Timed Missions
I totally agree!
Or at least the timer pauses when your are not logged in as that toon in a similar way to some temp powers. I have particularly bad luck with one toon where I always seem to pick up a timed mission just before I am planning to log out.
And sometimes, it isn't always clear it is a timed mission, so having it say in big red letters that 'This is a timed mission' may help.
Because if the timer reset it would:
a) go against the whole point of being a TIMED mission;
b) be open to exploit in more ways then one.
@Rendraka, if you take the time to READ the mission descriptions you'll see they already state you'll be up against a timer.
Leave it as is.
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
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A pause button would be fantastic! Last night i was being disconnected from the server every 5 minutes thanks to probs with my ISP.. was VERY frustrating as every time i managed to log back in again the mission had reset from the beginning, but the timer was still counting down! argh!

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097
Pause button would have to pause everything, chat, movement everything. Cant see that happening.
You get a warning before you pick a timed mish, assuming you bother to read the mish description as BlueRabbit said.
On top of that there is the option to auto-complete the mish.
To be fair, you always get a warning when the mission you are going to take directly is timed. However, when a mission has a timed follow-up mission, the 'warning' you get is, at best, vague, and, at worst, not there.
However, timer resets and pauses are just not going to happen. Sorry. They have made more missions timed to avoid farming exploits and the like over the years.
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I'd agree that is very annoying when you crash in a timed mish - especially when your on the last mob and solo. I'd actually prefer it that the mish didn't reset until you have been offline over 5 minutes.
Hovever if they have to take the servers down for any reason then it would make sense to reset the timer.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
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I'd prefer it to be fixed so that logging or being disconnected didn't immediately clear any mission progress. I have the same issues as the OP sometimes and that would sort it out for me.
If anything on timed missions I'd like to see the amount of time you have to complete them lowered, maybe as muched as half.
For most of them anyway there seems to be far too much time.
If anything on timed missions I'd like to see the amount of time you have to complete them lowered, maybe as muched as half.
For most of them anyway there seems to be far too much time.
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Except that ridiculous one where you've only got 5 minutes or something, its a Praetorian robots one I think.
I've actually successfully completed that in the past though (through the team ghosting it)
For most of them anyway there seems to be far too much time.
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And then you hit that Timed Kill All where you've killed everything in sight, patrolled the entire map three times, done it backwards, at a slow run, scruitinised the map at maximum zoom to see if any area looks like it hasn't been checked... and yet you still can't find that one, last mob who is probably hiding behind a crate somewhere.
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If anything on timed missions I'd like to see the amount of time you have to complete them lowered, maybe as muched as half.
For most of them anyway there seems to be far too much time.
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Except that ridiculous one where you've only got 5 minutes or something, its a Praetorian robots one I think.
I've actually successfully completed that in the past though (through the team ghosting it)
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It's 10 minutes, and it is that way because you are meant to fail.
Even if you succeed (which isn't to hard if you ghost it), you still fail as far as the story is concerned.
I really should do something about this signature.
On top of that there is the option to auto-complete the mish.
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Actually, timed missions can't be auto completed.
Auto completion is there to get rid of missions you can't otherwise (bugged, too hard, what ever) as a player friendly 'do it your self' GameMaster-ing.
With Timed missions it's just wait for the clock to drop and you can go on.
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
If the mission is so important and you fail due to crash or RL impedance etc, you can always redo via Ouroboros

