The Prom ((Closed RP))




(( Looking like Pimms and being Pimms, too different things. And there have to be cannapes, all parties have them, they materialise, even if no one made them. ))

"Pleased to meet you, Valeria, "Jacob's my right hand man. Couldn't do without him. And it's nice to see him with an attractive young lady on his arm. I take it you're just a normal girl, like me? Not equipped with a superhuman stomach, like Linda here?"


Tabby looked up at Rho and grinned, showing a double row of very pointy teeth. "Why 'ey 'ut mice in 'ittle rrapurrs?"

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



"And Isaac's." Sophie added, Mina nodding.

"It's usually confusing for others, but... well, you get used to it." Mina said, before glancing back. "Uh oh, I better go and break the boys up." She sighed, watching the pair cuddling up. "We've got the first dance after all, when Ryan gets this started."

With a smile to Cara, she gave Sophie a quick hug before moving off to distract the men.

Sophie gave Cara a big smile. "Hey, always time to meet someone during the night, and come chat with us if you get lonely. Not like you'll be a third wheel." She said, before quickly adjusting one of her safety pins. "Took both boys ten minutes to get me into this thing, having to do each pin up indivudally..."



Danny McAvoy, known on his license as Bassai, slowly stepped through the elevator doors, his cheeks already a slight shade of pink even though no one had looked his way.

Dressed in a tailored tuxedo he'd bought only two days before, he smoothed his hands over his jacket. You look stupid... he thought, ducking his hands into his jacket pockets before remembering that wasn't good etiquette.

His arms hung, shaking nervously as he made his way into the crowd, smiling at random faces as he looked for anyone he could be pulled into conversation with to try and hide his embarassment.

Instead, he headed straight for the buffet and grabbed a plate, quickly piling on some food and tasting it all, pulling strange faces at some of the more "acquired tastes", before slowly turning back to the crowd.


Bassai, Canadian Kid, Alruna, Kahi

Mistress Rad, Culpeo, Ms. Demeanor, Celsius

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Let's go to work.



Cara shrugged then smiled, "I guess so, and thanks; might just do that."

Taking another sip of her punch, she looked closer at the dress. "I hope none of them come undone, some of those pins would REALLY hurt if the got stuck in to you!"

She turned around again, looking over at the buffet, and the amount of food Linda had already taken. "I gotta get me some dinner before all the grubs gone, I'll see you in a bit Sophie, yeah? Laters!"

Giving her a little wave, she headed to the buffet, dodging carefully around Tabby and the others as she passed.

(( Also away for a few hours folks, cya later! ))


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Sophie grinned. "It's-" She stoppped as one of the Vigilants, a rather elderly looking woman with glasses, peered over at her with a raised eyebrow. "I'll tell you later. Enjoy! Going to go and grab Isaac now." She said, grabbing her plate befor hurrying off.


Valeria nodded. "That's right, pretty much normal as can be. I think it's amazing how you can go out there without any abilities like Jacob's and just... you know." She smiled, resting her head against Jacob's arm.

"It is impressive." Jacob admitted. "And it's true. Without me she'd have even more arguments on her hand. Nice to be useful."


Alex 'Rho' Knight looked at Tabby for a long moment, working through the Tabby-English translation algorithms. "... Uh... oh! It's..." Alex cut off and scratched his head.

"It's so you don't get mouse on your fingers, Tab-cat." Lyrical Cyclone added. "The pastry isn't as messy."

"... What Cyke said." Alex said, before handing over the little cake to him.

"I -love- a beneficial exchange of services for goods." Ron grinned.



Joanna Zicky, after a brief fit of procrastination, opened the door and blushed slightly at the grey suited Jamie, especially after noticing the flowers. As she stepped out her rather conservative one piece, slightly shorter then knee length and dark purple party dress came into focus, it’s high cut offering only a very small, but probably tantalising, amount of skin. She carefully stepped out on black high heeled shoes, taking the flowers and smiling, giving Jamie a small kiss on the cheek.

“They’re great, you look great! Really nice suit!”


