the mirror as Cara muttered rapidly to herself, "Calmdowncalmdowncalmdowncalmdowncalmdowncalmdown. "

After a couple of minutes she let out a long breath and the steam began to subside as she reigned in her pyrokinetic abilities. Panting slightly, she stared at her obscured reflexion, her mind in a turmoil... Why had she said that to Leo? What was she doing!? She'd not lost control of her powers like that for years, but seconds after talking to him she'd almost... She shook her head, not wanting to think about what she'd almost done, or what Leo had also said to her. He didn't really think she was pretty did he? No, he couldn't! She was too young, too short, too tomboyish. Someone like Leo would NEVER see her like that, would he?

In the sink, the cold water finally stopped flashing into steam and the sink began to fill. Taking another deep breath, Cara shut the tap off and dipped her hands into it. Instantly, the water began to boil, but soon settled down again as it cooled her hands.

After a few more moments, Cara straightened up and checked her dress. Fortunately for her, Ellie used sturdy materials, and knowing Cara's abilities, had used a heat resistant material; the dress still looked perfect, as did her tights and shoes. Leaning over the sink, she wiped the condensation clear and stared at her reflection. Her makeup was still mostly intact too, just a little smearing around the eyes.

Taking a paper towel, she wet the end and carefully cleaned the smeared area, then looked back to the door, just as a couple of other students entered. They stared at each other for a couple of seconds, then, feeling a faint blush returning to her cheeks, Cara strode quickly from the room before the girls could ask her why the room was full of steam.

Outside, Ryan had long finished his speech and the prom had got going properly. The lights had dimmed outside the dance floor, and with the area now crowded, no one seemed to be paying her any attention.

Letting out a long breath, she started to skirt around the dance floor, away from her former table and any chance of bumping into Leo again, and towards her team mate Sophie.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Reggie wasn't completely sure -what- she was nibbling on as she listened to Ryan's speech, but thankfully it didn't make her ill when she ate it. Yet, at least.

When the music started playing, she then looked around momentarily, quietly tapping her foot absentmindedly and raising a brow at Gemini as she entered, turning back to Psy and smiling.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Claudia wandered past Leo, her eyes following Cara as she exited the restroom. Sometimes, when playing head games, you didn't need to do it directly.

"Is Cara okay?" she said. "I saw her rush off. She's over there, heading for Sophie and that lovely white gentleman with all the metalwork." She smiled her cutest, most helpful smile.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Ryan was to one side of the stage with Robert and a fair sized group of students, the young man grinning away as he gave them some quick dance pointers. The leader of the New Vigilants could often be found in the training rooms, but it wasn't always his powers he was working on to the music. Robert was trying to join in, but laughing too much from some of the movements he failed to make.


Minako was pressed against Juan, swaying her hips against him as she moved to the music, his arms around her waist. The young man was smiling, but every so often he looked over in the direction of Leo and Claudia. His eyes flickered briefly with a purple light, and almost a moment after Isaac's would flicker back with that red glow they sometimes took on.

Sophie peered over Isaac's shoulder from where she was pressed against him in a dancing hug, waving Cara over with a smile.


Jackal poked his head under the table, his nose twitching. The canine feral mutant grinned at Tabby, his mouth filled with sharp teeth. "Tabs, whatcho doing under here?" He said, a curious growl at the back of his throat as he dropped to his haunches. The disadvantage with wearing a suit was the fact that he shed his own fur onto it. A hand shot up to grab some of the chicken legs from the table before crawling under, gnawing away at one.


Fusebox peered up at Yoko. "Dance, hun?" She said, offering a hand. She grinned a little as she noticed Lo-Fi Boy and his sister, Hi-Fi Girl dragging Sleight and Arcsnap to the dancefloor. "And seems the night's going well!"



Claudia wandered past Leo, her eyes following Cara as she exited the restroom. Sometimes, when playing head games, you didn't need to do it directly.

"Is Cara okay?" she said. "I saw her rush off. She's over there, heading for Sophie and that lovely white gentleman with all the metalwork." She smiled her cutest, most helpful smile.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Oh Hey, Claudia." Leo returned her smile. He knew she was one of Annette's team but had not really had much contact with her. His eyes quickly scnned the room to find Cara.

"I'm sure Cara is fine. She just needed to go to the bathroom. Your concern is sweet, but don't worry, you enjoy your evening." Leo remembering the lessons his mother taught him added. "You look lovely by the way."


Gemini ignored everyone around her and zeroed in on Claudia.

She reached Claudia and tapped her on the shoulder. As claudia turned, Gemini raised her arm and aimed a backhanded slap at Claudia's face.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



"Tabs, whatcho doing under here?"

[/ QUOTE ]

"Eating mice in rrappurrs," Tabby replied, grinning happily. "Moosic too loud. Oomans 'eep taking mice. You no want mice?" She frowned slightly. Dogs, she'd found, didn't like it when you scratched their noses. She flexed her short claws, just in case.