Thelonious Monk
If the mission is so important and you fail due to crash or RL impedance etc, you can always redo via Ouroboros
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Assuming, of course, that it is available via...
I guess it depends what you mean by important. There's rarely anything important attached to timed missions, and there's no real penalty for failure in this game, aside from not getting the mission bonus.
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Personally I don't like timed missions at all. I always avoid them whenever I can, not always possible of course. To me, a game is something that I can pick up and put down whenver I want. Having to commit for hours at a time for TF's is tough enough sometimes, failing missions because I get called away to something more important is just a little annoying
Because if the timer reset it would:
a) go against the whole point of being a TIMED mission;
b) be open to exploit in more ways then one.
@Rendraka, if you take the time to READ the mission descriptions you'll see they already state you'll be up against a timer.
Leave it as is.
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Generally on the whole I do, part of why I love CoH is the background/story.
I will admit sometimes I will grab the mission and then read it through later, but sometimes I feel I have read the mission and it hasn't been said 'you have x minutes to do this' and its still been timed. I could be mistaken though.
I guess the only thing I would ask for is the timer to stop (not reset) if you aren't logged in as the toon.
Live in game pauses/resets wont work like you say, but sometimes real life stuff may come up, without warning, that will drag you away from the game for a long period and when you come back the mission has been failed because the timer ran out.
I know that happened to me when I played the Wheel of Destruction arc for the first time and failed the last mission (which was timed) because I was called away because of an emergency.
If the mission is so important and you fail due to crash or RL impedance etc, you can always redo via Ouroboros
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Assuming, of course, that it is available via...
I guess it depends what you mean by important. There's rarely anything important attached to timed missions, and there's no real penalty for failure in this game, aside from not getting the mission bonus.
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You occasionally get "rewarded" with a big ambush for failing a mish.
I'd great fun doing a "woo-woo-woo-woo-whoop" runner across Bricks chased by a load of Crey one day after logging in & failing a timed mission that was annoying me. Idiots fell for the old Syndicate Ambush trick of me waiting around a corner for them with all my powers ready to go.
Nice to see Gaming AI has moved on so much in the last 15 years
My PC likes to freeze at random times and intervals for no apparant recognizable reasons when i play this game. Including unfortunately timed missions. It is always frustrating to have to restart a mission from scratch but with timed missions this can mean failure even when there is nothing you could have done to prevent that. So I would love to see that when you crash on a timed mission, you would be able to continue from where you crashed.
Personally I don't like timed missions at all. I always avoid them whenever I can, not always possible of course. To me, a game is something that I can pick up and put down whenver I want. Having to commit for hours at a time for TF's is tough enough sometimes, failing missions because I get called away to something more important is just a little annoying
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You're missing out. A lot of timed missions have huge timers and can be done in 10 minutes. Once you're in an instance, the game will not log you out for inactivity.
So, take the missions, start doing them. If you get called away, just leave it sat there and it's quite possible you'll still have time to finish it later.
Honestly, if this worries you, then I assume you never take instanced missions due to the frustration of having to restart them all the time due to interruptions.
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Honestly, if this worries you, then I assume you never take instanced missions due to the frustration of having to restart them all the time due to interruptions.
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If that happens to me I always use the auto-complete feature to complete them next time I log in. It's less dull that way.
My PC likes to freeze at random times and intervals for no apparant recognizable reasons when i play this game. Including unfortunately timed missions. It is always frustrating to have to restart a mission from scratch but with timed missions this can mean failure even when there is nothing you could have done to prevent that. So I would love to see that when you crash on a timed mission, you would be able to continue from where you crashed.
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Agreed The timer should stop when you're logged out (disconnected from server), and all progress saved so that when you log back in the count down starts from where it left off, and you don't have to start killing everyone again from the front door..
Last time i crashed i'd got 10 minutes left on the timer in the mission.. it took 10 minutes for CoH to verify all the files to find out why it crashed, so by the time i manged to log back in again i'd failed the mission grrr..

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097
If anything on timed missions I'd like to see the amount of time you have to complete them lowered, maybe as muched as half.
For most of them anyway there seems to be far too much time.
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Except that ridiculous one where you've only got 5 minutes or something, its a Praetorian robots one I think.
I've actually successfully completed that in the past though (through the team ghosting it)
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i seen the title an was hoping someone would say something about that mission... i LOVES it more pl0x
Serious though it was the only timed mission were i actually felt that there was some urgentecy to complete it.
"We're not tools of the Government or anyone else...
Fighting was the only thing, the only thing I was good at...
But atleast...I always fought for what I believed in!" (Gray Fox)
@Captain Paragon EU @Captain Paragon.
I would be happier if the mish timer paused when you logged off. There have been times later at night where I have got a timed mission and am just too tired to complete it. In such occasions it would be nice to log off, then when i come back the mish timer continue where I left off. Or failing that have timned missions start as soon as someone enters the mission!
Golden-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Fire/Fire Tank
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How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?
The idea of a timed mission is of course that if you dont hurry you will be to loate to stop it. Thematically i approve of this idea even when it is sometimes a bit of a bother when you dont have the time or you just get an invite to a nice team.
You can avoid most problems with just reading the mission briefing though so i can live with this. It is the involuntary reasons that you cant finish the missions that bug me. Especially when there is a badge involved that cant be obtained through other means including Ourobouros.
When you get disconnected from the server/game and have to log in all over again, i'd like to see timed missions re-set their timer instead of just the mission.. Every other mission resets from the start, why not timed ones?
Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097