The New Vigilant Psionics instructor, dressed as always in something bright orange this time a small glittery party dress white hair carefully braided, sidled up behind her partner and prom date, giving Reggie a bit of a shock with a kiss to neck.

“Right here dear”

She smiles, hoping to boost Reggie’s confidence

“Now shall we get in there? And you look fine, stunning I could say, ready to make everyone jealous?”

Sue teased, she did this quite a bit.



Flash sighed, glancing around before deciding to wander amoungst the crowd, looking for the tall form of Amy amoung the groups of people, chatting to the few she knows wondering where her date and current girlfriend...

[Union Roleplayers]Kiken: Tick the off in your Observer Book of Lesbians
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: we need a perma-man feature
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: I'd trust you more if you did it in front of me

Gotta love dem dere RolePlayers



"I had incentive," Annette replied, smirking at Jacob. "And he's right, way more arguments. Well, do enjoy the party. I just want to go and head off one thing before it gets out of hand."

Smiling, she wandered over to stand behind Claudia, and whispered something in her ear. Quite suddenly, the young blonde developed a sudden urge to be elsewhere.

Annette did her best dazzling smile at Richard. "I'll be expecting a dance later," she said before turning on her heel and wandering off again, picking up something peculiar, but tasty off a table in passing.


Tabby looked at the sausage roll with new eyes and proceeded to munch happily, if a little messily. "'lever oomans," she said through a moutful of pastry and meat.


Diana had to almost bodily drag Dane over to where Jacob and the detested girlfriend were standing. With Annette out of the way, she could move in. "Jacob!" she said, voice full of delighted surprise. "Fancy meeting you here."

Dane winced. Okay, yeah, that was the dumbest line she'd come out with in at least a week.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.




Instead, he headed straight for the buffet and grabbed a plate, quickly piling on some food and tasting it all, pulling strange faces at some of the more "acquired tastes", before slowly turning back to the crowd.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Boo" says Soaring Horizon leaning down to get in Danny's view as he finishes turning, hand coming up to catch the plate in the air as he makes a small jump and she quickly picks off a small spring roll for herself.

Wearing a long sleeved one piece gold and slightly sparkling dress with a black sash round the waist Horizon had gone all out on the jewellery, her long hair brushed straight for a change and held in place by a silver tiara with a ruby embossed in the centre plate surrounded by several sparkly smaller stones. Through her hair were silver moons and stars held in place by magical trickery and round her neck was a fine silver chain with a golden sun hanging off it, clinging for deal life to her chest.

"You look gorgeous Danny, good thing I got here before any of the little harpies managed to get their claws in you." Horizon says with a smile, slowly picking away at Danny's plate.



The elevator doors dinged as they opened and Leo stepped out. Deciding to forego the Tux he was wearing an immaculately tailored Armani suit in charcoal grey and a black shirt, open at the collar. On Sophie’s advice he had ditched the shades.

He slowly wondered around the room, enjoying the atmosphere and watching everyone enjoying themselves.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



The New Vigilant Psionics instructor, dressed as always in something bright orange this time a small glittery party dress white hair carefully braided, sidled up behind her partner and prom date, giving Reggie a bit of a shock with a kiss to neck.

“Right here dear”

She smiles, hoping to boost Reggie’s confidence

“Now shall we get in there? And you look fine, stunning I could say, ready to make everyone jealous?”

Sue teased, she did this quite a bit.

[/ QUOTE ]

Reggie jumped slightly before she realised who was kissing her, smiling back soon after.

"We can try, I suppose." She answered as she took Psy's hand. "C'mon, then."

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Danny flinched, expecting time to freeze and the plate to come crashing down, causing everyone to look his way.

Instead, he breathed a sigh of relief, a grin gradually growing across his face as he took all of Horizon's tall form in.

"As if I would..." he grinned, quickly grabbing some food off his plate before it's all gone.

"You look fantastic. But then, you always do."

Quickly tilting his head away as his cheeks turned pink once more, he nodded to the assembled crowd. "Tonight should be great."