Diana ahd, of course, positioned herself so that she could watch Jacob and Valeria while apparently dancing with Dane. Dane had decided that his best course of action was to enjoy himself and ignore her up to the point where she got too silly, at which point he'd see if he could prize Annette away from Liberty Girl. He might only get the one dance, but, hey, it was worth a shot.


Annette's eyes followed the entrance of Gemini and the bee-line she appeared to be making toward Claudia. She had no real clue about Gemini, aside from the fact that she was Leo's sister, but if Claudia was involved, it was likely to be Claudia's fault, no matter what.

"'Scuse me, love," she said, putting her plate down and heading in the same direction.

(( See, this is why I hate forum RP... ))

Claudia blinked as the slap landed. It stung, but her father had done far worse things to her. She was used to pain. Her mouth opened as her mind rallied any of a number of interesting a painful mental slaps in return, but instead she said, "oof!" as Annette's arm wrapped around her waist, lifting the slight teenager off the ground.

"Lovely party," Annette said, smiling warmly at Leo as she continued walking, Claudia now draped over her shoulder. "Do try the food, it's gorgeous. Nice dress, Gemini."

And then she was gone, marching toward the lifts without breaking stride.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Cara spotted Sophie waving her over, and managing a smile, walked to the edge of the dance floor near where she was dancing with Isaac and watched her dance for a few seconds before waving back, then turned around to look for a seat.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Flash grins, "S'no problem Amy. Music ain't my style either." slips an arm around Amy's waist happy. "So, we goin' to dance?" takes Amy's hand and moves off to the dance floor.

[Union Roleplayers]Kiken: Tick the off in your Observer Book of Lesbians
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: we need a perma-man feature
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: I'd trust you more if you did it in front of me

Gotta love dem dere RolePlayers



Richard shook his head in wonder as Annette bodily carried Claudia away. Perhaps tonight would turn out to be more interesting that he'd anticipated.

Which wasn't to say that he'd thought it would be dull, of course.

Ten more minutes, he thought, and then he'd do another round, checking on the lads and making sure none of them had snuck a hip-flask or were bunking off for a smoke... or had managed to sneak one of the girls somewhere private.

Meanwhile, of course...

He sauntered towards the dance floor, sipping on a glass of fruit punch, and found his target. "Would the lady care to dance?" he murmured softly, smiling as he waited for Cara's response.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Cara looked up at Richard, looking for an instant very much like a frightened rabbit, then visibly forcing herself to smile, she nodded. "Uh, sure... Why not."


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



It has all happened so fast. Leo barely had a chance to register what had happened. He was left watching Annette stride off with Claudia over her shoulder.

Gemini smirked as she watched Annette, she turned to leave when a vice like grip stopped her. Leo pulled her arm and turned her to face him.

"What the hell are you playing at Gemini? You can't just walk into a party and hit someone!" Leo strained to keep his voice low.

"She was messing with your head. I simply came to stop her, well I think Annette throwing her over her shoulder stopped her!" Gemini chuckled.

"She was what?.... Hang on... How do you even know that?" Leo held up his hands. "You know what, this is a party and we are here to enjoy ourselves. The questions can wait until tomorrow."

"But... I don't..." Gemini was cut off mid sentance.

"You will stay, you will mingle and you will see there is a whole wide world out there, ready to accept you for who you are." Leo took Gemini's hand and placed it on his arm. He placed his own hand over the top of Gemini's so she could not pull free. "It's time to get over what ever it is that's bugging you little sis. People will only excuse your behaviour for so long. I'm already there!"

Leo looked down at his sister with a serious expression on his face. He then shook it off and plastered a huge smile there instead.

"Time to start enjoying yourself Gemini and I expect at least two dances from you." Leo started walking over toward Sophie, Issac, Juan and Mina.

Gemini attempted to protest but was dragged along by Leo. She realised she was not going to get a choice and kept pace with her brother. She was not happy and the expression on her face made sure everyone knew about it.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



The elevator opened, with Joanna, arm linked with Jamie’s finally stepping out into the party.

“Well, here we are! Grab some food before it’s all gone?”

Her voice seemed a little shaky with nerves, and if she squeezed much tighter onto Jamie’s arm she threatened to cut off his blood supply.

Sue carefully ate from the rapidly diminishing buffet before turning to see Reggie smiling at her.

“Hmmm dance time is it?”



Reggie grinned slightly as she offered her hand to Psy.

"If you're up to it, Sue." She answered. "I mean, the music's not really much cop, but..." Reggie then stopped herself and glanced down at her shoes. "Then there's the chance I'll fall over myself with these buggers on and all."

