A question poll thing.....




Aha... rather Marvel-ish then... The Outsider, wasn't it? Possibly one of the suckiest storylines I ever saw Marvel write. Your story can't possibly be worse at least.

[/ QUOTE ]


that just sounds like a challenge!

And yeah they butchered that character recently, he used to just be a God Like Being, that was also a dick (Like Q for example), now he's just a nutty moon alien with psychic powers.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Well, most of mine would most likely being a mindless drone

Sanguine: Would be very un-happy and would try to beat him up the rest that aren't affected would just accept it and move on, though most of them are against religion but if the general 'happiness'/war goes up/down respectivly they wouldn't care....So long as to a degree the people had SOME free-will(I.e. play games, be themselves yada yada)

[Union Roleplayers]Kiken: Tick the off in your Observer Book of Lesbians
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: we need a perma-man feature
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: I'd trust you more if you did it in front of me

Gotta love dem dere RolePlayers




Sanguine: Would be very un-happy and would try to beat him up the rest that aren't affected would just accept it and move on, though most of them are against religion but if the general 'happiness'/war goes up/down respectivly they wouldn't care....So long as to a degree the people had SOME free-will(I.e. play games, be themselves yada yada)

[/ QUOTE ]

Basically, if they do what God says, they get a decent yet not free life. If they don't well then they are basically hunted down all the time, kinda like the resistance in V, but less Nazi symbolism and less jumps suits.....

....okay i lied more jumpsuits, everyone wears a jump suit!

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Lea would fight it, of course. Slavery is something she's dead set against and I think she'd be able to resist being controlled, depends on the level of power being exerted against her will.

But she's just a tough old cat (ok, a very tough old cat) with nowhere near Thor levels of power. To be honest I'm not sure where she'd sit in power levels considering she's multi-faceted and not a straight out power-house.

Anyway, kudos to CB. Despite the rather agressive answers he got to his perfectly innocent question he was polite all the way in.



arrh so the rebel alliance can have the battle cry of Death before jumpsuits .......bags red and green for the rebel flags...

btw hope the tooth eases fast ....

also if its jumpsuits then Nullman will fight to the death ...



Anyway, kudos to CB. Despite the rather agressive answers he got to his perfectly innocent question he was polite all the way in.

[/ QUOTE ]
Gotta agree with you there K.

[Union Roleplayers]Kiken: Tick the off in your Observer Book of Lesbians
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: we need a perma-man feature
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: I'd trust you more if you did it in front of me

Gotta love dem dere RolePlayers



Well, assuming Zortel's psychic blocking implants would help, she'd try to rally some forces up to go introduce this being to the Human Spirit. Which usually invovles lots of explosions.

Most of my mutants (Bar the Psychic Juan Ross and the Psi-shielded shadow manipulating Isaac Anderson) would start marching, the two mentioned tend not to bow to Gods so they'd fight back.

The Pioneer would be a close call, though military training and inhuman will might give him an edge to stave off mental domination.

All of my human characters (Such as Arrow Azure) would join the masses too, and my PB and WS. The various AI's and one sentient cadaver would rise up against the machine.

I don't have really any characters that often would take up higher powers on their offers.

Oh, and to cover this quickly:


if Bill meets Zortel at GG tonight and he say no there has never been a giant robot lead attack on the UV towers , (( as its not cannon , and UV are not listed as foes of Malta in game info , and there is no UV plaza on the maps )) what does Z do .. agree or god mode yes there was ...???

[/ QUOTE ]

As more players would agree that it happened than it didn't happen, it would have happened.

As Dr. Mechano mentioned, there's In-Game Canon, which is the basis for things, then Player Canon on top of that, then we get to the dark and murky waters of fanon and non-canon.

But that's for another thread.



which makes my point Zortel .. we all god mode ..by popular support , all the time .....RP is by mob rule ..no one gets a veto...or they end up isolated ....we all have to accept others RP ...

the reverse ie Bill claiming there is no UV plaza would be me god moding at you ...ie unfair

now i am very happy with using the UV plot line as back ground for my RP .. mainly because is was so well done .. gratz on that btw ..and interactions with UV members .. but if i demand to ignore it i am shut out ...

so to for someone say such events are not forcing their way into RP canon is just not true ....



God modding is defined as forcing others to accept your player-canon. As long as they have the option not to, they're not being god modded. The events at UV plaza only affected those who chose to be involved, and indeed, its very existence only affects those who choose to be affected by it; ergo it cannot be god modding.

If we take your view, then my character Ellie was never married to her aprtner (as the game mechanic doesn't allow it), and she wasn't recently widowed (as the game mechanic doesn't allow it).


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Walter: I think Walter would actually follow this god if he did actually bring back his brother and friends who died in WW1. It's where everything stemmed from, so probably if the god brought them back, he'd be able to be happy again.

That's kinda sad.