Bassai, Canadian Kid, Alruna, Kahi

Mistress Rad, Culpeo, Ms. Demeanor, Celsius

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Let's go to work.



Claudia spotted Reg and grinned. Oo, fun time. Then she spotted Susan and her pretty face fell. Trying to look casual, she wandered off in the same general direction as Leo was going.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Cara finished loading up her plate, if you can call 3 canapés and 2 sausage rolls loaded, and turns to look for somewhere to sit. A table not far from Leo seemed unoccupied, so dodging carefully around the growing crowd, she made her way to it and sat down, setting her plate and glass down as she did.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Leo saw Cara seating herself at the nearby table and wondered over to say hello.

"Hey Cara." Leo beamed a smile at her.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Claudia wandered, apparently aimlessly, past the table where Cara had sat. "Leo looks yummy," she thought, wrapping the emotion and intention in a little ball of psychic energy and pushing it gently in Cara's direction. Wearing the expression of one who's mouth would not melt butter, she continued on her way.


Annette continued her rounds, checking whether Linda had returned to the buffet table, and wandering past Danny and Horizon. "Hey, Danny, H... looking good the two of you. Heard you did well at the sparring last night, Danny. Good work, us normals have to show the supers who's boss now and then."

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Danny grinned uncontrollably as Annette passed on her comments.

"I'm sure they were holding back. They had to be...I mean, I guess they were."

Taking another bite from a small sandwich, he grinned and shook his head.

"I just hope Joanna doesn't come after me for hitting Jamie! You're looking great too. Makes a change seeing you in something that isn't armour, skin tight or has its own heating system!"


Bassai, Canadian Kid, Alruna, Kahi

Mistress Rad, Culpeo, Ms. Demeanor, Celsius

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Let's go to work.



Annette chuckled. "You should have seen me in late summer. And no... I don't think they were really holding back. Well, Star probably did, otherwise she'd have kicked you through a wall, but she was asking for tips on fighting martial artists, so you obviously had her going."

She looked around, noting where Tabby and Claudia had got to. They both seemed to be behaving themselves, though she did wonder whether Tabby was now guarding a plate of sausage rolls.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.




Tabby looked at the sausage roll with new eyes and proceeded to munch happily, if a little messily. "'lever oomans," she said through a moutful of pastry and meat.

[/ QUOTE ]

Lyrican Cyclone grinned, the young Japanese-American musician dressed pretty much in what he usually wears, jeans and a cap. The only switch to the team this time was the replacement of his tank top and jacket with a black shirt with red tribal markings on. "Guess we are. Hey Flash." He nodded over at Flashpoint, before looking back to Tabby. "So Tab-cat, what've you got planned for this evening?"



Diana had to almost bodily drag Dane over to where Jacob and the detested girlfriend were standing. With Annette out of the way, she could move in. "Jacob!" she said, voice full of delighted surprise. "Fancy meeting you here."

Dane winced. Okay, yeah, that was the dumbest line she'd come out with in at least a week.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Hello Dane. Diana." Jacob nodded to the pair, before gesturing to the girl on his right. "This is Valeria, my date for this evening. Be nice." He smiled tightly, his blue eyes glowing a bit brighter as he looked at Diana.

Valeria smiled warmly and offered the pair her hands. "It's nice to meet both of you. Jacob's told me all about you, Dane. Unbeatable at cards?"

"Cheatable." Lo-Fi Boy coughed as he wandered past, bringing a plate of food to his sister who was chatting away with some of the other students.


"You alright?" Sophie asked as Minako and Juan exchanged a look with each other.

"Hmm? Oh, hai." Minako replied, slightly distractedly.

Juan's eyes were searching the room before he looked back to his partners. "It's nothing major, just something for me and Minako to keep an eye on."

"If you say so Babe, Princess." Isaac nodded, linking arms with Sophie.