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




"Eating mice in rrappurrs," Tabby replied, grinning happily. "Moosic too loud. Oomans 'eep taking mice. You no want mice?" She frowned slightly. Dogs, she'd found, didn't like it when you scratched their noses. She flexed her short claws, just in case.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Got chicken." Jackal shrugged, his long tongue flicking out to lash a stray piece of skin into his mouth. "Much better, yesh." The mutant chuckled, before taking another tearing bite. Still chewing on his mouthful, he moved to sit under the table.



Diana ahd, of course, positioned herself so that she could watch Jacob and Valeria while apparently dancing with Dane. Dane had decided that his best course of action was to enjoy himself and ignore her up to the point where she got too silly, at which point he'd see if he could prize Annette away from Liberty Girl. He might only get the one dance, but, hey, it was worth a shot.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jacob and Valeria were at the buffet table, the tall, dark skined cryokinetic busy browsing the selection as Valeria talked to some of the younger students, down to grab food and dash back off upstairs. From one of the elevators, a pair of Vigilants brought out a tray carrying a large ice sculpture of Unity Plaza, the three towers situated around the courtyard with the ice christmas tree standing tall.

With a slight tap and a point, Jacob directed his date's attention to his handywork, her face lighting up as she saw it brought to the center buffet table.


Ryan said a quick word to Robert, kissing his cheek before he blurred over to the staircase, the young man having a determined look on his face as he tapped into the tower's security grid to locate Annette and Claudia.


"Trouble?" Isaac said to Juan, sipping at his glass of water. The three eyed mutant nodded in reply.

"And possibly more incoming." Juan said, his third eye flickering in Leo and Gemini's direction.

"Guess it's damage control time then." Isaac said, before turning to grin and wave at the pair. "Leo! Great to see you, sorry about the delays so far, but me, Juan and Sophie have been dealing with exams and coursework. Mina too of course, but I don't think she's staked a claim on you. Yet."

"Isaac-kun!" Mina pouted, before smiling to the pair.


The music dipped down a second, BODICIA's voice coming over the sound systems. "We -are- taking requests, so feel free to do something more productive than snipe at the choice of music. We do have a wide range of tastes to accomodate, so I do so apologise if obscure band in niche genre X are not in the playlists." She said, before the music rose up again, the track having finished and switched to Lady GaGa's 'Let's Dance'


Jamie tapped his hand on Joanna's. "Umm... my arm kinda needs blood, y'know." He said, his slightly altered physiology from the magic that powered him making his skin tougher, but still, she -was- gripping it tightly. "Food sounds great, I mean... uh... was that a hand coming out from under the table to grab chicken?" He pointed, a curious look on his face.



"Trouble?" Isaac said to Juan, sipping at his glass of water. The three eyed mutant nodded in reply.

"And possibly more incoming." Juan said, his third eye flickering in Leo and Gemini's direction.

"Guess it's damage control time then." Isaac said, before turning to grin and wave at the pair. "Leo! Great to see you, sorry about the delays so far, but me, Juan and Sophie have been dealing with exams and coursework. Mina too of course, but I don't think she's staked a claim on you. Yet."

"Isaac-kun!" Mina pouted, before smiling to the pair

[/ QUOTE ]

"Hey don't worry about it, the delays are as much my fault too." Leo turned slightly pulling Gemini round and bringing her into the conversation. "Have you met my sister? Gemini this is Sophie, Issac, Juan and Mina."

Gemini gave them a small smile and then looked at the floor.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



The elevator opened, with Joanna, arm linked with Jamie’s finally stepping out into the party.

[/ QUOTE ]

Annette marched past Joanna and Jamie into the elevator, thumped a button, and allowed the door to close. She did not let go of Claudia.

"I don't know what you did, or to who, though I can guess the last part, and I don't care. You had your chance. You couldn't manage ten minutes. I am probably doing this all wrong, but you are getting a time out."


"Got chicken." Jackal shrugged

[/ QUOTE ]
"Food sounds great, I mean... uh... was that a hand coming out from under the table to grab chicken?"

[/ QUOTE ]

"Chichen?" Tabby said, blicking. "Chichen good!" She crawled forward, more or less stuffing her bottom in Jackal's face before leaning up and locating a couple of drumsticks and re-submerging under the table.

She waved a drumstick at Jackal, grinning brightly, before sinking her teeth into the meat, tearing off a chuck happily.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



“Ooops, sorry!”

Joanna said, with slight embarrassment, as she began to release Jamie’s arm. She raised an eyebrow as Annette stormed into the elevator but said nothing before looking to the table having missed the hand.

“I don’t see anything Jamie, c’mon it’ll all be gone soon!”

And with that she begin pull Jamie towards to long half depleted buffet tables.

Sue smiled at Reggie, offering to take her hand and lead her to the dance floor.

”Just be careful Reg, we’ve been though how to walk in high heels how many times now? Oh and you’ll have to dance extra close to me, just to be sure”

She giggled with a grin