Mysticism: Would definitely fight against it, due to her being directly connected to the planet and fighting against anything that possibly could harm it. She'd have a hard time right now though, not being able to control her powers that great yet and all.



see FFM we agree .. for any of my char to RP interact with Ellie they HAVE to accept she got married and was widowed .. your RP choices are FORCED on to me ...

no one is asying this is wrong .. but it is how RP works .. we god mode what happens to our toons ,, then require others to accept that as fact ...

if i chosse to ignore your Ellie plot line i can not RP with her ...everything effects everything .. just like the real world ....

to say i will ignnore what i do not like that is god moding .. by placing one self above the rest of the world ...

lets all be honest .. we all god mode the moment we create a new character ........



....okay i lied more jumpsuits, everyone wears a jump suit!

[/ QUOTE ]

In that case, I'm totally against it.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I think my characters would, most likely, be totally unaware of the presence of a God and just be mindless puppets to be done with at will.

I do have a psychic and a couple of magic users but overall they'd not 'see' a God character.



see FFM we agree .. for any of my char to RP interact with Ellie they HAVE to accept she got married and was widowed .. your RP choices are FORCED on to me ...

no one is asying this is wrong .. but it is how RP works .. we god mode what happens to our toons ,, then require others to accept that as fact ...

if i chosse to ignore your Ellie plot line i can not RP with her ...everything effects everything .. just like the real world ....

to say i will ignnore what i do not like that is god moding .. by placing one self above the rest of the world ...

lets all be honest .. we all god mode the moment we create a new character ........

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry, what?

God modding is forcing someone into a situation in which they basically lose control over what their character responds too and how.

Claiming your character has used mind control on my character without my approval and then making up actions for my character is godmoding.

Setting up a story where god comes down to smite or rule over us all without us ALL agreeing it is godmodding.

Deciding you've killed Countess Crey or Recluse in a plot is godmodding.

All of which will be ignored entirely by the majority because they are all very bad ideas.

Having an all out attack on a player made organisation and Super Group by various canonically up for hire mercinary groups hired by a player created villain is not godmodding, it's completely ignorable, you don't need to get involved, and all involvement was your own choice.

Telling someone elements of your character's history is definately not godmodding, as it only has the affect as decided by that someone, not you.

Tigergirl/Yoko Hatori - Full time hero
Kiyarii Kade - Model and part time hero
Mileena Lim - Alien Demon Bat Sorceress or rather Hotel property owner
Starborn/Klair Elwin - Full time hero and Journalist



see FFM we agree .. for any of my char to RP interact with Ellie they HAVE to accept she got married and was widowed .. your RP choices are FORCED on to me ...

no one is asying this is wrong .. but it is how RP works .. we god mode what happens to our toons ,, then require others to accept that as fact ...

if i chosse to ignore your Ellie plot line i can not RP with her ...everything effects everything .. just like the real world ....

to say i will ignnore what i do not like that is god moding .. by placing one self above the rest of the world ...

lets all be honest .. we all god mode the moment we create a new character ........

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry, what?

God modding is forcing someone into a situation in which they basically lose control over what their character responds too and how.

Claiming your character has used mind control on my character without my approval and then making up actions for my character is godmoding.

Setting up a story where god comes down to smite or rule over us all without us ALL agreeing it is godmodding.

Deciding you've killed Countess Crey or Recluse in a plot is godmodding.

All of which will be ignored entirely by the majority because they are all very bad ideas.

Having an all out attack on a player made organisation and Super Group by various canonically up for hire mercinary groups hired by a player created villain is not godmodding, it's completely ignorable, you don't need to get involved, and all involvement was your own choice.

Telling someone elements of your character's history is definately not godmodding, as it only has the affect as decided by that someone, not you.

[/ QUOTE ]


Anyhow, letsee...

Chief Centurion Z1/Alpha/Omega: The Chief has his own gods, and so would refuse to bow down. Alpha (PB) would then most likely try to reason with it, before Omega (WS) went absoluetly blooming nova and started bringing about Destruction with a capital D.

Techbot ALPHA: Alpha would get as much data as he could, and then start churning out as much high tech, high grade, god-busting kit as he could. Despite some of his views, hes rather fond of Earth. The god would have a huge robot army to deal with first.

Krimzon Commander: Krim is a quiet christian, and would reject a god that did such a thing. He would most likely follow Recluse (guessing that he would be a mite ticked off) of gather up his own troops and anymore he could get before declaring war.

Kitsune Vixen: Kit has strong views on free will and the like. Being an empath psyker the god would most likely mess with her head, but probably not control her. She would definitelty side with the Chief.

Thats all the main ones really =]

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Hmm Well my main hero would probably fight against it, hes one of these big hero types so would try to rally a resistance.

Another hero would certainly go for it though because he is emotionaly fragile and the promises would work on him.

most of the other heroes I have wouldn't have any resistance though so DOOOM, though no doubt one or two would try to fight.