Eyes and occasionally her jewellery crackling with lightning, Fusebox stepped out of the elevator, her bright blue hair done up and blue tinted glasses resting on the bridge of her nose. She was dressed in a slim, tight fitting black dress with a window showing off some of the upper part of her chest, no sleeves, and tan coloured tights on with stiletto knee high boots in black leather. Thick silver bangles adorned each wrist, and as it was a special occasion she had put on her sapphire and silver studded collar instead of the plain studded one she usually wore.


From the doors, dressed rather finely in an expensive suit, Robert Judge quickly made his way through the crowd and up to the stage where Ryan was, the pair talking quietly to each other as they embraced.

"Guess I better get things started soon..." Ryan remarked, glancing over the lobby at the amassed students.

"Don't let me keep you from your duties, Ryan." Robert remarked, before musing for a moment and drawing him in by the arm for a kiss. "Well... maybe just for a moment."


Jamie smiled to Joanna, taking a moment to look her over too. "You look... wow, Joanna. The dress really suits you, and that is so your colour." He said, before taking her wrist to put the corsage on. "I um... asked Dinah for some help with these, she got the flowers for us..."




"I just hope Joanna doesn't come after me for hitting Jamie! You're looking great too. Makes a change seeing you in something that isn't armour, skin tight or has its own heating system!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Soaring Horizon laughs leaning to give Bassai a peck on the cheek "You kicked their butt fair and square Danny, don't be so modest and don't worry, i'll take care of any angry clouds. You look amazing too Anni, where's Libby got to though? Raiding the buffet already?"



Annette chuckled. "You should have seen me in late summer. And no... I don't think they were really holding back. Well, Star probably did, otherwise she'd have kicked you through a wall, but she was asking for tips on fighting martial artists, so you obviously had her going."

[/ QUOTE ]

Danny coughed a little to swallow his food, shocked. Slowly grinning, he cocked his head to the side.

"She was? Well...I don't mind training some more. I usually am anyway, and I can do tips and training easily. But then she'd beat me!"

He smiled and winked cheekily at Annette, making sure he wrapped his arm reasurringly around Horizon's waist at the same time.

"I look forward to summer next year then."


Bassai, Canadian Kid, Alruna, Kahi

Mistress Rad, Culpeo, Ms. Demeanor, Celsius

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Let's go to work.



"So Tab-cat, what've you got planned for this evening?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Tabby paused, mid-mouthful, and considered this. "Eat mice. Pounce Di-hanarrr. May'ee pounce 'Nette." She nodded and went back to chewing, and shuffled slightly closer to the tray of sausage rolls.


"When am I not nice?" Diana replied, smiling her sweetest smile. Well, she thought it was her sweetest. "Pleased to meet you, Valeria. That's a lovely name."

Dane was almost too embarassed to notice the jibe in passing. He grinned weakly at Jacob and shook Valeria's hand. The streets had taught him to fight, but they had not taught him to duck when Diana came looking for a date. He wondered absently whether Annette had any tips on ducking emotional attachments and his gaze wandered around to see where she had got to.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Leo saw Cara seating herself at the nearby table and wondered over to say hello.

"Hey Cara." Leo beamed a smile at her.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cara smiled and looked up at Leo, "Oh, hey there Leo! You're looking yum..... uh..." A deep crimson blush runs up her cheeks. "Nice suit..." She finishes, somewhat weakly.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Joanna smiled once again at Jamie’s compliments, offering him a brief hug and a small kiss before linking arms with the grey suited young man.

“Well, think we should be going down to the dance? Or should we stand in the corridor complimenting each other all night, not that I mind the second!”

She giggled



"You look amazing too Anni, where's Libby got to though? Raiding the buffet already?"

"I look forward to summer next year then."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Thanks, both of you, and yeah, I better go find her before she kills the table. Besides, I think Ryan might be kicking off the festivities." She grinned and wandered off to isolate Linda from the buffet.


Cluadia managed not to giggle, through use of the final mental exercise of pinching her own arm, and turned her shining blue eyes on Leo. "She's so pretty whe she blushes," she thought, and pushed it toward Leo, smiling like Christmas had come early.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.