X4: Footage Thread
Sorry to sound like an idiot coin but is there any chance we can get these in a more accessible format? i've never been able to get demo files to work ever :/
Have you tried drag-dropping the .cohdemo file to you CityofHeroes.exe (not the updater or shortcuts) icon? that's the only way I got them to work.
Great footage btw
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url="http://www.the-cow.net/"][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url="http://www.collegeofwar.com/"][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
I created a shortcut with -demoplay in the properties, then I just drag and drop the .cohdemo on it and it plays.
Very nice footage Coin So you know The Pirates - X4 Lightweight Champions!! link is not found
Ty for the footage Coin, but i cant play some off the files, just get fatal error.
Ty for the footage Coin, but i cant play some off the files, just get fatal error.
[/ QUOTE ]
Have you tried making a shortcut of the coh.exe file, then editing the comment in properties to -demoplay? Then click and drag demos to it and it runs for me
Complete package just 404 ing me
same for me, and this file:
The Pirates - X4 Lightweight Champions!!
Complete package just 404 ing me
[/ QUOTE ]
Apologies all, it seems my ftp died on me as I was uploading and I didn';t get chance to check it before I went to work :S
All links are now fixed and working
I'll see if I can dig up the instructions Bridger posted a looooong time ago about how to watch the demo files as well.
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

One quick search later and here we go :0
First, locate your CoH Folder, (I think default is something like C:/City Of Heroes, but it will depend where you installed it.
In the City Of heroes folder, check to see if there is a folder named client_demos if not create it yourself.
Unzip the file with the demos in stick all the demo files in the client_demos folder
In the City of heroes folder locate the file called CohUpdater.exe and make a shortcut to it. Rename the shortcut to whatever you like, something like demo launcher, perhaps. DO NOT RENAME THE COHUPDATER FILE!!!!
Rightclick on your newly named shortcut and choose properties
In the "Target" box add this to the end, after what is already there " -demoplay <filename>" but without the quotes, and change <filename> to whichever demo you want to watch.
So now
"c:\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes.exe"
will read
"C:\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes.exe" -demoplay <filename>
Now, just click on your new shortcut to run the demo.
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Cheers mate, ill shall try it out 2moro
Ok, as promised, now that KS has posted the scores, here's the footage I have.
Unfortunately, I only managed to record 3 of the matches, due to them being played concurrently. If anyone else has any footage feel free to post it or let me know and I can host it for you.
Firstly, some intro footage to show the crowd again
What a crowd!
Now to the matches!
LNM Xtension Vs The Mighty Mighty Echelon (First Match)
The MPP Reserves Vs German Psychos
Generic Jousters Vs Mighty Morphin' Flower Arrangers
And here's all the of it in one file.
All the footage together
More to follow as I get it
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

WoW just saw my match some great work there coin, ill watch the rest at some point 2moro, still would like a alternative version of this and put it on youtube to show my friends how we pvp in CoH, and why its awesome
I always have used Tweak CoH to play these files you can choose resolution and everything all you do its copy the files and put them in your CoH directory in Program files you should find a file called "Client Demos" if not make one and and all these files to them. Load up Tweak CoH,
Click on the last tab "Demos"
in the settings at the top set for "EUCoh"
The files should be in the box next to the "Play demo"
Click on the box and it should bring up the options of files. Choose your resolution and if you need it to be a window or not and play away!
Thanks Coin some excellent work there!
Dirt made a Fraps video of the Not Team Pyroz vs Cannon Fodder match. 8 minutes long, but you could watch it twice and that would pretty much be the whole match
Cannon Fodder! Really? Yes Really
Damn my work and council firewalls not allowing me access to youtube. I want to see meh pwnge!
It looks good
Nice music but i don't like the footage much
Big respect to the 'Not Team Pyroz' guys, you really taught us a lesson there. Your footage missed off the funniest part of the fight for us, where Psicho Nicky killed our entire team in the first 5 seconds of the fight using one blast. We knew the writing was on the wall right there.
You guys obviously put a lot of effort into your prep and you deserved to win. Congrats again fellas.
Heh, part of me wishes I'd recorded this one instead, but I think Cannon Fodder suffered enough
You might get some competition from the German Psychos though, they were pretty damn lethal as well! Could make for an interesting match up
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Thanks alot draxion, we did indeed do a lot of prep. Even though it was a white wash, I think there are some point you did well at that you can take away. Your tanker for one had me taunted quite alot, it was just unfortunate he had no psi resistance.
GG anyway guys, if you would like a practice session anytime I'm sure we could slow things down a little to help you get to grips with targetting, taunting, healing. Anyway if interested you can get me @Nicky.
Nice music but i don't like the footage much
Big respect to the 'Not Team Pyroz' guys, you really taught us a lesson there. Your footage missed off the funniest part of the fight for us, where Psicho Nicky killed our entire team in the first 5 seconds of the fight using one blast. We knew the writing was on the wall right there.
You guys obviously put a lot of effort into your prep and you deserved to win. Congrats again fellas.
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I have to admit that was epic lol. Was a fun match, and considering the scores your entire team was nice about it at the end still, very good sportsmanship IMO. If you guys want to practise against us or anything just shout, or ask Mike (Locheed) to MSN me.
I have to admit that was epic lol. Was a fun match, and considering the scores your entire team was nice about it at the end still, very good sportsmanship IMO.
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Yeah I guess the common reaction to a loss is to scream that pvp is unbalanced and that x/y should be nerfed but our team has been around long enough to know that we were simply beaten by better players.
I think I'll take you guys up on the offer of practise, (so long as it doesn't end with a Rocky III style montage of us all running down a beach in knee high socks hugging each other).
Our new goal is to actually defeat someone in the next match.
I've not seen any Rocky films lol. I leave that testosterone rubbish to men =p
How does tonight sound? Live or Test, it's upto you. PM one of us =]
Am still laughing at our defeat!! It definitely was a fun game if not slightly embarrassing...
You guys obviously put a lot of effort into your prep and you deserved to win. Congrats again fellas.
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Also, I would like to echo your compliment about sportsmanship. Screaming losers is one thing, but gloating winners is another and your team was respectful of our loss (even though I suspect the hysterics probably took over hence the lack of words at the end )
Nicky, I was relying solely on the Elusive mind
Furthermore, I wish someone had recorded our ventrilo conversation during the game...
"I can't hit them... I can't hit them *cries*"
And hey Dirt o/
Swissy aka Glaciers...
As promised, here's all the footage I got of the night.

7 Matches in total I managed to get, if anyone else has any others, feel free to post them here or send them to me and I'll host them for you
Firstly, some footage of the people getting ready to start, just to give you and idea of how many people turned up
X4 - The Intro
First match
Carebears vs Pirates
Followed by
Smurfs vs Golden Girls
then we had
Carebears vs Golden Girls
next up was
****** **** vs Pirates
Swiftly followed by
Smurfs vs Pirates
Then it was
Smurfs vs ****** ****
and finally in the grand final
****** **** vs Pirates
And then to end, some footage of our new champions!
The Pirates - X4 Lightweight Champions!!
And for those who want it all, here's a zip file with all the footage in one.
Lightweight Footage
I hope that helps anyone who wants to see it, I'll be there tonight to record as much of the lvl 40 stuff as i can as well
We built this city on Rock and Roll!