My main villain would probably act like she was entrapped by the god and try to find his weakness from the inside.

My band of Cyborgs would probably fight as it challenges their belife of the computer god.

My other villains like the heroes though dont really have any way to block mental stuff so more DOOM.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



Hhhmmm this could be tricky

Wild Red has her own 'deity' so she would probably have some soul searching to do before deciding to follow or not.

Leo & Gemini Wright. Gemini would be aware and would probably fight. If Gemini did not share a psychic link with her brother he would be a mindless drone but Gemini would probably pull him along with her instead.

As for most of my other characters they would probably sucumb and become worshipers.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



My characters would need a lot of convinsing, much like myself. There are already 'god-like' beings in the game-world; they're called Metahumans (Y'know, people with powers and such). The 'god' would need to be able to do a lot more than anything repeatable by the appropriate powerset before my chars took them even remotely seriously.

Bring down the moon? Gravity control. Shape said moon into a chair? Earth control. Make people do as the 'god' wishes? Psionics. Fire and brimstone?

I think you get the picture. However; were you a roleplayer who's skill and imagination ordinarily not only impressed me, but earned my respect and even admiration, then I might just accept the concept if it was very carefully thought out.

I could count those players who've managed that on one hand and still have digits spare. One of them has a similar concept, but uses the deity (One of the Aesir) in a mature and competant manner, using it as a plot device to further the roleplay of his character, and his alone in a way that works very splendidly.

Edit: spelling and grammar corrections



Probably worth pointing out again that he doesn't plan to actually play this character, just write an "Alternate universe" storyline and wanted to know what people would do if it did happen out of curiosity.

So without further ado!

Fanservice would likely wish for everyone to get along and get very annoyed if they just brought violence.instead.

Emily One wouldn't trust them an inch, spending time to try find a way to counter them. Likely a lack of options would cause her to break down and go crazy in the end, feeling too trapped.

Soaring Horizon wouldn't trust them as a god. The only one she really trusts doesn't come with promises of power. That's actually a much, much different person. She's fight it and lose of course!



I have to agree with fans on this, CB isn't actually making this, its just a question, so heres my input:

Spell Shield-
Spell would likely do whatever he could to give the 'god' a rather banging headache and be generally a thorn in the side, he'd also probably attempt to break the bonds of control over people about the place.

Az considers himself above mortal concerns anyway, but another thing that thinks its above that would most likely get his back up, so its likely Az would go and kick up at the thing. Although if this is an alternate dimension it may end up making Az a hero...

Demonic Storm-
Dem would do as he always does in these situations, and go home.

Samuel D'brant-
As he has no mental or magical aspects Sam would end up being put under the influence of said entity.

Diamond Heart-
Probably crawl under a rock... or turn into one, either way.

And thats the lot, hope thats the sort of thing you wanted CB.



Wow, some big overreactions here... he's just asking what would your characters do in this hypothetical situation, not how would you deal with it as a roleplayer to make sure nothing ever happened to your characters.

So here goes.

Headliner would be vulnerable to something like that, and end up as part of the adoring masses.

The Last Laugh is a psychic entity, and would be immune. The order and structure this being would try to bring about would enrage her, since she wants chaos to sweep across reality. She would do everything she could to disrupt it.

Extremist has no psychic protection, but he is an angel, so he might be immune or resistant. If he was free from control, he would accept the deity so long as he felt it was doing good. (He's not very loyal to his god, just to the concepts.)

Afterlight is a powerful psychic and would be immune. Her first step would be to free her brother, Headliner, and anyone else close to her and form a resistance.

Those are my most important ones. *Enjoyed answering this harmless question*



*eats umble pie*

Hokey dokey... Now that I understand the question, time to think.

Lord Defender Has already had a moment of faith recently, when confronted with the avatar of the Aesir I mentioned. His faith in the Aesir is unshakable now, and he's sush a stubborn old grouch that'd he'd do all he could to bring the new god down, even if he got pummeled into a greasy stain by its power which would likely happen, as LD's not invulnerable by a long shot. (WP/EM Tank)

Rumour is a stubborn, firey-tempered and a little immature adaptive mutant (albeit with a specific condition to that adaptation). She's gritty, having grown up rough on the streets of Mercy Island making her fairly tough. Thanks to lots of experience fighting Rikti in the Warzone, she's resistant to psychics. She would fly in the face of the thing but again would likely be hammered into a smear or whatever, but thanks to a previous encounter with a 'thankful' Succubus, cannot stay killed. She'd ressurrect herself, get horribly killed trying to fight it, ressurrect herself and fall back and try something else. (DB/WP Brute)



Infinitron would go along with it, as he has no protection to it. Would probably end up a pretty devestating fanatic.

The Next Dimension has limited psychic protection, and with his new Kheldian abilities, would try and fight - to restore free will; as he has experienced the subjugation of Earth and will not want to go back to it.